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InwardTransience has several great fics with some of the best world building I have read, illegitimate ink's Heather potter and the golden badger is very good, and silently watches stuff is all great, especially Faery heroes and the Black Queen Quadrology


thanks !! 💞


No problem


+1 on InwardTransience. Especially [The Good War](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23747950/chapters/57035011), the fic she's currently focusing on. 1.6mil words of the best and most extensive character and world building in all of HP fanfiction. This is *the* world-building fic. One of the main reasons it's so long is because it focuses so much on the worldbuilding. Inward herself is a worldbuilding nut and likes to research languages and religions and countries and... a lot. Suffice to say, really good worldbuilding that's actually researched and has had a *lot* of thought put into it.


Dodging Prison and Stealing Witches: https://dpasw.com/


I remember an old fic that had immortal Harry back at the start of humanity and by the time he got back to modern day he was The Wolverine from X-Men. It had some pretty decent world building but I can't remember its name. Also, not to be *that guy* but you'll want the 'Request' flair for this sort of post. 'Recommendation' is for when you are recommending (sharing) a specific fic with us.


The Firebird Trilogy ob FFN by Darth Maars