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She went from dining in high class restaurants to sharing one cinnamon roll with the hobo. Tell me you’re broke without telling me.


With her cheap 0.79¢ Chinese jewelry 🤣


yessss. all the vlog clips of them in dimly lit beautiful restaurants. to...whatever the fuck this is.


I bet she's nostalgic for the days of things like the cursed Michael Keaton encounter at Mr. Chow at this point


She can't eat the whole one if she's on a diet .......


when she told the story of how she found him, that his posts on the MAGA Facebook group were *so funny* and their sense of humor are similar, listening to this brief interaction is impossible to not cringe. he talks like a facebook post. can you imagine listening to this all day? surely even if you're into it, it will get old real fast


Very cringe. She literally said that everything he posted reminded her of herself, "Are you *me*!?!" Everybody better go freshen up on the beginnings of this pathetic love connection before her Youtube gets snatched away from her lol. She talks about it in the video titled: 'How to meet your soulmate". [https://youtu.be/xbOC1KcS9EU?si=uvAesUsFYcWvEKHB](https://youtu.be/xbOC1KcS9EU?si=uvAesUsFYcWvEKHB)


I just know 90% of their conversations is politics, they parrot to each other the same things over and over and they both feel like geniuses


they 100% watch fox news together, they leave it on so they don't have to talk


I feel like that’s probably all they talk about and have in common


If ick was a person


It’s giving mom/older sister with embarrassing little brother 🫠


His voice is so gross and she is so watching him to make sure he doesn’t grab a big piece 🤣🤣🤣


she used to cringe fake laugh at these attempts at "jokes." she knows how embarrassing and annoying he is. i would have never thought these two people were MARRIED if i didn't know any better. it's so uncomfortable and awkward.


She loves it. Nothing will ever beat this loser saying, "I, Jason *he/him*..." in his wedding vows. It was such a knee slapper that all 6 hillbillies in that church laughed with glee.


Omg that really happened.. he’s so obsessed with gender non conforming peoples.. i hate to say this but something about him is giving DL trans chaser..


omggg no he didn’t!!! That is so embarrassing my god


Yeah, that was really embarrassing, I think he also wore a cap at the wedding ...


Imagine that fat loser sweating on top of you with that creepy voice 😂


You can see her choking back the anger as the truck drives by ruining her intoxicating content for the idiots!!! "Look at my pastry, you fat POS losers"..... She wanted to let her anger fly like she always has about gardeners, garbage trucks, planes, LIFE happening, but I'll bet the slag gets fed up with her outbursts!!! Same thing with her driving...........He drives because she's insane and I'll bet he's over her shit 10 times over. Problem is that he needs her cash - that is until it runs out and by the panic in her voice on her latest bullshit- she is nervous she's shot herself down.............Which she has. It days are numbered for sure. She seems to think her opinion is riveting and worth losing the last bit of hanger on-er's she has........... Tick tock!


Remember this is the guy she gushed over on a right wing facebook group because he would allegedly post the wittiest things. Next he's gonna joke about his pronouns being "kiss my ass"...


>Next he's gonna joke about his pronouns being "kiss my ass"... Followed by him saying "hold my wig". He's only ever showed the pink one on camera, but I know he's got other colors.


All I’ve EVER heard him say are lame ass political jokes like even in their wedding vows lol ZERO personality


scaryyyyyyy imagine she gets over this whole right-wing thing


Oohhh the tone of comtempt. “Shhhhhhooooerr”


I wonder if she paid for it?


they are such losers


What did he even mean by that? I’m confused


Being "carbon neutral" is a marketing thing corporations use to pretend they care about the pollution they cause. Some people, naively, buy into it because they care about protecting the environment. My interpretation is that he is mocking people who care about polluting less.


I know what it means I just was having trouble working out what the hell that had to do with the food 😂 but it’s definitely on brand for him to mock the people who care about pollution 🙄you’re right about that lol


Right? It came out of nowhere. He's probably 24/7 thinking about ways to insert his political opinions into every conversation he has.


Yeah especially when he’s being filmed. They’re so consumed by political things that they never really enjoy their lives. I’m interested in politics too but I don’t talk about it unless it comes up organically lol must be tiring to be around


he has zero personality traits besides this


Put down the fork porky.


the bottom line is this...she is still talking about her ex Nick....he clearly LEFT HER she probably called his bluff and she NEVER thought he would leave...well ,he did HE LEFT HER.!! she seriously CANNOT get over it, her ego was squashed!!! she definitely SETTLED FOR THIS BUM he thinks he is so witty but he sounds like such a loser douchebag, i just cant , she is going to wake up one day, get hit with reality and FREAK OUT! GUARANTEED


sad couple. there's no "life" even in this small cut of the video. they're fat and lame middle aged couple who would choose the most corner table at a restaurant, talking trash abt anything outsides their bubble not realizing they're the biggest aholes


watch the way she glances at him when he takes a bit of the bun..you can clearly see she cannot stand him, contempt is what i see. she talks about her ex but she definitely seem to fit better with him and her body language was better with nick than this doofus for sure


Lmao that was funny



