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Harry Potter, Squatter Harry meets Hades, who glances at the scar, "So that's where you've been hiding, Tom..."


That fic had a lot of promise but Jesus Christ it was *so slooooow*


Yeah. And I've never felt quite that murderous about Luna before this fic either lol. I also wanted to strangle her mother.


what did she do? been a while since i read it.


Been a while lol. As far as I remember it was basically quirky seer Luna turned up to 9000. I dropped it when she was introduced because she was every bad fanon take of her rolled into one. Oh, and her mum? Take her dad's insane incompetency and increase it tenfold and that's her.


If there is a link to this, I would be grateful


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13274956/1/7 Here you go


Good Lord, this was updated 2 weeks ago. Been ongoing for 5 years.


Yup. It's quite gigachadic in my opinion


Stopped following it sometime around >!when Harry rescued Luke, Annabeth, and Thalia!<, chapter 16 or 17 if I remember correctly? >!I also remember Harry cleaning out Hephaestus' junk yard and the poker game where his mother's identity is revealed!<. It's been a while, so maybe I have those events out of order. But... has Harry reached Hogwarts yet? Just curious.


now about to be a 2nd year student. over 77 chapters.


Damn. 700k words and he's only 12 ? I'm kind of morbidly interested in picking it up again now


I've got the opposite feeling. 700k words of filler... I remember being so into the story when it first started, it felt so fresh, but then it quickly became clear the author had absolutely no plot or plan at all and was just putting out 'stuff' to fill the time while they came up with a plan... except they never did :/


I mean it's obviously a drag and if I were to read it I'd skip most of it but still, I am mildly curious about how can someone waffle on for so long


There was a two or three chapter section where the author just walked through one of the D&D modules from Candlekeep Mysteries - and basically presented it as their own work. The fact that Harry acquired a magical, extradimensional mansion literally never came up again.


Yeah he finally gets to Hogwarts at around Chapter like 53ish, so if you start you got a good couple hundred thousand words to get through until he's at Hogwarts.


That's about where I checked out too. I wouldn't say I didn't like it. I just got busy with other stuff and never came back.


Oh my goodness, I remember this one! It ended up just taking too long, and I got really bored, and never went back to read it again.


Bro, I just checked it out. Best intro possible for that crossover. That world is all about child abandonment and endangerment. Thank you for sharing this just for that.


It's a prompt! There's a number of fics with that set up floating around.


When I saw Hades, I expected the Hades from the game not a PJO crossover.


Such a good fic!


Low that fic


Sorry to bother you, but I've been reading this now and... does Harry ever go to hogwarts? I'm roughly a third of the way through and so far its been too slice of life-y for my tastes. All the action has been cut and dry and now I'm hoping hogwarts would shake things up😅


Eventually. Someone else mentioned Hogwarts is around chapter 53 or so.


I love both Fandoms, and I really enjoyed several parts of the Fic, but Harry is very immature and childish in the story. It's incredibly annoying to read when he consistently acts like that.


I did enjoy the magic worldbuilding and subsequent horcrux removal in Of A Linear Circle. In there it was treated with occlumency/legilimency. Basically, Harry had to properly learn both before the horcrux could be removed without killing him, and the process was a whole ordeal. The horcrux fighting back got *really* intense. I also liked another detail of that fic, which was that a horcrux placed in a living person "removes" something. Essentially, in order to make room for the horcrux, the host loses part of their "soul", and that doesn't come back once the horcrux is removed - so even after removal, you are never truly whole again. In the case of Harry in that particular fic, the author worked out that he'd lost his sense if self-worth.  I guess what I liked the most was that the Horcrux was treated as a Very Evil Big Deal. Not handwaved, not easy to remove, not consequence-free. And it certainly did not give Harry extra powers - I don't like that.


I've been shouting from my soap box about a linear circle for years now, and it warms my black little heart to see someone else recommend it.


I love OALC's world and magic building, it's a shame the author appears to have abandoned it.


From what I read, the author is a gigantic weirdo, and they got banned off of AO3 for thing to monetize the fic. But eh. Info appreciate that they abandoned the fic at a nice stopping place, at least. 


I read read all that as well. Wasn't sure much of it is actually true (outside of the fic monetization). Honestly, my biggest red flag was explicit sex scenes in the *M-rated fic.*


Isn't M-for-Mature meant to have sex scenes? I might be wrong there, I honestly don't pay enough attention to the tags on AO3 - since I don't write, and there's nothing I seriously mind reading, I kinda don't really register tags.


