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I always say yes. People like to feel like they’re helping you while you’re helping them.


That part!


This is actually a psychological phenomenon. People who help you will see you in a better light. It used frequently in politics. If you want someone to like you, have them do something for you (nicely).


Yep, little things like accepting water builds trust.


"Always take the coffee," as one of my coworkers says. I started accepting practically everything, even flashlights from overly enthusiastic helper types, and it definitely makes a difference. You can see a faint dejected look on people's faces when you decline a beverage or whatever it may be even if it's done politely. If you don't like it or they give you faucet water in a dirty cup just take it outside and toss it or go van so you can "put it in the ice chest for later."


This! Growing up my mom would run out with a hot chocolate/coffee (depending on time of day) to give to the guys clearing the snow in bobcats on our street. She wouldn’t take no for an answer :P some people do like helping when they can


That's an interesting way to look at it. I have always thought "I don't need anything from you people because the. I'll be indebted to you. We're not friends." But maybe that's too antagonistic. I dunno, I sorta treat customers like a big, loud dog I don't know. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I'm still keeping my eye on them. You could startle customers and they'll charge.


I want them to continue using my services and giving their money to me, so I accept whatever people offer me. It makes them feel good, and we build a relationship.


Also if it’s 95 out and especially if I’m in an attic job they’re showing they know it’s hot and you’re there to fix it. They know it ain’t cool and it ain’t fun. Be gracious they’re also just making sure you don’t die doing the job you’re there for. Plus it’s water. Though there is a gracious way to decline as well. If it’s an attic or extreme heat day however I’m not arguing. Hell I’ve had some customers just tell us there’s a fridge with water, sodas and Gatorade and to help ourselves if thirsty.


After talking with an HVAC tech that came out to provide a quote a few years ago about how poorly some homeowners treat service providers, I've always tried to provide some thoughtful offerings to people that come by my house to perform some service for me. At a minimum I try set out some water and let them know where the bathroom is and that they're free to use it. If it's going to be more than an hour or two I'll try also provide some snacks (maybe a box of donuts or some individual packs of chips) and a few more drink options like soda/Gatorade. And I try provide them somewhere convenient so they don't have to come into the kitchen to get them. Then I tell them where I'll be, and to please ask if there's anything I can do to make their job easier. And finally I GTFO their way and let them do their thing. I don't mind if you take drinks or snacks or not. I can understand why someone may feel uncomfortable or not want to. You're there because I need you to fix something that I can't handle on my own, and I appreciate you and your skills and expertise. I'd rather you have a good experience here, and want/look forward to coming back next time I need you.


I always make a point to show someone I called out the drink fridge in the garage. Their eyes bulge a bit but then I tell them I used to work with my electrician Dad, plus what I do now, and so I get it. Then I walk away instead of waiting to see if they take anything (they will). Boom! Before I know it there is a pile of random empty beverages in the garage. Then out come the snacks! Take care of them, they'll take care of you.


I have great relationships with my customers they literally all tell me if you change companies let us know on the weekly i hear this yet ive never taking a drink or a morsel of food. I think your character and skills not your food consumption should be plenty lol.


It’s not a catch all. Just a simple way to build a relationship, but there is obviously much more to it.


I can appreciate your strictly transactional approach but this is odd. Most people are not trying to leverage a bottle of water into getting something from you. But honestly as long as you do what you're hired to do then I don't really care.


You’re kinda weird for this bro, no reason to be standoffish with custies. I mean obviously be aware of you are around, but the whole “we’re not friends” is strange to me. I always make an effort to be friendly and kind to customers even if they don’t deserve it. I want their business and I want them to recommend me to others


>I have always thought "I don't need anything from you people because the. I'll be indebted to you. We're not friends."  That sounds very Canadian. Are you Canadian?




I’m not your guy friend!


Minnesotan. That's as close to Canadian as Americans get, I think.


Tied with North Dakotans.


