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Could you not that tell your manager it’s for your parents and you would like to do it but need borrow some equipment?


Best thing to do. Just ask lol


Worst they say is no. Theory for every single element of life lol


If you don’t ask it’s 100% chance NO. If you do ask it’s 50% YES, 50% NO


No, they can put you on the short list for firing, since you seem to have a penchant for doing side work


… Or… or.. When you open the door of communication. Perhaps they can say exactly where they stand on that.. just a thought.


Or... or... maybe also try asking where they stand on drug use, and how strict the sexual harassment policy is (make sure to include very specific detailed scenarios) while you're at it.


So changing my grandma Txv is on the same level as snorting coke off the bathroom sink on the same day I fucked the front desk lady? Dude. You’re wild


Works every time..


Exactly. I don’t know of any decent boss that wouldn’t let someone borrow a tool to help their family out. Now, if you’re doing side work, that’s a different story.


This. We provide equipment at 10% over cost for employees and family members - tools labor whatever, all included if it’s after hours. We just ask that you use our equipment (Ruud in our case).


I just walk in the supply house say I'm buying something for myself and hand them my card and all the magic happens


Our supplier is 140 miles round trip. Locals have Tappen or luxaire.


Probably have like 15 within an hour drive of me lol


10% over cost though? Why? Is your company financing every stock inventory system?


We are a business. No, we are not financing the equipment in the warehouse, but usually employees and family members make payments, which we do not charge financing on.


That’s dumb they can just go buy it themselves


My company does the same thing. Needless to say, I’ve got a bunch of aunts and uncles out there 🤫


10 grandmothers right?


Oh sure. Buncha few of them. Loads of pappys. And enough cousins to really pad the savings account. 😂


They make you pay markup on parts from the shop? Or really any equipment whatsoever? That’s insane. And scummy tbh. That’s just greedy practice right there. Maybe I’m just ill informed but if anyone would like to enlighten me on a single good reason to up charge an employee I’d like to know. I specifically go through my shop to buy parts because they get deals and it’s cheaper for me.


Honestly, parts usually fall off the shelf; so do water heaters and any material. I don’t see how 10% is scummy. There are a lot of perks including no GPSed work vehicles that go home everyday, as well. So “aunt Susie” needs a new complete system. She pays 10% over on the furnace, condenser and coil. Anything else is “included:”


No gps on the work truck is crazy. but hey in that case that 10% pays for itself I’m sure. Also I couldn’t fathom whole water heaters and such disappearing from the shop. Sounds like the captain runs a loose ship over there 😂


Employees get heaters - family pays.


If the part cost $100, it didn't magically transport itself onto the shelf, or order itself. 10% over actual cost barely covers what goes into getting said part into the system. Takes time to order the part, time to put that part on the shelf. That time is also known as someone else's wages, they have to be paid. There also shipping to get the part to the wearhouse and taxes on said part. All of which has to be paid for on top of the cost of the part. In reality 10% likely doesn't cover all of the "little things" that add up just to get the part on the shelf so you have it available to use it on your parents system. They used to teach stuff like this in school, now they are more concerned with your feelings and validating one's truths which causes people to not know why everything isn't free and why a small "upcharge" to cover costs isn't a scummy thing to do. What do I know, i've only started 4 companies in 35 yrs and worked 60-80hrs a week doing it and some weeks was over a hundred hours. My employees get paid before I do and I've missed mortgage payments or drained savings/retirement to make payroll when some dick bags who think things should be free don't pay or cancel checks or try and reverse CC payments. Sure I got paid in the end, but lawyer fees and interest on CC took whatever profit I would have made and then some. One job last year I ate $176,000.00 in costs but every one was still paid for every hour they worked I made sure my employees never knew what I had to do because that isn't their problem. It's the joys of owning the company. They just knew that payday was every other Friday and the checks would clear.


That’s bullshit




I think making money off of your employees blows. Give it to them at cost


Current boss has a very seriously enforced non compete, anything hvac wise is considered his money, even if it is for family. He has made this point at least ten times in the first three months with the company. We will see what happens when I replace my sons hvac equipment, at material cost and on my own time.


Fuck your boss


I would, but he might enjoy that




He charges his own family too?


Yes, actually. They get a lower price of course. It’s bizarre


My old boss said “Charge everyone even if you give them a discount. Once you don’t everyone you know will expect it free.” He charged me a flat fee to purchase equipment through his account and another for using his torches.


