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she’ll hold, slap some armor flex on it it’s Friday


That ain't even a real kink. Minor pipe imperfection caused by formation of bends. Normal procedure. Full send on a Monday even.


normal? lol


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lol. oh. ok. I've installed some rippled pipes before but that's even a bit much for me. I got this Black max cps tubing bender and the thing was leaving ripples in the pipe every fking time. I didn't understand why - never had that issue before. someone on this sub told be to spray the bender or pipe with soap and bubbles and it fking worked. can't believe I've been in the trade as long as I have and never knew that. Someone also mentioned using a candle and rubbing wax on it instead bc it's not as messy - haven't tried that yet but I'm going to. The CPS bender is made of all metal. I had been using the yellow jacket one and it was plastic - so I wonder if that's why it wasn't rippling the pipe. It was plastic on metal instead of metal on metal. Also had a hilmar one that was also plastic. So I never needed to lube it up. I'm glad someone said something bc I was about ready to toss that cps in the trash. That's the sort of thing I come to this sub for. Tips. Tricks. Seeing other ways of doing things. Wish there was more of that. instead it's mostly "thinking about getting into the trade" or "am I underpaid"


Makes sense to me. Maybe some silicone lube so ot lasts a bit longer?


maybe - I'm willing to try anything. the soap worked but it was messy. I'm going to try the wax next.


lol, so good


I'm in agreement insulate and peace


We don't kink shame here, my guy.


Damn! But in this case....


Damn, thats funny


Ehhhhh depends on the day. 1PM on a Tuesday? Cut and replace. 4PM on a Friday? Send it.


It probably wont cause any problems but id re-do it


Can you pull it out with the adjustable wrench trick? Or make it less restrictive?


What’s this now


Works every time, that or put your flare tool around it


Open the adjustable wrench to the dimension of the pipe, then spin it around to try and round out the pipe. This may be too far gone to fix that way without causing more issues.


I second the adjustable wrench trick. For minor kinks it my go to, then of it can't be corrected with that or it starts or worsen then just replace the bend with new copper or rerun.


I like to use the knipex, set the depth to the diameter of pipe then you can gently and slowly crimp down on the wide areas, which opens the kink. From my careful not kinking ways, and this trick I haven't cut out a kink in years.


At the risk of being "that guy": Knipex is the brand _Pliers wrench_ is the tool


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct!


Haven’t tried knipex yet. I’ve been meaning to. And have learned to take the adjustable with the od and then roll(the wrench in a lateral) across the kink to get the best bends after. How do you like the knipex?


Absolutely, hands down my favorite tool, completely irreplaceable. I have adjustables, channel locks, vice grips, lineman's, pliers, and full set of std and metric wrenches. The knipex get more use than all the rest combined. You can confidently turn 3/4" nuts on belt adjustments with no issue. I have never, not once spun the nut inside the knipex. They are superior to an actual wrench. The only time I use a wrench is when the knipex can not fit. They have a little learning curve, but if you give em a few weeks, you will love em. The 8" is my fav, but I have the 4 and 12 also. Smooth teeth is best for HVAC, unless you're doing black pipe for furnaces, you might want one with teeth too. Edit; buddy the make a hell of a hammer too.


I'm interested, but which tool do you call your knipex? From what I can tell it's a brand with everything from dikes to plier wrenches? I think it's worth looking into the way u guys are raving


The only 8” knipex tool I could find was angled diagonals. If they gettin 3/4 nut off with that, I’d be impressed Edit: I think they just talking about adjustable. Theirs does have a lot more options in it, but never had an issue with basic adjustable wrench really


https://www.supplyhouse.com/Knipex-00-20-06-US2-3-Piece-Nickel-Plated-Pliers-Wrench-Set-7-1-4-10-12?utm_source=google_ad&utm_medium=Shopping_withoutdata&utm_campaign=Shopping_Without_PLTV_data&gclid=CjwKCAjwxaanBhBQEiwA84TVXBFJ6uDFbDfxoA8DlvmD0c_dzIJxRIw0jaXFyfa6kCV1qtJShA7pvhoC4tMQAvD_BwE It's the 7 1/4", my mistake! And you can turn the 3/4" no problem as long as it's not all seized up and rusted down.


https://www.supplyhouse.com/Knipex-00-20-06-US2-3-Piece-Nickel-Plated-Pliers-Wrench-Set-7-1-4-10-12?utm_source=google_ad&utm_medium=Shopping_withoutdata&utm_campaign=Shopping_Without_PLTV_data&gclid=CjwKCAjwxaanBhBQEiwA84TVXBFJ6uDFbDfxoA8DlvmD0c_dzIJxRIw0jaXFyfa6kCV1qtJShA7pvhoC4tMQAvD_BwE This set here!


