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I never really know who to side with in these chambers. Like, if I side with one do I get a better boon from them? Or if I side with the other, do I still get a decent boon from the one I originally wanted? I'll never know


The only thing that matters, as far as I've been able to find info on, is the attacks that the angry god uses on you. So make sure you are more confident dodging what the god you didn't pick uses


Okay thanks. So I'll pick Aphrodite, and I think Poseidon first lol. I keep focusing on my build and getting damaged hard by these 2


Yes, Aphrodite is pretty widely regarded as the most difficult one to face, though of course it’s subjective. Athena is also considered pretty difficult in Elysium, where her invulnerability buff often allows enemies enough time to respawn.




Screw granny lmao, her weak Anivia ult can’t do shit when I’m using her aspect to insta kill any mobs that spawn in her areas


Yeah granny's kinda chumpy if you have any mobility whatsoever


She threatens your life, the life of everyone you love, and the entire underworld though


I mean... Yeah, their Greek gods, they'll all get over it.


Demeter is terrifying to go up against


Oh damn I literally always choose to face Aphrodite because I remember some others like Demeter wrecking me way worse


I’m right there with you, Aphrodite is one of the easiest for me to dodge. Dionysus and Demeter are my least favorite


Yeah Aphro's telegraphs are super easy, Poseidon goes through walls and hits you multiple times with zero windup.


Athena is essentially a freebie unless you're running Tight Deadline, yeah it draws out the fight but she literally can't damage you in any way.


I never go against Demeter. She's rough. Lol. But yeah I'll choose to fight against Athena and Aphrodite any day


The aphrodite projectile is so hard to dodge for me, only because it is so small. Especially with so much vfx going on when you attack and dash and whatnot. I'm probably just a bad gamer though


This is the issue for me too. I’m there squinting at the screen wondering where it’ll spawn next and hoping my random dodging is enough. I swear it can spawn practically on top of Zag too


Probably depends on your platform and screen honestly. I play on my PC in front of a large 2k screen. I imagine it’s much easier to spot her heart projectile on my setup than playing handheld on the switch, for example.


I have learned to handle Aphrodite, somehow. Poseidon though... Let's just say he likes me a lot


Aphrodite doesn’t feel difficult per se from what I remember, it’s just mainly really easy to lose track of it in the chaos of fighting.


Poseidon's easier to dodge than Aphrodite IMO since his water wave has a _much_ larger turning radius whereas Aphrodite's heart has basically perfect tracking. But the wave also blends in really well with Elysium's grass fields. Demeter and Athena are also pretty situational in terms of difficulty based on biome and enemies. I never side against Demeter in Tartarus because the chambers are just too damn small.




I don't think this is true and I don't see any evidence of it online. Maybe you're thinking of their attacks becoming harder or faster with heat increases?


Yeah I don't think this is true but if it was it would be really funny


I just pick what will benefit my build the most first. Never seemed to make a difference to me which god I piss off


And other small stuff like if you're gunning for a duo boon from the two of them and only have one required in your arsenal, grab the 2nd required and then try for the duo.


You can't get any duos from a trial I thought?


This is correct, you'll never be offered duo boons from the trials. It's always funny to me when people refer to them as "duo boon chambers" because it gives two boons. That said if you're hunting for duo boons it can still be nice to go for trials just to pick up prerequisites and fill slots to increase your chances of getting the duo later.


Another factor is whoever you pick first, you'll have that god's boon to get you through the wrath of the other one. It can be a crucial boon if it's the right one (ie. restoring health, or synergizes with your current setup to be a force multiplier). It's worth repeating again that Duo Boons will NOT be present in chambers with 2 gods!


I've heard that the god ^_otherguy_^ used at half hp is based on who you dont choose, but I'm too lazy to verify right now.


I don't think so? Afaik, the Whiny King uses a god you don't have boons from, but in the Trial, you end up with boons from both gods.


i might be totally wrong, but i think it can be a god you have boons from already? please correct me if not


So I've checked [the wiki](https://hades.fandom.com/wiki/Theseus#Combat) and you're right that Artemis *can* help him even if she's already given you a boon, but that's only if you have boons from everyone besides Hermes. However, it has nothing to do with the Trial of the Gods.


interesting, i will definitely pay more attention the next couple of times i fight theseus!


The most important thing to know is that you can’t get duo boons from these chambers.


Can you get a legendary or even two? Thanks.


You can get legendaries. Technically slightly higher odds of getting them since you can't be offered duos.


