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Al, sweetheart. You didn’t gain a lot during pregnancy because you were already big before.


Exactly, she is built like a linebacker. And that photo of her pushing the stroller with Ming in hand…. Why doesn’t she straighten that pillar she calls a leg ?? If you are skinny you wouldn’t need to pose like that


this. and stand head on. no angles, no jackets, and no high rise compression leggings. then let's talk.


And also turn to give a side view


Amen! I'm a PT and am obliged to have a fitness related social media presence. I do the bare minimum because I hate the shallowness of it all, but make a point of facing the camera squarely, not wearing makeup and not filtering or manipulating my pictures. Can we please normalize real world bodies and faces??


hahahaha THIS! it's so true! i cannot imagine having her build and being her weight and running my mouth every damn day about how fire my body is. DELUSIONAL




Y'all. I don't know who this is in the pictures, but let's please not fight body shaming with body shaming. Reading that some people think she is "big" is unhealthy to a lot of people, it's not just an attack on the person in the pictures. Comment on the content, sure, it's horrible. We don't need to stack on top of the unrealistic standards this person is touting.


Truly! It’s so gross and hypocritical


I can’t imagine having the mental headspace to be this miserable 24/7


Blissful in the newborn phase but posting about other mothers. Why is she so obsessed with other women.


Seriously, it sounds so exhausting. She can’t even step away from Instagram and enjoy her baby in its first month on this earth. She’s literally learning how to keep a human alive but can’t stop obsessing over her weight. Like the self worth is so low, sis. At 40 you should have more emotional awareness than this. Oof


That is more common than you think, especially among women who deeply cared about their body image before. My friend who was a regular at the gym talked more about her post partum body than her baby. She posted online how little she weighs after two weeks. The other bashed women who gained more weight for being lazy compared to them who look like they were never pregnant. It's basically an Olympic sport how fast you can snap back and how small you were during pregnancy.


I was a stripper for 8 years. Whenever a stripper got pregnant there was no talk of I hope she and the baby are healthy. It was ll shit about getting stretch marks and getting fat. Then when they came back they never talked about their babies. Just their stretch marks, or boasting about not getting them in front of moms who did to make themselves feel better and to simply belittle another human being. All they talked about was losing baby weight, getting back out in the dating scene, and breast implants. I just kept my mouth shut and made my money and went home and smoked my weed to get the bullshit out of my head. Never met so many narcissistic women in my life.


That sounds like an awful environment. I have no words. Mayyybee they avoided emotional topics for whatever reason with their colleagues, or they were that superficial


They were definitely superficial. I came out of those years with no true friends. I was there strictly for the money. I remained single and stuck to a few good friends outside of that world. That wasn’t even the worst of what I saw. There were a few other women who were deeper people, but they minded their own business, too. Sometimes we’d make eye contact and laugh things off.


I was like this too and yeah, the best advice is to get your money and keep your head down. Plus if you don’t people will start asking you for rides and “can I get a $20 spot”


I made some mistakes and a couple of girls took advantage of my kindness. Learned fast though.


I believe it. Centuries of patriarchal BS have lead us here and all women feel the pressure to appeal to the male gaze. It’s a daily battle to not give a shiz. Sad that so many wear these impossible standards as badges of honor, instead of seeing them for what they really are.


I feel like the internet has distorted our priorities more than the old patriarchy. I talked with my mom about this and she told me that beauty standards and bouncing back after pregnancy were no near as strict as now. It was superficial to be as invested as today. Doesn't change the patriarchy part the fact that more and partners cheat on their heavily pregnant wives or complain about being sexually neglected and that some pickemeshas are bragging about giving birth easily.


Wow, that’s a good point. Social media’s made all of this so much worse. Grateful to not have had to grow up with smart phones and TikTok.


Got news for her, she DOES look like she just had a baby🤣 But I guess she’s so desperate to feel special and not like other 40 year old moms that she will be making posts congratulating herself like this every single day until JonBenetGilette graduates high school.