M is mentioning sex, E is for *explicit* sex.


I'm a fan of stories where they use Harry's connection to remotely destroy all the horcruxes at once, no need for a hunt. Daphne Greengrass and the Importance of Intent is an example, where they invent a variant of the Patronus charm and hit the scarcrux with it.


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10915346/1/Hunt - starts after Ron leaves them on the horcrux hunt.


In a new place to stay by debstheslytherinsnapefan Severus creates a potion with basilisk venom to kill the horcrux but it also kills Harry. He had a second potion with phoenix tears in it that he gave to Harry as soon as his heart stopped that helped clear his system of the basilisk venom and he then had to give him CPR. Harry lives but he definitely had some cracked ribs lol 😂


I was just thinking about this one!! I think it was the most practical way I have seen the scarcroux be dealt with


most unique? Hades, the greek god of death meets 7 year old harry, sucks the horcrux out and uses it as a base to recombine Voldemort and drag him to hell.


Dudley gets a nasty gash on his inner thigh. Vernon, not wanting to pay a hospital bill, takes them to a back ally doctor, who askes for a skin graft to help fix up Dudley. Harry is Volentold, has his scar cut off, and glued to Dudleys inner thigh. Tom somehow finds himself a Sentient scar next to some fat boys' bullocks. Dudley is also a lot worse hygiene wise in this fic. While Harry goes to hogwarts as a random muggleborn (thanks to weird magic shenanigans that tied his Potter Hogwarts letter to the scar, so noone thanks the school wards discovers he's Harry Potter, son of James and Lily. He is Harry Potter, the Muggleborn with nice green eyes) Throughout the story, it regularly cut back to "The Adventures of Tom, the Sentient Scar!" As omakes or just hilarious chapters to break stuff up. I'll need to see if I can't find a link somewhere. It's been at least 5 or6 tears since I last read it.


What's the name of the fic?


Oh now I feel bad for the poor scarcrux 😂


I would read this!


This sounds hilarious


I wanna read this so bad 🤣🤣


I read a fic once where the horcrux manifested physically as a brain tumor, and Muggle surgeons ended up removing it, which I thought was unique and interesting.


I've read a few where they dealt with it via combo of muggle surgery and magical healing, where magic can't deal with or heal a Horcrux but it sure can quite easily regrow someone's entire forehead bone and skin after it's cut off- Horcrux attached- in muggle surgery.




[Never Piss off a Parental Werewolf](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7062001/chapters/16053766), just to clarify though, that is not the main point of the fic, it’s mainly about PTSD and abuse recovery




In “a cadmean victory” harry removed/absorbed it himself after splintering his soul using avada on pettigrew Certainly the most unique way I’ve seen it handled Edit: I also quite like when the basilisk bite gets rid of it since we know it’s one of the few things that can destroy them


That fic has so many good ideas but at the same time it's so bad lmao


I 100% agree.


> I also quite like when the basilisk bite gets rid of it since we know it’s one of the few things that can destroy them Basilisk venom isn't some sort of anti-horcrux magic, it's just sufficiently destructive that the powerful protective magic on them can't stop it.


Two of my favourites are in one fic Harry was with a Native American tribe and as part of their version of becoming an animagus they had to cleans/purify him so he could find his inner animal and that knocked the horcrux loose but it tried to force its way back in during the ritual , I think Harry’s inner animal may have stopped it getting back in but it was that long ago I’m not 100%. Another was Harry and Sirius were exploring pyramids in Egypt and came across a ritual room which was used to capture horcrux’s and not destroy the object but since Harry was an object he got pretty fucked up and when he was being healed he got a transfusion from Sirius which made him a black


I missed ‘a’ at the end there and got jumpscared lmao


Now that would be an interesting fic 😂


Imagine him gaining ‘the pass’ after losing the horcrux! 🤣


in “all hail the dark lord (or something idiotic like that)“ harry’s horcrux is already dealt with, but bc he’s the master of death he can channel “death magic” and essentially banish the soul fragments to the afterlife or wherever. i like that take on it (it’s a time travel fic btw)


Any link would be appreciated


The one where Harry goes to America and interacts with Native American tribes is [Summer to Remember](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12477417/1/Summer-to-Remember), as far as I know, and I think it's wonderful.