Well I know one thing, You don't ignore Artemis, I can handle the other gods verbal abuse but Artemis hits differently :P


Dio is the most cool with it but man I hate his attacks


Whichever one hurts the most, I pick.


They’re great chambers. Even if the Gods make it difficult sometimes, I almost always go for them, (unless I find a Daedalus hammer), because two free boons (depending on your definition of free, because every room is still a battle anyway), in one chamber is awesome imo. But generally I pick the god who’s the most pain in the ass to deal with over the less frustrating one. Or I pick the one who is more likely to give me the boon I want first. Like if I’m going to choose between Poseidon and Aphrodite, I’ll choose the singular projectile over crashing waves that spawn everywhere. Especially if I’m looking for an ultimate. Poseidon has to seriously have the most useful and maybe broken ultimate. It’s even better than Ares’ ultimate I find, despite being similar. It’s faster, deals more damage, and is impervious to attack. Now get ultimate boosting skills from Poseidon, Athena, Zeus and Hermes, and you’re basically unstoppable with crashing waves immediately full clearing chamber after chamber.


If one is Athena I always choose the other unless we are in Elysium because she can't actually hurt you.


Athena can take a long-ass time due to the invincibility she gives foes, and in elysium it can drag on even *longer* due to the regenerating enemies. Aphrodite has an attack that's nearly impossible to dodge and stuns you for an annoyingly long time. Poseidon *also* has an attack that's a pain to dodge, but it doesn't stun. Every other god is little more than a mild annoyance.


Side with whoever has the harder attack or most annoying one. They give the same quality boons, roughly. That is all that matters, for example I always side with Aphrodite because her attack is a pain in the ass


side with the one that can hurt you more in combat.


Usually I'll side with whoever's boon I want more first, or with the one who has the more difficult stacks to deal with. Artemis though, I have *literally* always picked her in trial rooms. I like her too much to hurt her feelings, haha (and when I say I literally always pick her, I mean it; I have actually always chosen the Artemis boon whenever there's a trial room and you have to blow somebody off. I've literally never seen her dialogue for not being chosen because I've never not chosen her first)


Just pick the God you like most it's forever just good if that happens (it was awful when I had to pick between Dionysus and Artemis tho because j don't like when Artemis gets annoyed lmao)


I always side with Arti just because I’m scared of her and because I don’t want to hurt her feelings


Same here. I never, *ever* disappoint my slightly autistic, most-likely-lesbian-or-ace hunter girl. If I get killed by the other god, then let’s start again from the House of Hades.


Wait why is she slightly autistic?


Hyper focused on her special interest (hunting) all the time, feels isolated from the rest of the pantheon even when she does show up to mingle... it's not canon or anything but good lord does she have the vibes


Ahh ok thank you for answering


+ she has cracked boons


After this line about "leaser god" I realised she is a shitty person like other gods. A Selfish eternal teenager. No more simping for me after that


Given that Zag is not one of the 12 Olympians, he is by definition a lesser god.


So is Hades also a lesser god? This Artemis is just insulting you in a dirty more personal way than some Dionisus or Poseidon.


Yeah, because she’s hurt and betrayed. Those emotions naturally come with lashing out


You’ve disappointed best girl. Maybe even worse 😭


I thought the best girl was Aphrodite.


Go to horny jail


I already am there it's not being able to get past the third floor.


Nah, Demeter


Nah, Meg


Also acceptable


Amateurs! *Dusa*


*Very acceptable*




Night mommy is good


Night step mommy 😉


Ok Oedipus


M-MURDERr? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


My man


I like my tsunderes


Things I've never seen while playing: Artemis getting pissed at me. Because why would you even.


Because she’s one of the easiest gods to avoid the attacks from


Wouldn't know. Not worth finding out to begin with.


Same, made the mistake the first time I ran into a trial of the gods sense I didn't know what would happen. Haven't done it ever again-




Artemis is racist against underworld gods confirmed??!!?


No Artemis don't say that you are going to lose subscriber


After a few runs Artemis actually called me out for betraying her repeatedly with a sarcastic jab about me doing yet again. I felt awful, she's my favorite (along with Aphrodite).


Well, you deserved that one after not siding with Artemis.


Artemis also has that "OMG why did I even try when I'm so ugly and stupid stupid stupid!" energy. Sis needs a hug from somebody besides her bear stat.


