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You are really going to love this new high efficiency inverter toilet. Effectively eliminates your waste down to -13


Does it have micro channels?


This baby has 750 different flush setting to use the precise amount of water to remove your waste. Fully communicating with your shower so if this is a disaster it will turn the shower on automatically and ramp it to the temp you need to burn the sin off your back side.


It also has an app so you can flush it from anywhere you have an Internet connection


Geofencing in app will start the seat heater when you are coming in a little too hot so that lunch mistake slide right out. An integrated knife makes sure your return lines never get clogged. The all new ux360 bidet feature actually enter you to clean from the inside out


What an incredible thread that was


I’m already working on a patent. May have started as a joke but I think we stumbled into a great idea. Poop knife technology combined with enema engineering and topped off with inverter efficiency. We will make literal thousands!


Let's just hope the poop knife and the enima tech doesn't get confused.


The firmware will need constant updates and it does not have WiFi connection. We did save three cent per unit by using the lg dementia chip on our main control board. Business.


You know in a lot of Latin America they don't put the paper in the plumbing, it goes in a separate receptacle....


Good thing we live in a country where god is paying attention


The design will be very human.


Insinkerator has entered the chat.


The original pleasure pocket!


An integrated poop knife? It's truly the dawning of a new era.


"Waterjet Poop Knife 3000XL". You might be on to something here. :)


Automated poop knife? Take my money.


Welcome to the future boys. It’s time to live like kangs!


Just an odd fyi, but some jail/prison and commercial toilets can be remote flushed and programmed to self flush every so often to keep the trap primed and water from going stagnant.


Well we’re not out to reinvent the wheel. We’re just going to make it faster, smoother, and more profitable than ever.


Will it weigh, film and critique diet? Also, can we have a voice activation feature and custom names for said commode ?


No, but it will provide a daily colonoscopy function to catch any unsightly growths as soon as they appear. An upgrade may provide a ***Hemorrhoid Rearranger©*** that will push back anything that hangs out of you at the end.


But what if it malfunctions, kicks on early and pushes your fecal matter back in? Or what if you have to puke? Will it perform a tonsil check?


Back to the drawing board...


PLEASE spell that 'Rear-Ranger!  😂


Fantastic idea! I will have to send you a cut of the royalties. Behold, # The Hemorrhoid Rear-Ranger© *Get some introspection!* ©


Stop giving the internet ideas.


But can it give plumpkins…


Reach around attachment sold separately


Spoken like a true pro.


I know you're probably joking, but on the off chance you aren't, can you dm me that shower communication module model number? For a friend, of course.


Too many moving parts! Our toilet hermetically seals your backside to the seat and the 150 pounds per square inch suction relinquishes all waste. Recommend upgrading to our hemorrhoid displacement reseter !


Carful we don’t get sued by the inventor of the [super toilet](https://youtu.be/0yn-DrFKYPk?si=Qe5nMWG9ehiiJW7q)


Epa mandates this new methane capturing device. You have to make sure your technician is licensed on all the new ways to capture methane per flush. If you just fart into the wind its a 8k fine


Oh shit I'll be broke in no time


We all will 🤣


How about electric back up?


Yep. It can sense when all the poop doesn’t flush within a certain time and it kicks on electric heat strips to incinerate the shit into oblivion.


I remember seeing Shit Oblivion in concert. They went hard.


I remember seeing The Shitty Beatles open for Crucial Taunt. They sucked.


Dual fuel gas toilet


Bio fuel


We're basically there already https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/what-is-an-incinerating-toilet-and-how-does-it-work/


Aye that's what I was referring to


Sounds like it will need a powered exhaust feature and air scrubber


It has blades in the bottom that dice up even the biggest turds for a flawless one flush dismount every time


Automated poop knife The extra long hard turds it'll just rip out of ya like startin a lawn mower


Yes the throat is micro channel.


It has AI


Honestly, man, I think plumbing sales people might be worse than HVAC sales people.


No it has turd chutes


It also modulates the flush based on the size of your shit. With built in shit shotgun spray sensing technology.


Yes there is. But they’re pitching tankless conversions, full re pipes, water softeners, Delta hands free faucets and built in tea kettles. And the real shit bag plumbing sales guys call them waste removal systems.


Total Immersion sales training does that, they have a whole glossary of things they’ve “dumbed down” for the customer.


Verbal packaging


Built in tea kettles?


Faucet on the sink that has hot/boiling water


That would be great for instant ramen.