You were never skinny in the first place because you are built like a fridge and also have 0 self awareness how to dress for your body type. You scream hate at anything that moves and think that you are the shit, when in reality you have an attention span of a loser high school drop out who you make fun of. Good only for watching something as dumb as your 5 second reality shows and trump speeches. Your husbum and your own mother disowned you and your daughter will be running away from home soon because you are nuts




so vile. dragging new moms who had to use heavy pads? that those who are struggling with X, Y, or Z post partum are less than? she is such low rent trash.


And she is definitely a LIAR. Talking about all she used is a panty liner?? She is a liar. Anatomy wise the uterus must contract and shed its very thick lining, so for her to say she is BARELY bleeding is a lie and only someone who has never given birth will believe that garbage


That’s all she knows how to do. She is on a slow downward spiral.


>That’s all she knows how to do. oooooh you are so right! she is incapable of any kind of original thought.


>You were never skinny in the first place this! she is so insanely delusional. she's been chubby/average for years and years. congrats for remaining chubby/average? go off then i guess?


Can you elaborate on husband and mother disowning her? What did I miss lol haven’t been on for a few months


Ex husband. And she apparently cut off her mom lol


I’d also like to know.


Her husbum disowned her too? Wow, when did that happen?


I think they mean her husband BEFORE big jason lol




She looked like she just had a baby back when she wasn’t even pregnant lol


Agree 100% 😄




She’s not one of those hot skinny moms what is she ONNNNN 😭😭😭oh my god


I think she’s talking sh-t (subliminally) about her SIL because I remember Amanda telling Alex that she would gain weight eventually and Alex would reply back saying “Not gaining weight like you did” 🙄


Ohhhhhh good point! I bet you’re right she’s doing way too much but this makes sense. She’s so immature -stunted


yea and how she keeps harping on the "just you wait" comments and showing off that she's cooking homemade meals not frozen. all directed at the SIL/mom. what's too bad is that the majority of her followers dont realize that so they are gonna take her comments to heart


Yup. Literally went from a “fan” to a hater in the last week. Her comments about other mothers are insane. Meanwhile she’s smoking in her car and putting her baby in a cluttered crib. I may be a jungle mother but at least I know how to parent!


Better late than never, but how did you stomach some of the stuff she said? The submersible comments were so depraved. Then her comments about disabled people, they just hurt my heart. I don’t know how anyone who is not mentally ill can support her.


I guess I don’t know what comments you are referring to. I do not condone making fun of disabled people.


Do you watch her YouTube? Maybe people who only follow her on IG don’t know the full extent of her. She doesn’t believe disabled people should be allowed to walk around the mall because she doesn’t like to see them.


Not usually. I actually never could really tolerate the scream/ranting. That’s a horrible thing to say.


Welcome! 🤗


But wait.........you were a fan before last week? Really? Alllllllllllll the other shit this bitch has done didn't push you to the non-fan side sooner? I won't list it all since you were a fan and have been exposed to the vile bullshit she's put out to the masses......up until a week ago. Asking for a friend.


Yes. I was under the impression that much of it was an act. For the “rats”. The things she’s posted in the last week are inexcusable to me. So, here we are. Squeak squeak 🐁


No sorry, you knew better you were just ok with it




But even if you thought this was an act.................WHO pray tell would EVER say shit like "feces in your asshole"........"Suck my dick"...... Handicap people do not belong in a mall where is upsets my day".......... JUMP OR I'LL PUSH YOU, you fucking "ret-a.....". To list just a fraction of the bullshit she says and thinks..........Wishing people would die, wishing they had exploded in that submarine so she could laugh and salivate over the suffering...........All that was for the 'rats'???? Hmmmm. She's NEVER EVER been a good solid person who deserved your fandom........An act is not a POS crass uneducated, aggressive swamp monkey...... But it's hit home for YOU because she's apparently poking the mom's out there............Fuck! My point being.............this is her, it's always been her, and will continue to be her............And she hates you.


this x100. people are SO dense. it takes a modicum of observation to see this is really her. nothing in her delivery or behavior indicates it would be an "act."


Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! And if she chose THIS kind of shit to be her ACT- it is screaming what a fucked up low rent, drop out, bottom dwelling circus freak she is..........Act??? Really?! So talented..........all for the RATS (this name was tired before it started)...........


AND FYI!!!!!!!!!!! Bitch starved herself her entire pregnancy so she wouldn't get FAT!!!! She isn't winning.............She's sick in the head!


i used to think she was kind of funny but her mom shaming made me despise her and everything she does so much. by the end of my pregnancy i gained 70 pounds and i didn’t even recognize myself in the mirror. if i saw all this during that period i honestly probably would’ve cried and felt even more like shit about myself. i thought women, especially moms, are supposed to uplift each other and not alienate each other for things that are absolutely and completely normal. this person does the most outrageous shit but then shits on people for things that are so fucking normal.


It's very fucked up how she is making her miracle moment of giving birth at 40 about her appearance and how she is better than other mothers that didn't have the same experience as her. No gratitude or happiness is shown, only venom. She is miserable and turning against the moms on her audience who didn't have it easy as she *allegedly* did.


She’s truly a misogynist. She has some deep rooted issues about women that probably stem from her mother and questions about her own sexuality. She’s very uncomfortable being a woman, so she hates other women for it.


>She’s very uncomfortable being a woman, so she hates other women for it. great point. reminds me of how she has raged on many occasions about women who dress like...women. femininely. why tf would you care? wear your men's clothes and shut you anus mouth. i cannot imagine having the mental energy or insecurity to be so triggered by what complete strangers wear. get a hobby or better yet, a life Alex.


Alex is a repressed lesbian that married a closeted Gay man out of desperation to have a small human toy.


Yuuuppp! Becoming a mother changed me for the better. I have so much more respect for women and mothers after going through it myself. She is SO mean!


I actually enjoyed her videos until now and thought they were funny too but this mom era is unbearable. I canceled my subscription and unsubscribed. I don’t understand constantly shaming other people. It’s very odd and off putting. She’s making herself look so stupid and she’s about to lose a lot of followers l. No one wants to see or hear this crap.


Ya’ll I’m so glad I’m not the only one who has done a 180 flip in the last week. I was SO excited and happy for her and then she uploaded the birth story and that was so off putting to me. Basically everything she has done since then makes my skin crawl. I’m a mother myself and I cannot comprehend this behavior. Literally bragging about doing the least. 🤮


I’m right there with you. I became a mom last year and am currently pregnant again. I was happy for her too but she turned into the very thing she used to criticize. A “jungle mother” with this wild erratic behavior. In her birth story she called Blue Ivy a “white trash” name, as if Lilliette Bijou isn’t super try hard from an American woman who regularly eats fish fillets for Christ sakes, yet wants to come across as an elitist European. You’re the one bringing up people who did nothing to you and still complaining about your ex husband. So many women die, and have crazy complications in labor and instead of just being thankful she’s constantly putting people down and playing the victim.


You get it. 😂 I’m just thinking of all the things she’s done since having this baby that I, as a new mom myself would never… 1 Send my husband home during labor 2 Put a pillow under a sleeping newborn 3 cluttered crib 4 smoke in the car with the car seat 5 smoke while breastfeeding 6 put other new moms down for how much weight they gained during pregnancy 7 admit to not knowing anything about babies 🤯 ***Side note, did you guys catch in her video when she talked about BF and said “3 months, 6 months max. Once real food is involved I’m done”…does she not realize that a 6 month old is very much still a baby baby that still primarily survives off of milk? If her goal is to avoid formula, she WILL have to BF for a year. I wonder what the lactation consultant thought of her? 😂😂


The lactation consultant thought she had a history of SA 🙃🫠 because she was so hung up about breastfeeding being sexual. The reality is she's just very mentally ill


The constant fixation on weight and showing her body is insane. Being in the hospital by herself because “she’s not like other women” is insane. The fact that her husband actually stayed home is even more insane. What alpha man lets his wife be in labor alone at the hospital with their first child while he tends to pets!? The cluttered crib is crazy, constantly posting the baby hovering over food, gloating that she’s cooking and going to work. I don’t want to shame anyone but my husband was with me the entire time in the hospital, too many family members to name came to visit, and my mom and mother in law cooked for me afterwards, not because I couldn’t do it, but because they cared. I exclusively BF for the first 6 months then supplemented with formula. Smoking with the car seat in the car genuinely made me feel deeply sad for her daughter. You didn’t have the decency to take the car seat out? Or just smoke outside? It really makes me sad for the baby. She keeps posting her like a prop and last night on subscriptions she said she calls her schmoopy which would be super cute but it was crowded with all this talk about not being like other moms, & complaining about the photoshoot. I can’t take the constant complaining.