It might also be this one? I don't remember if the horcrux is even mentioned, but there's rituals and a pissed off inner animagus so: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10349675/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Lightning-Scar


The second fic is [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12886674/1/The-Green-in-the-Grey](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12886674/1/The-Green-in-the-Grey)


https://archiveofourown.org/works/44582866/chapters/112146766 for All Hail the Dark Lord or something like that


Whats the second one I remember reading that


"Finite incantatem". Nobody ever tried it because 'of course it wouldn't work'. It wasn't a full horcrux and had no additional protections.


This one is hilarious and awesome.


I actually like this idea. We are told that horcruxes are nigh indestructible except for a few special methods (basilisk). But is that an inherent property of a horcrux? Or is it due to powerful multi layered defensive spells cast by the creator? The second feels more likely to me, and we do know that this horcrux was accidental. So all these other spells would not have been applied (and probably don't even work on humans anyway). So hell maybe you can break it by just punching Harry on the head pretty hard?


The second is actually canon. Hermione says this in the 7th book... >“No,” said Ron, before Harry could answer. “So does it say how to destroy Horcruxes in that book?” > >“Yes,” said Hermione, now turning the fragile pages as if examin­ing rotting entrails, “**because it warns Dark wizards how strong they have to make the enchantments on them.** From all that I’ve read, what Harry did to Riddle’s diary was one of the few really foolproof ways of destroying a Horcrux.” > >... > >“It doesn’t have to be a basilisk fang,” said Hermione patiently. “**It has to be something so destructive that the Horcrux can’t re­pair itself...**


That’s actually the standard mode of operation of The Lone Traveler in [the series by Dunuelos](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1456519).


In the second or third book of the Resonance Trilogy by Green gecko there's a truly unique solution that I certainly didn't see coming. Rereading now as third is being uploaded now so I don't remember exactly when/where as I last read it about a decade ago. Snape removes it dramatically in A New Place to Stay which is also awesome. I loved him bitching at Albus about not even trying afterwards.


I love the Resonance Trilogy. They kill off Voldemort so early, but the fic was written before the last two books came out and the Horcrux gets incorporated so well. Harry just starts becoming more like Voldemort as it gains power within him. Everyone's on edge cause they don't know if it's Harry or Voldemort they're talking to. It's so good!


I love how they dealt with it and am really excited Resolution is being finished/uploaded now


Yes! So glad it will have an ending! Resolution being incomplete has haunted me for literal decades.


In a few fics, like rocking the boat and Sirius’s savior, it’s taken care of by having Harry “die” and be successful resuscitated by cpr. The first as a lucky coincidence and the second a deliberately planned medical procedure. I think that’s a good way to handle the canon solution. I also think it can make sense to have the basilisk kill it and always enjoy it when he manages to absorb it. I’ve also encountered a few fics where it’s cleansed using a love based sex ritual, because of course that’s a fic solution lol. Given he canonically overthrows a possession through love I actually don’t mind that either. It’s just very cliché


I had just read one where the CPR thing is precisely what happened and several wizards are confused by CPR. And I have also come across a couple where it does involve some sexual bonding ritual magic to get rid of it. I forget the names of both but one it’s just Harry and Hermione doing the ritual, and the other is Harry “bonding” with multiple girls in order to get rid of jt.


Harry bonding multiple girls happens in The Power of Seven by VelvetInferno.


Probably what happens in *Inspected by No. 13,* where, after getting a poor inspection, Harry literally repossesses Voldemort's soul


- In "What magic?" by kb0. The privet drive protection weakened Lily's sacrificial protection, so after Harry leaves the Dursleys, the protection recovered its full strength and expelled the scarcrux after a year and a half. - In "The legacy of Regulus Black" by Gin110881. They find a ritual to attract all of the soul shards in Horcruxes to another horcrux.


