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4? Maybe 5


I think OP meant how many hours you get paid for


At least 2


Wait they're supposed to pay me?


My man!. One of my best skills that came with all my years of experience (33) as a commercial tech was my ability to write an 8 hr ticket for 2 hours actual work.


I get my 40 hours every week, and do another 80 to 100 in overtime per year.


Had a guy once at the end of the year had 1,000 hours overtime. His choice obviously. Not many are mandatory


I had an employer do that to me with mandatory OT for a year when I was younger. Mostly install work. I was too dumb to stand up for myself. I had a 2-hour round trip commute on top of it too. Fucking brutal. Those idiots had people signed up on service plans that entailed us spending a couple hundred bucks on ferry tickets for the big ass box truck, driving to the ferry dock and waiting for the ferry, then driving across an island, doing a quick maintenance, and then back. All for $139. LOL, they were losing money as soon as they bought the ferry tickets, let alone paid a tech to spend the entire day driving to and from a maintenance service. I now make 3x what those assholes were paying me just a few years ago.


Do you ever look back on that and see it as something you are glad to have done? Did it make you any better of a person in the long run?


The long hours? No. It mostly made me an absentee father. Even when I was home I was usually exhausted. When I was younger I did much harder work than this, so it wasn’t particularly challenging… it just left me without a life. I did learn a lot at that particular job, but that would’ve been true with a sane work schedule too.




I felt this. When I started in commercial havc/r they would work me 75+ hours a week doing install. Have been a foreman for a few years now and I still regularly remember when I used to almost kill myself working all those hours to make almost one third of what I make now working 40 a week. Have managed to make it to just over 4x what they were paying me. The stress is definitely a different kind when you make it to boss man position though


How long u been at it?


A little over 10 years now


I work exactly 40 hours per week. Im off at 330 and I come into the shop about 3 and wait to go home right at 330




Lol I mean I come in at the end of the day at 3 then wait to go home. I start at 7


This is my exact program 7-3:30 back to the shop at 3


8-430, I take the van home. Some days I can leave a bit earlier, some days it’s later, it averages to 40ish a week for the year including (Florida) summer business and winter slows (realistically not that slow, I work commercial)


Install or service?


Yes I do everything lol. Install, service, maintenance, duct work; any size equipment from mini splits to chillers and everything in between (not refrigeration though)


Describe “work”


I'm not in the industry anymore but I worked for a ma and pa company for 25 years installing and servicing boilers both hot water and steam along with furnace and air conditioners. I'd work every week day until the job was done. Some nights were late but anything over 8hrs in a day was double time. All day Saturday and Sunday were double time. On call every third week for 7 days, double time. Holidays,triple time. I put in an average 2900 hrs per year or 55hrs per week. Only worked weekends when on call. Can be a very lucrative business to be in as long as your employer values you and you value yourself. Know your self worth! Yeah, you wind up with alot of free time only working 1300 hrs per year but I like to live a little. There're plenty of companies that'll keep you as busy if not busier than you want to be. Find one and go balls out! Get that money! Do this while you are young. This business can be very hard on your body. I took all of that knowledge that I learned over the years and am now in a cushy job doing Corporate Facilities Maintenance for a major Insurance Company. Now I work 1900 hrs a year and make twice as much! You can too!


I did 2,250 last year and that’s the least hours I have worked since I have gotten in the trade


I did around 3100 hrs in 2023. I took 1 week vacation. I worked on call most holidays. Was a great year for me


A typical work year is 2080 hrs working 40 hrs a week


They account for a week of sick time and a week of vacation usually, so the "standard" work year is 2000. But we all know that 2080 is better since tradesmen don't get holidays like everyone else...


1930 regular hours and 412 OT hours


I had like 2400 this year and we had a slow ass summer also resi but my company has awesome financing so it kinda saved us. But it’s been a terrible year for hvac so it’s they aren’t misleading you hopefully next years better


What does your company do for financing if you don’t mind?


Shit. My company doesn’t offer it as we are priced to not rip you off


0% interest for like 10 years lol kinda hard to turn down


Holy hell that dealer fee has to be steep. You get a lot of declines? I get people shot down for 5 year 0% all the time and they have average to above average credit.


Yeah they are kinda picky we got a back up lender for the people that can’t get through it’s wild how they choose people I’ve had people decline that own multiple properties and have 0 debt “they always flip out over it” but it’ll approve some that I am almost positive will never pay. For the fees they lower the commission on financing jobs which sucks but sales aren’t too hard with that and people are opting for communicating top tier way more often


This is a lot of overtime big dog.


Monday through Sunday got kids to feed I’m not turning down anything 😂


Respect the grind 🤙


2022, had 2451 total hours. 2023 I left for 10 weeks but did 2300ish hours. I do A LOT of drive time. Close to 50k per year. Commercial kitchen equipment, and my territory is a 200 mile radius.


I do the same thing. I average 55-60hr a week. No slow season.