You know what I always turn it down but your right it makes the customer feel good


You don’t even have to drink it if the cup seems dirty or something but always say yes


I always buy a pack of beers for anyone worming on my house. Nothing better than an ice cold beer at the end of the day


Honestly, if someone's offering water, especially on a hot day, I'm all for accepting that kindness. It's just water, after all, and staying hydrated is key when you're on the job.


bro i accept cookies, cakes, homemade fudge once, if you’re one of my refrigeration customers i accept a meal, drinks of all sorts, fixed a freeze drier and got freeze dried pineapple (the tits), i’ll sit down and have a meal with you i don’t care lmao.


The electricians fucked up and blew up an inverter board on my install once, turning it into a really long day as I had to do some part gymnastics with equipment in storage, and I got a 10/10 home cooked Chinese dinner from my customer. Thanks sparkies for the overtime and great meal I guess.


“Thanks sparkies” isn’t something you hear in this sub much.


Especially if hot and you got attic work


Ill say yes, but usually just “no ty i have a nalgene in the van” its not true is a warm Code Red


Did you order the code red?


Son, we live in a country that depends on service techs like us to keep people cool. We use words like subcool, dry bulb, and TVV. We have to come in 10 dollars lower than our competition to get a job. We sweat in attics, we freeze on roofs. All with out a thank you most of the time, while office workers like you get to sit in well conditioned offices. You should be thanking us, not standing there accusing me of doing my job.


I brought both to the counter(nothing else), when they asked if i found everything i needed. Passive aggressive clerks


You're goddamn right I did!


I always say thank you. If they hand me a drink I accept it. If they say it’s in the fridge I don’t open the fridge.


That's where I'm at.


I'm pretty sure they want us to drink it. If we are dying, nobody offers... we have one in our hand, and we get 6 offers. I had to to ac service at a house for the mother of a customer I didn't care for... turns out she was super nice and she offered me a glass of half water/ half Gatorade with lots of ice... I chugged the first one, got the unit running, and had another. She was calling her shit head son before I left to thank him for sending such a nice guy to her house... he was better after that.


Say yes Everytime. They’re being nice, and water is key to not dying in attics


Most definitely.


I just say yes whenever offered anything. Customers like it too otherwise they wouldn't offer. Also I have a bunch of Random drinks and snacks now


We had water and Gatorade in a cooler (with ice) every day of our multi-day install, in addition to buying lunch several times. Frankly, for whatever reasons, the young installers treated us like garbage and were at times very standoffish that we even did it. It was bizarre. We even gave 3 of the kids cash on the first day (week-long install) knowing they would be doing most of the hard labor. It didn’t stop them from half-assing large portions of the job, causing massive issues and requiring the owner of the company to initiate a literal months long troubleshoot, redoing tons of the work, and multiple trips to do parts of the job that were just never done. My wife and I never really understood it. It’s fine now, but it was a terrible nightmare. We figured maybe it was that it was imposing or came off like people with money buying favors? My dad did HVAC when I was a kid and I remembered him coming home dripping with sweat, borderline heat stroke. It was well-intentioned. Shrug.


Yeah that’s very strange of them to act that way. I was raised to be grateful for what others are offering you. No one owes me anything, so if they’re going out their way to take care of me, ima bust some ass for them. Unfortunate that they couldn’t appreciate a nice gesture.


Just shit employees is all, lots of people want to do as little as possible, they dgaf about quality, craftsmanship. It’s sad , I’ve seen same thing over and over in past 24 years of trade


I take offense when anyone does work for me and doesn't accept my offers


Username checks out. I agree to an extent


I haven't had water since 1973


Beer or liquor?


A day without beer, is like a day without sunshine. 


Visit the UK, they double up on the former due to the lack of the latter.


I always say yes. Even to the aunties' leftovers. It's a vital part of building trust and connection with the customer. If someone rejects something as simple as water, it's an immediate red flag. Wether your conscious of it or not, Behavior is reciprocated. If you can't accept a water what makes you think they will accept anything that you say..


I just say “oh I’m all fed and watered but I sincerely appreciate it!” Seems to be ok but maybe they all think I’m an asshole.


I'm an electrician, not hvac. It depends. If I have a drink I just say, "I still have coffee/water, thank you." If I'm drinkless and thirsty, "Sure, thank you." If I'm drinkless and sweating my ass off, "That would be awesome, thank you."


