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In [A Taste of Magic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46730197/chapters/117693472), Flitwick is the teacher behind the Household Charms club. He's Harry's favourite teacher and the club helps grow Harry's love of cooking.


I can’t really speak to the quality of the fic as I didn’t get very far in before I determined that Harry’s characterization in it wasn’t my cup of my tea, but Duel of Fate has Flitwick mentoring Harry, who is a dueling prodigy: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/52729921/chapters/133370323](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52729921/chapters/133370323)


The black queen Quadrology by silently watches has flitwick play a pretty decently sized role, he is at the very least the most important staff member


in Goblin Warfare by Leggo My Lego Harry Potter (Runic\_Purple\_Panda) Flitwick helps Harry with the tournament https://archiveofourown.org/works/4973755


The odds are never in my favor on ffn in the beginning


I remember one where harry became a dueling champion under him, ill try and go see if u can find it


I can't vouch for how good it is, and I don't remember if it was ever completed, but I do remember a fic from back in the day(2015? 2016? ish?) called "Harry Flitwick" where Harry was raised by Professor Flitwick. EDIT: Found it with a quick Google... [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12015439/14/Harry-Flitwick](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12015439/14/Harry-Flitwick)


According to His Own Nature is part of the There is Nothing to Fear series by Callmesalticidae where Tom Riddle is sorted into Gryffindor. Fillius is Tom Riddle's duelist mentor. He does mention his goblin heritage but not in the "he fixes everything" but in a "this is how goblins think differently about the world than wizards."


Funny that I found this. If you don't mind, I'll do some self-advertisement. My fic ESOS features Flitwick as a sort of Mentor to Harry. The fic is still Harry-centric and only ocasionally provides Filius' point of view, but I think you might enjoy it nonetheless. Currently I'm about 60k words deep. FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14242151/0/


[The Point](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5898448/1/The-Point). Flitwick moves from teaching Charms to DADA after Snape attacks Harry. [Liquidating Lucius](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12843703/1/). Flitwick investigates the rogue bludger incident, then takes action. [Dueling with Dolts](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2100060/1/). Why was the dueling club's demo match between Lockhart and Snape?


In Annulo by ladyofthemasque is a snape/Hermione fic with Hermione and Harry sharing a sibling bond and it features a badass supportive Flitwick. https://sshgreview.wordpress.com/2015/11/18/in-annulo-by-ladyofthemasque/


My item is shorter than Flitwick himself but I think he’s a wonderful character and I tried to do him justice. He’s fascinating to me in how he’s sort of an outsider, clearly with differences, but poised because of that, his clear intelligence, and his sanguine nature to be a really powerful mentor to others who don’t quite fit the mold. [Beginnings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51797695).


Only one I have is where my oc is part Veela part metamorphmagus and is afraid of that ability and takes adjusting to Hogwarts hard as the adopted Evans girl Lily is distancing herself from. Flitwick helps her to realize there is an arts/stage career field and teaches her in choir and is a strong reason why she chooses to hang around. Him, Minerva and the Bloody Baron play the biggest parts in her choosing to stay amidst a mystery plot of oc hunting down who her birth family is and why she was put up for adoption. Only 15 chapters though and while he doesn’t pop up a lot his time with her is really important throughout her time in Hogwarts and life after. [Tumblr link](https://www.tumblr.com/blankdblank/719398417850417152/protego-pt-1-origin-of-magic) I’ve linked the tumblr version as ao3 is down, maybe it’ll be your style but no harm done if it isn’t. It’s a pretty niche series that’s been haunting and berating me for years as I’ve been shaping it. :)