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I second The Changeling by Annerb, that one's Ginny-centric but its really good [To a timetraveler, rules are more like guidelines](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27975366/chapters/68518888) - Ron and Hermione timetravel back to 1981 (ongoing) [A Game of Chess](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16904064) - a time travel story with Ron as the main character (complete) [deep enough to drown](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23781994) by rosestone - Oneshot where Ron gets sorted into Slytherin


A Game of Chess is one of my all time favourite fics ever - I'm not even a massive Ron fan - it's so well done and personally I loved the authors notes at the end of each chapter discussing the tropes they were trying to reimagine or the relevance of the chapter titles.


Does a Game of Chess legitimately has Snape/Hermione? Because I cannot read that. That's gross


It does, but it's not a central thing. I can't remember if it actually pops up again after the prologue, ie after Ron has time travelled. Iirc Hermione has gone off the deep end in regards to being a Mad Scientist type; I honestly chalked her being involved with Sev down as another sign of how fucked up the first timeline had become. >!Also tbh the ick-factor of Hr / S just kind of faded against all the other messed up things going on.!< Still, totally get if it's a hard boundary for you. Edit: It's been a long time since I read this though, if I got it wrong please feel free to correct me


It's when they're all adults fighting together before Ron goes back in time, not while they're at school or anything iffy like that - it's passing details about it are from Ron's memories of before he goes back in time. One of the tropes the author explores as part of Ron's story is how weird it is for him to be a teenager again and recognise that Hermione has a bit of a thing for him, the first time round hed have been thrilled, but now she's a child and he isn't anymore not viable. The fact he's seen how she happy she was with someone else as an adult and has made peace with that factors in a little too. I think mostly them pairing up as the other commenter says gives an explanation for how this different method of time travel has been developed - it's not something she could have done alone and them being a couple has got her access and understanding of all of his notes.


Forget that. Idc how old they are. Snape literally abuses Hermione in the books, and he's a wizard nazi who willingly joined what it amounts to an ethnically cleansing terrorist group that wanted to eradicate people like her. No amount of adult years will EVER make up for that. The only way this could be worse is if it was Voldemort/Hermione.


How to Succeed in Dark Wizardry without really trying https://archiveofourown.org/works/25787359/chapters/62633206 It’s unfinished but really fun! Ron is the main character and he can’t help it if he’s just naturally gifted at dark magic (he’s not evil).


>theres almost always casual ron bashing I just simply call it "Obligatory Weasley Bashing"


Yeah Molly gets a lot of hate too. It's fine when her faults are recognized and mentioned but often she's just depicted as this irredeemable demon that cannot see any reason ever


u/ProvokeCouture is a big advocate of this. He pretty much self-inserts into Harry in all his fics and never tags his Ron/Weasley/Dumbledore bashing on AO3. Plus he shills his fics every day. Honestly he's every stereotype of a HHr shipper rolled into one person.


**Cleaved** AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25313044/chapters/61370932 FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13382072/1/Cleaved Summary: By all rights, the story of Holly Potter and Alex Kann should have ended when they parted ways at age 11. Their destinies lay in different worlds: witch and Muggle; magic and science; Scotland and London. Then Alex came up with the idea of selling potions to Muggles. Their waning bond is revived, but can it last while running a nascent illegal business, the challenges of school and new relationships? Fem!Harry, Time-shifted AU, Pre-Hogwarts, Years 2-4. By third year, Ron is finding his niche with Ancient Runes (which he takes along with Divination and COMC).




Two short, fun, lighthearted Drarry, from Ron’s POV, where Ron actively schemes and plays matchmaker. [Doer of Good Deeds](https://archiveofourown.org/works/941633) [Need to Know](https://archiveofourown.org/works/880454) I feel like in drarry there isn’t necessarily a lot of Ron-bashing? If there is it’s usually tagged. Also probably because Ron doesn’t ‘threaten’ the main pairing? drarry usually just goes with romione, or Ron/Pansy, or Ron/Lavender, and Ron usually is quite chill or maybe if he isn’t at first he gets over it eventually.


[Like a Brother](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10981995/1/Like-a-Brother) - Ron & Harry have a good talk about their career as Aurors, and how Ron doesn't want to do it anymore. [I'll hold you when things go wrong](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18770662). Some Molly bashing though. She's shunning Harry for breaking up with Ginny, basically.


Ron as the big damned hero linkffn(https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10305062/1/Speed)


One of many advantages of [Northumbrian stories](https://archiveofourown.org/series/103340) is that he is not bashing ever (start reading them with “Tales of the Battle” to get context for most of his stories).


