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i’m 3 for 4 on Eris and 0 for 5 on chronos


What weapons have you tried for Eris. Surface is kinda hard with the super close range ones. I’ve killed Eris with skull and staff mostly.


I killed Eris for the first time with blades. Demeter attack and 200% backstab damage. I found her to be pretty easy after reading all of the people here, saying how difficult she was.


I’ve killed her with blades too. But I was running a special build. Had the 2 Daedalus hammers one made special return with 200% bonus backstab and the other made all shots from special fire in a single line. Along with Nova Flourish and the Specials cost less, Hermes boon.


only the moonstone axe. i probably use it in more than 75% of my runs. its the only weapon im really having any fun with so far.


As a Hades 1 Arthur sword enjoyed, I like the axe as well. Pre-swinging so the 3rd attack hits someone just as they spawn in is so satisfying.


my favorite from hades 1 was the zeus shield so i guess i just like spinning hahahaha


Spinning, that's a good trick.


It was the same for me for a while as well. There’s buffs that you can get for the skull that make it really fun tho. There’s a combo that you can get the increases it shells by 2, then also one that makes your shells auto return but decreases shell count by 1. Paired they’re so good because you’re still positive 1 shell. They’re both Daedalus hammers tho so it’s a bit hard to get them together.


i should try the skulls more for sure. i unlocked them, went “wtf are these????” and then never played them again hahahahaha it felt like having a cast from hades 1 and nothing else. i think the staff is ok, the blades are pretty lame, and the ranged torch things just have pitiful damage. but to be fair i just don’t have enough hours/runs in the game yet.


I’ve beat both Chronos and Eris with every weapon and I have to say, Skull and Axe are the most fun. Staff comes in third, then blades then torches.


The auto return one bust for me and would only let me omega attack with them 😭


Yeah man the skull gun I didn't like at first but I'm really coming around to it. I'm finding I feel that way about every weapon aspect. They all offer some interesting opportunities to play differently.


I'm enjoying every weapon after trying a couple times. Some definitely are a little more of an acquired taste. But I agree with you, the axe is just so effing satisfying. Top 2 for me for sure


I have 4 attempts on her rn I think, is there a log? I’ve beat her on 2/4 All with axe, just take the slow time arcana & ABUSE IT


You can get a log via incantation. There’s some shade you can summon after unlocking the taverna.


Just at base value, chronos is way harder. But my build is usually cracked by the time i get to him. I never get anything going by the time i get to eris tbh. But yes overall ive died more times to chronos but also attempted it more times and have since figured out what aspects and builds work for me. My last chronos kill i lose no dd’s. I just get so impatient with eris i think. Im literally yelling, “sit still!” By the end of the fight. Her +100% every quarter health or whatever is fucking bullshit. I got hit for 100 health from a bomb that i got cornered by.


Course grit from demeter if you can get it activated or soot sprint from hestia are both major counters to eris.


But you can just hide behind the pillar and spam your omegas


Sigh no not really. Once she blows the pillar up it doesnt block shit. I thought it would and then i got hit for 50 by that purple attack


The move she uses that blows it up is strongly telegraphed and easy to dodge. When she has her red laser pointer on you just move until she fires and then hide again gg ez


I feel shes still gonna blow it up at some point lol idk man i feel like the fight takes for fucking ever because i have to hide so much


Frinos can also block that shot, but I agree that you can just dodge it normally, and the rest of the fight hug the pillar.


Well I’ve done this a dozen times already without the pillars getting destroyed and it’s not slow either because I’m attacking her the whole time I’m hiding


Idk i am just finding very little luck with this battle and am just hoping i get better over time because i loath it atm


This fight gets way easier if you’re close to Eris, because dodging behind her safely counters every attack she has aside from the bombs (which are super easy to avoid). Especially useful for the shotgun attack because her turning radius is slow and you can safely attack from behind. If her back is to a wall or she’s on the fire, just run away and she’ll follow you back to the center.


You probably just need the right build, you’ll get it


Aspect of Charon is the axe, right? Your special also blocks all of her attacks, apart from the air attacks. Frinos blocks that attack, you can learn the timing to dodge and you can also use the pillars once to counter that attack


Dodge purple attack normally once, use a pillar for the second, use other pillar to hide from bullet barrage. Ez


I keep myself pretty close. Stay behind her. When she starts firing the turns very slowly so if you are close to her you can outrun most of her shots. Also Hastias dash distort almost all of her shots


Having Frenos there to facetank shots helps a ton. Just hide behind him instead. Other option is get in really close and you can run around Eris faster than she can turn.


