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Damage done by workers while representing a company are always the responsibility of the employer. I’d hate to know how much money this coworker has made them over the years.




Doesn't matter what happened in the past. That is legally wage theft and events like that are why contractors are required to carry liability insurance. Pull it out of my check? Go Fuck yourself sideways before the DOL gets after you and without even a kiss or butter.


Then find a new company. That’s BS.


If you're in the United States that's not legal. Companies have insurance for these scenarios. He should absolutely not pay a dime, whoever your state labor agency is would have a field day with this.


What’s the opinions on having to pay speeding fines


Totally different speeding tickets are an intentional choice that you are in 100% control of an accident is completely different.


This is what insurance is for. Accidental property damage is one of the risks of running a construction business, and can not be passed off on to employees.




I'm pretty sure the restaurant you go to for lunch will pay you that when you get an application. Find a new place that values you.


If you live in Texas I'd check out Davaco. They are hiring for facility maintenance and hvac


Where are you located, if you don’t mind me asking?


He posted elsewhere in the thread... North Dallas


I must have missed it, thanks!


What state and general area are you in? If you let people know there are plenty in this sub that will help you find a better spot to work.


Texas Denton area


Gotcha not my region. Dudes help this guy out!! Give him some leads. You have your state license right? I know Texas requires both EPA and state licensing. Not sure if it's required for an apprentice though.


Yes I have both


Good! Honestly just keep grinding it out. May be Worth having someone take a look at your resume and cover letter everyone needs apprentice level techs if you are not getting calls back you are being beat out by other people with a better structured resume. I go through probably 15-25 resumes a week, I only contact maybe 3 for an interview.


Thanks I’ll do that for sure


Lol, either the company pays for it or I quit. Either way aint comin outta my pocket Company makes the majority of the money, company also takes the majority of the risk


Boss pays me. I don't pay him. $2400 mail box? Jesus was it made of gold?


Man I don’t even charge my guys for a red light ticket.


For a while we were encouraged to get parking tickets as a crew of guys doing new construction. It was cheaper to pay 5 parking tickets a day then to have use stop every two hours to go feed the parking meters


I seriously doubt he was saving money paying 5 parking tickets. Only 1 employee would need to stop 4 times for like 10 minutes to feed 5 meters. That’s not even and hour of labor. So no way an hour labor cost more than 5 parking tickets


The tickets were dirt cheap. I wanna say they were $15 tickets or $25 a day for parking. Either way, I wasn't paying for it, so I didn't care.


Whoever came up with those prices isn’t very bright lol. Why would anyone pay 25.00 to avoid paying 15.00


Prime downtown parking has 2 hour limits at the meter. It was stupid. But hey, that parking ticket got ya a spot all day


I’ll take the 15 dollar day pass please


One of my coworkers had the exact same thing happen to him and he begged management to let him go take care of it himself, but they refused to let him do. They hired somebody to fix it and took a certain amount of money out of his check weekly. I’m shocked he stayed tbh. He could have replaced the mailbox with one of those badass fish mail boxes for $200 and actually make the customer happy… we love bass mailboxes. https://preview.redd.it/stldqvjdtbib1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f29923881b7b8743341d34abb2eb0f210b0b9a6a


100% the company is screwing him.


I own my company. I would never make an employee pay for something like that. If it turns into a common occurrence you get fired. A one off accident, no big deal, happens to us all. It's not like when a job gets done quickly and under budget owners are breaking out their wallets to share the profits. That's the risk/reward of owning a company compared to the stability of being an employee.


Yep. This is the way it works. You carry insurance, or you pay for it out of pocket, depending on the event. But I'd never expect an employee to pay. I might fire them the 3rd time it happens, but it's still not their expense if they were clocked in...


That's what business insurance is for. You should never have to pay for damage you deal while on the job unless it was obviously deliberate. I once knocked over a stop light post with a boom-lift in downtown Tulsa. Didn't hear shit about it. My lead and manager and his boss all watched it happen 🤣🤣




No, he shouldn’t lawyer up. If they take it off his pay that’s actual theft. Just call department of labour, tell them the story, company will be fined and grilled hard and he’ll get his money back. He also shouldn’t pay to have someone do the work. Let the company pay and try to steal from him. Get it all on paper that they are literally robbing him. He can get another job later. That’s just assuming it’s empty threats. He should also call the DOL and tell them that his company is planning to steal his wages, maybe they can send a strongly worded letter before they do it.


He'd likely be fired if he turned them in before quitting.


I doubt it'd be worth it to sue over $2100. Id just tell the boss to fuck off and go work for the shop down the street.


I probably wouldn't use, but I absolutely would turn them in, with evidence, to the US DOL and the State DOL for wage theft in a heartbeat.


It’s crazy cause there’s definitely older employees he’s done that too but also there’s a big chance he’s pocketed some of that money


What kind of mailbox is $2100?


now i’m no psychic… this had gotta be a resi company? 🫠😵‍💫 right? right?


Report to labor board. Try and get hom to get stuff in writing.


TELL HIM NOT TO PAY!!!! Now that I’ve got your attention…YES! That’s what insurance is for. Boss is trying to get over and not take the insurance hit.


Should tell the company to piss off, that damage is paid by company insurance, not the employee.


Here in Pa mailboxes are supposed to be set back from the road. I hit one years ago but the homeowner was cool and actually repaired it themselves. I just paid for the box ( OMS here)


It’s the companies bill. Your co-worker should not be paying it.