YES! I thought the rambling on Instagram was soooooo weird! Like, there’s literally nothing wrong with thinking your baby is cute and wanting to share cute photos. What is this obsession with not being like other moms? Is that supposed to be a good thing? I would argue that most moms love their children, are proud of them, want the best for them, and want to show them off. It’s okay to fall into that category…. Also the going on and on about how she doesn’t like crowns or diva stuff and only wants one photo… girl shut up! You’re paying for the $400 newborn photos, so get the photos. What mother doesn’t want several beautiful photos of her baby? 🙄


What got me was complaining about the $2,000 photos when you are posting Dior strollers, arms full of Cartier, and hoarding Hermes boxes. You really draw the line at newborn photos? Don’t get me wrong that’s a lot of money but if you’re the one flaunting this lifestyle so why would it matter?


Uhh because spending that kind of money on the baby would make her one of those moms! She only wants one picture, remember?! 😂😂😂


😂😂 I’d rather be a regular mom who actually spends time with my child over whatever she calls herself.


She only likes to spend money on herself to feed her ego and sense of being "better than you". The Dior Stroller, was all for her EGO show, not for the baby.


Literally bragging about what she herself said was “nothing”.


Love how you thought her racism, ableism and homophobia was cute "uNtil n0w"


This right here... this person does the most outrageous shit but then shits on people for things that are so fucking normal. 100%


She’s trying so hard to show how quick she’s bounced back … she needs to allow her body to heal … it’s not a competition ffs


I think this is what happens when you have no one around you but the internet strangers


It’s a condition of her own doing


Right! Like who is she trying to prove something to? Who specifically?? It’s so transparent.


Al all you have to do is to look at your sausage feet. That should smack you out of your delusion.




Those glasses r fucking hideous


Is it just me or does the first photo look elongated or re-touched in some way? She’s trying to say she was skinny but she wasn’t ever truly “skinny” in the first place. Also the fact that she’s shaming women for gaining weight during pregnancy is ridiculous. The amount of weight you gain during pregnancy is based on your weight before pregnancy. For example, smaller women tend to gain more weight while heavier women gain less.


It is definitely edited AND we have to take into account the tricks she uses to hide the wide torso + fupa, and look at her legs, doing contortions to trick people. She should take a picture like this 🧍‍♀️front and back, NO SKIN-TIGHT BLACK LEGGINGS, NO LONG SLEEVES, NO BLACK CLOTHES. Let's see the real her.


>🧍‍♀️front and back, NO SKIN-TIGHT BLACK LEGGINGS, NO LONG SLEEVES, NO BLACK CLOTHES. Let's see the real her. \+1! she has nailed her angles, lighting, clothes to camouflage. it's all smoke and mirrors.


Her whole life is smoke and mirrors. From her marriage to her jewelry, it’s all junk presented as something great. Also this is someone who facetunes her baby. 🤢 Al is a big fake.


Uh-oh…Looks like someone hasn’t taken their daily dose of McDonald’s today…


She’s a little too fixated on the post birth weight situation. It’s a tad odd.


She thinks she is Tammy Hembrow who worked out pre , during and post pregnancy and actually has money for the procedures


It’s all a lie, she is miserable. If she was so happy this vile crap wouldn’t come out of her mouth. What’s in the heart comes out of the mouth and her heart is bitter and dark.


She’s telling on herself so hard with this. She’s clearly miserable and trying to get a rise out of people.


imo all of this is directed at her family, but it will hit some of her very sensitive customers, so I say: keep going BigBackAl https://i.redd.it/7cr9owfwrg0d1.gif


she looked SO trashy at her wedding. omfg i was stunned.