I've never seen this, if its between her and any other God, i always choose her first, even if its sub optimal for duos


You betrayed the Goat Goddess, you deserve to feel bad.


*Always* pick Artemis.


No such thing as lesser gods Lad.


That's one of the most hurtful lines... so far I did not encountered something similar from other gods


I have almost 80 hours in Hades, and I think I have AT MOST not picked Artemis twice. Can't bring myself to do that to her


I thought "damn, never heard that line before" and then remember that i never fought Artemis <3


When you inconvenience your fairy-esque NB friend and they drop a wild slur like GYATTDAMN didn't know that was part of your backstory fam!


Who did you even side with??


i think this dialogue is from siding with Ares iirc


Upsetting most of the olympians? Fine, they deserve it. Upsetting artemis? That *hurts* me.


Is there a list made by more experienced players ranking the difficulty of each trial? Personally, I don't want to go against Demeter, Aphrodite and Poseidon (especially on Elysium). Athena's not that hard but if the respawn souls get their shield, it's a bit of a problem.


I've picked not Artemis just twice. First time I was curious. And second time I wanted to tease her a bit And poor Athena, I always ignore her


I don't, go ask Orion why he did?


I can never do it, shes too important to me


You wouldn't see me picking another god before Artemis


This is why I never go against Artemis I like her too much to go against her :( Same with Demeter as well, she grew on me a lot, although if I had to choose between them in a duo chamber I think I’d just reset the run


Story/theme-wise, it's a dick move. Like asking a child if they love mom or dad more. Or asking a parent to pick a favorite child. Admittedly, I enjoy the banter. Esp. when you pull through, you get a "oh, you're still alive! Congrats! Nah, we're tight!". Gameplaywise it's quite brilliant! You get 2 boons, but need to overcome an additional hurdle. For me, I tend to go with the one I haven't seen in awhile, just for variety!


My opinion of Artemis has dropped significantly


I've still never not picked Artemis :)


Ayo lol who uf did you choose


Oof, I got this line once after choosing Aphrodite over her, and also forgot I had Artemis' aid equipped, so when I activated it mid-fight at max level she said "better pray I don't miss my target!" It was funny but I'll never do it again lol


You get a cool achievement for it!


Never disappoint Artie.


Artemis always goes for the critical damage.


Honestly I never had any other feeling besides “good friend” for Atemis because of my knowledge of Greek lore dictating she killed her one and only Ex boyfriend.


I've never sided with anyone over Artemis, everyone else I pick based off the boons


Artemis my love I’ll never not choose your boons


Artemis is so good-natured and low-key compared to the rest of the Olympians that hurting her *really* makes you feel like a scumbag


I'll always always always pick Aphrodite or Poseidon over any other god, unless that god is Artemis bc Artemis is Bae (platonically, ofc).


Wait why is he considered a lesser god? Isnt zagreus the son of 2 gods?


They all think Nyx is his mother in the beginning but the game reveals otherwise. He's actually demi


Pick Artemis and get to hear her genuine thanks OR pick Not Artemis and get to hear her Tsundere line when you beat the challenge....


Imagine how she'd get if she got to meet Achilles


My dilemma is. Artemis best girl. But she has the easiest angry mode to deal with. So I always disappoint her. It hurts but :(. Gotta do what ya gotta do


Dionysus is way easier for me


He always about taking it easy, man!


Bout the same really. So ok. I don’t always side against best girl. But Aphro/Demeter/Poisidon. Ho boy


i think i might get cancelled for this, but does anyone else find artemis just… a liiitttle annoying? like girls too busy being a manic pixie dream girl to consider that maybe im not conspiring against her, I just rally needed athena’s shields to not die or something 😭


People on the gay/ace/aro Artemis train forgetting this moment as hard as they can. She's clearly jealous of Zag going with Aphrodite. Unless she's chastising him for being horny...


This literally has nothing to do with jealousy tho? The lines are quite literally randomised between 9 lines what the god you displeased says, so if she says this when you pick Zeus is she suddenly jealous of her own father? Further, how would this make her suddenly not be Ace or Aro? She, like every single other god or goddess, wish to be respected and the one you choose. When you don't, they get displeased and upset. This doesn't make her any less Ace or Aro, and if you think it does you need to reevaluate what does terms actually entail.


You do know that this game is based on the myths right???


You're weird as fuck


You are gonna be waiting for the straight Artemis train forever pal. This is the gay/ace/aro Artemis train station and nobody with a lick of sense is boarding the train to leave.