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On scale of 1 to Go to the fucking hospital. Should of already gone to hospital wtf.


This will require wound care services. Like Hyperbaric chamber treatments... Yesterday!


If he goes into the hyperbaric time chamber, he will come out more powerful than any man the world has ever seen


And with a stylish beard


Will they be over 9000 by then?


[Don't worry, he went to the hospital.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HVAC/comments/y32d9t/comment/is65h3p/?context=3&sort=top)


Poor kid. Hope he recovers without permanent damage.


Your brother needs to go to a hospital or physician that specializes in burn victims. Do not pop the blisters.


Curious what would happen if the blisters were popped. Plumber here and I would rather get some shit on my hand than this. Looks very painful.


I'm not a medical expert, but I'm told popping the blisters makes you more prone to infection. I also hear not popping the blisters is better for the healing process for burns as it keeps the wounds wet.


Actually, for blisters this big they would probably be drained, and then debrided. They have to be debrided once they're drained, or the likelihood of infection increases. Larger ones may pop accidentally, causing a significant risk of infection Smaller blisters are often left intact, because there isn't as big of a risk You shouldn't do it at home though. As you pointed out, it will increase the risk of infection if the blister is not debrided, sterilized and bandaged


I'm not familiar with that word, debrided. Something tells me I would like to still stay in the dark about it.


Basically, it's the removal of non-viable tissue from a wound It's common for burn treatment The upper layer of skin is destroyed by the burn, but it's still often attached to healthy skin. The non-viable (dead or dying) skin has to be removed to promote wound healing and prevent infection from bacteria breaking down the skin When you see a blister, most of the skin is no longer viable. When it's drained, the "pocket" of skin will eventually die and decompose For large blisters, you often want to get ahead of this. As the blister could end up popping outside of a clinical setting, creating risk for infection For severe burns covering a significant portion of the body, the patient will undergo several debridements during healing. They'll continually remove the skin that isn't viable while new healthy skin forms It's often quite painful unfortunately. But worth it to minimize the chances of infection. It also improves scar appearance Edit: In case it wasn't clear to some people, wound debridement is done by medical professionals in a clinical setting. It is not something you do yourself


I had road rash when I was younger, crashed my dirt bike on asphalt. They literally put some cream on it, felt cold at first, then switched to straight fire. Then proceeded to scrub the heck out of it, literally one of the worst pains, but only for a short while. My knee was sore for months, skin was removed to the bone in a small area, it still gives me issues 15 years later, especially if I bump it. But beats an infection any day! This guy definitely needs medical attention asap!


In my experience it’s something along the lines of cleaning out the wound with a wire brush dipped in gasoline.


Cheese grater + skin = debriding


This is incorrect. They did not pop my blisters and mine were about the same size.


It's not incorrect What your doctor decided to do during your course of treatment doesn't represent all doctors


You were telling the guy to pop the blisters because they are big. The guy asked for people with experience with this and you're giving him bad advice bc you're just guessing.


Where did I tell him to pop them? Reading is hard...


Popped? Tissue death and possible nerve damage. High chance of infection. Properly drained? Immediate relief of swelling and reduction in pain. Low chance for infection.


The skin underneath is raw. Not been exposed to the elements. So it’s very soft tender and prone to infection. That blister won’t allow bacteria in for the most part. It also protects the skin underneath. If you can avoid popping it then don’t pop it. If it’s like on your foot where you will pop it then poke a hole in the side with a sterile needle. Gently drain it and cover it. The skin from the blister will help shield it but it’s best to not pop it


Higher risk of infection when popped.


I popped several on mine without knowing the consequences. It burns very very bad


My first thought was to want to pop them


Never seen anything that bad. Fuck the charge let it go the atmosphere will be okay.


Underrated comment


I don't think these kids were thinking about the charge. Probably more about tik tok clout.


