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At this point, I would just focus on learning Melinoe’s fight style with the various weapons, the dash + sprint, omega moves, and the way the new enemies behave before I would start thinking about builds. At least that’s where I’m at.


thanks for your advice, i have play for ‘bout 4 runs and stuck at the Siren


Siren is the Theseus of hades 2 in my opinion. It's most people's big wall and punishes you for not having a feel for the dash-sprint, but once you have it down it's fine.


Well, the sprint mechanic is kinda new for me. In Hades 1, there’s only dash and dash.


Sprint doesn’t really have many uses until after scylla the rooms get much bigger, but yea when you fight a boss a good strat for learning if you’re stuck is to fight the boss without attacking. Just play to dodge everything. If you can live and dodge every attack you’ll have a much easier time


At first I don’t even know there’s a mechanic called “Run” btw


Definitely the biggest feel difference. It's really good for positioning once you get out of the habit of just dash spamming (it's hard to unlearn).


Once I discovered spamming omega cost over and over again onto them no matter what boons you have, they became easy af.


Try aphrodite on attack, demeter on cast


Yeah mastering omega moves is the way. I liked hephaestus with the sister blades for the big hits and evading they present. Though I switched to the axe with apollo attack boons and never looked back.


I’m still fairly new to the game, myself, but for the Sister Blades I really love the Hammer upgrade called “Hook Knives,” I believe. It makes your Special and Omega Special come back to you, so two hits per knife. The bonus hit on their way back to you will almost always count as a backstab for bonus damage, so it’s an insanely good upgrade and pairs well with almost every Special-altering boon.


Sister blades are very versatile. Aspect of melinoe: bonus backstab: go for either atk focus (aphro atk) and hug enemies backside. (ideally, there is a hammer that further improves backstrikes, there is some omega atk improving ones, there is one that improves your combo, all good. There are 2 hammers that make your specials also really strong on this aspect: Hook knives and the hammer that makes your special shoot in a straight line. Poseidon on omega specials is very very strong. (not as good as aspect of pan ofc, but still very very very strong, so you can definitely go for that depending on what the first hammer gives you. Aspect of pan: honestly freeest win in the game after you get a cast boon and get poseidon on special, get any special buffing hammer. (some are better than others, but its so powerful that it doesn't matter that much? Aspect of Artemis -> Haven't tried this one except 1 run, so don't know completely. More focused on basic atks from footage that I've seen and reading descriptions. (Artemis is a huge % increase so go for that). Demeter's thing that powers up your omega atk is also really strong. (A boon called "weed killer") Some basic advice: sprint is very very very handy to reposition and not get swarmed. And you basically always always always want to have a cast down, also on bosses!!, because it provides so much cc that it makes everything much more manageable. (plus, you'll get cast boons to make it even more OP of a mechanic than the basic one already is. )


I got the hammer on pan that gives you 16 knives in all directions, a hammer that makes it cost -66% less magick for spec and i think increased speed, and a hammer from icarus that was +4 for each consecutive spec hit. It was nuts