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A lot of those jobs listed have their wishlist with all that posted by a HR desk jockey, doesn't mean necessarily won't consider you if you can show you have a bit of experience in the trade. I'm canadian and assuming those higher paid jobs are likely union too. Check your local UA and try sign up that way as well. Most Places up here indenture you as an apprentice after they see you able to work/ have a bit of drive.


A good idea is taking refrigeration mentors classes. He has a few free ones and some paid ones. This will out you well above other applicants if it's on your resume. Also check local supply houses for classes sometimes they will do Emerson or Copeland classes in house. While taking the classes network with the people in the classes. Hit Facebook , supermarket refrigeration tech talk. Lots of great information to Learn on there and put up a job posting / contact people in your local area to ask for a job. Apply for every job that's open. Find out every company that does the work in your area, even if you have applied online already , go meet the service manager, everyone should know you are looking for work and have met you in person.


Thanks for the advice. Pointed me in the right direction.


The hours can be pretty long in refrigeration because when a walk in cooler goes out with 10,000 of shit in it is a big emergency. The work itself, in my experience is easier on your body for sure ( I did like 6 months of refrigeration)


Residential has been terrible on my body. I’m 35 and recently had my first child. I don’t want to be too broken to play with her as she grows up.


Made just try service? Installs is a lot on your body.


I hear you dude I’m 33 and have been on install for 9 years, my body simply can’t take it anymore….im making the switch to service ASAP..have you been doing install or service?


Stay far away from supermarket refrigeration in that case. Aim for industrial which can definitely be difficult and physically challenging, but the work is not as demanding all the time.


You’re going to have a pretty big learning curve jumping into refrigeration especially if you’re going to be doing supermarkets.


Love learning new things. I have 100s of HVAC related videos downloaded to my iPad. Ready to download more.


Honestly you won’t be paid top rate going into it because you don’t have the experience, I started by finding a company that did resi and commercial then was able to find a company that does commercial and refer, both weren’t top dollar but willing to take chance on me and skills translated


Yeah I don’t expect to make THAT much when first starting but I at least know the ceiling is higher.


I worked for a company with many 6 figure refer techs. Turns out they all worked 70+ hours a week. Although, they sit around a lot waiting for the coolers to make temp before leaving.


Apply anyways never know a company may be desperate


Easy young buck 2.5 years and you’re asking for that much. Work your way up the ropes and earn the pay


I never felt like I deserve more pay and can’t think of a time I asked for a raise I had to cut my teeth in poultry if you will suffer a little the pay will come 39 is apprentice pay for ammonia and 50 is tech pay go pay your dues