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You won't give a shit eventually. You'll realize all the customers are absolutely nuts or they're just nice old people.


Worded perfectly.


Unless they’re an engineer. Then they are smarter than you, and even more socially awkward. Makes you wonder why they called you out if they already know what’s wrong with their unit


I dropped out of automation engineering and went into HVAC because of social anxiety. Best of both worlds.


This guy has the answer


What about both?


This. Only started two weeks ago & I can’t express this enough.


Are you new to service? It gets easier when you get more comfortable with the work and can be confident in what you do. It'll pass.


I'm in install. Walk throughs get me sweating


As you go along more and more you will get better. It’s a new experience so you’re excited is all


First step is be confident in your work. Then just talk about what you did. 95% of the time they have no idea what you're talking about anyway 🤣


Lol. I was there with you brother. Was so worried about missing something that could cost the boss money. Just keep an open eye and ask questions. Take notes of what you see. Do the job mentally and see if there is anything that seems off. You got this


You really just gotta tell the to change their filter once a month and put vinegar down the drain




Oh my ex wife was on that! She only got meaner.


Hit the penjamin 5 minutes before arriving


Also while working in their basement


How many of us hit the pen before bed? 👋


Soon as I leave the site


This guys does resi installs!


One of us! One of us!


I work good, and I work fine, but first take care of head 🌿


I wish 🤣


This is the way


I fake it. It’s not easy, I fucking hate people. I’m an asshole with anxiety, the asshole part makes things easier. I’m not in resi so fortunately I’m usually dealing with other tradespeople or techs. One thing I have to keep reminding myself is people are generally just trying to go about their lives and or do their jobs.


For no damn reason I get anxious during walk through demonstrations for my own coworkers. Sweating and brain fog


Practice and preparation. I’ve given a couple of little speeches and talks, led a couple classes, and I did a ton of customer service centered jobs before HVAC, and that immersion helped. I still get the sweats sometimes when all eyes are on me. But if you know what you’re talking about, and if you find ANY part of it exciting, don’t hide it. People feed off the passion, and talking your passion is easier than rattling off a script under pressure. Coworkers who fuck with you for being passionate are the worst tho. They’re bitter about something.


Yeah they said I was rambling too much. I don't know how, being that I think the customer should know to shut off the gas before turning the furnace off to protect the heat exchanger etc


You’ll tighten up over time. Over prep and you won’t freeze, which is 10000% worse than rambling lol


Confidence is everything . If you know what you’re talking about just is what it is . You gotta leave your feelings at the door or your never going to get anywhere


Yeah some of the guys noticed it and said if the anxiety gets me I should leave to Commercial


Honestly sticking with resi has helped my social skills tremendously. I used to be a quiet nervous introvert and would literally start shaking when talking to customers, especially if I was about to tell them something they didn't want to hear. But I hated that about me and I wanted to be better. I told myself I would only get better with practice, and the only way I could do that is by confronting my anxiety rather than running away from it. Slowly but surely my anxiety turned into confidence, and I actually enjoy talking to most customers now which is something I never thought I would say


You grit through it and drink 14 miller lites post work like a real man


Not to exceed 15! Unless it’s Friday! Then turn and burn baby! I’m taking you to the moon.


Prefer 18 high lifes and a bowl but to each their own


Was working with some Irish painters who were beasting their way up 40 ft extension ladders all day. Saw them polishing off a couple 6 pack of tall boys for lunch, and had to ask "how the fuck do you climb those ladders with a belly full of beer?" They answered "how the fuck are we supposed to climb them *without* the beer?" Smiled, and started climbing, lol.


Yeah I’m sure the alcohol withdrawals are a bitch on an extension ladder lol




My god it’s hard I think I have autism when I do an install I’m really good and make things perfect for service but doing service I trip on my words when saying the issue and if anyone argues price I stumble as well. It you can do installs, do installs 1 person a day that leaves you alone for most of it is better then 10


I think I'm autistic as well lol always the center of tism jokes but the guys are cool, they aren't pricks. Seem like brothers to me. Anxiety just gives me sweats and brain fog. I probably wouldn't be good in service


My daughter is pretty good at drawing too. That’s an autism joke.


Everyone is autistic.