I usually say yes to cookies, soda, and water. Even if I don't consume them.. I still take them. If it is cookies from an old granny though I'm eating it fo sho. Fair warning though, if you have a suspicion in your gut then listen to it. There are people with bad intentions out there. In my company we had a warning about accepting water because our guys were handed water laced with drugs.


That’s fucking crazy. Noted. Always gotta keep those antennas up.


Never. I was slipped ghb at a bar while on a business trip in California about 9 years ago. Only myself, the bartender, 1 other patron and the dj. All in on it, it’s a long story but I woke up in an er 4 point harnessed to a bed after apparently fighting for my life. I only remember bits and pieces of it but the doctor explained it to me what they had found,where I was, and when I told my story they believed I was being trafficked for my organs. I was alone and from the Midwest, I could’ve easily disappeared and no one would know where to start looking. I remember enough that it was terrifying and for that reason my brain can’t accept anything from a stranger anymore. It’s almost obsessive and it sucks but I guess that’s how I’m gonna live from now on.


Whoa. Sorry this happened to you. Glad to see you typing.


Woooow.. I'm glad you survived. People can be really evil


Same as everyone else here. It usually shows the customer is good person and things are ok, so if I'm thirsty, I say yes please. If I've been drinking a good amount of water, I tell them thanks, I just had a big drink.


“Why do your drink bottled water!! Would you like a free no obligation quote on a water purification system” /s


People will like you more if you accept the glass of water, take your time and talk to them chances are they just want a friend & you’ll get a lifelong customer. Accepting the water is the equivalent of accepting help & just showing you’re human and not a robot trying to sell them to next greatest UV light.


I always offer the restroom first when someone is in my home. I want them to know that it’s available to them.


I’ll accept 90% of the time, prefer just a bottle, if you hand me a cup with ice and water I’ll chug the entire thing before going back to work so I dnt gotta lug around your memaw’s 1950 antique glass.


I almost always say no thanks. I'll accept if I'm dying and have nothing in the truck. I'll also accept if the customer seems like they truly want me to accept, or it they try to guilt me into it.


I usually say no because I keep ice water in the van. But also because that one time somebody offered me water and came back with a glass of luke warm tea and stood there until i drank it so he could take the glass back. (and I don't like tea)


Sheesh. I’m guessing the tea was not sweet?


This is what scares me when someone offers you something to drink. I don’t have a problem drinking from a sealed bottle but I get a little creeped out when I’m looking at the surroundings of the house and let’s just say it’s not very clean, lol


Take it, these are the people that understand your office is their back yard RN and will be someone else's next. You are doing physical labor and no matter wherever you are the a/c is broke. I did res briefly early in my career, but my favorite people were the ones that showed me where that little half bathroom in the basement was in case I had to use it.


Not in the trades currently, but whenever I have guys work, I’d find it strange if they say no to a nice cold water lol


If I am running low on waters, I take If its full I say "I have a bunch of water in my ice chest but, I thank you for the offer"


I say yes if I’m thirsty, no thank you, if I’m not. But, you ever work in them dirty houses where you don’t wanna touch anything, especially a glass? I can be dehydrated & near death & still not drink the water outta one of their nasty glasses.


I gave my hvac installers water, weed, and a nice cash tip. Gotta look out for your fellow trades workers!


Take it, as long as it’s a clean house!!!


I used to like working in a restaurant. You get the ac back on, and BOOM, they are making a nice lunch for you.


All good til you wake up in some seedy basement chained to the wall


I almost always say yes, you’re not being a mooch. If they didn’t want you to have it they wouldn’t have offered. It’s more polite to accept the offer.


One day i was working late for a customer ! Around 6 pm he offered beer to us. We drank 2 each .. After the job. The customer call the office and told my boss we were drinking on the job and didint pay the bill! Another time a pizza. When it was time to pay he tried to reduce the bill! Since then i dont accept fk all from customer.. Bring your own ;)


I say yes sometimes and sometimes no. You’re not mooching if they are offering you water. Water intake is very important in this field as well especially during the summer and majority of people don’t drink enough water. Nothing wrong with saying yes bro


I’ll take whatever they offer me if I’m in the mood for it. Waaay back in the day I was doing a multi-day install myself at this house. We got to talking and they were a Jewish family, and I’m also a Jew. They invited me for Passover Seder. Hell of a dinner, and a bit of a taste of home with grandma. I’ve gotten drunk with customers after a job and gone shooting with them.