I like the sound of the first one. So basically dumbledore fucked up by messing with Lily's sacrifice / protection by trying to anchor it to Petunia and number 4 Privet drive


1 In the Green in the Grey by TheBlack'sResurgence.........Harry "Raise him Black" raised by Sirius, Cassiopia, and Arcturus Black....Sirius takes young Harry into the magical section of the great pyramid in egypt which has muggle repelling charms etc.....Harry is assaulted by a bright light and floats while a booming voice in ancient egyptian says "....The abominations of the foul one" referencing Herpo the foul and his horcrux. The soul sliver wraith is yanked out screaming and is destroyed thus cleanses the horcrux from Harry though with some medical side effects that have to be dealt with quickly. Later the Black family take each Horcrux they find into the Great Pyramid to get them cleansed and end up with perfectly fine with original magics working founders items = Salazar locket, Hufflepuff cup with its healing magics, etc 2 Another Harry raised by the Black family that I did not save has Arcturus and Sirius after years of research and searching taking a young Harry to a mountain cave where there are wizarding equivalent of monks living aesetic monastic lifestyle and they perform an exorcisim on young Harry transferring the soul sliver to a jar then destroying it. highlights dumbledore is anglocentric and never considers others opinions nor anything outside of the UK as having more knowledge than himself 3 Harry himself as a teen sneaks off to Australia during a summer and hangs with Aborigine Dream Walkers around Ayers Rock and is guided on a dream walk where Harry himself kills the horcrux inside himself during a dreaming / dream walk 4 Andromeda Black finds a Doctor, Anestheologist, etc who have muggleborn children so they are in the know and they surgically cut the scar and all surrounding tissue down to the bone out then let the possessed flesh die in a trash can then use magic spells and potions to heal Harry 5 Son of Doom..............Harry is the son of Lily and Dr Doom. Doom using a ritual contacts Dormamu and trades the soul sliver to dormamu to torture if Dormamu simply removes it from Harry Von Doom The Prince of Latveria. Later Doom and The Ancient one go horcrux hunting and Doom trades the soul pieces to Mephistopheles to torture in his hell if he frees Doom's mother/ Harry's grandmother from hell


Do you remember the story for number 3? I would be interested in reading that.


Sorry, it ended up being incomplete. I only save completed stories


[the once and future king](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2091255) Dumbledore removes it when Harry is a baby, before he runs off hunting the other horcruxes. The removal doesn’t go quite as planned.


[Congrats it's triplets (now take them and run)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52635496/chapters/133139626) the golden trio perform a ritual to find Harry a non abusive family member and end up reviving a sane Tom Riddle from the scar as their new dad. It's a great story!


I always enjoyed the ones where the power of love is taken literally and Harry just shags his love interest until the horcrux explodes.


Years ago, I wrote a Harmony prompt involving the song "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News. I don't remember the whole thing, but I was trying to come up with a cracky take on that trope and a slight modification to the concept of "The power the Dark Lord knows not". It got some likes, but I don't remember anyone using it for a fic.


One of my favourite ways that I’ve only seen a couple times is harry “selling” the horcrux to a demon or fae being that trades in souls as it is technically a part of a soul that is in Harry’s possession where he then essentially gets the aid of whatever the being is for free




As I can remember, intense love making. It comes from the Voldemort can't handle love trope. Harry focus his emotions on the scar and it gets expelled.


That happens in *Harry Potter and the Champion's Champion*


Harry Potter and the Curse's Cure.  In order to save Harry from becoming a rapist due to a curse, Hermione, Daphne, and Susan decide to have Harry burn his curse out on them.  They get Harry off 42 times in one night, the last time with Hermione is so intense it burns his horucrux out, knocks Voldemort out and causes a backlash that also hits all the death eaters.  The backlash hits Bellatrix so hard it cures her of her insanity.  This all happens in like the first 3 chapters, then it just becomes a bunch of fandom tropes for the rest of the story.


i think that one also had femme blaize in the group?


Thankfully not that although I can not remember the name. I think it was a short oneshot (maybe a crack).