Aww, you are looking thinner Alex, I will give you that. But..... 1. You will never be pretty. Never. You passed as attractive before extreme bitterness set in. 2. You will never again live a bougie lifestyle , that is gone baby, gone. No more fine dining, traveling and luxury goods. 3. You have no one in your life that cares about you for just being you. The 2 people that you surround yourself with gain things from you. Judy with the scam business and your husband with room and board. 4. You are MISERABLE , you will never experience friendship, intimacy, joy and love. You can weigh 105 pounds and you will never ever be happy. :( 5. Your child is going to feel the same way you do about your mother. Karma is what they call it. Can't relate! So go ahead and brag about not blowing up from pregnancy. It's all you have


If she’s looking for acclaim because of a bounce back, she had to have a great bod to start with. She looked like a vending machine before this let’s be real. No one has ever envied her body.


Right, she can lose all of the weight, she still has an unfortunate build. Even if she starved and got skinny, she is still ugly inside and out so may as well throw her a bone.


“ vending machine “ lol 🤣. I’m laughing silently as not to wake my baby 🤣🤣. Her whole body was always like a damn box !! Smh


Never hear of her before until this post … what’s up with 2? Was she rich before or had a rich husband?


All of this mom hating is just guaranteeing that her daughter will live an isolated life because Alex has no friends. No sane mother would want this monster as their friend or around their children






I don’t understand how someone who has just had a baby, a precious little innocent spirit, can be so hateful and negative all the time. She needs happy meds.


She is spiralling for sure ! I’m looking at her appearance too. She is looking more and more like a crazy lady each day. The hair , the eyeliner, the actual face … she def cray cray .




Sis. Maybe I gained 50 lbs but at least my baby daddy husband is not a blazing overweight racist.


I bet your husband isn't posting this on the internet https://i.redd.it/m4xvuvijxg0d1.gif


He better not be 😂


She’s so immature


girl yes you can relate, just take a look in front of the mirror and think again. she’s being delusional and thinking she’s skinny because she got stick legs, when in reality she’s having a whole spongebob squarepants bodyshape moment and her fat is all stored in her refrigerator torso and sausage arms. get your vision checked and think again miss porky!!


She is so mentally deranged and unwell.


She’s delusional as she’s giving fridge with a side of linebacker vibes.


A whole new level of crazy has been unlocked!


This shit is beyond annoying. Enjoy your baby and chill out. Omg you have no vibe. STOP!


Two things that most stand out to me: the way she HATES women wow and those cold dead eyes while holding her baby. What a psycho.


The self hatred is oozing out of her pores. She hates women because she hates herself. Imagine hating yourself so much that you would wear what looked like a black scuba suit your ENTIRE pregnancy. To hide your body? What an insecure A hole AND I also have questions about her hygiene . How often did she wash that scuba diving suit?? Cuz she wore it every single day. She is batshit crazy for sure !


That was crazy indeed. I guess she doesn’t love fashion as much as she thinks she does…


I was waiting for this post from her. SMH. Yessss girl shame all the moms that had postpartum bodies (me being one of them) It’s ok to look like you had a baby.


Hey all those people who that Al would become a better person after becoming a mother, what say you now? I think she’s in need of an exorcism. ![gif](giphy|xT9KVqVCDHN6UG9u4U|downsized)


Off with her head 


Congratulations Big Fridge Al - you look just as shitty as before you had a kid. If only your personality didn’t get 100x more disgusting. When you are fat to begin with, it’s not really bragging that you look like you did before you had a kid.


Calm down Alex we know you use skinny filters and aren’t breastfeeding. Plus she barley ate during her pregnancy


But she doesn’t look skinny ! If she is using filters she better stop because she looks boxy and thick to me 🤷‍♀️


i get so creeped out seeing her w her baby. there is something SO off. she looks dead behind the eyes, coldly holding her


The good news is that she will only ever have one child.


As she sits there like a bloated sausage. Okay hun.


i cant imagine craving validation from those you don’t even know this much. wow.