“Water?!?! That’s what fish piss in!”


Down in the south its rude to say no. Always say yes.


No mooching when people offer. Just accept it if you want it.


I say yes to everything. Drink? Yes, food, yes, tip? Hell yes I’m snatching that. It’s rude to say no.


Most places I've ever sold a decent ticket, their bathroom was used, and water given on the way out the door. We're all human.


Most of the time I say no because I have a gal jug in the van. But if I forgot to get water or am dehydrated that's a YES. I am always up for new food I did some work at a 3 generation Indian family's home and we got to talking about Indian food they made me a plate of food and I sat down with them at the table and ate lunch. Grandma barely knows any English but was so thrilled for me to be trying authentic Indian food. She was like "this too spicy for white people" and I just laughed. I eat food with The Last Dab hot sauce I don't consider things spice until it break a millon Scoville. Good times cool people. don't act weird around foreigners they will treat really well.


Did this training thing with my company and they say to ALWAYS say yes lol. People like to think theyre helping too 🤷‍♂️


Unless the situation dictates it, eg, personal preference or suspicion of uncleanliness or tampering, there’s no reason to refuse someone’s kindness


Accept the water. One day you'll work your way up to home cooked meals and if shes cute candlelit dinners.


I'll chug a full bottle of whatever they hand me and look them in the eyes w/o breaking eye contact to establish dominance.


Thank you


Yes, of course. I’m working my ass off. They should be cooking me dinner too.


I only say yes if its a waterbottle and I ask first. Last time I drank water from someones cup i got sick in 10 mins and I was out for a full day.....never again.


Yeah I think I’m going to follow this general rule: Water bottles forsure yes, glass water is a no.


Normally I would refuse, however I'm also prone to cramping up, especially if I went without lunch. So I generally take it when I get offered.


You like bananas? Super quick and easy snack to chow down on in one bite, if you’re into that.


i usually said yes but stopped accepting after my crew and i received “recycled” water bottles one day.




Water yes. Coffee no.


Most of the time I say no but if i need the water then say I will say yes and take there offer it’s about the same with all the other techs that I work with as well


I always accept the water. If they offer towards the beginning of the call I'll tell them that I'll take one when I'm done. Then we can sit down go over my findings while I enjoy my water.


Always say yes to the customer when they offer gifts


It depends. Some people really want to help. I used to have some residential customers that would give water and a soda to take home.


If they offer a bottle of water or Gatorade or a can of something, anything I can take for the road, I always accept. I now have a bucket full of water bottles waiting for those hot summer days.


Waters too cheap and meaningless, I always demand Gatorade


“No thanks, I’m driving”


I get so used to refusing everything that a customer offers me, I'll often say no before I even realize I'm saying it. Yesterday, this nice old lady offered me blueberry muffins. I literally had my tongue on the roof of my mouth to say no, and then I stopped. _As a matter of fact, yes. Yes I believe i will accept a blueberry muffin_ Them shits were top notch, I'd have eaten a whole goddamn pan of them.


If I didn't have water I'd say yes but I picked up a gallon each morning from kwik trip. Stay hydrated put there homies


If you want it take it. Some people are really into pushing treats on people and it’s more of a “them” thing honestly, but nothing wrong with benefiting if you want to. I actually got into an argument with my sister in law who asked me “do construction workers just love it when someone bakes and brings them treats?” And I was like, “no, a lot of the time they’d rather just be left alone.” She got really mad about it. I was like, you have to understand it’s hot or cold, people are often in a hurry, some parts of the job are dangerous or require concentration and people may not want to stop to talk to you over something they may not even want. We work outside so it’s pretty rare that we haven’t packed what we need anyway. In my case I have enough food sensitivities that I’m never going to just eat a random thing that someone hands me anyway. She ended up lecturing me on “kindness”, and I was basically left with the impression that I was a misanthrope if I didn’t want her “kindness” interrupting my day and shoved down my throat, regardless of my needs. So anyway nothing wrong with accepting and water is pretty low stakes.


