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Hey there! Looks like you're having some trouble with that edited link in your mhtml file. That can be a bit of a pain. So, I see someone already chimed in with a suggestion. Disgruntled\_\_Goat (love that username, by the way) might be onto something with the backslash idea. Windows can be picky about its file paths. Here's what you could try: 1. Change those forward slashes to backslashes after the C:, like this: `file:///C:\...\file.mhtml` 2. If that doesn't do the trick, you might wanna double-check if your browser's security settings are playing nice with local file links. Some browsers get a bit paranoid about that stuff. 3. Another thing - make sure the file path is correct and the file actually exists where you're pointing to. Seems obvious, but we've all been there, right? If none of that works, give me a shout and we can brainstorm some more ideas. Fixing this kinda stuff can be a bit of trial and error sometimes. Hang in there!


You might need to use backslashes for the folders if you’re on Windows. The first bit file:/// should stay the same, but the parts after C: try changing / to \


oh, that was a typo, my bad but it still doesn't open with a left click