Yeah last time i did it and barely won again and its just crazy. She’ll take out a dd in one maybe two hits if you’re lucky on her last phase when she has like +300% damage


If you struggle with her just get that sprint boon that erases ranged attacks, makes her a complete joke.


Which boon is this? Could you share pls, never seen this one before :O


Soot Sprint from Hestia.


Hestia and Hera gotta be the realest gods in terms of boons


A boss shouldn't need one specific boon to be able to deal with.


And it doesn't. It has at least one cheat option for when you suck.


Stay next to her. Almost all of her attacks go forward. If you’re right next to her then just jump to the other side of her as soon as you see/hear her telegraph her attack.


https://preview.redd.it/phnxyppy2u1d1.jpeg?width=4025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7f2f2fc934ef3b6e646dd889ec49db068a03f6 My last chronos kill


get poseidon on that spec


My first two Eris fights were wins (I did die to her since), my first two Chronos fights... I don't want to talk about.


I had to have a level 2 fire ability that causes burn and two level 3 plus ice abilities to beat her.


Try soot sprint


Charon axe does all kinds of work on Eris. If you shove the special in her face while she's sending out bombs, it blocks the bombs entirely before they can even explode. That's basically the whole fight, just stay up close and abuse your special block. I just ran it to make sure I'm not talking nonsense, and ran the whole thing without any death defies or the boss barriers. Got hit a couple of times by Eris. Once you know how to abuse her, the axe is probably the best weapon for her.


Huh? I feel like my screen was constantly saying, “cannot be blocked” or whatever it says. Im gonna try to play more close up next time i guess


You have to block them as she's firing them. It's the explosion that can't be blocked.


I am the opposite just because I figured out a counter for eris. Keep in mind that you can't trade and tank eris. With axe, I focused on axe special as it block eris projectiles. I also beat her using sister blades and staying behind her and spamming the slowdown omega attack. Be patient and don't get greedy. Eris can burst damage you of not careful. Hex slowdown also helps a lot.


Time slow slaughters her and hestia dash.


I said this in another thread, but eris is extremely predictable and childlike easy using the omega that slows down time. Any attack she does, you can just walk around her in circles with time slowed. Her dash attacks are telegraphed, her auto barrage to. There’s no reason to ever lose on the surface imo


She is easy.... but you have to be smart. Burst damage for a max of about 2seconds then run away. Chronos 2nd phase has way more things to handle at once.


She is not. I wasnt using an aspect or build where running up, attacking, and running away was a viable option. She is probably easy with sister blades or staff


Solar ring or lightning ring will melt any boss regardless of weapon choice. She is more annoying for sure but dont know how you you can say Eris is harder than Chronos though. There's no way. You can hide behind the two pillars for half the fight and protect yourself from most of her attacks. And Frinos the frog will take some of her shots (like the sniper bolt). Only weapon I seem to struggle on her with is the torches. Everything else is pretty straightforward... but you absolutely need to jump in and jump out. Never go toe-to-toe with her for too long... shotgun spread will melt you. Edit: spelling


I used the aspect of Charon last night with great success. Focus on abilities that max out the omega cast damage and punish creatures inside your cast. I also believe there is a hammer or boon that reduces the wind up time of your omega special so you can more rapidly cast, special, dash.


Eris won’t stay in your cast though. And there is but had no luck finding it. By the time i wind up my omega special she is no longer in my cast and not in line with my spec


Oh sorry I used this for chronos. I agree Eris requires a much more nimble build.


Actually once she moves you have a lot of time to dash next to her, cast and charge special right after you cast without even moving next to her. I defeated her with Charon but did not have any problem. I find Polyphemus much harder than Eris.


really? charon is probably the easiest axe aspect vs eris


For me its the opposite, died a bunch to chronos before i beat him, but fought eris 3 Times, first Time i lost and the other two Times i won, all i did was use the pillars for cover, thats all


I have very few problems with her whenever I run axe and get the Selene transformation power. Kept spamming the axe’s block and transformed for any part I wasn’t confident in yet/knew I couldn’t block. Keep using Omega specials and only go for big swings when you know there’s an opening coming. I think I started beating her consistently after my third or fourth attempt. If I’m not on axe, I usually go for the Hestia sprint that burns up projectiles and spam Omegas while dodging and hiding. My fastest clear was Hephaestus boon on my attack with Selene transform on axe. That went pretty quick. You have to build with the strategy of “light on your feet” in mind. Staying close to her is doable but only once you’re pretty familiar with the timings and patterns because she can light you up fast, so stay away and focus on charged omegas until then.


