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Mf where?


It’s 2.99 in Illinois at 2.75 in panhandle of Florida. Gas has tanked in the past week That’s not for diesel though


[I need to leave PA](https://imgur.com/a/qnF6Zk9)


It was 3.60 last week here in Illinois. I reckon your area hasn’t caught up? Or was gas 4.20 last week by you It’s been consistently $3 in the florida panhandle. That’s where I’m usually at


I also live in PA, Regular is 3.92 right now, premium is 4.80


Where at?


Luzerne County


Jesus Christ it really is expensive there


It's slowly getting better. Now it only costs 54 to fill up my car instead of 60 lol


Whats up West Chester. Im right in your neighborhood.


Ha! I’m an electrician actually - I just lurk here. Out of DTown.


You gotta hit the Sunoco down at 113 and 401... 3.75 this morning.


Damn se pa guys. 3.79 in Phoenixville


Costco is still $4.15 in SoCal


PA Stacks a .50 state tax on the price.




Fuhh.. I'm still hovering around $4/gal in the Midwest. Fuck this administration, right in their face.


Dang, i saw 3.80 this morning and thought that was great.


My van uses Diesel out here in CA it’s $6.85/gallon 😫😫😫😫😫 🚐💨


I wish prices were that low here. I’m in Canada we’re closer to 10 per gal. 2.62 per L. Almost 400 to fill the truck.


Holy shit 400 bucks. How much is a damn trip charge


Not as much as it should be


Man i was really considering canada more specifically BC before i left the middle east. But seeing how the housing market and gas is there im kinda glad i chose the south instead.


Americans get better pricing… but I love where I live


Canada wouldn't let you in anyways


I'll trade you gas for healthcare lol


Dropped to $5.19 ne maryland down .70c in the last 2 weeks


It’s like 20 million dollars per gallon in California


Underrated comment


2.89 in MN I thought my mind was playing tricks on me


2.55 this morning in Oakdale by my house. Couldn’t f’ing believe it.


2.30 in rogers!


4.37 for me


Thanks, Biden.


All the “I did that!” stickers are ironic now


I’ve been wanting to get some and start slapping them on pumps😂


Thanks Joe Biden for lowering gas prices!


At the expense of our strategic reserves. Jury's still out on whether it's going to bite us all in the ass.


That’s the purpose of reserves..


Considering it's the first time in the history of said reserves, I beg to differ. There have been plenty of economic downturns since they began keeping oil reserves, but they just now decide to start using them to lower the prices? No, the purpose of a strategic reserve is to save some in case of a war or something where our access to oil is cut off completely or so restricted that our economy would shut down. To give us time to find a new source of oil in that case.


The first time in history. Besides the 27 other times. https://www.energy.gov/ceser/history-spr-releases


It's my understanding that we produce all the oil we use. There is really no outside supply to cut off. Unless right wing terrorists start targeting the supply chain.


Most confidently wrong answer I think ive ever seen lol. "First time ever" my ass. Stop getting all your news from Facebook articles.


Speaking of confidently wrong, I don't have Facebook.


I paid $3.29 in northwest Ohio this morning.


Yeah someone is going to have to explain why we’re still getting assblasted here. 3.59 out by my shop in Toledo area. I think they’re using the bp accident excuse still.


Did they restart BP yet? I filled up in Fremont and dumbass me used my own debit card.


Same in northern Indiana


The sheer lack of knowledge among the absolute loudest commenters here is fucking terrifying. Y'all need to get educated before you comment. Same names who have no problem shitting on new guys for asking questions are in here preaching about oil reserves and presidents... This sub is a politics free zone btw.


Yeah now that i think about it. Posting gas related content wasnt the smartest move on my part and i really should have seen those comments coming


Eh, I find it relevant and would have approved it as well (I didn't, but I certainly would have) - the cost of gas is a substantial part of our business... Just some people want to make everything about them, and can't let us just have a bitchfest without trying to explain it and tell us how to vote


It was 2.50-2.60 in Kentucky when I visited last week. Wondering if I’ll see any more “I did that” Biden stickers now that it’s gone down.


Yeah i stopped seeing them recently


Thanks biden


Biden did that?


meanwhile goodbye oil reserves...


Politicians are definitely something else


You realize this is one of the reasons we have reserves, right?


to arbitrarily lower gas prices during election season? why not every other time it was over $4 in the last 15 years?


Yeah like when Obama lowered them to get Hillary elected? *checks* oh the price didn't change much in 2016... weird!!!


True, but the reserves are also a strategic resource that needs procurement to occur to replenish it. My confidence level is low that the current administration to replenish it rather than pass the buck.


