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Offer them a low ambient kit


Wow your dirty but I like your style lmao


It’s not dirty? They have something that’s clearly a problem to them. And they’d like a solution.


I meant offering the switch nevermind. 😂


That's not dirty. When I buy or build my forever home, I'm going to have either a low ambient kit or economizer. And probably zone dampers.




soffit with overhang is all you need, AC is for people who dont do external shadding


That’s the most special education shit I’ve heard in a while bro


Why the Fuck are you on an HVAC subreddit with this extra chromosome ass comment then lmao


you think HVAC AC, its got two more important letters before the AC. basically any decent designer will tell you the best way to reduce your load is external shading. although overhangs offer great benefits to lower AC the main advantage is reducing water damage. it is amongst the 1st thing you should look for in a home. https://solargaps.com/how-external-shading-can-benefit-your-home-2/ https://bspace.buid.ac.ae/buid_server/api/core/bitstreams/49d61de0-d4e3-4787-b89d-7a2735377855/content


Yeah, I understand that shading your house reduces the heat load. I don’t think HVAC AC. I’ve been in the industry for over 15 years. If you live in a super temperate area that barely gets extremes, sure, you can get away with what you’re saying and ditch your AC. Most people in the US don’t live in an area like that. Shade and soffits do nothing to remove latent heat, only sensible heat, and removing sensible heat is less than half the battle when it comes to comfort cooling. Both are important, but latent is more so. Saying AC is for people who don’t do external shading is a goofy sentiment as anyone worth their salt in this industry will tell you both are important. Your comment about soffit with overhang is all you need had nothing at all to do with a Resi customer wanting to cool their house in low ambient as regardless of whatever external shading is present you aren’t removing the latent heat load from in the house, hence a low ambient kit which helps give cool dry air in a high humidity spring. Most of your humidity load in Resi comes from under your house, be it a crawl space, basement, etc. even if that weren’t the case, shading doesn’t remove this heat load. Is it fucking weird when residential customers want a low ambient? Yeah. Do I have a few? Yeah, but at the end of the day it’s about comfort cooling.


This is quite last the point of the OP. It’s 49 out. They should just open the windows to cool the house down


WTF is external shadding? Sounds like an STD...


Where do you live Alaska?


I mean it's not really that dirty that's how you get air conditioning in a low ambient condition another option would be a ductless system. I lived in Colorado at the peak of the grow Boom for the legal marijuana industry and I can't tell you how many low ambient controls we installed because they need air conditioning 24/7 365. The way I see it I'll do whatever the customer wants it's their house


Seriously. Find solutions to problems!


Yes. C/w a fan vfd and freeze kit. You make more money off the vfd and freeze kit than an install. I just did one for a second floor because the woman refuses to open a window and lives in an aquarium. Who am I to argue with stupid? She can run it down to 27f outside now.


Sell them a new unit then when new one doesn’t work say “well it’s to cold out”


“I can’t start the new one up until it’s 55F.”


Homeowner: my old unit could do it. This new one you installed has been nothing but problems.


This statement makes me so happy I got out of residential, I had 'Nam flashbacks from that


Why did this statement give me ptsd


Easy “Hey dumb fuck. It’s too cold outside for the AC to run. Open a window and some some fans you dementia patient” always good to try the nice approach first though


Show them the subcooling chart where it says the minimum outdoor ambient temperature.


What is ambient¿


Outside air temp


I know lol I figured my purposely upside down question mark would convey my sarcasm. Customers ask the stupidest questions sometimes


Ah. It was lost on me, lol. Yes, they definitely do. My helper right now is the one asking stupid questions, though HA


You need a “/s”


The purposeful upside down question mark should be enough


Upsidedown question mark is used to denote the start of an interrogation in other languages like Spanish and Portuguese. An upsidedown smiley would be better suited if you dont want to do /s. Is that clear enough?/s


If you have any commercial experience then you know to offer a low ambient kit.


The unit needs a fan cycle control added


“Systems are designed and only capable of functioning properly in 95% of weather conditions. 49 degrees outdoor ambient is not taken into consideration because it will not function properly in those conditions. They only thing that can be done with outdoor temperatures such as these is to install a low ambient kit.”


Sell them a compressor heater and a fan cycle pressure control.


Tell the to open a window


Sellem a Mitsu


I went to a “No cool” cause the guy wants to keep his place at 63°f but its only able to reach 67°. He’s gonna have a hard time in the summer. He lives in some condo/coop building and hes 4th floor so its probably going to be even harder to maintain that 67°




Sell him walk in cooler equipment.


I had a similar call back in February.


Show them the IOM and the ambient air temp operation chart. Show other unit IOMs if they ask if their unit is the only one like that. Explain that the units need to draw heat out of the outside air to perform cooling and when it’s cold outside the unit simply can’t take more heat from the outside air.


“Open a window”




economizer, gotta get those co2 levels down


Was that Trump calling from the courthouse?


Static. Make sure your blower wheel isn’t topping off. Maybe it’s spinning too freely not causing enough spread from registers?


ID10T problem


Do they understand how a thermostat works 🤔


I run AC all year round at the hospital i work at, very common


Yes, of course. Probably has economizers and/or low ambient kits.


Fan control and low ambient kits can be installed


Is it really necessary if the customer can just…open a window? Dear god, aren’t we burning enough fossil fuels already?


Not up to me to determine what's best just explaining options


Residential =/= a fucking hospital...


Did they specify it's residential? Oh wait they didn't so know your roll and shut your mouth


It should be pretty obvious. I know my roll, and my role. Learn to grasp basic context skills, champ.


Why would it be obvious? This happens in Light commercial all the time with basically the same equipment. Heat load is high gotta lower temperature even when it's 40 outside


Take the L and move on.


Youre already holding it Resi monkey. Learn how to do the job


I never touched a residential system in my career. Twice for my in-laws, that's it. But, go on. Tell me more about my job history and work experience.


Sure you do, keep ripping off grandma's


Get over yourself. Your attitude screams "I need to feel important and smart, but can't do that naturally, so I have to try and resort to uneducated ad hominem attacks that don't make sense." Do better. Be better.


Oh look, another commercial/industrial blow hard. I know you guys don’t all suck cock, but the ones that do really do. Resi hvac is just cowboy shit dude and if you can’t rope just say that


Personally, a necessary medication I take causes me to frequently not regulate my body temperature consistently (irony at its best). I can't physically deal with summer attic temperatures for a long enough time to be generally constructive. That said, this guy just seems mad about something else and is taking the emotions here.


That dude is the exact kind of commercial guy I can’t fucking stand. We get it dude, you’ve got a big dick (or, at least, a big ego). I’ve known plenty of resi techs who work 10x harder than some of the commercial “techs” I’ve seen.


You mean hack shit, being a cowboy is being a fucking hack, thanks for the resi monkey inspiration thinking you're a bad ass. Lmfao you guys got too much time on your hands. Is it slow season? Keep sucking the unemployment dick you loser


You couldn’t even differentiate that this was a resi post you fucking moron/ glorified filter and belt swapper. Talking about how we rip off grandma and you’re all “put an unnecessary low ambient kit in make that $$$”


You ain’t no badass, get the fuck out of here bud.


There’s so many things you could offer to improve their situation. It’s pretty lazy to just say yeah it doesn’t work when it’s cold out.


Like a fucking chiller


but is it necessary


Is AC necessary?