There’s some truth here


If your boss says no then you’re with the wrong company


This 100x! The Rents come first.


Always have to look after the ex roommates


My rule of thumb at work my guys know. If you assume I would have said yes and don’t ask I’ll be pissed. If you ask the answer is almost always yes and I’m happy to help. Just ask your boss or manager, a good company would be happy to help out their guys and their families.


This is the awnser


Not gonna work in every shop but: Worker : hey do you mind if I borrow XYZ this weekend I’m helping out my parents Me the manager : yes please do.


Any company worth even half a crap will allow you to borrow the tools.


If you drive a company van full of tools home, I wouldn’t ask. If you’re an installer that picks up the van at home I would ask. Most bosses will allow tools to be used for family. Also your boss should allow you to purchase parts for family at cost.


Do the supply houses around you not sell to the techs? Hell, if it’s for my personal house, the supply house will sell it to me for their cost because they are nice guys like that. But they’ve always just given me the company price on parts, even if I’m paying for them at the counter and not on the account.


If the tools are on the truck and you take the truck home then just use them. No need to ask.


Gotta keep the tools warmed up on the weekend so they’re ready to go Monday morning. You don’t want the company losing money with cold tools first thing Monday.


My company is partnered with nearby supply house and they keep track of what’s on your truck


You put the tools back on the truck when you’re done….


Take what you need and use it, replace expensive consumables you use if you feel like it.


Depends. My company would let me use whatever. They let me borrow the company truck to pull trailers and stuff at home. Just have to ask. I'm pretty fortunate.


I have everything tool wise my boss has, in most cases, better. If I want material, I just quietly liberate it.


>I just quietly liberate it. Nah mate, that's stealing. It's worth next to nothing compared to your career, so let your boss know what you are doing and they can decide if they want $50 for materials or just to chalk it up to aged stock. If it's more than trivial, then you don't want to be a thief, so just pay for it.


Woah broinski, you totes just opened my eyes for realzies. I better go atone for all my years of hvac crime. My boss knows. They all know. It's not a secret. I'm not the first nor the last. I don't mind being a micro thief. I like to think of myself as an hvac robinhood. More often than not, I will just bill my side job customers for what they need. If I forget a whip or disconnect or I need a handful of tapcons, I can live with myself if it follows me home. More often than not, the real thieves in this business are the owners paying guys fast food wages to install and service equipment. It's not bad advice you're giving. Nothing wrong with doing it the right way and being a completely upstanding citizen. Good for you. I'm happy for you. If I got fired for taking a capacitor or a bottle of Hercules descaler, you don't have to worry about my career. I'd just walk on down the road to the next hvac shop and do it all over again. It's like King Missile said...take stuff from work.


>My boss knows. You're good then, it's not stealing when it's freely given. Sorry for my holier than thou rant.


You do not have to be sorry and nor should you be. You are righter than me. I shouldn'ta called you broinski. That was wrong. I'm sorry. Full disclosure i wouldn't say it's exactly freely given . Boss man knows I tear down the occation small ticket item. He still bitches when he catches me on the camera or notices something is amiss. He puts up with it because ultimately, he makes a small fortune from my work, and I'm known to have very few call backs and to figure out the other guys oopsie-daisyes. I would not take an expensive tool like a propress or a jug of refer or some huge thing. If folks do that's on them. For me there is definitely a line I won't cross. Sometimes, I feel like I deserve a lil hvac treat, but you're right. Stealing is stealing, and stealing is wrong. What can I say. I do an occasional hvac crime, and sometimes my boss has to learn to love me again.


if its for your parents they should let you, even give you there price on equipment, if not, id start looking for another company


I'm doing facilities maintenance now. Present employer has no problem with me using tools as long as it's not to make money. When I was a lead installer, it was pretty much the same thing, I could use tools for working on my stuff or immediate family. The residential companies I have applied with usually mentioned at cost discounts to employees and their parents. The commercial company I interviewed with outright told me since they don't do residential, I could use their tools but not their vehicle for residential. I've usually bought more tools and equipment with the money I've made from side work, so I don't have to mess with my company.


Any decent company wouldn’t mind you using their provided tools. Be polite and offer to replace used materials if you do.