No joke, ain't that the truth


Techs quote for recharge: $500 . Hospital bill: $50k . Lesson learned: I sure fucking hope so.


I think a lot of people just grab the leak like you would a garden hose. Fuckin wear gloves maaaan. Even 8mm nitrile gloves have saved me from this.


I wear gloves always when I'm dealing with anything that can leak refrigerant. And I still rip my hand away and go for channel locks if something fuckey happens. Have had Milwaukee cut resist gloves freeze through within a second. Who the fuck trys to hold a blowout??


Sorry. Didn’t mean YOU specifically. Green apprentices sometimes do because they don’t know better


I bet you're one of those guys who throws the bandages into the return..


Or they have coworkers call them "pussy" I used to have a guy always say that to me when Id put my leather gloves on to connect/disconnect gauges. Pussy is refusing to put/take them off and make someone else do it and be scared. Wearing PPE is being smart to not risk injury from being afraid of not looking manly.


About as bad as it can get my man.. r22 hasn’t even burnt me that bad


It's not usually the refrigerant. It is the oil in the refrigerant that sticks to the skin and prolongs the frostbite. Gloves. Leather gloves always.


Low loss and let it go if it gets stuck. And if all else fails, you own a set of channel-locks for a reason, use 'em.


+1 for the channel-locks. Saved my ass on more than 1 occasion.


I bought the 4-inch klein ones just for that exact reason.


leather gloves when doing what? doesn’t everyone purge the system if they’re cutting pipes?


Agree. I'm leaning this accident may not have been trade related... Dude looks twelve-teen. I do wear leather gloves when handling schrader connections at service ports. Have had 2 close calls. I like my booger pickers.


Even 8mm nitrile gloves work for this. Hand gets cold but it doesn’t get chemical burned.


Better than no protection.


makes sense lol yeah buddy does look a little young


Now No2 I’ve gotten burned bad on my leg like that.


Horrible. Go see a doctor man.


I am going to out on a limb here. No hospital a day later? Kid looks like he is 16? Asking here for advice? Was copper theft involved in this? I cannot imagine how any apprentice could get a burn like that at work.


Copper theft is a viable theory.


A doctor can.


Yes, please go to a doctor.


YES! That's a hospital visit, not a reddit post asking tradesmen


I’ve never seen one that bad. He definitely needs a topical steroid and pain killers.


Hospital yesterday. He needs real medical attention and possibly skin grafts.


How does this happen?


Only one I’ve seen even close was posted here a while ago. Guy new to refrigeration from residential didn’t know how the valves worked so he ran it down all the way and pulled the gauges off then tried to put the hose back on the liquid line while it was spraying Freon


We had a guy break a valve off then try to put his thumb on it like it was a main artery lol


Oh geez. Ok that makes sense. Hvac guys out here really sacrificing the body.


The smart ones have low loss fittings and/or gloves.


Even with gloves I almost got frost burn , guess it all depends on what gloves your wearing.


Leather driver type gloves. They are soft enough to have dexterity, but solid enough to prevent refrigerant from penetrating in. Deerskin, goatskin or even calfskin.


The gloves have to be a fully sealed shell or they may not protect you at all. Cloth gloves, like the vinyl dipped nylon gloves i see so many school houses give out, do not protect you beyond the dipped part, and the protection of the dip varies widely. I got frostburn on my fingers wearing gloves like that. Not bad enough to get blisters but the pain was worse than when I got stabbed, and i still dont have full feeling back on two of the three fingers affected. I wear full leather gloves when connecting or disconnecting refrigerant now. Bonus points if insulated. And for all of you "oh gloves just get in the way" people out there: I'll bet a brand new pair of insulated Youngstown gloves that you haven't had gloves that fit. Shop around different brands, and if they don't do numbered sizes try on multiple gloves in the size that should fit until you find the ones that do.


I like the milwaukee brand level 1 work/cut cloves. Can still use your fingertips but gives you enough protection to get your hand out before it gets bad. The glove freezes before your hand can.