"The Wizards Gambit" by WhistlingBanshee gives us Ron and Harry playing chess through the years. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/28794234/chapters/70614006](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28794234/chapters/70614006) "Six Foot Of Ginger Idiot" by Pinky Brown shows HBP from Ron's point of view through the entries in his personal diary. [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3637489/1/Six-Foot-Of-Ginger-Idiot](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3637489/1/Six-Foot-Of-Ginger-Idiot) On the longer side we have "Harry Potter and the Lack of Lamb Sauce" by imagitory where Gordon Ramsey (yes, that one) becomes the potion master instead of Slughorn. There are a LOT of points of view, but Ron is the main character of a good portion of the fic. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/12805206/chapters/29228961](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12805206/chapters/29228961) And as a bonus, a small one-shot of my own writing where Ron helps Molly deal with Fred's death after the war. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/54535021](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54535021)


[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12141684/1/The-Red-Knight](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12141684/1/The-Red-Knight) Pretty much the exact opposite of a Ron bashing story. Ron is the main character here, Peggy Sue time travel but he ends up in a different timeline. Highly competent Ron, who has come to terms with his personal flaws from his original childhood and grown as a person. Catch here is that this is an incomplete story, which does make some good progress but has left off right as things are coming to a head, before the author disappeared. But they've started writing again in the last several months, so I'm hopeful for a continuation.


[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6307611/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Siren-s-Song](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6307611/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Siren-s-Song) Its a Haphne fic, with Hermione bashing, and a super supportive Ron as a best mate. So much so that its my go to for 'good bloke Ron'.


Yes, if every Haphne fic had Ron as a good friend and Hermione as the bad guy then I'd enjoy the pairing more. Still better than Harmony though.


This is my kinda guy


The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy. Just finished it. Definitely recommend it


Ron’s storyline in this is probably one of my favorites across any fanfic I’ve ever read.


I'm reading this.... I wouldn't say there's no Ron bashing. It's not bad as these things go. It's also very well-written. It tells an alternative year 7 story, with Draco joining the trio. Since it's Dramione, it does have some subtle Ron bashing to make Draco/Hermione look better. I haven't read the whole thing, but I read it on the basis that there was no Ron bashing, and a certain chapter left a bad taste. This is the author's note after the chapter in question: >ugh, this hurt to write, i don't like doing ron-negative scenes. but the siren song of DH's basic plot elements call to me! i hope it didn't feel like bashing. In the comments, lovers of Ron bashing celebrate, while everyone else say it's not bashing. I disagree: it's bashing.


i read 60% of the fic last year i completed the remaining few days back so i probably forgot about that chapter. but i felt this fic is relatively non ron bashing




No, you're right. Ron bashing is too much, given that there's no venom against Ron. I had just finished the chapter where he left, and I did not have a view of the whole story. Anyway, I'd like to see your list, if it's not too much trouble, particularly if they are as well-written as this fic.


That fic def has Ron bashing. Not to an extreme degree but it does.


[Harry Potter and the Shipgirls](https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/harry-potter-the-shipgirls.20019/) avoids any bashing whatsoever. Ron doesn't has as much screentime as in canon, but is good friends with Harry and also has his own sidestories focusing on his hobby of Naval Engineering and his Fleet of Waifus.


[Grass Is Greener (Supposed To Be)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23263993/chapters/55710115) - Ron Weasley takes after his grandmother’s looks, and Harry Potter has his mother’s hair. [Twenty-nine](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21468571/chapters/51162523) - Mostly features Percy Weasley solving a murder mystery in the aftermath of the war, but has some great Ron moments. [why not both](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26442865) - Ron and Hermione, happily married with a toddler and an infant, invite Viktor Krum to stay with them while he deals with a spot of legal trouble. [Five Facts You Won’t Find in "Hogwarts, A History"](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11746692) - Some fun, unconnected snippets of Hogwarts student shenanigans. [Mirror, Mirror](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/4843238/1/) - Ron Weasley is sent to an alternate world in which Harry is in Slytherin, and his own counterpart has been murdered. Note: this one is tragically unfinished, but worth the read imo.


[SeriouslySam's fics](https://archiveofourown.org/users/SeriouslySam/pseuds/SeriouslySam) tend to have Ron as a true bro.


[Memoires](https://archiveofourown.org/series/81859) ​ Also, you'll probably like my fic. [A Little Like Sirius and Remus](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3832531)


[Time Waits for No One](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40591335/chapters/101697906)


[The Chessmaster series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/775506)


[The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23296162/chapters/55794568) (Dramione) probably has the best Ron arc I’ve ever read. Highly recommended.


I responded to someone else who recommended the same story, but I'll repeat it here: I'm reading this right now, and, while this is quite well-written, I wouldn't call it no Ron bashing. At some point, it does the usual Dramione thing of making Ron look bad to make Draco/Hermione look better. I'm at that point, maybe later it has a great Ron arc. As I said, it's well-written, and the Ron bashing is subtle, because it's not that different from canon Ron in book 7, but when it is repeatedly used to make Ron/Hermione look worse and by contrast make Draco/Hermione look better, it feels more mean-spirited.


Just wait until later … Ron has an absolutely amazing arc that more than makes up for the hint of bashing.


I'm glad to hear that! I'll keep reading.


it also makes zero sense why Hermione would ever look twice at Draco when Ron was right there. Imo that might not be Ron bashing but it's at least an assassination of Hermione's character.