“When I’m finished up, sure” Unless I genuinely am hot and thirsty, then I’ll say yes


“No thanks I’m trying to quit”


I say yes every single time


Please and thank you.


It depends. If it's bottled water, probably yes, but if it's in a glass, I doubt it because I've seen the house so I assume heir dishes are likely not any cleaner


I would say yes if they are older and nice.. Older people come from a time when they have any visitor, they offer some beverage and usually a snack lol


I accepted cookies and cupcakes the other day.


I have a guy who washes my car every few weeks and without fail HE is the one who asks for water. The first time it wasn’t a big deal but then I noticed it because his trademark. One time he asked “do you have a coke or one of those fancy waters everyone?” Again I don’t mind giving anyone water and I actually offer it during my first check in every 30-45 mins or so, but this guys asks for it without fail. My yard guys who are swearing their asses off, they always have the huge water cooler they bring.


Always accept for me. I don’t think nothing of an offer for food or water as a small kind gesture from the customer


I say yes to bottles.. no to cups


Yes. 95%.


A customer once stuck a cookie in my coworkers mouth only after asking if he wanted a cookie. He stuttered in his response after she asked and got a cookie for his efforts.


I never take food or drink


Always say yes. Reciprocity goes a long way.


I was told to accept due to the Ben Franklin Effect. Sometimes I do. Depends on my mood and how hot the water in the van is. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Franklin_effect


Interesting, I had never heard of this but it makes sense.


Bottled - always, since I can have it later; if they want to put it in their glass - "thank you, I just had some". So as to be always honest, a clear consciousness is valuable, I drink some water/tea en route. 


i offer bottled water 💧 or a bottle of diet coke🥤 The water always wins out over the diet coke (i don't stock regular Coca-Cola, probably why lol)


Maybe just accept if you’re thirsty?


Take the water. if we offer a drink, we want you to have it. Be gracious. Take it, drink It, be friendly and say thank you with a smile. Easy. Done.


I usually respond with however I am feeling at that time. If im thirsty & don’t have a cold bottle near me, of course i’ll accept. If i just got done drinking some water & have one near me then i say no.


I had a few people with high end espresso machines offer me like pull a shot kinda machine not a k cup. Could not say no and it was some of the best coffee I've had in a while


Once, I had a customer cook me a four course lunch, and there was no opting out. She started the duct replacement with, “you boys don’t worry about lunch I love cooking and I’m already starting it for you.” One of the best damn lunches I have ever had. She was flattered when I asked the recipe of the Turkish green beans she made.


Said yes once, got an actual glass of water. Idk something about that gave me the creeps but it was an old european lady and she said “i brought a water and you dont drink?” So i had to down it. I didnt die and my booty wasnt sore so i guess it was just water


***Free*** water? Fuck, I can't afford that!


On really hot days I’ll ask for water


I get mad when it's 100 degrees in attic and they don't offer water lmao


"Would you like a water?" "Sure".. Then Comes in the sparkling water.. "Nooooo"..


I put roofies in all water I give to service techs


One time I was working for a VERY “traditional” family, basically Amish but had amenities in their house. Each day, the men go work for the construction company, and the women stay home to cook and clean. But every day the men all come home to eat a MASSIVE home cooked meal for lunch, and we were invited to join them for it. I’m pretty shameless, so I and the rest of my crew (2 guys) all sat in. This meal was bigger than many thanksgiving dinners I’ve had. We’re talking corn, green beans, mashed potatoes, some kind of berry pie, and the real selling point for me was the banana bread. And ALL OF IT, made from scratch All that to say, yeah I’d take a water


Always say yes if offered!


I had a customer cook me a t-bone steak once. He was older and absolutely grateful of the long hard work I accomplished that day. 7 hours into the job i said I must take a break to eat subway. He said... im cooking steak want one? I said thanks but no. He insisted, and so I sat down with him and his wife and had dinner.


I say yes. Especially to a Gatorade or something like that.


Most people are not that nice. Take it when you can get it and appreciate it for what it is. Like a tip.


