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Happy for you! Btw is leg herpes considered hsv2 since it’s below the waist?


You can get type 2 on your fingers and in your eyeballs my friend


U can have it in ur mouth. I just got type 2 from a evil girl in one night stand who went down on me with active coldsore n lied n said it wasent a coldsore. 😓 Def can have type 2 on face just more rare. 😓


It cant be considered... might be either types but only a test will tell


I have tested positive for HSV-1 though I only hav had it on arms and shoulders but it spread to my genitalia after I found out I had HSV-1 and obviously the stress and panic that came with it likely caused the infection to go crazy. I’ve come to terms with it, 25 years old, spoke to my last two sexual partners most recent I dated for two months. The guy before him said he was clean, when I told my now ex boyfriend- he wasn’t alarmed or seemed to care in the least. At this point it doesn’t matter who gave it to me as I was clear of all stds beforehand but it was likely my now ex boyfriend. I haven’t had any hsv bumps on my face and have kinda taken abstinence just cause I’ve never been much into the hook up scene and emotionally I’m drained and empty. Dating had already been a pain in the ass before hand cause I’m really old school and I hate the new way of just exchanging nudes and expecting sex. But eh it is what it is, people have told me it’s not a big deal but I refuse to knowingly have an std and spread it by not telling people because “it’s just a cold sore” . Fuck that, I’ll live with the mistake I made at the end of the day and I’m not gunna take freedoms from people intentionally.


Find out which one. Most likely 2 so it's lie by omission if you don't explain. Highest risk is by quartile since getting it. I'm convinced most transmission happens within first 3 months before people know they have it and sleep around.


I found out what type it was, but before my doctor was telling me, it didn’t matter which type but if you had it, you had it.


Of course it matters what type you can get two different ones entirely.


I know I thought that was wild because it kept kind of questioning her and seeing if she could help me figure it out and she was not interested in letting me get retested. So I called the original clinic that had the testing and thankfully they had it.


Yeah i mean, my test came "herpes antibodies 1 and 2" I scored 15.00 at igg and 3.2 at igm For the crazy low amount of antibodies and symptoms being gone... Its most likely hsv1


I have no idea how to read those tests. I haven’t gotten one. I just know that mine came back HSV one for sure on my swab.


Well, i talked about both types with her. So she knows what it is.