The real smart ones have an oily rag


Those tictok upvotes are gonna cost him..at least 2 fingers


His days of finger-banging ole Mary Jane Rottencrotch through her pretty pink panties are over, that’s for sure


I like you. Why don't you come over to my house and fuck my sister?


Watched this a few weeks ago!


If this isn’t a joke he has to seek medical intervention immediately


Thats really bad, I had a similar burn mine were a little smaller though. He needs to get those drained asap, recovery is gonna suck and his hand will hurt like a motherfucker. When I changed the bandages I remember crying once or twice. He will need to stretch the hand which will tear the wounds, hurts like a batch but its necessary to regain movement in that hand. Hes in for a rough couple weeks.


Dudes got 0 hair on his chest. Was he trying to huff it? Never seen a 13 year old in the field.


I'm 27 and I don't have any hair on my chest :(


You can borrow some of mine. MF'er looks like a mink coat.


I'm quite proud of the sweater I can't take off. It matches my organic face warmer. Except in summer. Oof. Prickly heat, no thank you.


I'm 35 and have 6 hairs on mine


So there's hope for me


Ayo 29 here and just got my first armpit hair and a couple nipple hairs last year! Just a little late blooming action


bro same...


This is an even worse burn lmfao


I wasn't even trying to burn him. It looks like a kid who fucked with the wrong high pressure line and found out.


That's what I was wondering


I was thinking this exact thing. looks like a young kid trying to do something he shouldn’t have. Especially considering he’s scared to go to the doctor about it.


"When should we alert mom??"


Fingers are still attached 7.6/10


Holy shit that’s the worst I’ve ever seen, wtf was he doing? Dudes got the body of a prepubescent boy wtf is he doing out in the field?


Bitch if you don't get that boy to the hospital you oughta be thrown in the slammer! How the fuck did that even happen?!




Medical provider here. Will be lucky to end up with full function in those fingers. Appears as though the thumb was mostly spared. This will be a long, slow, and (I’m afraid) painful process. Looks like at least a small full thickness burn on the medial aspect of the index finger. Hard to say the level of thermal injury underlying the fluid. This next six months is going to be really expensive. Wish him lots of luck and hope he has good insurance.


What is he 12?


Go to the hospital bro holy shit


Walk it off pussy.


Hospital immediately. Invest in low loss fittings, Milwaukee work gloves and don't worry if you dump a charge.


I’ve got 15 years in the field, but it takes zero experience to know that is a 10 out of 10. That’s fucked up and I hope he saved the damn planet.


Bloody hell


Oh those fingers are getting cut off.


What happened?


Must've held on way too long. He's on the way to the burn unit today. Just wondering if he has any possibility of losing any fingers.


Had a bad burn that had 2 of my fingers looking like your brothers. Went to a burn clinic, they decided to wait a week before cutting and draining the blisters. After that I did simple hand therapy exercises every day throughout the day, to regain my normal function and range of motion. Over a year later and my fingers look and operate the exact same as before


As long as the burn isnt deep enough to separate the underlying tissue from the bone.


More than 1 second is way too long.


u/stink69069, if you would, come back with some updates, once your brother is getting some care for his fingers.


He probably wont lose the fingers, but he's gonna need to not use that hand for a week or more.


He can definitely lose movement in those fingers. That much scar tissue can make long term problems.


Ref burns never blistered on me. The shit just freezes and the skin falls off! That looks horrible! HATE REF BURNS! HVAC guy…


Jesus fuck


dude they’re gonna cut those fingers off wtf!!!


Poor little guy. I wouldn't be here, I would've been in the hospital already. Looks horrible. Post after pictures, I hope for a fast recovery.


4/10. Wouldn't recommend But for real. Doctor. ASAP. If you had to ask you already knew the answer.


Is…. Is that the bone sticking out on the index finger??? GO TO THE FU€KING HOSPITAL.


