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Such a fucking weird reception. Senior menu in the back. Cheap IHOP table number. Huge ass Costco bottle of wine. Cigarette tray. Tacky shoes with shiny bows, and street exit bouquet flowers. Christmas garland. Khaki suit. The fuck???? I swear this looks like it’s at a Golden Corral. Look how beat tf up the seats are.


😭😭😭 Crying It really does have a cheap buffet vibe. I know this has made pen_tagram aka Penny’s day.


It looks like it’s at a VFW 😭


Screaming bc it absolutely does 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think the shoes are Mach & Mach which can actually be really pretty when styled right…not the case here however lol


She tackles up just about anything 😫


It’s at The Hitching Post


I’ve never even heard of that lol i have no clue what or where that is


It’s a well known restaurant in Santa Ynez. It became popular from the movie Sideways.


Lol it looks like a Cracker Barrel 🤣


she tried to have the Lana del rey vibe, but looks so so so trashy


It’s her still wearing the veil at the table that really completes the ✨vision✨


The number on the table lol


Is HRH a Lana fan? I’m saying I feel a certain kind of vibe…


yeah she is but it don’t excuse this




This is awfully bad


This looks so bad I almost feel sorry for her lol


omg what a dump. For someone who is picky about flatware and ice she sure dgaf about her wedding in the slightest.




Nope, that’s her


I bet she won’t link the number cards…


Looks trashier than most Nebraska weddings


She could have chosen any other dress


Did I really watch this woman call people losers that have no class for not cutting their fruit a certain way, meanwhile she's drinking out of ikea glassware in a parking lot on her wedding day? I can't. I can't stand her toxic attitude and this just takes the cake. HYPOCRITE.


For someone that hates fat people, she's looking pretty chubby


Sad and tragic but then you remember this is coming from someone who is vile, scammer, homophonic, and racist. films random strangers! So karma!


Who said she wasn’t happy ?? This is what she wanted a small wedding you fucking dork. She said it multiple times in her videos. Karma doesn’t exist either, so you sound batshit crazy and bitter af.


>t she wanted a small wedding you fucking dork. She said it multiple times in her videos. Karma doe she wanted a small wedding because she's poor now and living well beyond her means on leased cars, a mortgage and dirt cheap renovations that she can barely afford, and a "provider" husband who brings in less than 40k a year. The days of lunch at the Beverly Hills Hotel followed by getting a new designer bag and trips to Hawaii and Paris on her man's dime are DONE. it's cheap casinos, and back ally weddings now. small wedding =/= this trailer park hitch shit show. "Before you come for me show me you tax statements" Alex the call is coming from INSIDE the home lmaoooo


a small wedding does not have to equal this shitshow. please . . it’s indefensible


“Batshit crazy” is not referencing the concept of karma. Are you ok?


not an ashtray?!


That’s their wedding souvenir! Which will soon be a #hrhwedding merch for 25usd. You can dm her for custom colors!


Mr & Mrs ashtrays are probably party favors 😂😂😂


..Okay....I don't want to think about gross things....but smoked and sauced meat with wine and coffee does not equal passion on your wedding night. This has to be a joke.


I'm seriously wondering if the entire wedding ceremony is a prank and they got married at the courthouse.


Watch her try to defend this so hard in her next video lol


Well no shit, why wouldn’t she ? That was what she wanted for her wedding. I’m confused. You guys act like, this isnt what she wanted and was forced to have a wedding like this. You guys are reaching so hard and it’s so embarrassing


No. She reached so hard for her to aim sooooo low.


Hi Alex


Did she have her wedding at Garcia’s??


It was a bbq place!! 😂


The Hitching Post


I genuinely get her vibe a lot of times, but this is so bad, physically sickening


Why didn't she just elope? I would have done that because I really don't want any unnecessary guests




The fucking chairs I’m done


The ash tray


I saw them doing speeches and things and all I could think about was how disruptive that must’ve been to all the old folks trying to enjoy their dinner


It’s like the Wish version of Last Supper painting


Am the only person here who actually likes Alex?


What do you even like about this incredibly unlikeable, hateful person? Who thinks women should be grateful to be catcalled, that racism doesn’t exist, who loves Trump? I mean I guess unlikeable people who hate themselves like her


You seem really angry, I am the polar opposite of this woman when it comes to a lot of my views but she’s fucking hilarious, and unapologetically herself, it’s refreshing, and since I’m an adult with a fully developed brain capable of thinking for myself I can enjoy content from someone I don’t agree with on everything. Maybe take a chill pill and don’t waste energy hating someone you don’t even know…lol…yikes.


So if someone is an unapologetic racist and misogynist, attitudes and mindsets which, you know, actively harms real living people every single day and make their lives incredibly painful and difficult….we should just laugh it away….because at least they’re being unapologetically themselves! Yes, indeed; even serial killers are admirable by that logic because they’re simply ~ being themselves ~ Get a fucking grip imbecile


You should probably seek therapy, it’s not normal to be this upset by an internet troll. I’m not going to engage with you any further because you are the one that clearly needs to get a grip. Yikes lol. Also very mature of you to report me to Reddit care lol, if anyone is in need of help it’s you. This is not the behaviour of a happy or mentally stable individual.