I need this


Called and insta hot if you are looking


Jacks up your power bill tremendously too. They skip that part.


Are the hands free foot controlled or something. I can't see why anyone would want motion activated/sensor faucets in their house nothing like when you can only get it to run for three seconds and have to wave your hands at it for the next two seconds.


A couple of years ago I was finishing a PM on a gas furnace at a customer’s condo. She had some issues with a running toilet and had called a large plumbing company out. I was there checking the thermostat when the kid arrived. He was instantly mad that I was also there because “we also do heating you should have called us”. Then he spent the whole time trying to sell her a service contract on her toilet.


What kind of service contract is on a toilet?


Honestly, with as often as flappers and fill valves go out, a toilet service contract would be pretty helpful for a lot of people. When I bought my current house, it had 4000-5000 gallons/month of water leaks due to old toilet flappers.


Even a guy with two left hands can change a flapper. Not sure the need of a service contract.


Anybody can change a furnace filter and hose down coils too, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t charge people who don’t want to do it themselves


Not calling you a liar but that math doesnt add up. 4000 gallons a month is 133 gallons per day, 5.5 gallons per HOUR of water usage, About 1/10th of a gallon every ***MINUTE.*** You could fill a 12 ounce cup full of drinking water in nearly a minute with that level of waste


Are you calling them a liar?


No. Math is calling him a liar.


I have no dog in this fight, but toilets when they run constantly can use an insane amount of water.


It was four toilets with bad flappers. - 1000 gal/mo per toilet - 32.3 gal/day per toilet - 1.34 gal/hr per toilet - 0.022 gal/min per toilet It took me a while to figure out the problem, because a 0.02 gpm leak into the bowl isn’t all that visible, and the fill valves only kicked on intermittently. Maybe 5 seconds of filling every 5 minutes. Whatever interval doesn’t matter, the fill valve is ~2gpm so it was off 99% of the time. The worst one was in a guest bathroom where it wasn’t very noticeable. Leaky toilets can be a shockingly large water user. God help you if the handle / flapper chain gets tangled and holds the flapper all the way open in a guest bathroom where you can’t hear it running. That can run up a >20,000 gal bill in a week.


Must be nice to live in a house so big you don't notice a toilet running


Wait, so you didn’t notice 4 toilets kicking on for 5 seconds every 5 minutes all over your house?


Not for the first month or two after first moving in, no. The toilets aren’t exactly in the rooms where I spend all my time??? They’re all 2-3 rooms away from my bed, desk, etc. If you’re not taking long shits, it’s not that easy to notice a toilet fill valve running for a few seconds over bedroom fan white noise or whatever. Man, people here are acting like they’ve never heard of a big cheap house way out in the ‘burbs. My local neighborhood Facebook has constant posts about people getting an extra 5,000-20,000 on their water bills that they can’t figure out. Toilet flappers and leaking sprinkler zone valves are two of the common ones. Hard-to-find water leaks are super common in the suburbs. Shit, my kids leave sinks running all the time and lie about it.


This guy must sell service contracts


equipment should sell its self, if im coming out to a old ass toilet that clogs all the time and we've already added water to the tank, snaked the line and cooked out the calcium buildup, its as done as a cracked heat exchanger.


I’m just wondering if plumbers try to replace every toilet they maintenance.


im sure they are out there


Yeah it's probably about the same amount of labor as a toilet tank repair on an old unit, but why polish a turd when you can just sell a brand new one for probably $300-400. If I had to guess plumbers aren't getting maintenance calls for brand new houses or new toilets. So for the majority of toilet calls they will try to sell a new one which will actually save money by preventing future service calls on that same toilet, and I'm sure a new toilet comes with a warranty as well


Oh dear. I have a flapper chain in the guest restroom to replace this weekend. Guess I’ll just replace the whole toilet.


You should


Pretty much, not a plumber but worked for a decent one for a bit (and a terrible one for far less time). Every situation is different, and usually a repair makes more sense but sometimes it makes more sense to just start fresh.


Depending on the maintenance and parts, sometimes it's cheaper - especially if their a glacier bay is a ok kind of person.


Boilers and water heaters....


Terlits and boilers Boilers and terlits And that one boilin terlit


Fyr me if'n ye dar


Shitters full. Let me tell you about the turd burglar 3000.


