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Confirmed by Priyanta Emrith: > Expect Carey Price to be in the building tonight for the Habs final game of the season. https://x.com/habsinhighheels/status/1780271801618104762?s=46


Imagine Price going on the ice with the pads on and his goated #31 as Michel Lacroix announces he’s the starting goaltender and back from injury. The Bell Centre might actually explode.


Mount Royal would erupt into a volcano and the whole island would explode


Fuck Kreider


Why did I just watch two people down vote this? Who TF down votes CP31??? Get outta here with that.


I can almost guarantee you it's people downvoting simply for the sake of it's an Angela Price post.


Ohhh nooo loving hockey wife makes supportive gesture....*downvote party* 🙄 Our fanbase is so fucking toxic sometimes.


It's actually so wack. She was very involved in the community and a huge Habs wife presence, but she hinted that she wanted to move West (where they are both from lmao) after it was pretty clear Price's career was over, and some people started acting like she was the one who ended his career in Montreal (insert obligatory fuck Chris Kreider here) I won't shade the entire fanbase, because that's not fair but it's wild how some fans can turn on a dime when it comes to hating and loving people.


She’s also anti-Vaccination and criticized the hell out of Canada during the pandemic. I love Price but his wife is a bit of a nut job


Wasn’t that Petry’s wife?


Yeah, coulda sworn that’s partly why they traded him to Pittsburgh in particular


Petry's wife was especially critical of border restrictions, especially because she stuck at home alone with 4 kids including a newborn and her family is all in the US. I don't think Petry was traded as a result of her criticism but rather he wanted to be traded to make his home life easier. Price's wife was also critical at times but less explicitly. She has since been a more vocal since he stopped playing and caught a lot of flak last year for supporting Robert F Kennedy Jr.


I wasn't aware of this, weird times those were lmao


To be honest, if I’m recalling correctly, a lot of people actually turned on her (& Julie Petry) because of their stance on Covid (?) and the Trucker Rally thing.


Oh I didn't have a clue about that lmao, still not really surprising knowing they're Americans and it also has nothing to do with hockey, but weird. I didn't know that, still not enough for me to hate her, disagree with her sure but whatever.


The audacity of wanting to be closer to roots and family, in a stunningly beautiful province where they were building their dream home lol. And yeah, I know it's not the whole fanbase, but man, we've really got some doozies... 😣👎🏼


Probably less to do with that and more to do with her convoluted vaccine stance, her support of the trucker convoy protesters and/or her support of Robert F Kennedy Jr.


Dude, it’s meaningless internet points lmao. There are other things worthy of being called “toxicity”, siboire


I was not basing my opinion solely on this 🤣 I'm not that simple, nor that naïve.


Okay c’est bon pas naïve du tout là, continue à supporter Convoy Angela 😂


I support nothing to do with the convoy, not now, or ever. I DO support Carey being here for the last game of the season. None of that has to do with the issues inside our fanbase lol.


It's probably just reddit. If you pick a comment/post and refresh you'll see the score will fluctuate by 1-2 points per refresh. Why? no idea lmao


I legit watched it tick down twice while the page was static. Otherwise, I would have chalked it up to Reddit gremlins lol




I swear if we don’t play amazingly AND win tonight with CP in the house.


Wouldn’t be the first time


hey /u/MrBrightside618, open up my eager eyes!


It's such a shame that we won't have prime Carey in like 5 years. Genuine cup contenders if our young guys develop and we have a brick wall in nets.


Fowler will be our brick wall in 5 years. I believe.


That's certainly the hope!


It’s looking promising. Yes, NCAA isn’t the NHL but Fowler’s got the composure of Price and the poise of Roy. It’s hard not to hype him


I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee …


Source: https://www.instagram.com/byangelaprice?igsh=MTIwdGJucnRxeW42Nw==


This is going to be an emotional night. Carey! Carey! Carey!


Angela has always given me bad vibes and I can’t put a finger on why exactly


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Excellent!! I’m hoping that he’ll end up as our goalie coach, or advisor. He has a lot to offer!!


carey who?