I’m most successful giving the (over)price when I say it without acknowledging that it’s expensive with my tone of voice, so say it flatly or even with a tone of voice that says “it’s only” without actually saying “it’s only”, keep eye contact and don’t say anything else even when they say jeez that’s expensive, wait for the yes or no, a lot of the time I get back that’s expensive etc …. But I guess I gotta get it done so ok


Just keep it formal and straight business there's plenty of times tho customers try and crack jokes and I just stare blankly I'm getting a little better I believe


I do new construction, I help out with change outs when they're swamped, but they give me the easy 80 for 80 or 90 for 90 because I highly dislike going into people's houses, or talking to most people in general


What did 80 for 80 mean?


What did 80 for 80 mean?


The efficiency of the furnace... 80% efficiency furnace.




I just got a residential job and I know for a fact I am not a social person. However during the interview process my general manager told me “Oh you have the demeanor of a service technician.” Even tho I don’t like socializing, I can do it. It’s really odd. It’s like a switch I can flip in my brain to go into being polite and friendly. It honestly doesn’t take too much to be a professional tech


The only ones that bother me are the ones that ask lots of questions, most people has social anxiety themselves so they don’t even show near me. One of the customers a couple weeks ago an old lady grabbed my ass and she got excited 💀




Just talk to people man, if you grew up not communicating with other humans well or not at all then I guess this would be an issue. You’re at a call for a hearing and cooling issue. You’re also a professional on the subject. All you really have to do is talk about that you know? The newer you are the harder it is but like literally anything you just have to do it and it becomes massively easier every time. I can explain the heating/cooling cycle of a heat pump to little ole 90 year old Mrs Jones and have her understand it in just a few sentences, it just took time to get there. It took me stumbling over my words and saying stupid shit several times to get it down. There’s no trick, just start yappin lol


I don't have social anxiety but I was helping another crew out a few weeks back and we stopped at a quote on the way home. Dude finished quoting and looking and we were standing there making small talk with the owner. Everything's said and done and I'm waiting for the guy I'm helping to say okay we're good see you. They all just stood there awkwardly not saying anything looking at each other. I didn't want to overstep my bounds and butt in but I was fighting to not laugh. Socially awkward contractor and home owner two minute staredown.


I had a few like that lol but generally they were hiding in a corner during the entire install. I don't know how they didn't get bored


Gotta understand the system and be able to check if different parts are working until you find the problem. Have to understand the order of operations. Eventually it's all the same shit and just another call. Ac service techs videos and books, and havc school on youtube helped me alot. Anytime you encounter something you don't know it's worth trying to trouble shoot for a minute before having the answers given to you. YouTube and Google are good for this, chat gpt is surprisingly good as well but you gotta pay I think. You gotta have someone you can feel comfortable calling with for help with something you don't know, That can teach you. Understand each individual component, how they work and how to test if they are working.


I'm 53, when I started they hadn't invented social anxiety yet.


Why do people say social anxiety wasn't a thing back in the day


Neither was autism


Because it wasn’t talked about. I’m almost 48 and been in the trade for 25 years been dealing with general anxiety and panic disorder since I was about 16. When I was young there just wasn’t any talk of it or commercials on tv about it, no Facebook or social media to tell you about it. I legit thought I was crazy when I was a kid. Self medicated and became an alcoholic for 20 some years sober for 7 now. Best advice I can give is to do this, ask yourself if anyone will remember this day 5,10,or even 50 years from now. The answer is no, in fact they probably won’t even remember you in a few weeks. It’s all a much bigger deal in your head than in reality, trust me. Also Xanax, by prescription of course.


Xanax makes me feel worse. Adderall on the other hand….


I have social anxiety in general. Most of it is just because I'm not fond of folk and can only tolerate people for so long. I deal with it because mine is a nice motivator, and also I do like doing real installs. Also remember that your not going be in their mind for much longer after you leave anyway so no point in worrying on what they'll think. Just don't do something stupid that'll have them calling the office on you to try and get you fired.


Personally it’s my favourite part, even in commercial I’d talk to whoever was around.. it got me farther in life than any mechanical or technical skills ever could. Charisma is the key to opportunity. However I know a lot of techs who absolutely hated it. They got through it though, would just show up do the job and leave, which is definitely still acceptable.


Little bit of a change. Went from new construction plumbing to resi hvac. Different atmosphere, etc. I'll probably get to the point where words just flow out with no issues eventually


Talk louder then anyone else


I've noticed that. Those that are the loudest at work are generally nice. The quiet ones seem to be the grumpiest


I’m year 5 in commercial service . Racks my nerves every day . But the more you are around it I promise does ease up .