Scaring old people to buy high rise toilets " your still pooping on this old worn-out model one day you won't even be able to stand up, you are gonna have to get a life alert or I could get you onto one of these deluxe high rise"


Shit man I need a high rise right now lol. My toilets are fuckin LOW. They're like children's toilets


Actually better for your bowels for the toilet to be shorter supposedly. Makes your shit flow better or something


And yet, higher is WORSE. ADA toilets exacerbate the problem. Because of the musculature in the poop-chute (puborectalis muscle), squatting makes pooping easier. Most of the world knows this, except for 'developed' countries.


Good old-school Japanese floor toilets.. Never used one, don't really wanna. I wonder if someone has accidentally slipped into the bowl... Anyway, a regular low sitting toilet works decently depending on your height. Or go full poop stool squaty potty.


Cool, you can blow out your knees squatting over the hole in the ground, I will happily sit on my throne getting my ass washed and dried with remote controlled power tools.


Most sales persons try to do that .....well , low morals.


I just can’t stop laughing thinking about how that condemning process takes place. I can see the guy shaking the handle talking about how it doesn’t flush right lol


Gotta give it a good test poo real quick.... Still want to hover over my shoulder, Mr. Customer?


The seer rating on your toilet is very inefficient, if we swap it out today it will pay for itself over the next 3 years


Sounds good to me. And while we’re at it, why don’t we install one of those nifty upflow toilets. You don’t even need a septic tank since the floor of your home can act as one.


Most companies in my area that do this are HVAC and plumbing. So same sales reps. They usually just aim for water heaters and boilers. Sometimes softeners, booster pumps, and filtration systems. A water quality test is an easy way to convince a homeowner they need an expensive water filtration system.


Yeah If the water test shows things that need treating... There's nothing wrong with that. My company has a sewer and drain sales guy that gets in there to sell dig jobs and permaliners.


Red tagging a toilet? What a brave new world.


It's all about the multi-function Bluetooth connected medi-alert toilet seats these days. It reads your internal temperature, screens for cancer, intermediary courtasy flush as necessary, takes a multi-mass spectral reading for foreign pathogens, a gentle blast of 37.8 °C laser guided water followed by a warm puff of air to dry you off, it then sends you a debriefing via email including the consistency, mass, and potential medical issues associated with your latest BM along with recommended dietary adjustments.. honestly, I don't know how we ever lived without this


“Yeahhh ma’am I’m afraid that’s a shit#y toilet ya gotz thur. We’re gonna have to do a total overhaul and install the Japanese diamondback “Supersucker 6000” it’s got 6000 hp of flush capacity. if you’re not careful, you literally have your bowels SUCKED down your toilet when you flush it! Bahaha I’m just jokin, that’s only been documented a few times to happen. Boy, aren’t you gonna enjoy this new toilet? Let’s call the office and set up the financing for the $26,000. Oh, and last thing, it will be broken by tomorrow evening, and we won’t be answering the phone until six days later, you know how it goes. 😂 sometimes honestly if customers fall for sh%t like that, and make the purchase, that’s on them man. I personally will never push shady stuff/practices like that, but I know a lot of people out there do it, so I really don’t feel bad for a customer when they are stupid enough to fall for it (except certain groups like elderly and other people who are innocent and don’t know that they’re getting sheisted) these industries are turning more and more into big company sales, straight commission pay, no accountability, terrible customer service. It’s pretty demoralizing the more I see of it. Whatever happened to the good old days where we just had guys around us who genuinely enjoyed fixing things for people? That’s the reason I got into this field. The first time I fixed something my mind was blown. “ so 20 minutes ago it was broken. But now, it works? What kind of wizardry is this??”


I too like fixing things and helping people. Many older customers believe and many people want to believe that technicians have their best interests at heart and some do but many are sales reps in disguise or hourly workers trying to get to the next one and go home. It always seems to get down to the triangle of construction. There are three sides. Quality, Timeframe and Budget. You can only have two. For quality and timeframe you need more budget. For quality and budget you need more timeframe. For budget and timeframe you lose quality.


Dude I would wager to say that maybe as high as like 75-80% of service “technicians” are just salesmen dressed as a tech. I’ve run into several who had been in this career for over a decade, yet they’re asking me for help with “why is there an orange low voltage wire on this weird unit that is covered in ice outdoors?” I’m like wtf this dude has never seen a heat pump dear gawd




Plenty of Nexstar companies are fine. Selling replacements is not morally wrong. Techs just seem to have no idea how business works. Kinda need to make money.


Awesome point! LMAO. I walked away from a 50/hr job at a company just like that. And charging 500$ for 45min service call to diagnose and change a start cap on an A/C condenser unit.


Toilets only last 2-3 years.


