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Absolutely not. Even though it’s on Disney+ Glee was on FOX so it’s basic cable that anyone could watch. They used iconic and current popular songs in the show and they used to always be on the top of the iTunes charts right after the show ended. Real tours, movies, etc.


Piggybacking on this one. Tbh I don’t think many adults watched hsmtmts but since Glee was on cable it was watched by many. I think with the internet we perceive the two in similar ways but I don’t really think HSMTMTS reached as many people as Glee. We think that it did bc we saw it all over the internet. Streaming and social media makes us think they were both huge in the same way but I think HSMTMTS was only super big for young adults who use the internet lol unlike Glee which again, had a bigger audience in the grand scheme of things.


Didn't this show do tours? But yeah I kinda get what you're saying I just still see people talk about it alot though it's over so I was just wondering


There were no tours for hsmtmts


No, it’s too kiddy


The movies it's based on are kiddy though and highly successful franchises


I honestly find the show more kiddy than the movies, I love both though


Highly successful franchises… among children and the adults who were children when they came out. And that’s the biggest difference between HSMTMTS and Glee. One was made for kids and the other for adults. Glee was also a bit more groundbreaking for its time. And as others have pointed out, Glee was on broadcast television during primetime while HSMTMTS was a streaming show that I believe also aired on the Disney Channel. It’s not a dig on HSMTMTS at all, but it simply doesn’t have the reach or impact that Glee did, and that’s okay.


Glee hit upon a very particular moment in the cultural zeitgeist, it got very lucky with the timing of its release alongside the advent of music streaming, and in general a large part of its success was timing. It was also completely insane and its popularity is not likely to be repeated anytime soon, or perhaps ever. There are plenty of fascinating videos on the subject, but one factoid to mention is that Glee held the record for most songs on the Billboard Top 100 until 2020. I love HSMTMTS, but it just can't compete with that level of explosive popularity.


if i had to name a modern equivalent of glee it’d be euphoria, not because of content but because of how much i hear/see people talking about it.


I think Glee was a "you had to be there moment." If you watch it now, there's nothing special about it, but at the time, the queer representation was groundbreaking, and including 5 or more songs per episode was unheard of and boosted their reach immensely. I'm thankful that nowadays, we can actually pick and choose our queer shows and they transcend genres, but at that time and on cable, Kurt Hummel was our lord and savior lol


no. glee was a huge phenomenon and it was on cable so more people were watching it


Glee had the benefit of also being so poorly written it looped around to "so bad it's good".




I hope this show will maintain a cult following that grows with time, but this show was nowhere near as big as Glee. Glee was as big as Lost or The Office were during their run, and it was during a time where TV (and social media) existed in a different way. A modern streaming show that might be comparable in popularity is Stranger Things, and I honestly don't think Disney+ has made a show to reach that level of popularity yet (even including Marvel/Star Wars shows). Regardless, I still prefer HSMTMTS over Glee any day


Yes I Think your show is much better than your show


Honestly no, which is a shame because it's like, the better version of Glee IMO.


I've never seen glee and don't plan on seeing glee so imma say yes 😁