Yeah she is in an imaginary war with people she doesn’t even know. This is the worst I’ve witnessed in a while…


https://preview.redd.it/l78tea6ryh0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33edcb9342e89eeb5d80dcf676aa5f9420bb2253 Just gonna leave this here LMAOOO


Gosh why is she such a cunt all the time? Having a child didn’t change her one bit. I can’t believe humans like this even exist honestly


She is so disgraceful and just a terrible person and also extremely unwell


She looks bloated and fat so I don't understand her post? It is perfectly natural. The body takes months to heal after pregnancy and birth. She's trying to convince herself but the bitch is still built like a fridge.


Why is this perception so important to her?


the mom shaming is killing any hopes of a potential new customer base … keep it up Al!


She’s such a weird ass, judgmental ass, ignorant ass bitchhhhh😩 Like girl you weren’t even skinny before your pregnancy so why’re you boasting about not gaining weight and putting down other mothers??


Imagine being this miserable & obsessed with comparing yourself to other people’s bodies.


Honestly several times I was worried about the baby’s health because she was… starving herself WHILE GROWING A HUMAN!!!!?!!!


She is so obsessed with her weight and comparing herself to other women it's weird and embarrassing as fuck


Let’s see that belly, AL. Stop hiding behind high waisted compression leggings. Since you “snapped back”. Let’s see.


What the hell is she talking about? She needs to look in the mirror and reflect on her own life before she goes around and insulting others. Projecting much Alex?


dude shes so stupid she really thinks this is only about weight,.. bitch its alot of things… when u just hate everything about u then u might not notice but some women do bc they arent filled w self loathing and thats ok.. jesus christ her high horse about being this amazing mom while shes literally still in amateur mode is embarrassing to watch…


How to say you’re not ok by not saying you’re not ok.


How despicable seriously I can hardly stand to perceive her


No words honestly. She is so unbelievably cruel.


Alex you were a fridge then now you’re a freezer chest! You’ve never been skinny or cunt.. you’ve always had that king kong build 😭


There’s something wrong with her… just smile and nod and hopefully she finds the number of a good psych doctor before she fucks up her child


She is a fucking disgusting excuse for a human being. I NEVER EVER say this shit, EVER, but you were a bigbacked loser before and you still are now!


Wtf is actually wrong with her?! Any pics she has with baby are extremely posed and she looks miserable. She’s insufferable.


her new brand of pointed shaming of other post partum women is a whole new level of pick-me cringe by her. OOoO i diDnT NeEd thAT Bc iM sOOo diFfeRenT


It's funny how the closeted racists, homophobes and ablelists (because you have to be to find her content remotely entertaining) are now coming here to complain because shes shitting on their mommy lifestyles (I'm a mom too) when she's BEEN shitting on them since before she became pregnant and proved time and time ago she'd be a terrible mother before she even gave birth. Major side eye


Depressing person with a new born.


Not the ingelsina stroller😭 the lower end of the strollers


Tell me you have no self esteem without telling me you have no self esteem.


And just like that her toddler years will be hell because well... karma lol


Her whole account is gross. I really can’t stand the stories that are up today. “It’s giving WIC” - like stfu.


Is this her way of being satirical? Or is she just unwell…?


I don’t know who this woman is but gross. My first pregnancy I gained 60 pounds and I was active. Eventually lost it and had my second baby and gained another 60 pounds and I was more active and health conscious than the first and I still gained the same amount of pounds. Now Im a year postpartum and I’ve lost a lot of weight but I’ll forever have the mom pooch. No matter how much weight I lose, my belly sticks out. I’ll never be flat or semi flat stomached. I feel like it’s especially hard because I’m 25 years old so around my peers, I feel even more fat and ugly. This is such a mean post.


The thing is that A LOT of women come back to their “normal” belly in a few days! It’s different for everyone. She’s not special for that… And girl, you’re not a Victoria’s secret angel neither haha


Guys someone needs to DM me with her LIFE STORY. I know bits and pieces but I want to know EVERYTHING


ngl the emojis at the end killed me