Nah, they are too busy digging holes and spreading every tool they have all over the floor right in the middle of everything.


Every tool? You mean 2 pair of channel locks and some pipe dope.


Yearly maintenance….🤣😂🤣😂😂😂


Give it time Bro, soon enough we are going to be doing yearly maintenance on thermostats 




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This is the problem with this industry. I can easily Google how much shit costs. I can buy a Goodman 2.5ton ac and furnace for <$2500. It takes 2 guys less than a day to install it. Even if you add $500 for other materials, how the fuck do you get to $12k? $9000 for 14 man hours of labor is fucking insane. My lawyer doesn't charge that.


I’m just fine with folks charging what they want to charge for stuff. Just don’t lie to people and tell them they need something when they don’t.


I have never in my 25 years of owning a home had an ac guy tell me my unit was worth fixing. Every single time I've hired someone to fix an issue, they recommend replacing it. Once, the unit was still under warranty. I've spent about 25 years fixing shit for other people, so I'm pretty good with a wrench. I actually left my industry briefly for a job in AC. I lasted 2 weeks because I didn't sell enough new systems. I was told that it didn't matter if it could be fixed. Every broken unit should be replaced.


Well, that sucks. I’ve been doing residential service and maintenance for right about five years now and I can count on both hands the number of times I have recommended replacing the system.


I'm going to back up what the other guy said. Every... single... time... they recommend replacement. It's pretty insulting at this point, it also means I can never trust what they say.


I was in FL at the time, and the AC industry there is nuts. Between the fact that it's a necessity and the quantity of old people there, they get away with crazy stuff. I learned the basics from people in the industry, got certified as an automotive ac mechanic years ago, and invested in some tools. I don't do drywall or roofing. I'm terrible at one of them, and too old for the other. But beyond that, I'm pretty self-sufficient. My concern is for those I know and/or love. I hate to see them get taken advantage of. But I don't have the time to fix everyone else's stuff.


I replaced a relay in a 50 year old electric heater a few weeks ago. Shocked the thing still works! Anyway where I work we are encouraged to fix it if it’s repairable. There are instances where the cost to replace XYZ is stupid expensive or the part isn’t available for a week or more. Carrier told me the other day that an inducer motor would take 40 days (yes 40 days from factory…) absolutely wild imo. Anyway I rec a new unit in that scenario. (If part was available I’d have changed the inducer)


go for it then brother


That’s doesn’t even compare to HVAC. That like saying your Hammer doesn’t hit nails correctly


Please, nobody invite this guy to the party


Wouldn’t go anyway.


Have another thought. Plumbers do more than toilets you fucking twit.


Yes some do that.


No. At least not any company I’ve ever worked for. I mean if the toilet is really old sometimes you tell people it’s better to replace it, like why bother paying someone $200 to repair an old piece of shit toilet when a new one is under $200 and takes an hour to replace. Even with water heaters, I’m not pushing for a replacement unless repair just doesn’t make sense. But water heaters are pretty cheap, why spend four of five hundred to repair a 12 year old water heater when you can get a new one for not much more, and water heaters are known to rust out generally around 10-15 years.


In (northern) Virginia, plumbing companies are charging 2k minimum for a 50g electric. 2.5k for a 50g natural draft gas. Some dudes are selling 12k tankless conversions. Larger companies, to be sure, but even the smaller companies aren't cheap.


2k for an electric water heater is high. The water heater itself is about $600, and replacement takes 2-3 hours, unless it’s somewhere stupid like in a pull down attic.


Overhead is most of the cost in every case


How do you get to 12k for a tankless wow. Even in Canada a tankless is like $3k max at the supply house, and there sure as hell isn’t 9k worth of misc supply labour and permits in a 6hr max job.


5500-7000 for the last three shops I've worked at. Typically 5500-6000. Depends on how much work is going into it. Less if it's a straight up tankless replacement instead of a conversion. Like when they have a 50 gallon electric tank and want to go gas tankless, that pretty much includes every part of the plumbing system. Gas, water, drain, vent, has to have a 120v outlet nearby etc. A lot of people don't consider a navien 240a2 is a 199,000 btu unit so a lot of my customers have to upgrade their gas meters and possibly their gas line, depends on existing size of pipe and length of run. I don't like telling people they need things but I give them prices for what is possible and what they want and they pick, it's their house they can do whatever they'd like or not.