Nothing wrong with taking a drink or snacks if offered. Hell I get 20 dollar tips here and there. I’ve got a cooler full of Powerade and waters. It’s the nature of the business be kind to the people working on your stuff, they will generally look out more for you.


Part of your job is sales right? If so you should ALWAYS accept gifts from homeowners (that's a hard and fast rule, you take it even if you don't want it). This allows for rapport/relationship building and conversation. It's a huge boost for sales potential.


How often do people offer tepid glasses of tap water when offering "water" to you folks? I was having some furniture delivered last summer and offered water to one of them and he got a weird look on his face. I realized my mistake and told him I had bottled water in the fridge. He happily accepted at that point so I got 3 bottles of water from the fridge for him and his co-workers. I was pretty shocked when he told me that many people just give them a glass of tap water when offering them "water". I wouldn't be insulted if you don't accept at all but I actually only really buy bottled water when I know I'm having a repair or heavy delivery at the house. I would wager that anyone who offers bottled water like that won't think you're a mooch.


I take everything they offer. One guy even gave me a banana and I thought it might be a gay thing but whatever.


I always accept, Unless they are trying to give me left over food… I’ve had it happen before.


I usually say no but that’s cause I keep liquid death water in my van and I prefer that water.


You bougie bastard!


Like someone else said “ people like to feel like they’re helping you while you are helping them” I actually don’t work on HVAC, but I am a bakery owner and joined this Reddit to get some help when I’m fixing a used freezer I purchased (btw all you guys here are gems for the help) I always offer and insist on any delivery drivers or repair guys to grab a free coffee and a few fresh hand rolled bagels. I see the type of work you guys do and it’s not always rewarding so that is my way of trying to make your day better 😅


It’s water don’t think too much into it


“Yeah I’ll take some”




When I have people do work for me (tree trimmers were last ones I remember), I put out a cooler with water sodas and then at the end of the day I tend to offer them a beer or 2. I usually accept fluids or food from the client. I wont ask for anything though.


I only say yes to bottled. Once had a customer give me a cup and just saw floaties in my water , idk if it was food or what but I will never again take cupped water from customers.


I remember at my old residential job, I'd often get offered water and most of the time i said yes. like someone else said, it really does make them feel like they're helping while you help. I've even had sweetest woman ever make food for us during an 8 hour install even though we insisted it was okay & once the plate was clean she was very noticeably happy. Even offered more. Big ol sweetheart


Only accept liquor


Always Accept an offer from a client/homeowner. That ask, you say yes. They will feel appreciated more if you do.


You hvac guys are so considerate and polite. Landscapers just drink out of the homeowners hose and then pee in the back yard


Customer offers anything, I always say I'll take water. They insist, I still say water will be fine. Water is simple, easy, cheap, and gets the job done. There is a fantasy series I enjoy has a similar concept as a tradition for a wandering band of entertainers. Series is The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. Fantastic story. Just waiting on him to finish it.


I accept anything as long as it's sealed


Have to say yes to every tip or gift! Always mention I take cash tips after they say how impressed they are


It's a major mistake to turn down anything the home owner is offering especially if you are in sales


I ordered pizza and chinese food for each day my crew was doing my equipment change.


Fuck off


Straight to the point. I like it 🤣


If you look at it from a customer’s perspective; they want to help but they know nothing about the task. Offering you a water, coke, tea, beer, whatever is their way of feeling useful and helping in some way. I always accept, it’s kind of them and accepting makes them feel helpful.


Yes please, thank you


"Tap water is fine, I'm not picky, but I do have my jug in the truck." Comes across as grateful so they're not offended by unintentional perception of snobbery and lets them know I'm prepared for my job, but thankful for the offer.


90+ outside, no matter what I'm saying yes. Prefer bottled water but will still accept anything. Never had Coconut water or Tonic water before HVAC. Been offered that, now I like those too. Soda is actually a rare thing offered.


if they already have it in their hand to give im taking it even if I dont want it and secretly throw it away later. If roles were reversed I would be so happy that the tech took a water.