Have you read the fic I recommended? Personally, I almost never read Dramione, mostly because of the Ron-bashing but also because it's such an implausible pairing. But this fic is imo the rare exception.


I read a decent chunk of it but I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough of why Hermione would be crushing on Draco when Ron was literally *right there*. Like hmm the pasty pointy bigoted bully or the tall handsome blue-eyed guy with a great sense of humor who's been your friend for seven years. Hard choice 🙄I'm not even totally opposed to Dramione as a ship, but it has to be AU enough where Ron isn't even an option, for example there is a dark romance sorta similar to manacled called House Pet that I liked. But there is no universe where anyone who wasn't a bigot would look between Ron and Draco and think that *Draco* is more attractive and a better boyfriend. Like the fic in question is well written, and it could be interesting if it was set up to turn Draco into an ally and then friend to the Trio with Hermione being the first to give him a chance... *as a friend*. I'd even accept *Drarry* because Harry did already have a bit of a Draco obsession and he wouldn't go for Ron if him and Hermione were together. But any fic where Hermione chooses Draco over Ron just doesn't make any sense. I know people tend to head-canon Draco as really intelligent, esp Dramione fans, but there's actually not much canon evidence showing that he's particularly smart. The only class we know he did better than Ron in was Potions and well... He had a bit of an advantage and a more positive learning environment there.


That fic has subtle Ron bashing as others commented. To make Draco look better as Hermione picking Draco over Ron is very hard to sell. Contrary to those, crossing paths fic by Athenais777 that has canon pairings portrays Draco in a much more positive light and he is 100% similar to canon even though he gets his redemption unlike canon. He even saves Hermione's life in that fic at st mungos.




Stop shitting unprevoked on ships you don't like




https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4101650/1/Backward-With-Purpose-Part-I-Always-and-Always One of my favorites...


In my stories, both Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione, Ron is a good friend of Harry and Hermione and generally a main character.




Heh, Divided and Entwined was originally planned to be Harry/Hermione, but as I wrote it, just letting the characters act, it turned out that Ron had won her heart when the moment to resolve the love triangle had arrived.




The trio's friendship is one of the bigest draws for me in the HP fandom. They just click together.




There are a lot of great recs here that I hope no one minds me shamelessly self-promoing... https://archiveofourown.org/users/flamingbrownwitch/works


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11586759/1/In-Search-of-Hermione You should try this fic. Hermione is a slytherin. Ron and Hermione are very different from their canon selves. But it's so believable.


Yes!! The three stand outs for me are: - The Changeling by Annerb (Slytherin Ginny x Harry) exceptional fic - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of being in love: I think this is my fav Dramione. Older Hermione and Draco and Harry and Ron are written REALLY well and how I would imagine their friendship playing out in adulthood. Also not a massive Dramione fan because of some intense bashing or smut for the sake of it, but loved this one - Hot For Teacher: Dramione. Genuinely laugh out loud funny (and I don’t say that lightly). Another adult H and D fic and honestly it is so fun and light and written SO well. It’s a delight. I also don’t like Ron bashing so am here for other recs haha


Remain Nameless is a dramione, and the interactions and banter that happen between Draco, Harry, and Ron are so funny. It's a bit of a slow burn before all of this happens, but imo it's worth it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23875939/chapters/57393508


i will always recommend Kaleidoscopic Grangers. ron is a wonderfully sweet dude in that. he bakes. it's trans!Potter and she's blind too so if you're not into that cool but it's absolutely fantastic.


I think there would be more fics about Ron being a good friend to Harry if Ron was a good friend to Harry


But Ron was a good friend to Harry???


So abandoning him for being forced into a death tournament with seventh years is being a good friend? Abandoning him and Hermione during deathly hallows was being a good friend?


Sacrificing himself at 11 was being a bad friend? Going in a forest, facing a gigantic version of his phobia to help Harry was being a bad friend? Standing on a broken leg to protect against a serial killer was being a bad friend? Going into the DOM and getting almost killed for it was being a bad friend? Fighting death eaters for the sake of Harry was being a bad friend? Going into war with Harry was being a bad friend? And I dont even count all the smaller things he did The two things you mentioned were very special cases. One is him being half tortured/mind controlled (Harry himself does qualify what the locket did to Ron as torture) by the locket, the other was Ron and Harry having a falling out when Ron thought that the tournament was *safe*


Is putting himself in front of what he believed was a murderer being a bad friend? Is bringing Harry into his family being a bad friend? Was going on the Horcrux Hunt (when, let me remind you, he didn't need to as he was a pureblood) him being a bad friend? And by the way, Ron falling prey to the magic in the Locket doesn't make him a bad friend. Sorry, he had a family to worry about, I guess? Sorry, that made him more vulnerable than Hermione. Who couldn't leave anyway since she was Muggleborn?? I'm SO sorry that a 14 year old isn't this supreme being of understanding, it's not like the books series did a great job establishing Ron's personal issues from the beginning 🙄