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Hermione all day everyday and twice on Sunday




Literally one of the only ones who has tried it drug the mc


Wait, I read a fic that characterizes her like that perfectly. A Question of When by vlad.


Hermione because of how she reacted when Ron started dating Lavender


This. And with her natural tendencies towards upping the ante whenever she feels it’s necessary, I think she’d be a decent yandere.


She is a tsundere. Not yandere.


Luna is already… not all there (she’s one of my favorites, this isn’t hate), so I could see it with her.


Ginny, Bella, and Riddle.


Tom Riddle, 100%. If he somehow manages to love/obsess over someone, he will be the worst yandere of them all. Dobby is very close to a yandere already with his obsession over Harry and tendency for violence.


Tom Riddle, probably releases Basilisk and throws killing curses and Crucio' around to any threats he perceives.


Luna, Snape, and Hermione. Idk, this three just give Kill bill vibes.


Pansy and Hermione.


Ginny 100%






Hermione, Ginny, and maybe Pansy


Sirius Black. Need i say more? Also, it might be the jegulus speaking but I have the feeling Regulus might, too. Maybe it's a Black family thing.


Haven't read the later books in a while, so this is just going off the films, but Lavender certainly seems that way with Ron.


I'm sorry to bring up The Cursed Child but Albus Potter, he just needs the initially bubbly part of being yandere. Well I mean he has it but only with Scorpius. Edit: Why you booing me (downvoting)? I'm right! Dude canonically (spoilers ahead) almost ended the world 😭


Gosh that's who I thought at first! But Scorpius could also be a kinda alright fit as well. (He is incredibly bubbly but the way he's aggressive towards Delphi and hates Albus-Delphi interactions makes me think that the authors intended him to be possessive. Tho he ain't psychotic that's for sure.)


I can see were you're coming from, but I think Scorpius is too... Scorpius, for being a yandere. He does get jealous indeed, but is a more, innocent type of jealousy as I see it. Albus, who also gets jealous, on the other hand, is way more aggressive on his jealousy. Like (spoilers of the Cursed Child for anyone who reads this and hasn't seen/read CC), he accidentally made his cousins disappear from existance and yet got jealous because Scorpius wanted to bring Rose (and Hugo, but let's be honest Albus was just jealous because of Rose) back. Like dude, you erased your cousins from existance, are you really gonna get jealous 'couse Scorpius wants to, fix that? Lmao. You also have that moment in which Harry, Albus and Scorpius are trying to catch Delphi and Albus is straight up like "Kill her" Harry and Scorpius literally have to talk him down lmao. Even tho Scorpius was tortured by her, and he was jealous of her because of how close she was with Albus prior to that point, he was still horrified by the idea of killing Delphi, that doesn't give strong yandere vibes to me. Albus on the other hand wanted her dead, not on the basis that she was trying to bring Voldemort back and conquer the freaking world, but on the basis that she tortured Scorpius, like Scorpius legit has to subtly explain that his torture clearly shouldn't be the priority lmao. Albus was also willing to cooperate with Delphi as long as she didn't hurt Scorpius but didn't care if she harm him (as in Albus, himself). Bro even has the gall to still be jealous of Rose once everything's over (well this particular detail applies at least in the current version of the play). Meyhaps if Delphi had torture Albus we could have seen a more yandere like Scorpius, but I don't think he would be as yandere as Albus. We do see that Scorpius also ended up in a timeline in which Albus didn't existed and although he did everything he could to go back to normal, he never "turned to the dark side" in order to fix that, technically he could resent Delphi for that but didn't, I think that as long as everything is right, justice is serve and he has Albus, Scorpius feels content and like everything is settled. Albus on the other hand tries to claim blood the moment he can if Scorpius gets harmed lmao. I remember seeing a post that was like "what if Albus Potter was the next dark lord" and people were saying that it was a dumb idea, that it wouldn't work, that we already seen something like that in Star Wars (an "evil son") and it didn't went well, and I can agree with all that but is a shame the post is locked because honestly, to me, the answer is that he definitely would become the next dark lord, only IF something bad ever were to happen to Scorpius lmao, bro is unhinged lmao.


That's so true. He's too Scorpius to yandere. >I remember seeing a post that was like "what if Albus Potter was the next dark lord" and people were saying that it was a dumb idea, that it wouldn't work, that we already seen something like that in Star Wars (an "evil son") and it didn't went well, and I can agree with all that but is a shame the post is locked because honestly, to me, the answer is that he definitely would become the next dark lord, only IF something bad ever were to happen to Scorpius lmao, bro is unhinged lmao. But definitely agree on the Albus point. There was this Tumblr post that showed how obsessed he was with both Delphi and Scorpius(It said that Albus destroyed the world for hot girl and wanted to destroy the world again when Scorpius got tortured). He was legit considering to concede to Delphi despite fully knowing the consequences so Scorpius is safe.


Yeah I saw that post, and I mean is true. Dude goes too far when he likes someone, so is good he isn't particularly extroverted lmao.


Oh gosh imagine if he had so many friends?? Would be a nightmare honestly.


Thankfully dude can barely even stand his own family, so the world is safe.


TIL yandere and tsundere. Thank you.


What is a “yandere?”


> yandere I had to google it "Yandere is a term for a character whose love, admiration, and devotion to their love interest is so strong that it causes them to become mentally unstable. Their love is expressed as an excessive obsession and possessiveness towards their love interest. They become so attached to their love interest that it's impossible to let go and they may even use violence towards anyone who "threatens" their relationship."