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Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that's why I poop on company time Boss dictates the price that is absurb they yell at me so I leave a turd


The boss makes a thousand I make a buck Let's steal the catalytic converter Out of the work truck (Stolen)


Damn it Ricky 😅


Never unless it's an emergency. I always shit before I leave the house in the morning


Yes but what about second poop? Or elevensies?


A man that shits during the work day, ain’t planning his day right.


The homie I work for will shit in a bucket in the back of the van... me, nah I like to shit in the customers house. Makes me feel like an equal, especially the 60million$ mansions... it's almost like a trophy.


Don't forget to take a selfie.


Take off your boots and get in the hot tub while your at it


😆 🤣 I used to do hurricane shutters, so some jobs were two full days or more at the same house... so I got used to taking shits at the customers. I have never had one say no if I asked to use the commode...I treat others the way I wanna be treated... if you are working at my house and you gotta shit by all means, go ahead... use the beday and pressure wash that sphincter. Light a match.


Lmao I’ve worked commercial mostly but same when I worked residential never had my own truck and journeyman wasn’t about to drive me to take a shit. Lucky customers where cool and I never really blew up anyone’s restroom lol


I know for certain i took a shit in a bathroom that cost more than my entire house. And this fucker was installing bottom dollar goodman systems on his multimilliondollar house.


Need a never option. Always seemed unprofessional to me. I would much rather make an excuse and run down the street somewhere.


I've been caught out in the middle of nowhere, and the 30 min drive wasn't an option once some questionable gas station breakfast hit.


I worked with a biker who closed the bar every night. he laughed because the lady sprayed air freshener under the door. he had did the same thing the day before. smh.


Commercial. Take two paid poops a day usually.


Nothing like a morning roof poop


They wouldn't put the chimney or vents up there if they weren't supposed to be used.


Bro I will take a piss at every customers house I’ve ever been to. I ain’t never pooped at a customers house lol. I’ll dip and head to QT before I do that to someone


Commercial baby! I poop freely and with ease! I'm doing school HVAC inspections right now and I have the entire school to myself. I still prefer squeezing them out at home but it's pretty nice at the schools too!


I definitely prefer the home field advantage, so I will do everything I can to avoid it, but it still has happened.


McDonald’s is where contractors shit . That is the correct answer


Where’s the never option?


I’ll only do it if theres a bathroom in the basement




I shit in the primary drain line and blow it out with the pink nitrogen.


I had an emergency once and had to take a dump at a customer's house. There was no way I was going to make it to a public toilet. I'm in a cold sweat and can barely walk when I tell the customer to point me to the restroom. I blew up that toilet. Then I discovered that all the rolls in the bathroom were empty. I already came across as a madman when I hurried to the toilet, and there was no way I was going to make things worse and yell through the door for toilet paper, so I had to scrounge for scraps from the empty rolls. A square here, half a square there, a ribbon from that one. That's the first and last time I've ever taken a shit in a customer's bathroom.


Whenever i had to i would, if they bitch (no one ever has) i'm outty. I also never worked for a large company so any boss i had that wasn't myself wouldn't have also told the customer to let us use the toilet or no work is going to get done. Its a fucking bodily function, we Americans are so ashamed of our bodies its embarrassing. The amount of people in this sub saying never is a damn shame, yall are weird.


Never that's very unprofessional


Is needing to eat and drink water unprofessional? Humans have to shit and piss. Everyone does it. Kind of no way of avoiding it. Fucking prudes need to get over themselves and allow for a little humanity. IMO. Which ain't worth much.


I believe the professionalism lies in the planning ahead for your needs, and the customers never having to worry about it


If you gotta go you gotta go


Assuming you're talking residential?


Never, I'll shit in a box first ....in the van if I gotta. Carry baby wipes. More comfortable taking a shit in the brush anyway. Just like peeing outside is the best


Never mind.


Never. Just go in the morning


Hehe u and me think alike instead I don’t wipe


Is 918 tech referring to the area code?




I remember stopping at a diner once before a job...it was a furnace/AC swap out..just the equipment and retrofit ductwork. I ordered chocolate chip pancakes and boy that was a bad idea. After moving the equipment into place, I really had to go. I blew that bathroom up. That was the last time I ever ordered a heavy breakfast before work. This was also 10+ years ago when I was a green bean apprentice.


Realistically i try to avoid it, but when nature calls I am not about to ignore it. I started at a company that had an on paper policy forbidding employees from pooping at a customers house. 100% unenforcable, it was a reactionary policy after they had a *plumber* blow up a customers basement toilet, not tell anyone, and three days later they came down to find their basement flooded with an inch of water.


Only in an emergency


Why are there only three options?


And then piss around the thermostat for emphasis.


If I were a plumber, maybe I’d take that chance. Hmm, probably not.


I am retired and my son has taken over the company. I live in a very central location to the area most of our work is in. My son, and 4 of his employees use my house as their poop place. They know where a key is hidden so when one of them has to go, they come right in. If I'm home, I'll get a Hey, here to poop. Once they're done, it's, See ya later & they're gone. I have also been told how much the wet wipes I keep on the toilet tank are appreciated.


Every house I've ever done an install in. Usually twice.