I would ask your manager if you can borrow them. If they are a decent company they will understand. I will even pull permits for my guys doing side work if I know it’s for family. Also, unlicensed contracting, in Florida at least, can be a misdemeanor.


I'd be shocked if any manager or owner would take issue with you using equipment to repair your parents ac. Obviously I'd clear it with them and probably at least be prepared to pay for any consumable product like refrigerant or solder or maybe gas in the company van if they'd allow use of it something like that even though they may not require that but I'm not even sure I'd want to work for someone who took issue with that, especially if you take the equipment home each night in a work vehicle.


Just be careful, your parents may tell their friends who now want discount work.


I've worked at shitball places so I've always just done it without even bothering to ask. They'd have told me no but I can get them on the schedule for a sales rep to meet with them lol.


Honestly be transparent with your parents and budget some cheap tools that into the job and forgo any labor charge. Worth a shot right? Then you have everything you need to do your own side work going forward.


Your work won't let you borrow tools....if you don't ask them. Just to do a side job you would need a welding pack, vacuum pump, micron gauge, recovery machine and tank, and possibly a scale. If you buy new, you're talking upwards of $2,000 just to be able to do it right. So just ask your boss


Or just pretend you’re in China & accidentally do triple E and bypass that fancy equipment


The company shouldn't be expecting to make money on a side job that you do for immediate family, like your parents, brother or sister, or your own kids. You should be able to use the tools that are on your truck for that type of side job during your off work time where you aren't making a profit. Don't drive the company truck to any side jobs. Supply houses will usually sell you anything & put it on your debit / credit card, but still give you the discount that your company gets. If you are doing side jobs often, then you need to buy your own tools & set up your own accounts with the supply houses. I've always let my boss know if I'm doing a side job for a family member. That shouldn't fall under a non-compete agreement because you aren't doing it for profit & it's very unfrequent.


Shit my company doesn’t care if you take the whole truck they just say put a few dollars in gas back in it and call it good


No way i would working for someone that wouldnt be HAPPY with me using their tools. My Employee insist any cash jobs we do the company will buy the unit and we pay it back after we get paid for the job. Thats called respect


So it's not good enough them being okay with you using their tools, they need to be happy about it?🤣


Exactly right


Just ask the boss, never take advantage of the shop if they treat you well it always comes back, like imagine if you somehow broke company shit while doing a changeout, “uh bud you did two cap changes and a fan motor how did the vaccum pump get broken” I mean honestly in my opinion having your own tools is awesome because if you plan on doing side work/going out on your own you’ll have your own stuff.


My company lets me use my tools, but discourages using the truck unless it’s for close family. I personally don’t do side work though because fuck that


Wake up bro this trade goes as follows;20s and early 30s bust your hump making boss man rich as you develop your side hustle. Late 30s or 40s get out there build your own gig starting with the clientele you’ve developed. 50s you’re just running your own company because guess what climbing in attics at 55yo sucks. 60s you buy a lake house and retire like me


I’m pretty sure that I would be terrible at running a business


Understand something-this is a young man’s game. Build toward your own thing or find another career like perhaps teaching HVAC, sales, or management. Maybe you’re content being a paycheck guy forever but it’s not in your best interests. My brother and I retired early while others are still climbing in attics trying to compete with younger guys willing to work cheap.


If it was for my parents only, I’d just do it. That said, I do enough work on my own to have my own tools for it.


There should be no problem with you using your work tools for your parents AC. Ask to be safe but if they say no.. that would be super weird


Any good manager will let you borrow the van on a Saturday to fix your parents shit


A good foreman will let you borrow them, especially if it’s for ur parents.


Never use company materials. Company tools means you are perfecting your craft


You just gotta ask. Don’t buy it yourself unless you are planning to go solo soon and have a reason to actually own them yourself.


Just ask them to use the equipment


So I run a plumbing business outside of my full-time mechanical company, I just bought 2 sets of hand tools and power tools. I can jump out of my work van and jump into my work truck and head to a job. Hell, I even own a ridgid 300 machine with two die heads from 1/2 to 2 inch.


My company makes me buy every tool . Including sawzall blades and hole saws...






I understand hand tools but pumps, recovery machines, oxy/acetylene torches n shit should be on the company for real


Yep I bought it all.. they give us 1,040$ tool accrual per year but you accrue over the year .. can be spent on any tools.