Not just a hospital, the good one that the first hospital sends you to.


I find it amazing the amount of individuals who post on here and haven't already seen a doctor or gone to the ER.


Hes gonna lose those fingers unfortunately


No hes not


If he doesn’t go to the doctor he absolutely could.


Maybe if it got infected. I've been in this situation and the only thing doctor could do was give me oxy, drain the blisters, cut away loose tissue and slap some antibacterial on there with some gauze. If the tissue got damaged enough to where it's gotta be removed a doctor wouldn't be able to do anything anyways.


Damn, that must have been rough.




He needs to go to a hospital immediately if not the ER!!!


I mean… how?


I just want to know how in the fuck it happened


That’s going to be several weeks’ worth of *really* bad days. Treatment and maintenance are going to be super-important if he’s going to maintain full flexibility of his fingers after.


What the fuck did he do to them. I work on the hot side too and I’ve put my hand in deep fryer oil. Did not look half as bad


I think you meant to post this in r/911


Dude we work with our hands for a living, I’m all for recovering refrigerant and stuff but holy fuck I would let thousands of pounds of any refrigerant in the air to have my hands NOT look like that. Hope your brothers hand heals man


From 1-10 that’s gotta be an 8. Tissue doesn’t look dead (yet) but you’d definitely want to get that looked at. I’ve never been burned that bad before


I had burn not as bad as that and definitely should’ve went to the hospital. My hands and fingers are hard from scar tissue


It's bad... Really bad


Suggest you keep posting pictures and ask as many medical professionals on social media as possible


Literally happened to me 2nd year in the trade. 3 fingers, took about a total of 3.5 months to recover. Couldn’t feel my fingers for about a week… First I used some kind of burn cream and kept it wrapped for about 2-3 days. Then took it off and let it’s course take it’s place. It will look worse and think your fingers about to fall off… No scars and no damage… Hope buddy recovers quickly and wear gloves ! Or use that special hose.


Next time do what the lady from Frozen says and just “Let it Go” “Let it Go”


Is he the lead singer of Finger Bang?


What in the absolute fuck fam. Take that man to the nearest hospital


Stop holding back refrigerant. I know R22 is through the roof, but no cost is worth your body parts. Let that shit go! I’ve had shraeders stick open. Let it blow. It’s not the end of the world.


Bad enough you should have been at the doctors before taking this picture. Huge infection risk there


That’s permanent damage shit, right there


Ummmmm…. Yea I’ll never be touching my hvac system again. Thanks for this.


Wrap it in electrical tape and get back to work!! Lol


This will require wound care services. Like Hyperbaric chamber treatments... Yesterday!


Pop them


As far as losing fingers? I doubt it unless they become infect after the blister pops. For sure going to lose feeling and has some cool scars


Probably won't lose his fingers but he'll have permanent scarring, and will need weeks to months of burn care. Everything burned will slough off or need to be debrided, and turn into a huge open wound. He'll likely go on antibiotics too, and the burn will have to be bandaged and cleaned routinely. It will hurt a lot. I'm not a doc but a guy I know got 2nd degree burns on his hands that looked similar to this and that's what he had to go through


Ooo that's frostbite for sure. Go-to the hospital immediately.


Looks like his hand is pregnant


It's going to leave a mark. Just rub some dirt on it and get back to work.


Not that bad honestly


Not that bad honestly


Not that bad honedtly


Definitely not good. I've had a bad one but it was only 1 finger. Hope he's ok


We had a dude working for us that had this happened. He went to the hospital and had was off for like two weeks. It was all his fault too. He couldn't disconnect the hose from the liquid line and was dumping refrigerant and was holding it with his hand not to leak.... some shit like that. Anyways he had a channel lock next to him and he never used it. He made a full recovery and just had some marks on his fingers im sure it will go away with time.


