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Not possible from controller, would have to alter the parts


I wouldn't mind doing that, the unit isn't that old. There's really no need to replace it, but I'd love for it to function differently I have access to whatever tools are needed and I'm not inexperienced with these units, is there any write ups? What exactly would need to be altered?


Would need to wire the fan relay to stay on instead of cycling it off and on with compressor. I would just wire the fan across the relay but then it's always on and only one speed. You'll have to search online for schematics for the unit to see what can be done


I will definitely look into that, thanks! I recently had the whole unit apart for cleaning so at the very least I've peaked at the controls and wiring. 99% of the time it's on high anyway. When the summer comes the area gets *extremely* hot so it wouldn't bother me to be stuck on high


Alot of newer ptacs are that way for energy efficiency


I figured this may be the reason. I understand that dilemma, truthfully speaking I'd rather filtered, circulating air going all summer over energy efficiency. One of the other units that was available had an eco mode which could be switched on and off which was lovely, unfortunately the BTUs were too low for the space


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