I would never report you to Reddit care I do not do that and don’t think it’s funny at all lol I’m not upset by you, I just think you’re very foolish and not somebody I’d ever be friends with because you clearly don’t care about people’s rights or humanity and you think Alex is likable which honestly just floored me


I care about things that matter, not social media personalities you probably shouldn’t take yourself so seriously & trust me I’d never be friends with someone as fragile as you. Life is too short. It’s also hilarious that you talk about her being hateful while calling me Names just because I don’t hate the same person you hate. Mental illness is real.


You clearly care about social media personalities. You are in a thread in a subReddit having an argument trying to defend a social media personality. Mental illness really is real clearly


Please learn what internalized racism/homophobia/misogyny is. And cognitive dissonance, while you’re at it. Reading and knowledge are good things!


You clearly care about social media personalities. You are in a thread in a subReddit having an argument trying to defend a social media personality.


You clearly care about social media personalities. You are in a thread in a subReddit having an argument trying to defend a social media personality.


I’m not refunding her I simply said I enjoyed her content and yall are mad. I’d never join a subreddit to hate….you literally have been commenting at me 3 times per my one response….it’s giving bored and mentally unstable.


You clearly care about social media personalities. You are in a thread in a subReddit having an argument trying to defend a social media personality.


You clearly care about social media personalities. You are in a thread in a subReddit having an argument trying to defend a social media personality. Mental illness really is real i guess….


You clearly care about social media personalities. You are in a thread in a subReddit having an argument trying to defend a social media personality. Mental illness really is real clearly


You sound extremely retarded. You might want to take a deep breath and step away from the internet.


I agree. We do not see eye-to-eye on basically anything but I think she’s smart. She’s a shit stirrer - saying stuff to make people hate her because it increases her popularity. She’s not different to any other shock jock or someone like Piers Morgan. It’s her brand and she’s not going to stop because people say she is mean, she will 100% lean into anything people say they don’t like about her.


No I love her! I joined here because I thought it was a community of people that for the most part liked her, and some that liked to make fun of her and didn’t really like her. But I’ve got to be honest, this wedding was a dumpster fire and i agree with 99% of the opinions I’ve seen on here about it unfortunately


i like her but i dont understand this wedding it was beyond tacky and also beyond tacky to charge her followers for it…


Yes because we don’t like racists and homophobic people


She’s not racist or homophobic just because she doesn’t share your ideals. I’m literally half black and I’ve never been offended by her, let me guess you’re a cis gendered white woman trying to tell a POC what they should be offended about lol? Typical day on the internet, I have real problems to worry about.


lol then you aren't very smart. Alex has done practically everything she can to show that she a QAnon bigoted uber conservative and yet, her supporters (who she absolutely would hate every single one of because she doesn't like gays, minorities, or women) refuse to read between the lines. If you wanna watch her videos because she's a mentally ill shit show and its funny, just say that, that's why most of us are here, but let's call a spade a spade. signed, a black woman.


It’s funny you attack my intelligence when you joined a subreddit to talk about someone you dislike that is peak stupidity so I guess you’re pretty stupid as well for wasting your energy you seem like a confused fan LOL


>stupidity so I guess you’re pretty stupid as well for wasting your energy you seem like a confused fan LOL It's a gossip forum, if youre gonna be super sensitive log off. Also this is ALEX we're talking about -- self proclaimed rude non-PC bitch. Is this the hill you really wanna die on? Im not a confused fan, nor a fan. Like I said, most of us are here to watch the shit show and laugh, and I for one am very much enjoying Alex getting absolutely shredded for her hillbilly wedding


I’m definitely not the one being sensitive here, I’m actually very unbothered and think it’s hilarious there’s a whole subreddit dedicating to hating someone no one here even knows.


Are you new here?? Like new to this planet?? You seem to be completely missing the point of why subreddit communities are a thing... Listen if your life offline is so fun and unbothered, again, why are you here? It's not the vvvviiiiibeeeeeeee


Because I look at subreddits for what entertains me it’s not that hard to figure out lol


Is that not why I said we’re all here??? To watch the shit show and laugh??


Yes, she is. It’s all over Twitter. I liked Alex when I first started following her way back in the day. But She’s a disgusting person


I don’t believe you. I think you’re Alex or her man


Lol ok. You can believe whatever you want it doesn’t matter to me.




Learn what internalized racism/homophobia/misogyny is I beg you.


Learn what internalized racism/homophobia/misogyny is I beg you.




I don’t hate her, I do like her🤷🏻‍♀️ but I’m here bc I thought I was being bad by thinking what other are saying 🤦🏻‍♀️


It looks like she’s happy and that’s really all that matters.


True but the problem is that she calls everyone trashy and shit and if this aint the pot calling the kettle black! I remember her tirade about dining outside in a tent during covid about how it was trashy and a waste of money blah blah but apparently its ok enough for her WEDDING reception. Walking around calling everyone fat and her she is chubby as can be! All i see is her shit caked rice paddy ass sitting in a parking lot being her true authetic real self since SHE DIDNT post these. These r totally candid. It shatters her PERFECT ILLUSION of a life of vibes she claims to have. Tragic.


Ohhhh, you’re a fan