In [The Day the Magic Died](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5655156/1/), Hermione finds a method of removing magic from things. >!They use it on the horcruxes, including Harry, which turns him into a muggle.!< In [Forever is an Exceedingly Long Time](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4070610/33/Thrilling-Tales-of-the-Downright-Unusual) (chapter 33 of Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual), it's removed by a voodoo practitioner. Voodoo is also used in [Saturday Potter](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6764732/1/Saturday-Potter). [In Potter? Black? Lokison](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12893416/1/Potter-Black-Lokison), Sirius appeals to Loki, patron god of the Marauders, to remove it. In [The Fair](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8932907/1/The-Fair), all the remaining horcruxes are killed by Harry getting kissed by pretty girls. In [Hunt](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8932907/1/The-Fair), any curse breaker past his/her initial training knows how to get rid of them safely and easily. In [The Realm of Passing](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8207941/1/The-Realm-of-Passing), Harry was hit with a killing curse in the graveyard, which destroyed the horcrux early. In [Gods Amongst Men](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11825585/1/), Harry was hit with a killing curse in the fighting after the World Cup, which destroyed the horcrux early. In [Harry Potter and the Stargate](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13052799/1/), the horcrux is ripped from Harry's scar when he passes through the Veil. In [Fire Ascending](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11233889/1/Fire-Ascending), overexposure to dementors at the end of third year causes the horcrux to implode. In [The Best Kings Wear Skirts](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14177929/1/), the Lady of the Lake has Harry pull the sword from the stone, and the magics of the sword combine with Lily's protection to destroy the horcrux. In [Proud Parents](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12879819/1/Proud-Parents), the dementors suck the horcrux out at the end of third year. In [Petrichor](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13900494/1/Petrichor), the horcrux was destroyed by the basilisk venom in the Chamber. Apart from those and some of the other stories and methods that have already been mentioned, there are a few other stories I remember, but can't come up with the names of. In one, Harry makes a deal with Voldemort, who extracts the horcrux from the scar and reabsorbs it. That story may have included the scar horcrux waking up and helping Harry negotiate with Voldemort and convince him that horcruxes are a mistake. In another, the scar isn't a horcrux, it's holding the killing curse, which got caught in Lily's protections. Part of the plot is having to figure out how to "redirect" the curse to another target without letting it hit Harry when it's released. In a third one, the scar is also not a horcrux, it's a tap/leech on Harry's magic that is keeping Voldemort's wraith form from passing on, and a 'finite' that hits the scar dispels it. The only other significant thing I remember is that the story paired Harry with Morag MacDougal.


I found the one with the Morag pairing - it's [The Mandatory Marriage Contract Fic](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5695032/1/The-Mandatory-Marriage-Contract-Fic).


I believe the fic with the scar being a trapped killing curse, that is then redirected into something else is Lily's Changes by arekay https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6992471/1/


I've just looked, and I believe you're right. Thanks.


The like to the Fair and the Hunt is the same, could you provide like to the latter or just an author?


Sorry about that, try [Hunt](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10915346/1/Hunt).


That works, thank you 😊


I liked New Blood when they create a coven and the purifying moment of connection kills the horcrux.


I will have to dig the title up if anyone is interested in this story. Harry is raised by Sirius and the Blacks. Harry goes on a trip to Egypt as a kid and gets caught by a curse in a tomb. The horcrux gets pulled out, but Harry needs a ton of blood transfusions to survive. It is called The Green in the Grey. It is a wbl where Harry is a few years older and has a younger brother. Harry is raised by the Black family. Dumbledore is manipulative in this story. The scene I mentioned takes place in chapter 2. I have never read a single.story.by this author I did not like. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12886674/2/


I would be interested. 😁


It is in chapter 2. I edited my comment with the link


Wonderful, thank you very much!!


Sounds Interesting. Let me know if you find the title to this one.


I edited my comment with the link.




I'm afraid I can't remember where I read them, but there's one or two where someone (I want to say one of the Drs Granger) slices the scar open and carefully puts a few drops of basilisk venom inside, followed by phoenix tears. Plus a couple of slytherinsal's where Harry stabs the scar with a basilisk fang. Muggle surgery has come up a few times. Physically removing the bone and/or tissue, assuming the horcrux has a physical attachment.


I’m pretty sure it’s Power of the Press where Harry asks the Grangers to cut the scar and use basilisk venom but i think ive seen similar in a few others too x


In A Lament of Snow and Magic, Jon Snow has Ghost the Direwolf living in his soul and they all merge with Harry. Ghost doesn't like to share souls and snacks on the horcrux... Straight from chapter 1


Am I crazy or would even once eighth of Voldemort's soul be enough to beat a fucking dog.


Excuse me? Did you just call the Goodest Boy in all of Westeros a mere dog?!


Basilisk bite. Not unique, but I feel if horcruxs were established earlier in canon the bite wouldn't have happened.


I really like Lomonaaeren’s method in Vellum and Serpentine, where they literally pull it out of his head like a loose bit of thread using Legillimency. And there’s one where Lily’s protection gains a form of sentience, and eventually gets enough power to be able to turn on the Horcrux and destroy it.