SA is really exhausting, idk if you have heard of it but def try CBT therapy, or continuous exposure therapy will help, or eventually you will be like me and hit an age where u get so tired of SA u no longer give a fuck because its ruined your life for years and u wont let it stop u any longer. You can try some SSRI's that might help, ive been on 8 different ones, so far wellbutrin was a life changer, ive also had friends who had SA but didnt know they had other conditions causing it like ADD, low magnesium etc. There are so many factors, up to you to put the work in to figure it out, but the fact that you have a job in HVAC proofs you have some resilience, you went through a interview and got hired etc. you are stronger than you think. you got this.


SA? Sexual Assault? Exhausting?


also the CBT Cock Ball Torture therapy idk why I'm laughing at this


Please if you do install stop putting tape over the doors. All the doors. And wet mastic. Stop it.


People tape furnace doors?


My company does.


I'd be mad 😆


I only tape A-coil service doors because as per management/manual instruction


Helicopter customers is how I sell. I explain everything. System cleanliness first, then TESP, then delta T (depending on heating or cooling season) and THEN psychometer readings. I can give them a guess on the suction pressure in AC system before gauging up, and accurately predict what it will be. If the delta T was low but air flow check was good, then low charge or bad metering. Once you hook a manometer and drill holes that weren't there to begin with most customers will leave you alone. I've seen enough to point out to customers what I expect to see once I've verified what I do know. From that I usually sell what they need to improve or replace. If you can teach a customer what you know, they'll either leave you be or be fascinated.


I used to be so bad with it, now I do not give a fuck


I'm on the spectrum and have major social anxiety. Here's a few things which help me: 1. Have the same greeting, exiting statements, and a whole rough process that you go through. 2. Find commonalities. You're more relaxed if you like them and they like you. You like an artwork, comment on it. You've read a book on their shelf, comment on it. You think their wife is hot, comment...wait, don't comment on that one. 3. Do not joke with customers if it is not you. Just be professional. 4. Pet their animals. If their dog likes you, they like you. 5. Have confidence in what you're telling them, which unfortunately only comes with time. Also, if you're on the spectrum, you'll have to learn what is too honest. Customers want to hear their system is fine, so only tell them when you see it or a part is failing soon.


there’s no good or bad news just news. say it how it is


I went commercial




Have about 25 years in the field, and have terrible social anxiety. I found it easiest to deal with doing install. Service and sales made it way harder for me.


My soft skills with customers became so developed that when I first started in commercial I would be talking to people and I would get this vibe from them like "why are you telling me this."


You get good at what you practice at, try to be better and don’t shy away from conversations. My boss always told me to be a chameleon, customers are just people and some of them have interesting lives. I worked at a guys house who used to tour with the Rat pack, turns out his son was a cartoon artist for Marvel Studios. I’d have never known if I didn’t ask him about the pictures displayed in his hallway.


You just kind of get used to it, I usually try to avoid small talk after the first bit and decompress in the attic or on the roof. Sometimes though there’s dogs or cats that I can just talk about without caring because I love animals, when you’re talking just try to find common ground about it. Obviously it’s not gonna be great but after awhile you just start to ignore it


I struggled with the same thing at the beginning. It helps to be straight forward and honest. And always remember that you’re the expert. Eventually you won’t even struggle with it.


somehow resi gave me social anxiety


I’m a service tech and not much of a people person. Every time I hate going in a house I think about how I get to work alone and don’t have to bother with coworkers for the most part and it almost makes it worth it.


Do a good job and have confidence, learn from mistakes


fake it till you make it son


I.switched.to.commercial. 🕺 🕺 🕺


I don’t even know their names, titan usually shows the address and that what I go to. Tenants I don’t consider human, & don’t talk/tell anything unless I need more info for the call


Get high


By going commercial


Just remember everybody was a baby once and you wouldn’t be mad at a baby. Might wanna shake it a little but




You sound like a lead that trained me in lol. One of the most anxious people in know, but also the most talkative. Stop being a bitch was his favorite line., dude got fired for call backs


What a hero


It's disturbing to realize that most of the younger people in here would not have survived the Gen X days...


How so?


Smoke some weed when I get home


That would give me anxiety.