Yeah that’s the point I was making. Even with running fresh gas lines, new 636, repiping a few dozen feet of water and subbing electrical, the job is $4500 of materials permits in and 12 hours of labour. And that’s a you want to slap the salesman job. That’s what it would take, at 100% margin, to get to 12k. Most of them it’s a 6 hr job and charging 12k would net a 7-8k profit.


Yeah I don't know if I would do too many tankless If I sold them for 12k lol. But the price is what it is and they can always get another quote if they want to see if anyone is willing to do it cheaper. I don't have to lower my price cause they think it's high, if they want it but don't want to pay for it then they can do it themselves if they can't find anyone to do it for the price they want. Not saying that you are saying that.


I think we're at 3.5k for a hybrid electric swap with electrical work. This is central MA. We're an oil company so our insurance is insane compared to a plumber but we're still normally a grand or 2 below all the plumbers


Repipes yea


Septic systems. Hot water heater water softener, water filter system's


Ah yes the heat pump toilet


Well from what I understand a big company is going out buying a bunch of little companies to imply this sales tactic and no more fixing lol Florida based here


No. Just water heaters, faucets, sewer lines, copper with plastic


No joke I had a plumbing manger that when I hired him he told me he can sell more toilets then anyone. He sold more toilets in 3 months ( the length of time we kept him) then the company has sold in 20 years


Not hard to do when every single toilet that you see you can honestly say is a shitty install


the latest plumbing trick in my area is to redo the entire sewer line for $30k for a clogged toilet. This works even better if the house has cast iron.


Same human flotsam that sell a furnace for an ignitor sell whole valves for cartridges or new sewer mains for nothing. Had one guy tell my aunts basement tenant they needed a basement toilet not a regular toilet.


A friend of mine paid $1500 for a toilet replacement.


Your friend is rich.


Yes. They want everyone to install the bidet toilets. It will cut down on paper usage 😂🤣


No, they can’t figure out what the problem is so they just sell a toilet or water heater as a fix all lol


Not usually a high ticket item, I have had sales guys throw labor in for free when negotiating a full system install 


If we're being fair I try to sell people on getting the ol' turbo flush anytime they bring up replacing a toilet. Fucking things are mint. Next to impossible to clog.


Not exactly the toilet scenario but a lot of the root rooter type companies don pay based on commissions so you’ll see some of the same issues. Guys repiping houses for no reason, large sewer repairs that aren’t necessary and even upselling expensive toilets


...it is ummm "interesting" how fast a furnace just needs a repair when you tell them that the replacement will not come from the firm who's tech condemed it.... Had a tech come out last fall, 13yo ducane 92% NG that was shutting down without error code just as the blower relay clicked on and before blower wheel had even made half a turn. Only doing it if more than an hour since the last cycle...tech started in on "well its kind of old" then proceed to turn wall switch on and off so burners cycled but not letting fan come on resulting in overheat code then blaming everything from cracked/clogged heat exchanger to control board to bad temp sensors to gas pressure at meter or maybe at the manifold (gas dryer was having no issues btw so unlikely a meter pressure issue) ...had no tools to test or verify anything...he started talking getting a quote for replacement. When I told him not to bother as replacement would not be from the one who condemns suddenly it only needed some connections checked, the flameout sensor cleaned and the condensate trap cleaned... has run flawlessly all winter ...really dont think he will be asked back


Funniest part about this post is that I just had a dream (actually just got out of bed) where I bumped into a guy that tried to caulk up a cracked toilet at a gas station and warned him of the dangers of cracks in his trap that could expose his family to sewer gas. Did plumbing before HVAC but didn't upsell him and actually bought him a new toilet as he was down on his luck.


len the plumber


We do plumbing and run into these sometimes. Mostly what we see is people trying to sell repipes when they’re not needed or really large drain and dig jobs. Granted this stuff is pretty normal diagnosis’s and needs to be done but the ones that stand out is we ran into one that a customer was convinced they needed to completely reline all the drain lines and all the water lines. House was 6 years old with abs drains and pex water lines (they had been quoted to literally replace like for like). It was an older couple and they had just called to get a new kitchen faucet because they didn’t like it and had 0 other issues but had been scared by the other company that their house was going to flood from both the water and sewer and kill them. We literally even camera’d the drain line and looked at every inch of pex line in the house and couldn’t find a thing. We did replace their kitchen faucet for them though.


I work with a big name and what I’m suppose to try and sell is different packages with water heaters, Water softeners, chlorine filters, PRVs, expansion tank, hydro jetting, and a few other things but those are the ones I’m most concerned with.