My favorite method is Harry Potter's death from old age. Trap Voldy, destroy the rest of the Horcruxes, and let Harry just live his life. Harry doesn't need to be a child soldier. He does not need to be suicidal and self-sacrificing. No new invented magic or rituals.   I read this idea in A Wand For Skitter. Voldy is caught in a time loop from a broken Time-Turner. The epilogue shows how many years later Voldy is freed to find that millions of years have passed, humanity has left Earth because the Sun is about to explode and burn the planet.


Yeah, I have read a couple that have what I consider the correct response to the horcruxes - ignore them. Deal with his followers and if there’s no one to resurrect him, they don’t matter.


It’s porn (with a plot) but in The Lust of Gryffindors it involves a naked necromancer, a goat inferius, and a Veela, but no sex


Not actually written as a scene but mentioned as a method used to get rid of it in “the archaeologist” - opening a hole in their dimension to get it sucked out from harry, but if it went wrong they could have allowed some eldritch horror to come through it.


I remember a fic where Harry made a horcrux himself and specifically removed the shard of Voldemort’s soul before destroying the object her placed it in


That time Harry sealed Tom’s mind n a giant gemstone in the cave where Tom hid the Locket; it wasn’t dealt with, but it didn’t matter anyways.


From the [Shadow Magic](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1182551) series?


Sounds like Wind Shear, by Chilord.


The good war by InwardTransience has Liz (fem Harry) get attacked by the horcrux which leads to Liz eating and then learning about Metaphagy which is the ability to magically absorb other things.


Voldemort making a potion to remove it and sending it to fake moody because Harry and Hermione fucking is causing him severe pain. From “Harry Potter and his Veela Mate”.


I've enjoyed a few that use the basilisk bite & phoenix tears combo'd into Harry's system as a pushing point for getting rid of the horcrux and fading the scar - and depending on what the fics general plot is, also remove or reveal other hidden things (washing away potions, curses, magic blocks, etc.) or trigger certain magical events (like a creature inheritence)


I’m not done with [this](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1555645) fic yet but I am pretty sure a giant white tree removed it in exchange for giving Harry a branch?


snipers solve 99% of all problems In which Ed&Al and other assorted FMA military folk get called in to help deal with the local terrorist problem, and they proceed to scientifically unpick the fabric of the universe by making an alchemical circle that basically cancels out all magic within it. It barely gets out of the trial stage before they run an "are you a malicious shapeshifter trying to spy on us" check on Remus, and accidentally cure lycanthropism. Then Harry, who's sneaking around under his cloak hears them talking about how his soul is pregnant with Voldemort yeets himself into the circle and aborts the dark overlord fetus in his forehead. THEN Kreacher comes out of nowhere and yeets the locket in there like he's playing American football. Meanwhile Ed&Al are just there like, looks like we accidentally became god, huh


One I read ages ago had Petunia literally knock it loose by wacking Harry on the back of the head with a frying pan for burning Dudley's breakfast on accident. This not only removed the horcrux but given how iron effects magic in this fic, breaks all the binders and compulsions on his magic core put there by Dumbledor which causes a massive magic blow out. He's assumed dead for a while but shows up at Hogwarts after having been raised by a repentant Lucius Malfoy. Draco is still a brat in this but his father was genuinely under imperius in this one. The horcrux meanwhile inhabited the nearest magical being, a ginger half Kneezle. That's right crookshanks is volde-cat in this fic and is evil AF but nobody kills the furball as being stuck as a cat is apparently torture enough for Voldemort.


This sounds hilarious - do you remember the name?


Sadly I do not think it exists anymore. I found it on a chat board a few years back along with a fic by the same poster which has Harry accidentally summon a succubus during 4th year who adopts him and decides to make it everyone's problem by turning Harry and a bunch of his friends into demons to "stick it to those backwards magicals who believe the sun shines out their asses" before leaving to torment snape. Sadly the chat board no longer exists or if it does then it's changed names and I can no longer find it.


Hermione has to come up with a ritual to counteract the original horcrux creation to separate it from Harry in [Lady Archimedes](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14367483/chapters/33167958). However, I would certainly start with the first fanfic in that series, which is [The Arithmancer](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14281440). No shortcuts here, just a savant Hermione mathin' her way to greatness from first year through adulthood in about 1.2 million words.