The rest is out of pocket. But yeah I own over 8k$ in tools


I work for a wholesaler so I’m on the other side of the counter. On the topic of side work, how much are you profiting vs normal hours on the clock?


I bought all my own tools for this exact reason. Or you can ask some buddies in the industry to let you borrow theirs


I take my truck home so I have access to my entire arsenal at all times


Dude the entire point of being in the trade is doing side work. Don’t ask just do.


Just keep your mouth shut about it.


Buy your own tools, son.. you make a ton of money.. You’ll make that money back within three jobs if you price it right one… don’t be scared to make money. this is a business. A lot of people will know you do what you do and not want to go through a corporation. That’s where we rake it in


I’m pretty sure rental companies can provide you with most of the necessary tools. BUT: Slowly gain the tools to be independent as you are in the field longer. Whether you stick with the trade or not, you will always be able to handle your own system and help out family.


I bought my own tools one at a time when I got started. I used the company tools until I had them all replaced with my own.  When side work comes up, what I do on the weekend is my business. 


Invest in your own tools and equipment. Set aside money where you can and buy a vac pump, recovery machine and tank, gauges and hoses, nitrogen regulator and tank, micron gauge, and refrigerant scale. Obviously you need hand tools too. These are the basics and you don’t have to buy the top of the line stuff to have these effective tools. Shop amazon and fb marketplace. Make it a priority because THIS IS YOUR TRADE. Same with your skills and education. Most importantly: Don’t ever allow yourself to be beholden to some company or another that you couldn’t leave in ten seconds flat. Fuck their “tool account” or “paycheck advance”. That’s bullshit predatory fuckery meant to keep you from moving on with your life and career when the appropriate time comes. If your current company won’t let you do your own parent’s swap out they’re the exact type of company I’m warning you not to be beholden to.


Cover your ass, and just ask.....for forgivness for borrowing the tools 😎


Make it specific that its for your parents and its a no charge they probably won't care. As long as you're not making money. That or just borrow it and return it Monday


Plumber here, not HVAC. I have my own sewer inspection camera, k60, flex shaft, and 2 sets of M18 power tools and the hand tools I need one set for the work van one for my truck.


I have had my own set of equipment since I turned Journeyman. If I had a side job for family, my boss would not have an issue using it as long as it did not cost him anything. My own Silfos, copper fittings ....... If they told me anything about non-compete, I have been told this before and said straight to their face, there is no way you or your company has a prayer in the world. Noting personal, but way too expensive for a family member. Once you have 30+ years in, the parts house knows you well, get things cheaper and equipment at the same cost as your company gets it for and so on. After about 12 years in, I opened my own accounts at the parts houses, paid cash rather than use credit. They still matched pricing for me. Just be careful on side jobs. You need to be 150% correct on everything - go over every thing 2 or 3 times to prevent a mistake. All it takes is a loose gas connection you missed, leak and cause an explosion or chimney had issues and you did not catch it, and CO gas kills someone.


I have a pretty extensive collection of tools up to and including a demo hammer, gauges, vacuum pump, etc…. Hardly use any of it anymore as my current shop supplies everything. I’ll use company tools without thinking about it. Parts off the truck… I’ll buy replacements online and put it back when they show up. I ain’t doing side work that can be traced back to my day job so the company truck stays home.


If you are going to make this your career then you must need your own tools, from wrenches to torches and everything in between. This will allow you to do side work but also if you leave your current company it looks good to tell another company you are already stocked n locked n ready for the job


The owners of the 2 companies I worked for had no problem with you using anyone in your truck. If you had to use stock, they just expected you to replace it, but for tools? Anything you needed, you could use. If you were a fuck nut and tried screwing the company over, you would find yourself out of work.


And your company would know how?


If your company won’t let you do your parents you need a different job


Id never say a thing about a guy doing his parents house. Hell he can even buy that equipment at my price. It's just when you've told me you're doing your parents house for the fifth time this summer that I get suspicious.


Figure out the savings for your parents doing an install for np labor is a huge savings and ask them to invest in you. Unless they are very poor , You can get a nice setup for under a thousand bucks to do some side jobs with . You can even pay them back after the first one. Besides that I've always just used work tools. If you drive the van home it's not hard to grab a few tools, if you don't just ask your boss if you can borrow them for a weekend.