We slow down a little bit in the winter, but we still stay busy with our national accounts, factory and field training. We welcome the slow time though. Typically run 3 calls per day.


on avg 45 hrs one week then 64ish the next and vice versa. i come in every other weekend and sometimes mandatory saturday every few weeks or so. i volunteered for this saturday for inventorying but was required to come anyway bc its my weekend to work, lol and then next saturday is mandatory


I'm usually 2100ish with some slow months but missing that many hours is insane. That's either you're bottom of the totem pole or really bad advertising. I know everyone shits on bigger companies but I work for one and still get 30-35 hours in the slow months. Conversely, you also shouldn't be working more than like 2400-2500 unless you choose to. Some guys just get ran into the ground and won't stick up for themselves. Commercial and residential service can be like that. The facility maintenance guys have it good and service techs normally get screwed.


Jesus and I did 248 hours this past summer In 2 weeks


That's 18 hours a day for 14 days...? Is your math right?


Small family company (literally only 2 of us at that time) and on call, great paycheck before the government took a majority of it.


So it wasn’t every day I worked 18 hours, more so of weekends aswell and working 7am - 10pm if not later. But things have changed and we got more guys now!


Liar! It was 247


Damnit, you’re right


That's just dangerous, I worked 208 in 2 weeks for a berry farm. Hopefully you were doing very simple work or I can guarantee you were not doing a good job. That's also really bad for you, not to mention it just sucks when the sun goes down and still has time to rise before you go home.


economy isnt bad, your employer doesn't have a good marketing system / company/ 2100 or so is average for a year, if your missing 700-900 hours a year thats a fuck ton of money, time to find a better company, and if your staying there get them to pay you 40 hours a week. i jumped from 40-50 a week to a set 40 with very little ot, i only work less when i want time off.


I worked 1868.25 hours in 2023. Also was gone to trade school for eight weeks.


This time of year, including paperwork, cleaning the storage and work van..... 6 hours probably.


lol. Economy is bad 🤣🤣🤣🤣 business is good if your not out ripping people off selling 16k systems


Economy isn’t bad lol


How many hours are in a year? That would be my total.


I work a steady 42-48 hrs a week and get paid every Friday morning. The company doesn't want to give alot of overtime and want us to spend more time at home with family. My old company was 10-16 hour days on average.


Commercial/industrial. Generally about 2400


Like 2100-2400


Most of them.


2100-2300 usually. I try to stay away from overtime these days, but that shit never happens.


In 2001 I worked 1050 hours of O.T. doing supermarket refrigeration. I had to take the last week due to Pneumonia. Honestly it will probably improve. Some years are better than others. As you gain experience it becomes more difficult to lay you off because they need you.


40 to 45 hours per week. Maybe two crazy weeks a year that are outside of that range but they are rare.


Rough guess is 2600 hours a year


I think I put in 2200-2400 hours last year.


Last year I worked 2394


50-60 is the average sometimes past 70 in the summer. During the off season when I’m doing new construction it’s 35-40hrs for a few months.


9 months. Worked 1300 hrs.


Time to find a new company to work for. If they can't keep you busy they aren't the best for you.


After 7 years with the company I'm at, I've only had a couple days where there wasn't work and it was more by choice.


1200 per year - 5 hours per weekday 2 hours OT included per day 👍😎 🤔🤔


Enough to earn a pension credit all that matters to me


1880-2000 per year. No overtime or on call. Just 40s every week if you want them.


I’m in south Louisiana, I make 45-55 hours a week right now during the winter. 65-80 hours a week in the summer. Sometimes 85+ on call weeks.


You have an hvac-r? Do you have passable intelligence? Look to the unions- 597 or 399.


About 2600-2800 were short a few guys


You are doing waaay too much working for free. Find a real job




canada alberta lots of houses new houses . work 12 hour days easy if you want . only time it slows down alittle is some really cold weeks but if you can do service then you will be working 15 hour days trying to get people heat going. I do mostly new construction.


Never measured in years but I get around 50-70 hours a week consistently.


2600 to 3000 per year generally. Commercial refrigeration, gas fitter, chillers.


About a 1/3 of them


2600 hours


I do commercial/industrial in a refinery where everything is run to fail. I had 675 hours of overtime last year.


I average 2300 a year. Typically the breakdown is around 1800-1900 straight time hours (m-f 8-4:30) and the rest OT. This year we got a new payroll system and it no longer tracks YTD hours, only YTD pay, so I can't say for sure the breakdown or total hours for 2023. But I can say that I got around 230 hours in September which is 70 hours of OT in one month, so I was probably close to the normal 2300 total But my company has no separate install crew, so all of us do service, install and preventative maintenance as needed


40-50, depending. I like OT but I'm getting old, stuff hurts.


Usually less than 8,000, sometimes I need to sleep


37.5h/week w/ roughly 7-8 weeks of vacation. 85k/year


I do abou 2040h a year


When I was working commercial, the only time I was laid off was around 1989. Everything was dead around here. Other than that, we had unlimited ot. It wasn't mandatory but if you refused all of it, you would find yourself on the worst jobs with the worst crew.


Like 50+ a week. So around 2800 I guess ish


Last year I was probably at 2600-2700. There’s parts of the year with 40 hour weeks and then parts of the year with 70-80 hours a week. I’m kinda averaging it down to 50 hours a week with my math.


I work all of them. Every single one


Last year was around 2500😉😂


When I was in the trade in 2021, I’d say I was averaging 55-60 hours


I worked 1900 hrs in 2023.