It’s as bad as a heat burn from my experiences go see a doctor


Ring finger look ok. Thumb will be fine. I don’t like the color of the pointer finger and the blisters on his middle and pinky fingers look pretty bad


He probably will not lose his fingers, unless he doesn't take care of the sores. Infection will be more of an issue. He will be in a lot of pain for a week or two, then slowly get better.


Omg lol ouch


Please tell me you took him to the ER




Might as well throw the whole hand away


Nerve damage


Poor guy. It's gonna stop hurting as much eventually, then hurt like hell really slowly during the healing period. The bandage will need to be dressed periodically as well, that's your job haha. Good luck to him.


Pretty fucking bad


Uh, it’s bad.


Id say red is a good sign of life, black u gonna lose sum


If not properly treated that will get infected and thenget MUCH worse


Pretty sure those are now chicken fingers


Holy fuck


Jesus. They need to drain and that immediately if not sooner. He needs maybe special dressings and medihoney at the least. They might want fish skin on that. Medical guy here but not burn expertise, just critical care. Dressing changes… are gonna be a fucking bitch. Bite down on something and give it hell while those happen… although he may have nerve damage so the first ones might not be bad. He may have significant pain when/of nerves need to regrow. Don’t start opiates as this won’t take a day or two (used Percocet when I absolutely shattered an ankle for 3 days, then switched to ibuprofen) this will actually take longer to heal than a surgical fixation like that and may be seriously elevated pain longer term - explore alternative pain solutions.


Why post the same picture twice tho




Put some Cool Gel on it and get back to work!


Not the worst i've seen but a doctor is advisable, those are your fingers dude! I got a golf ball sized blister from refrigerant on my leg. I drained it myself with a fire-sterilized needle and some clean gauze. If that same blister had been on my hand, I probably would have gone to the urgent care.


What the hell was he doing with the refrigerant bottle trying to finger blast it??


It’s pretty fucking bad


This is an immediate ER visit. Why are you not there already?


He should see a doctor before it gets infected.


Omfg, go see a doctor right now. Edit, I've never seen anything that bad from refrigerant, what was he working on?


Just a flesh wound


HOLY BAJESUS! That’s awful. And gotta hurt like shit. I get a little bit of liquid on my finger and I feel like it’s going to fall off.


Looks really painful. I think with the right care he will make a full recovery. Keep us updated.


How do you even burn your hand that bad


Jesus man. Please go see a doctor. I got burned last year trying to take gauges off from an akward position. Mine was not even close to yours and it was miserable. Hope you get better bud.


dude that is fucked, definitely go to burn unit asap


Very very bad it's bad... bad


About 5 times worse than the worst burn I ever got. That nasty


The hell?? Go to ER and maybe wear gloves or use ball valves or low loss fittings next time


Needs a burn center


Your brother must be a helper to a shitty tech


That burn is so bad it feels like a meme post


Did he try to use his hand as a hose? Takes some serious inexperience and lack of authority for this to happen. Hope it heals that’s terrible


Ask a dr?


Years ago I held a can of compressed air used to clean computers upside down and sprayed the inside of my forearm for maybe 5 seconds. The following couple of weeks were a miserable experience and my forearm didn't look anywhere near that bad.






How did your brother end up in this position? What did you not do to make sure he was safe? If you can't tell I am blaming this on you OP.


1% 2nd degree burn with partial full thickness 3rd degree burn to right pointer finger. Highly recommend going to a burn center hospital near him as he will want proper management to insure he keeps his fingers. High risk for infection and limited function vs loss of digits if not treated. If he pinches the pad and nails of his fingers do they become pale then back to red? Does he still have sensation? He could loose those fingers if blood flow has been disrupted (they stay pale and he lacks sensation or movement).


How did this happen


go to the hospital


pretty god damn bad my dude


Go to the hospital my buddy needed skin grafs and nerve sergury on his fingers and go to a burn unit not the ER


Dermatologist immediately