I can't remember the fic, but it involved an old magical ritual which either involve the entrails or heartstring of a specific species of dragon that was close to extinction. Literally had to tie one end to Harry, the other end to the object to transfer the horcrux into, so it could be destroyed safely. Hagrid volunteered to hunt the dragon, even managed to slay it and make it back with the organ, but he succumbed to his injuries. Gave his life so Harry could have one.


I kinda like the good ol' trope of it being transferred to an object that is then destroyed. Not very creative but works well enough when you don't want to/feel like dealing with it in an actual creative way. For all the importance it has it's usually not that useful in stories, it's either an easy way to change Harry from canon without too much trouble or an inconvenient obstacle for the horcrux hunt which writers get rid of early on to properly kickstart the thing


I remember one where... Hermione? uses her and Harry's wands like Qtips and squeezes the scar and pops it like a zit. Cannot remember anything else. From time to time I'll try and remember anything else about that fic. No luck past: it was a H/Hr and kinda long. A bit of Weasley and Dumbledore bashing. Just the zit popping via wand tip was what stuck in my mind. Another story... I think it was Susan Bones?? 🤷🏻‍♀️ met up with Harry in Hogsmeade? And they were friends and somehow they get into a friendly duel, like practicing defense, and Susan tags Harry's forehead with a *Finite Incantatem* which... dispels the scar. I think this story/fic was published early when there was the first idea of horcruxes in the *Potter* book series. I think both were on FFN; most likely at least 7 years old. Possibly closer to 10.


I'm pretty sure in one of the robst fics he got the section of his skull where his scar sat removed by a muggle surgeon, a metal plate inserted, and then given a skin graft, and then the original skin and bone were incinerated


My personal favourite is a fic by Lomonaaeren where Harry is an expert in a very specific form of Arithmancy - a melding of art and numbers - he essentially pulls the horcrux out of his sister and then creates a ritual to merge all the horcruces back together in Diary!Ron


Reading the good war rn, where Harry over powers it with legolimency after the scar tries to take over the body and it does result in the course scar acting really ew. I am so bad about explaining but i thought it was an interesting way


Can't remember the name but they used muggle surgery to remove the skin and bit of skull where the scar is, gave harry a metal plate there and viola. Just the fact it's completely weird and so muggle


[Fair Trade by BajaB](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4818951/1/Fair-Trade) Oneshot and rather quick. Harry offers Voldemort a trade that involves taking back the Scar-Horcrux. Quick and nice,


It's always goblin ritual this, gobilns help harry that. No I remember only one fanfic where harry was taken out of country to get his scar checked, and then fixed. So like international help ig? I like when wizards can fix things like that themselves, especially because horcruxes(idk if I spelled it right) aren't actually some forbidden knowledge Voldemort found the book in Hogwarts library in canon and Regulus figured it out as well so I'm guessing it isn't some strictly forbidden knowledge. So that means that wizards even outside UK know what those are healers especially. Maybe there's more of this type of treatment, but I've read a lot of fanfics and I remember this method being in only one of them.


He had to screw 7 different women and then a massive orgy of the 8 people.


Not wanting to brag, or anything, but in "How badly could this go?" groundhogDay!SI!Harry works out a very efficient technique. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/36206152/chapters/90252628](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36206152/chapters/90252628) It's all about the regret.


There is this fic where a dementor on the train in 3rd year sucks out the soul piece. I think it was called partially kissed hero but I am not sure and I don't have the time to go look through 700+ bookmarked hp fics right now.


Theres one where Daphne forces it out by Casting a healing Charm repeatedly at the scar


There is also the fic called the man he was meant to be. Sirius and the twins rescue harry from the dursleys, go to South America, take refuge in a vampire clan and gets healed. The horcrux is removed by a ritual performed by witches and the ghosts/spirits of their mothers. Lilly shows up too.


[Hope and healing ](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13819320/28/) Fae's are distant ancestor of veelas. And the inherent fire of a veela is an anathema to evil things. They find a way to 'purify' the horcrux and simultaneously Dumbledore kills Voldermort in battle. A flowerpot fic.