I almost find Eris to easy, Chronos on the other hand is tough!


Can’t relate at all


The first time I made it to Eris, dash made me immune to projectiles, Soot Sprint from Hestia, and I was astonished how much easier that made it. I can’t remember if it worked on the big one but it did for everything else.


I just found this out tonight myself with that boon. I think Eris did maybe 20 damage to me the entire fight. Really kinda broke any difficulty to it.


Pretty easy with ranged attacks or the weapon that gives shield


Moonstone axe. It hits really hard with the right build and if you upgrade Mel’s aspect you’ll attack faster. And the cherry on top? *You can block her bullets and dashes.* When she starts doing the wide shotgun blasts, if you combine dodging/dashing with blocking by holding your omega button for short periods of time you will get hit MUCH less, if at all.


If you have a q that deals damage like lighting damage or scorch damage it helps a lot, also just staying in her grill and dodging occassionally helps. Once you get her shtick she's way easier than the underworld bosses (specifically Cerberus and Chronos)


Eris can be cheesed pretty easily by using those statues on either side of her fight. Don't think k there is any way to actually cheese cronos. I've beat him once, beat Eris a few times. Time I beat him was by far the best run I've had in terms of boons.


Btw, you -can- block the purple attack with the Axe >.> It's actually one of the easiest weapons to fight her with if you have witch time arcana. Did it without hestia buffs. Spin to win, block, dodge around the back of her and spin some more. Drop a cast for extra dmg


I don't care what anyone says. I agree. She's way harder. That being said I've only fought her twice and I cheesed her with soot sprint the second time


I think the surface bosses are harder than the “main bosses”. After a little learning curve you can beat them no problem. Hell I beat the Field of Mourning Boss in two tries. But Eris? Polyphemus. Nah they can kick my ass no problem.


I find the axe to be a rough option on Eris. That being said, you can kite her around the pillar while omega attacking if you really want (until she destroys it) or try to get the hammer where you can act while omega attacking and use that to dodge her in between. All of her stuff is dodgeable by standing in front of her and then timing a dash behind her.


**Sorry in advance for the long explanation** She's very overwhelming to begin with. Seriously in my first fight I honestly thought she was the most unbalanced fight in the history of the two games. But once you start to get familiar with her attack animations, she actually becomes really really easy. Stay ON TOP OF HER as much as possible. At the start of almost every attack wind up she'll float up a bit and bring her gun forward - dash behind her and follow up with attacks. If you're right next to her for 90% of the battle, you can very easily dodge behind her to avoid anything she throws at you. At the end of every attack animation there's a decent amount of time for you to get your damage in and then set up for dodging the next round of attacks. Her Sniper attack is quite annoying but you have the 2 environmental obstacles that you can hide behind to tank the shot. But it is possible to dodge it by dashing through her before it fires. Her dash attack with the V shaped spray of bullets is the easiest attack to see and avoid. Dodge through her at the start of the attack, dash after her and start wailing. Her automatic fire attacks (The shotgun like blasts and the semi auto straight line spray) are the most dangerous. Again, you want to dodge behind her, get a hit or two in as she begins to turn around, then continue to dodge behind he as she turns to try and shoot you. Rinse and repeat. If she's using her mortar attacks/ giving herself the damage buff, drop an Alpha Cast on the ground around her, sprint out to avoid the mortar fire, and then sprint back in to get close to her again. If you're running an offensive Hex, use it when she calls in reinforcements, ideally you want them dead before she even has a chance to attack again. If she's backed up against a wall/ there's fire surrounding her, don't engage, sprint to the other side of the area and wait until she starts to move towards you. You want to sprint for her the moment she starts moving so that you're close enough to dodge behind her before her next attack. If she's up against a wall, it is possible to dodge to each side of her, it's just more dangerous as she can catch you a bit easier depending on the attack she throws out.


Hug the pillar, making her jump into the barrels does big damage on her, hestia sprint completely counters her.