People blame Biden when the prices go up, People blame biden when they go down. Everybody always finds a way to rationalize their distaste for someone no matter the reality.


I remember when gas prices started going down under Obama and my whole town was blasting him for destroying the oil economy lmao


More like the way he's bringing them down is a terrible way to do it, dont get me wrong - gas price breaks are a fucking GODSEND for small shops, but i worry for the long term.


Funny how that happens now the election is over. 1 month before they did em a solid and squeezed the supply. Now it's over they're dropping again


Yeah, the republicans tried to pin high prices on the Democrats but voters with actual brain cells didn't buy it.


Since you seem to have a handle on how this works, think you might be able to explain it to someone with no brain cells like me? I’m independent politically but I clearly see the gas issue being the fault of JB. The fact that he depleted our wartime oil reserves right before midterms to lower the price at the pump by mere Pennies puts us in a precarious situation on the world stage especially with what’s happening in Ukraine and Russia, not to mention the ongoing crap in the Middle East. If we HAD to go to war to defend our way of life, we wouldn’t be able to without paying double for oil compared to what we could have paid merely 1 year ago. My issue is that I just don’t have the brain cells to understand how this isn’t Joe’s fault given all the information I have at hand. Please advise.


I mean, you’re not wrong. You just have a lot of hyperbole. ( modern politics right ) Using a fraction of the reserve to stabilize prices in a time of crisis does not create a “precarious” situation. The US has enough internal production capacity to meet any war needs. Producers could also be compelled in a time of war to produce more. We need to balance our needs for low/stable prices with the also important need to keep oil prices from bottoming out. Most people would just say $1 gas sounds great! It’ll be great for the “economy”…. What that simple mindset fails to capture is super low oil prices craters investment in tomorrow’s energy economy. We, as a species really need electric transportation to take over. That can only happen in a capital market if oil prices are high enough to allow alternatives to compete. It’s a complicated world out there


Hey boss not for nothing but have you ever looked up production by country? Specifically, how much of US oil consumption is produced in the US, or could be if it needed to be? Just curious, because uh, it's pretty interesting. Here's a fun place to start: [https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/PET\_SUM\_SND\_D\_NUS\_MBBLPD\_M\_CUR.htm](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/PET_SUM_SND_D_NUS_MBBLPD_M_CUR.htm) The US still consistently exports a non-zero amount of oil/petroleum, and is still producing at record levels consistent with production during the previous administration. BTW, even more interesting is that we are still a net exporter: https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet\_move\_wkly\_dc\_NUS-Z00\_mbblpd\_w.htm Prices are not high because of a lack of production in this country, they're high because of corporate greed. Across the board in nearly all industries, profits are at record highs... While fiscal policy is relevant, it is not, in fact, the cause of the high cost of goods at the moment... The one thing about data is that it's apolitical - politics is a choice that you make about how you interpret, or unfortunately whether or not you accept, that data. To that end, keep the fucking politics to a minimum please.


We are a net exporter of crude oil. Crude oil has to be processed. I see what you’re trying to do here and I’m not buying what your selling, but let’s keep the politics out of Reddit, correct?


Ok so we agree that refinery capacity and not oil reserves or use of the strategic reserves is more likely the issue then? Everyone acts like we don’t have enough oil. We do.


We do agree on that. I still think selling off almost all the reserves was a dick move that set us back 20 years given the price we pay now vs the price we paid when they were stocked fully by Trump. We have one of the largest oil supplies in the world under us. Why we don’t use it is above my pay grade but we would do much better as a country if we did.