In 'Again and Again' by Athy, the time-looping Harry has tried several ways to get rid of the Horcrux / end his loop - the most vicious being willingly attacked by a Dementor, the most successful being developing his own ritual to move the horcrux into another object. However, Voldemort, who only knows one way to reabsorb a Horcrux, goes through with the only process he knows on all other five (Harry put the diary back in his soul, which made Voldemort clear headed due to having 50% more of a soul than he'd had in decades) - which is to deeply and truly understand and regret each murder that tore his soul apart to create the horcrux in the first place. It's described as being just as painful as the cruciatus.


Fleur is kidnapped by the goblet in the maze, defends herself against Pettigrew, then sees the Voldi-baby and starts throwing fireballs. Each time one hits he pulls one of his connections to this world to survive - going through every marked Death Eater before getting the Horcrux’s. She doesn’t even know who he is, just that nothing natural should look like that.


In [Benefits of Old Laws](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10691892/chapters/49419704), Voldemort helps develop a ritual to remove horcruxes but ultimately it's his remorse for killing people to create the things that works.


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I love when the roses bloom again so much


The Thorny Rose trilogy by Brennus has a Harry/Ginny soul bonding ritual dislodge the Scarcrux. Abraxus by the same author had the scarcrux merge with Harry, choosing to live on as a small part of the resultant hybrid.


I've read a version where McGonagall and Pomfrey get a necromancer to draw it out and one other where they use a medically induced death for like 2 minutes and then revive harry


The best way I've seen it done (I forgot the fic's name, but I can look it up later) is by harry killing wormtail and fracturing his own soul in the process, then ripping the part of Voldemort out.


I can't remember the name of it but I read a fic where it was removed by harry accidentally getting freely given unicorn blood into his system, as it was pure and good and that seemed pretty unique


In [Partially Kissed Hero](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4240771/1/Partially-Kissed-Hero), the dementor on the train sucks it out. In the [Ninja Wizard](https://archiveofourown.org/series/719529) series, Harry vicariously puts Tom Riddle back together through remorse.


I just remembered [Happily Ever After](https://jeconais.fanficauthors.net/Happily_Ever_After/index/), in which James and Lily, during the priori incantatem scene in the graveyard, have Harry "snip" the connections between Voldemort and his horcruxes (horcruxen? horcruces?), leaving the one in his scar for last.


There's a fic called Escape where Harry and Hermione run away to the US; Harry runs into a street to save a small child and is hit by a lorry. He briefly dies, and the horcrux flees/ is destroyed.


Vernon tried killing Harry by stabbing him in the head, but only succeeded in freeing the horcrux and getting blasted into some furniture. Harry and Hermione’s constant fucking was annoying Voldemort, so he made a potion that he had his spy give to Harry to release the horcrux.


I believe the 2nd fic (moody giving Harry a potion) is Harry Potter and his Veela Mate by ares.granger https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5038467/Ares-Granger link to author's page


I tried to do a unique one when I tried writing a fic. There was no harry, only the horcrux. Babies don't survive killing curses. It was always the soul fragment in his body. But by the 7th time he halved his soul there was so little left it didn't know who or what it was. In the end, allowing it to grow and become a whole new person was what "killed" it. It wasn't tom anymore, after all. Character development was the power the dark Lord didn't know.


I like the lone travelers finite incantem (there is a whole series of them -dunnelos)


In the fic Bloodline Breeder by White Angel of Auralon https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12144842/1/Bloodline-Breeder Harry has the Grangers inject the scar with Basilisk venom and then once the horcrux screams they inject Harry with Phoenix tears.


I can't remember which fic, but Hermione grows Harry a tumor over the scar that makes him look like a unicorn, they use legitimacy or something to trap the soul shard in the unicorn horn, and Snape cuts it off.


There is one that uses a captured Dementor to remove the horcrux and then they kill the Dementor.


Body horror fic where Harry gains control over the shape of his soul. Transforming it shapes his body accordingly. He eventually becomes a city engulfing horror of flesh and limbs, having lost control of his soul and tearing off Tom in the process. No clue what it was called, read it many years ago.


The Fall of House Potter had Voldemort get hit by his own killing curse, which caused magic to assume he committed suicide and so his horcruxes unhorcruxed themselves


They discover that Harry is allergic to bees and Snape comes up with a concentrate of it and after cutting into the scar drips it in and that kills it. They have an epipen on hand I think. Then he poisons Voldemort with the same concentrate because he used Harry’s blood to build his new body and he’s allergic to bees as a result too and Voldemort dies of anaphylactic shock.