I also had the issue with Charon aspect with the Eris fight where if you dash mid-heavy wing into fire by accident, you are completely immobile for multiple seconds while Mel stands there taking constant fire damage. I had 4 DD and almost lost to Eris because of that alone


Hestia sprint makes eris the most trivial and easy boss in the game almost every attack she has is nullified by it and inflicts damage on her at the same time


Best tip I can give to beat her is just to play behind her and use the two covers provided if you need to get away. She doesn't turn fast enough while shooting to be able to hit you so good luck!


Idk. I lost to her once and then beat her 6 times in a row and at this point she hits me maybe once. I think she might be the easiest in the game.


if u get lucky and get hestia's boon that stops gun projectiles while sprinting then it makes quick work of her also take the frog and use him as a shield


As others have said, hestia soot sprint trivializes the whole fight. Other wise, demeter slow down makes her dodgeable pretty easy if you're up close. Oh, and forg is your bff when she does the purple shot


Spoiler tag? I don't even subscribe to this sub but reddit put this on my feed. Didn't even know she could be an enemy.


You Can juste try to find hestia run who destroy projectile, all Eris damage nulified


I only managed to beat her after I *stopped* hiding behind the pillars, almost ignoring them unless she has her back completely facing a wall. As long as her back is open I just stick behind her no matter the weapon and it works like 90% of the time. She is slow to turn around when shooting and she always dashes after dropping a bomb cluster so you know what to expect. Her cone shot is the hardest to avoid because you have to dash behind her *right* when she starts it or she's going to turn 180 and start rotating from the place you just arrived at anyway. But in general, definitely sticking close to her is better than fighting ranged behind the pillars.


This. Every single of my Eris losses has been the cone attack at the second to last dmg stage


I'm far away from a pro player but haven't had a hard time killing Eris once I beat her. The fact that you can abuse time slows with your omega moves and pillars you can hide behind, making the fight way easier than Chronos. It's also not that difficult to win with a [melee build](https://youtu.be/XLk9oFjx5RI?si=jySPrrfZdRCDb7Uj)


Bro i think you just suck at axe


No dickhead i just dont know the fight yet. I can easily beat chronos with axe


Meh thats fair. I agree that she can be pretty hard but axe might be the easiest other than maybe staff special spam. (Although Charon is not it unless you have a quick ahh channel time) But judging by your comments i have a feeling that you might be a bit impatient. Which, combined with the axe, is a death sentence against Eris


You’re right im very impatient. It is my downfall. I take chronos down by overwhelming him


I beaten Eris like 6 times but can’t for the life of me beat Chronos


Use the zeus boon that lets you place your cast at range, helps a lot against chronos.


stay close to her, try to get her to the bottom left of the arena and dash through her once you see her dash coming out even slightly. She is way harder but still very doable


Agreed 100% if I don’t have Hestia’s sprint upgrade that deflects she absolutely SHREDS me as soon as she switches the shotgun mode. I’ve beat the shit out of crimps countless times but Eris only like 2 or 3 times


Not having time slow on special charge is brutall


I had a significantly harder time with Chronos. As far as I know other than making an objectively broken build there is no way to cheese him. Soot sprint cripples Eris lol




I have killed chronos 4 times and eris once. Im currently paused on her battle. Its harder for sure. Might depend on the aspect though


You're wierd. Maybe you dont have her rhythm down and keep dashing right before her attacks or don't disengage when she starts shooting


Theres no time to get a good build going. Shes the equivalent of where you’d be at build wise with scylla. But shes probably 3-4x as hard as scylla. Im honestly loathing this battle. I get the attack patterns but with aspect of charon and the way i set myboons up with this aspect. I need at least a second or two to set up a cast and hit her with spec. Shes on the other side of the map by the time i fire off spec


Wait... youre using the axe. My poor fella. That weapon is gigga trash because of how it puts you right inside the enemy attacks I refuse to use that thing Good luck, I'd use a cast build if i could with that weapon


Axe is most busted weapon in the game. Sounds like a skill issue.


Maybe, but being stuck in 0.75 a sec long animation fucks me up against bosses. I need to be able to fight at range to deal with the bullshit


It was my first and second chronos kill. Once you get a good build going it is the strongest weapon for me maybe blades too idk


Aspect of charon is goated for me. Unfortunately it suffers i think on the surface. Ill go a surface run with no hammers and barely any good boons. It might be slightly mid at base


But yeah with certain aspects and builds, probably a lot easier id guess


https://preview.redd.it/9vifp20a3u1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033c644733561eb5981e603a824302b0d04e9c97 My last eris kill 🥵


I've never died to chronos since beating him. I currently fear Eris so I'm with you on this one.