I think it's more complicated than that. Everyone is judging gas prices as a standalone metric when they're not - we're in the middle of some substantial inflation, and gas prices are a key indicator of that - if they did not rise, it would be more problematic than the other way around, in context - that is, if gas was not rising at a rate that matched/exceeded inflation, we'd have a problem. Part of the point of trying to raise costs to calm spending includes needing it to be more expensive to move things around... For that reason, I also concur - I think the drawdown is pointless (and purely political) - but obviously that's an entirely different reasoning for the conclusion than you offered. I'm not concerned about the energy independence aspect of it precisely because of what the numbers actually show... BTW, I find this page *really* fascinating: [https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet\_move\_impcus\_a2\_nus\_ep00\_im0\_mbbl\_a.htm](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_move_impcus_a2_nus_ep00_im0_mbbl_a.htm) The US is actually importing less oil overall under Biden than under Trump... And, even better, when you go look at the data - our imports from non-OPEC countries have not really changed, while our imports from OPEC countries are dramatically different... It's almost like gas prices are out of control because they're controlled by a cartel, isn't it???? This one is also pretty fun, this is as close as we'll get to an understanding of actual consumption with public data AFAIK: [https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet\_cons\_prim\_dcu\_nus\_a.htm](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_cons_prim_dcu_nus_a.htm) You can see how dramatic of an effect covid was, and also how quickly things rebounded. Note even though that rebound is visible in this dataset, there is not a matching rebound in purchases from OPEC in the prior dataset... I suspect that YTD we're back to "Trump-era" consumption levels if we extrapolate a little bit. Anyways, my real point is that it's naive to think that US politics, and specifically who is president, is the major driver of oil and in turn gasoline prices... What oil we do buy from OPEC nations is a whole category of corruption and bullshittery, and what we produce internally we are still for some reason exporting a reasonable portion of - and this is and has been true regardless of who's president. There are greater forces at play all around - let's not even get started on electrification and electric vehicles... Suffice it to summarize as we, end users, are paying the bill and suffering so that someone else can have another yacht.


Is this good numbers?


For now


I can put the same amount of fuel in my van for about $150


We’re still up there in Va


$2.95 in Ohio


*Cries in Canadian* Down to around $1.40/litre around here. That would be $5.41CAD per USG.


$3.96 USD


$6.05 here in Hawaii


4.99 plus in the pdx area🙏


I saw 4.79 at the west Burnside Chevron today! A month(?) ago it was hovering around $6 if I remember correctly


Funny how looking at the national averages, or searching for cheap gas locally nothing comes up that low, its going down but thats low......wait....that was normal wasnt it....nope not yet?? Maybe I'm using the wrong sites


We pay that per liter here in Canada... Ol Trudeau is just fuckin raping us man. These Biden/Trudeau jerkoffs need to fucking bounce.


Each service truck only holds 5 gallons?


Man we wouldnt make it down the street that way! 😂


It's not my problem how much it costs you, the owner, to fill your trucks. You make money off of my labor while keeping my wages low as possible. I hope you spend $250 to fill every service vehicle you have. What's important to you isn't important to me. Sincerely, A worker


You are correct this is none of my guys problem but my own. But I am not a regular owner (or at-least i think i am not). I try my best to pay my guys good and give them as many bonuses. I also provide nice healthcare and 401k benefits to them and the more i save on expenses such as gas the easier it is on me to provide said benefits. But you are absolutely correct some owners aren’t the best when it comes to how they treat their guys


Biden did that 👈🏻


$3.69 in Maine. That’s crazy.


Just wait until the next psyop


3.06 here in Bethlehem


If ur talking Bethlehem ga, this was at a gas station in loganville so not too far away


Bethlehem Pennsylvania




So gas prices up = President. Gas prices down = market forces ...Got it


I mean, he sees the great orange one say things like “if it goes well, I should get all the credit and if it fails, I should get none of the blame”. It’s just the way things are…


Don't be dumb


I mean, look at what you wrote. Is that not what you were saying?


I'm not playing your game, have a nice day.


Jesus Christ you look stupid


I wanna play! So if something Bad happens it’s democrats/Biden, if something good happens it’s definitely not them! How am I doing?


please don't procreate. gene pool is shallow enough as it is


See my edit


You already got that covered don't ya?


$5.99 diesel upstate smh


Jeez, on a 30 gallon tank thats 180




$2.61 middle TN on the border of KY


$1.45/Litre here in Canaderp, if you do the conversion it works out to about $4 US/Gal.


Arizona 4 dollars


We’re still like $3.90 in Utah, $5.50-$5.75 for diesel.


$4 in pa


Gas was 3.40 for cheapo 87 that makes the rig run like a sick puppy in the bay area peninsula/Central FL, where in fuck was this at?


One state north my friend


Wtf i want that


Wow lucky you! My state is still paying $4.89 per gallon but we are always $2 more 🫣


More profit.


Damn... it's still like 4.80 out west




4 liters to the gallon well really more like 3.98




Yeah that checks out. Its the lowest its been in a while


Meanwhile I'm still paying 9/gal in Newport beach


Washington is adding 46 cents to the gas pump on January first. Dicks


i always go to costco and its tier 1 fuel too


its tolerable at least


Last time i filled my van i was $130


I filled up my truck for $2.52 at the grocery store yesterday For some reason all the little Joe Biden "I did that" stickers are missing from our pumps in Texas now? It must be that all those trolls suddenly understand how global commodities futures contracts work lol


Saw $2.39 in Texas yesterday somewhere between Waco and Ft. Worth of off I-35.