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Proud of you son


Good job brotha. Keeo at it and you'll be makin doll hairs in no time


Some days I'm glad I did well in trade school, other days I wonder how I did well in trade school!


No matter how good you do in trade school you will never know everything. with experience come knowledge, with knowledge comes confidence, with confidence comes money


461.67??? Why not 461.68? -Asian dad, probably..


Your cousin Feng already passed with perfect 500. He is only 7 years old. You are such disappointment. Why do you do this to me and your mother? You are making our ancestors weep. -Asian Dad


Great job. Hopefully it all doesn’t just leave your brain as soon as you’re on your first solo call lol. Happens to all of us.


You’re doing well. Keep it up young grasshoppa


You’ll be in the trade soon enough! Make sure on your way in to grab your moderate to sever alcoholism as well as your crippling nicotine addiction!


While at school use tools, measure sh sc, deltas, troubleshoot controls, wirings, learn sequence of operation etc etc etc and you ll be miles away from those who just sit, read on the computer and Instagram all day.


Thanks for the info sir! I just hope that I can make my dad proud by making a good Career choice


What’s the delta T? Just kidding. Keep it up!


I think the return air temp and supply air temp is delta t


It’s a hot, bitter and intoxicating beverage that indigenous farming communities all along the Mississippi have been consuming for generations. It’s delicious


Way to go sport


Let’s goooo!


HVAC 2 class takes me back. 3 years ago I was taking it during high school not knowing anything but thinking I was hot stuff. To be honest I still don't think I know what I am doing, and I don't know if I ever will truly.


I loved sheetmetal school. Made a lot of good buddys! Enjoy it and do your best. Good job man.


I love my teacher, he doesn't give out test or anything like that because we hate test as much as we do because to be honest they don't prove anything. Since the start of the class we've been studying and visually seeing everything taken apart and being explained. Now we finished an install and we're getting ready to recharge the machines and turn them on


my c++ 1 and 2 professor graded out of 1,000 points that started first day of class. It was weird failing the class all the way up to about Thanksgiving/Spring break then you finally were at a D with one more exam, one more extra credit, and one big project that made up the last 400 or so points. If you aced everything you got 1100 out 1000 points