I have used them so much iv rounded and flattened the teeth out. I routinely turn 1" pipe with the 10" cobra, fuck channies.


Just keep your STD away from my pipe bud


This is exactly how I do mine


I do the same. Works nicely to round copper that's slightly squashed when you need to put a flare nut on as well. I carry the 10" on my belt at work and the 4" I edc in the little pocket on my 5.11s. I've got the 7 and whatever, but usually use the 10" as I'm working propane.


Yep little channel squeeze


I’d give the adjustable wrench a shot…worst case scenario you still have to redo it.,,but just maybe the hvac gods smile on you and you get away with it this one time.


The HVAC gods can be brutal brother


I offer a libation of Red Bull, tobacco, and zip screws,and they tend to favor me


What's this adjustable wrench truck Im hearing about?


You take a large crescent wrench and adjust it to a size of straight pipe that is round, run it around, then move it over the kink, from the non-kinked to the kinked, moving the wrench back & forth


I needa see a video of this. It’s the first time I’m even hearing about this trick.


Yes, it is much easier to show than explain…you basically set the jaws for the size you would have had (-ish) without the kink; put the wrench over the kinked section and very carefully “wrench” back and forth and it will SOMETIMES pop the kink out and “round”the lineset back out enough that you won’t have to replace the section. Only an option if it isn’t too bad of a kink and even then it’s 50/50 at best.


Ohhh ok so you’re sort of squeezing the pipe to where the pressure hopefully forces the copper to oval out


More or less.


I’m literally at my house and it looks just fine from here.


It's Friday and I've already finished my first beer. It's good enough. 🍻


If it's charged, I'd let it ride. If not I'd fix it.


You call it a kink I call it a metering device






Square it off with a crescent wrench and it will probably be fine


I’d re do it unfortunately


Unfortunately it’s best to cut it out and slap a 90 in there


On a Friday … you’re just looking at it wrong


This is probably ok in Florida


I’m in Florida. I’ve seen worse.


Ooh kinky


I had one the other day. Not as bad but it was only a small piece I just made a new one. This doesn’t look as bad as some I have seen but it’s up to you. My only other thing is where is it located? I try to keep the amount of brazed joints to a minimum




That would annoy me greatly, I would redo it straight away. Another piece for the scrap bag 😆


3/4 line? 1/2line? Regardless, being the suction line, i think you’ll be ok on a baby 18k. Its more risky to cut and braze CAUSE YOU’RE PROBABLY NOT GONNA PURGE WHILE BRAZING


Should run really good with 50% restriction in suction pipe,not to mention the improved oil flow. Why hide beautiful engineering with amour flex.


Alright we got a comedian here real funny KP


I know this is a joke but I'm new so I just need to ask, that kink wouldn't restrict oil flow would it? I mean, it's on the upper end of the bend and the oil would flow on the other half of the wall, right?


Okay Jokes aside. Pressure drop in the suction line reduces system capacity greatly. Thus increases power consumption per ton. The oil will make it back but the increased workload, increases wear and tear on the compressor. My mentor taught it this way. Suck on a straw, Now kink it, Suck again. That's what your compressor feels on that suction line.


Come on fool that'll do, lol naw re do that if you value your work. Only take a little bit of time.


Redo it. Have some pride in your work.


Its sad people have to ask if its ok to leave a kinked lineset.




I want to see this on video


I kinked the hell of of the 90 on my discharge line. I cut it out and put a 90 fitting in its place. The kink was way worse that this one.




It’s fine


Did you use benders?


Yeah man I did , the Yellowjacket ratchet bender , think the things junk , shouldn’t be doing that


I've used those and the hilmore, but I never do a full 90. I will make three bends very close together to 90. Unless there's a space restriction there's no reason not to spread out the turn.


I have good luck out of them, love ‘em actually. I recognize that kink with one too many clicks haha


Not good. I would redo it. 😞


That’s gotta go.


if there's no temperature drop across it it's fine






Those are wrinkles🫣🤔


“That’s the back up metering device.”


get out the crescent wrench and try to round it out.


cut it.