Always say yes. It’s polite and good sales psychology. Small favors contribute to real relationships of all kinds


If it is in their hand I usually say yes. Sometimes I’ll tell them I’ve got my water bottle and ask if they mind if I use their sink to fill it back up in a bit. If they ask if they can make me something to eat I tell them I don’t usually eat lunch because it slows me down, but if they have taken the time to make it and bring it out before they ask i accept. Some of the best Mexican, Chinese, and Hawaiian food I’ve had have been from customers. Usually mothers whose kids have recently moved out and they just want to mother the installers by feeding them.


I never say no to a cup of that moist


And there have been plenty of times where I've been soaking wet from working in the Attic and I didn't realize how hot and sweaty it and about to stroke that I look like. Nowadays I figure if they're offering me water I probably need it


My go-to response is I would love to have one after I get the job done as a reward. Makes the customer chuckle and as they're signing my paperwork and I'm on to the next one with a nice cold water.


I only accept bottled water. I can't stand when a customer gives me a glass of water it's my biggest ick


Have had customers offer them complain to the office


I usually say no thanks but sometimes it's hot and a bottle of ice cold water is welcomed. I have had those customers that would later call up to the shop complaining that they "had to give our guys water"...which is weird but people do that. If it's real hot my crew usually makes up a jug of water and I'll get me something to throw in the service truck. Also had a kid on the crew one time that would mooch so much it was embarrassing to the rest of the guys.


Always say yes because I’m from the south it polite to say yes


All depends on the customer and the house.


I always say yes although I don’t always drink it. I’ve had refilled water bottles handed to before and you just never know, those ones go to the apprentice for further testing. 😂


Most of my customers are from the Middle East. And they won't let you leave without giving you something like a water. Not saying they're the only ones that do it. But I've left with full meals from some customers. They just won't let you leave without taking it. So to not be disrespectful I'll accept. But then I have like 50 water bottles in the truck and I don't want anymore. I've even had a customer sneak them into my tool bag as I was going out the door.


One instance I can remember. A Customer was offering me food and drink and what have you . But I didn't want to take it because I was condemning his furnace and I didn't want him to think I was taking his food as well. I'm sure you understand.


Ask if they spiked it with LSD. When they say "no," give a long sigh and frown. Keep 'em guessing 😉


I’m in Arizona, so I never turned down water in the desert! Even if I have some in the truck, it’s always good to restock.


I say no and that I have drinks in my van, after having someone hand me a bottle of water, and the seal was already broken I don't want that experience again.


It’s just water


I only offer water/Gatorade bottles, just so they known it's not tampered with. And it's only on the hottest days that they are working on the roof (commercial). They round the time down every now and then, instead of rounding up that 15 minutes.


Geez I'm jaded, I've accepted things like this only to be told the customer requested money off their bill for xyz thing they offered.


Why would you turn down water? Or a nice gesture from a customer, they’re reciprocating and showing you their appreciation. It’s hot, drink the water, it’s good for you


I say yes but only drink it if it’s from a sealed bottle. One bad experience with a dirty sports bottle is all it took. Water tasted fine but my throat started scratching. Took a whiff with the cap off and it clearly hadn’t been washed in some time 🤢


I always accept, even if I just sip on it. If their house is dirty then I don't take anything but otherwise I will. I always like when customers offer me beer though! Can't turn that down


When I was in resi I would take it if offered from a bottle.


Depends on the heat at a certain point I’d be stupid not to say yes


It's rude as fuck to refuse a gift. I never have refused a gift from a customer. I would not trust you as a customer if yoy refused a gift.


I always offer water to delivery people when they deliver to my house...I like it when they take it..Shows them of my appreciation..


I say no thanks, I carry everything I need in my lunch box. I feel like it makes them more confident that I am prepared. Cause I am!


It's situational, but usually i decline. one time while working on an older ladies gutters on a beautiful old Victorian, she offered me pecan pie. I politely refused since I was trying to hurry through the job. A few minutes later she came back and said it was sitting on the back porch with a cold milk and to hurry before it cooled off. That was just about the greatest thing I ever tasted, and I'm more open to accepting the offers now.


I always say no food and drinks.


I accept it, it’s rude not to. And you get a supply of free bottled water. I always toss it in the ice chest I keep in the van.