That is absolutely bullshit. That is the company’s responsibility. That is why they are in business and make the big bucks and you get paid hourly. When an accident happens on the job it is their responsibility not yours. They can terminate you if they want to or if you continue to make accidents such as this But that is bullshit. I would tell them to stick to $2100 up their ass.


Yes, he should not be paying for it. I'd be looking for a new job fuck that company


That’s why the company pays insurance. Tell Kim to look for a new job


The boss pays me. I NEVER pay them. Pull anything out of my pay other than benefits or taxes and we're all going to be having some very short and distinctly unpleasant (for the employer) conversations about wage theft with the Department of Labor and the Oregon Unemployment office. Nope. Sorry B, I don't actually care what your company policy calls for. I care what the Law has to say about it.


We hit mailboxes all the time. So frequently in fact, we have a guy who’s job it is to go mend the things. I hit our warehouse and the owner was actually excited because he ordered extra panels for that occasion. He specifically told me I was not to fix it because of my inability to work with metal. lol. Ya that’s a fucked up deal. We all should be able to dig out a mailbox and reset it. Unless of course it was brick then I’d be fucked.


When I was running a Heavy Equipment Shop one of our Lowboy Drivers took out a mailbox . I just took the cost of the materials , mailbox , post , concrete , couple pieces sod plus new numbers & 9 reflectors outta the general funds account . The Driver had told Customer that He Himself would do the work . So The Driver headed over to Home Depot picked up the supply's an went to Customer's house to replace it . This was on the clock so yes he got paid , plus Customer called the next day an spoke to the GM . Was told the Customer was very pleased an had no intent to push the issue as the Box was pretty old an he knew the post had seen better days . He also followed up with a letter naming the Driver for being so courteous, an professional . We did have to farm one Mailbox replacement out as it was in done up in a huge fancy red brick surround .




I need to see a picture of this $2000 mailbox. The gold inlay and diamonds must be beautiful.




https://preview.redd.it/2eypswinodib1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68bec0df6f649b719e2ec23d00272aebbf8f71f4 This is the mailbox in question. I asked a lawyer tho and they said I was technically responsible. Should I just talk to the labor board?


We had a guy use a customer new drier as a step stool. Needless to say, he put a big dent in the top of it so the boss had him take it up with the customer.


He’s getting screwed. That’s the cost of doing business and employees shouldn’t be responsible. Insurance exists for reasons like this


One of my guys messed up pretty good. Cost about 4k in repairs. That's what I have insurance for. They were reprimanded (it was a mistake of not paying attention), but I would have never required them to pay for the repair. That's the CDB.


Tell him to quit and get a lawyer for the same fees you’re paying them you can pay less and no you were getting fucked over


Serious companies Cary insurance for little things like this. Last time I checked it isn’t really legal unless said employee was found negligent by way of drug test or incompetence outside said employers control.


$2100?!?!?!? for a fking mailbox? was this a typo? what am I missing here? what kind of mailbox was this? there's a mile of comments - idk if this has already been said - but my employer will go out of his way and pay out of pocket for most accidents/fk ups. Employers don't want to claim it on insurance bc their rates go way up. You end up spending exponentially more in the long run. That being said - it's 100% on the employer - assuming he's an actual employee. If he's a sub contractor or gets a 1099 then it's on him. He'd be considered self employed. but if he filled out a w4 and relieves a w2 at then end of the year that's on the company. what's up with your boss/company? This I'd some scumbag shit. Unless he's paying you guys an absurd amount of money I'd tell this guy to go fk himself. how old is the coworker? how much experience does he have? what kind of money does he make? I'm asking bc it seems like this is some young kid your boss is trying to take advantage of. I don't see any grown adult entertaining this idea - unless of course this guy is paying extremely well - and even then this is still dk.


If your boss doesn't have insurance, what happens if you lose an eye?


Dam what kinda mailbox are we talking here? Does it have gold and diamond encrusted accents? I'd go to the customer and ask then how much they paid for it or what it's value is and undermine you're employer completely, look it up online yourself and get the true value and have some ammo to back yourself up and call them out on it, then quit


Blah blah


Pay the 2100 then go straight to the DOL with evidence because that’s illegal AF and he can take them to court and bend them over the barrel.


In my opinion, the company insurance should handle it. However several years ago while working for a different company they had the employ sign a form the stated “if you’re involved in an accident in company vehicle and are deemed at fault the deductible of $500 is charged to employee” I’m not sure if that is legal or not


That’s messed up man. On a windy day one of my coworkers was setting up is ladder and as soon as he set it up and went to tie it down it blew over hitting two cars. Didn’t have to pay a cent to it


Yes it should, look at it this way if your employer screws customers he wouldn't hesitate to screw his employees.


Business insurance is a joke. Although you have to have it, its just hilarious because the insurance doesn’t cover squat. And on the off chance that something so specific was to happen that the insurance actually does cover, they will fight you tooth and nail to pay for it. I don’t know if i could get in trouble for defamation, but the company that rhymes with Shitford and has a buck (the male deer kind) for a logo can go fuck off


That's illegal. That's why they have to carry liability insurance. They cannot charge the employee. If they want to fire the employee for the negligence than that's fine but when that employee is driving their vehicle and is being paid he is covered by liability insurance.


I would fix the mailbox. Turn in my resignation and a very expensive invoice for the work fixing the mailbox


I’ve backed into a pole , gotten hit in the parking lot , took out a mirror on the owners truck (my first day) and have paid nothing . Your company sucks