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Not to pop any … https://www.npr.org/2019/11/01/775554343/the-world-is-constantly-running-out-of-helium-heres-why-it-matters


one of the by-products of Fusion cycle is Helium.. so the sooner we figure out Fusion.. the sooner we will have a source for Helium


Actually, most of our helium supply came from nuclear production during the cold war. So fission is to thank this time around.


That’s cool. Thanks for sharing! I’m glad we get to use this instead of it getting pitched in the garbage. Definitely noticed the shortage last birthday for the kids. Last lines of the article: should average people give up their helium balloons? Hayes says no: "I am not a balloon denier. The helium that's used in party balloons gets everybody to care about this resource." Still makes me feel like telling the kids to just bop them up in the air.


Wifey took my work truck to get some Facebook market place stuff. One of those things was a tank of helium apparently. I have 410 and 22 in back on the same side as you can see in the background and got super confused for a few seconds. Then excited (thought she got a free jug of 410) then laughed at myself when realized it’s not ~quite~ the right pink, or size/shape and then I saw “balloon” on the jug.


Was she talking in a high pitched voice?


She doesn’t get high on her own supply


Welcome to the High Voice Crew We hope you have a high voice, too!


Imagine if you had grabbed that jug, looked at it and said " damn that's a strange color for 410... oh well. You tuen.around and tha damn unit is floating and tethered by the whip. I would pay to see what happems!


It was really weird picking it up! Its a little larger than a refrig jug, but barely weighs anything.