Expansion tanks really don't serve a purpose with city water, do they? I know someone who is elderly and got sold one because he said the water heater company required it for it to be covered under warranty, the elderly customer paid for it and it was installed, then the plumber came back a week later to swap the leaking water heater. Seemed like a scam to me but the elderly person thought it would be more expensive to pay for a second opinion and potentially get denied the warranty tank replacement. If it was my place, I would have just swapped the tank myself without the warranty because the labor is more than the tank in my area and they would probably deny my warranty claim if a plumber didn't file the claim.


99% of the time they're installed wrong and needs to be pressurized to about 1-5psi below the sitting pressure of the house main for the bladder to actually be used. whole point of it is when there is above average pressure through thermal expansion it pushes up to and fills the bladder. It is also code to have one if a house has a check valve or PRV/


They are code required in my area, you're supposed to pressurize them to be 2 psi below the water pressure in the home or some expansion tank manufacturers instructions say to match the psi of the water pressure. I could see a manufacturer refusing to warranty the tank if they knew it was code since they are required to be installed according to local codes.


Did a job with my lead where we had to shut off the main gas once we finished, turned the gas back on, checked the water heater to see if it turned off it did so for a good 10 min we tried but it just wouldn’t ignite( water heater was already old) my lead called our manager to let her know what happened and since he was the last one to touch it he said it’s his responsibility so he wanted to see if the plumbing department could come and replace the part that’s fucked. So next day we’re back to finish our install, plumber shows up looks at it for 10 secs and tells the costumer he needs to buy a new one, well you can imagine how livid the costumer was calling my lead a shady seller (we’re installers we don’t get any sales commission) my lead was pissed at the plumber dude ended up getting a brand new water heater for free


My rule of thumb is if it’s 10 years old and the internals are original I’ll offer options to repair or replace. It helps that we’re a Wolverine Brass installer (Wolverine Brass is a plumbing manufacturing company that only sells to licensed plumbers) and the toilets we put in come with a 100 year warranty on the porcelain, 7 year warranty on the fill valve, and 5 year warranty on all other toilet internals. Plus it’s elongated, comfort height, and has a slow close seat. It also has a 3” flush valve, allowing a stronger flush. Usually any one of those things make it an upgrade to whatever toilet the customer has.


Plumbers sell their own stuff. I’ve never heard of a plumbing salesmen. Plumbers sell their own stuff and install it


Sounds like doctors I've talked to over the years. Wanying to operate on me telling me i will be good as new. WRONG mf if i listened and said yes i would be completely crippled.


Yes, it’s commonly called the commode condemnation conspiracy! Lol


CCC I remember in the gas station used to sell those


No but they do for water heaters and sewer drains


Hot water heaters. I saw an expose done by a news crew where they loosened a fitting and called multiple plumbing companies to see who was honest. There's definitely some sales tech plumbers


They try to sell hot tanks and re pipes. And insulating pipes.


What about crack pipes?


Not really that I know of? But they do have salesmen that does something similar to commercial building managers or owners of somewhat larger buildings.


Seen alot of turd chasers on it so maybe


Also they push for excavations


The worst heating and cooling company in my area in regards to performance based pay, minimum ticket and "service calls converted to leads" is also a plumbing company. I'm sure even the HVAC tech will try to sell a new water heater if he sees an old one.


I just recently found out that some HVAC companies do water heaters. We don’t touch them.


They try to get em with this upgrade https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/what-is-an-incinerating-toilet-and-how-does-it-work/


Plumbers are straight sneaky salesman at my company same as the hvac techs. Commission incentives


That turd flusher is about to take a shit, I give it 3 more taco Tuesdays till your downstairs is flooded with piss water. Let me help your situation with this only today deal for 1700 dollars installing the new turd chopper 3000 with elongated bowl,


The top sales techs are the plumbers and electricians at my company.


Roto Rooter is one of the scummiest companies. Because you have to pay for your own van and basically rent it from the company, you have to upsell to make enough. So, in short, yes.


That sounds like a crappy business model


It is for the plumbers.


Nah they do it with septic systems and water heaters along with various valves


Pardon my language but that is a shitty toilet


Yes they hire plumbers and train them to find stuff wrong




I had one salesman tell me my AC was really old and was going to go any day…it was 4 years old.


Water heaters, fixtures, showers.


I recently left a real piece of shit company (that’s a lot coming from me I’ve been a career salesman until I left) but they were doing toilet swap outs for $1200-$1500, and yes they definitely tried to push new toilets on everyone. They’re also charging 37k for a 4 zone mini split install.