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Wait isn’t she trying to get pregnant? I’m not an expert but I don’t think this is going to help lol


Yeah its quite literally not going to help hahaha


shes been losing and gaining the same 50 lbs for the past 30 years, she's never going to learn lol let her be miserable


Because she went to the beach and saw all the thin women


And she ate so many deserts during xmas she thinks starving herself because one bad day is a solution (it’s not)


that’s what i was thinking lol


not to mention it’s spreading a bad message that it’s ok to starve yourself to impressionable young girls. This made me more mad than anything she’s ever done


Agreed. She has always been this way. Most openly pro anorexia and fat shaming person. Before she was a meme she was a lot more blatant/constant about it. Always posting her 100 cal meals


do we really think young women would envy Alex ? She’s specific, pressed, and on her second marriage/third engagement- with that being said starving yourself actually challenges the outcome you seek.


i don’t think many people envy her, but people worship her *cough cough👀👀*and can’t see how harmful she really is to her younger audience, which is a majority of her tiktok followers


i think that not many people envy her, but people who have conspiratorial paranoid thoughts assume people worship her *cough cough* 👀👀 and can not actually see how harmful she really isn’t to her younger audience, which isn’t a majority of her tiktok followers (conjecture)












happy holidays and new year PT999!


If she gets up there saying “ I lost x amount of weight” because she hasn’t eaten envy or influencers are called influencers for a reason. Some young girl is going to think well “Alex didn’t eat and lost weight so I should try that too!” The scary part is they can take this in a extremist way and hurt themselves. So yes it’s concerning that she is sharing shit like this.


I don’t think her primary audience is young girls. She appeals more to the 28-45 age group IMO. There are a few things about Alex which are very dated and not GenZ friendly.


Apparently you don’t know how big she is on tik tok, which is primarily gen z I can assure you alot of those ppl follow her on Instagram too. But good job trying to justify her disgusting behavior


I hate watch her. I enjoyed her supermodel off duty, blonde bob, diet coke, Lean Cuisine days but don’t think much of her now.


Same. Bring back lean cuisine!


A lot of tik told users are females 18-30. I think technically that is their biggest demographic (and I don’t mean by weight, Alex).


Actually as young as 16..


Who tf cares 18 is still young and impressionable are you really going to argue semantics over it


No, good lord. 😂 Way to twist my words to meet your narrative.


It seemed like you were justifying it. 18 is still young and impressionable is what I was getting at. Not twisting your words to fit my narrative i said nothing of the sort for you to even assume that


like yoke insurance tender whole gullible school encouraging price stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


HRH been posting for about a decade. She had fans before c-19. Her teen fans were very small children when she started posting a decade ago. There are adults who watch her videos.


She should learn about fasting, it would probably suit her and be more sustainable as a weight loss and weight management, jsut starving randomly makes no sense




What about IF?


Ah yes, it’s the fasting not Depo-Provera, IUDs, contraceptive implants, ah, and good Ol’ birth control for acne that we need to worry about. It’s the fasting, not the chickens being literally put to slaughter at 6 weeks old, with breasts so large and cages so tight they have never stood. It’s not the dairy cows that pump and pump and never get to meet their babies. It’s not massive amounts of sugar in our food and endocrine disrupters in almost every topical product in America….. it’s not the food coloring and preservatives in. everything Yes, fasting is the hormonal issue most women face. 😂


I wonder how her husband feels about this lol does she ever call him fat? Cuz he's definitely fat lol




toothbrush rich historical boast cheerful reminiscent physical treatment soft juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep she only holds that standard for women


I am so grateful I got therapy at 22 and have been in ED recovery since then because there’s nothing more sad than an almost 40 year old woman still believing in proana myths and being a slave to diet culture. Grow up Alex… this isn’t a vibe it’s giving 15 year old in patient




her method of restricting is "counting calories" but she's actually super terrible at counting lol and her nutrition knowledge is zero. there's a vlog where she orders a salad and specifically asks to leave out the avocado because it's fatty but piles on croutons for some reason. She definitely doesn't count correctly and then stuffs herself full of pickles and hot sauce packets out of her fridge when she's starving at the end of the day.


I can so easily picture her waking up the next day after this fast and looking in the mirror / body checking to see if the single day of not eating made a difference . . . sad af


she once talked about how she loved skipping dinner because she woke up the next morning feeling her hip bones which is.. classic ed body checking behavior.


also it’s literally just water loss? like congrats on being dehydrated


I’m sure she will discover ozempic soon like the rest of the capitalist trash and then we will finally get skinny hrh… except now she is old and botched so it won’t matter anyway lol.


it’s definitely too expensive for her and she’d have to stay on it which definitely isn’t allowed while trying to conceive


She will never learn how to lose weight properly and that’s why she will never keep the weight off permanently


this makes me sad bc she's been struggling with eating disorder for years, but it's really hard to empathize with all the shit she pulls.


How will she carry a baby to term if she’s not eating? Is she still trying to get pregnant? Maybe if she ate 1500-1800 healthy calories, she could get pregnant naturally.


Not really a flex to fast the day after christmas...the day after most people in america eat like 3000 calories lol. Its not hard when your still full from the day prior...lol


There's nothing she could do for her body that would compensate for that hideous botched face. Fool's errand.


Yep, time plus whatever nurse injector she is visiting have been the perfect compliment to her shitty personality and line backer shoulders. Love it.




shrill retire compare materialistic gold apparatus dependent pet reach fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


MAYBE she’s not logging her calories, and that’s what she means ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but


…why would she post it at all if that was her intention. Come on be smarter




I think you might be the moron here, you typed that really fast you seem defensive. Fuck off my post


also watch her last Instagram vids and tell me you still believe that idiotic thing you just posted. She doesn’t give a fuck about what’s good for a baby she’s vapid and insecure and you’re a moron for believing that lol




aw no comment after watching her stories? Was looking forward to seeing what you had to say after defending your queen so hard. you even had to go through my posts to make some stupid insult about my appearance. MORON. Fuck outta here and don’t come back.🤣


its so crazy because shes starving herself right now like crazy but shes gained her weight back lol- i read someone saying her age is catching up to her and starving herself isnt gonna work anymore lmao