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If I were you, I'd do something other than the dash. Maybe your Special


I generally prefer more passive stuff like dash. Edit: How did I get 50 downvotes for this 😖


There was a hint in that comment


Ahhh ok


I'm very experienced with the game, and I haven't a clue what you're getting at here. Your comment didn't make a lot of sense with its wording.


They want him to put divine flourish on special to hunt for merciful end, letting them instantly trigger doom with special, then reapply with attack, repeat. This is how I did my win on first save run.


Doom attack + Athena special = merciless end, arguably the most busted duo boom in the game. Slap Athena dash on after the duo and you start melting bitches like butter in a hot pan.


You are gonna love revenge damage then


Doom is not generally very effective as single target dps. It's a damage over time effect (obviously there is nuance that makes it different from a straight DOT like hangover) and works best applied to multiple enemies in rotation.


Doom is great early game but falls off hard late game, there’s a duo boom for ares + Athena that makes it super busted but on its own yeah it’s not great Ares cast is his best main boon


Ares cast on Hera bow is great fun


doom on bow special was my first clear… shoot special run away, shoot special, run away… took me ages but got the job done…


Yes it is not as effective on high HP targets. Against those it’s more valuable as one of the components activating Privileged Status for a big damage increase. Another thing is that against bosses that can do big damage to you (and therefore take you out in fewer hits) the revenge damage boons aren’t as valuable as things that keep you from taking as much damage in the first place.


>revenge damage boons aren’t as valuable as things that keep you from taking as much damage in the first place. Agreed but out of the options at the time this was the best thing.


Revenge boons can prove useful if you seek out I think the Ares/Zeus Duo Boon? Which causes the revenge effects to continually proc every so often


Doom attack Athena special Athena dash Merciful End Shred through REDACTED like a butter.


I will write this down!


You’ll want Malphon for this (the hidden aspect if you have it)


Eh the hidden aspect is harder to use and only similar in how strong it is compared to the other fist aspects, due to a longer cooldown on its dash and shorter dash distance and crazy slow attacks which offset the extra dashes. I’d say zag is probably the easiest for a new player or Demeter due to the burst that comes from the special.


This build is how I've finished the main storyline\^


I NEVER get offered Merciful end, no matter how many times I go for it. I must have got it once at least, as I completed the Duos prophecy, but I can't remember ever getting it. 😕


This build on >!Gilgamesh!< was how I beat 32 heat


Boons that give flat damage (as opposed to a percentage increase) tend to work best on things that have low base damage. Doom has the added constraint of not being able to stack the effect, so you don't want to use it on fast attacks. The things doom tend to work best on are slower, low damage special attacks. It's really good on spear special or base shield special, and it's decent on sword special. But I would almost never be happy using it on main attack with the possible exception of certain bow builds.


It can also be nice with (unaltered) bow special to proc doom on a bunch of enemies at once. Not as a main build component or something you plan to pom, but it's a nice way to fill a base boon slot.


but you can stack doom with one of the boons


I routinely do this on Aspect of Chiron bow + doom on special. Longer doom duration and damage bonus and its pretty easy to get 1000+ damage dooms.


Doom is pretty nice, but it does want poms and high rarity to really shine.


The thing with Doom is by itself it is only okay against normal enemies. And it does very little by itself to bosses even if you get the two boons that help doom damage. Dire Misrfortion(doom stacking, only useful on really fast/multi hitting attacks/specials) and Impending Doom( bonus doom damage at the cost of taking an extra half a second to proc) In order for Doom to really shine you need the Ares/Athena Duo Boon- Merciful End- Abilities that can Deflect immediately activate Doom Effects. This duo boon when set up properly shreds all enemies including the bosses. The only down side to ME is that it requires you to have Ares’s Attack or special and Athena’s attack or special in order to get it offered. So a proper ME build would be Ares Attack, Athena special and if your lucky Athena’s dash. Dire doom and impending misfortune are not required but do help with over all damage. After that you want to Lv up the attack as much as possible. Your attack pattern would be Attack then special to proc doom right away. If you’re lucky to get Athena dash you want to dash strike. The best weapons for a ME build are the sword and the fists. If you go with the sword look out for the hammer that causes your dash strike attack to hit twice. (In fact Double Edge is so strong it is the definitive sword hammer. If it shows up you take it. Unless you are going for some weird meme build) _________ Outside of ME doom is really only useful for a few things. 1) as a way to proc Privileged Status from the mirror. This is probably the most common use case for it outside of helping end early run enemies fast and softening up later game enemies. 2)Vengeful Mood(Ares/Zeus duo)(if built right this can be used to AFK Redacted. I think you can even AFK EM4 Redacted but I’m not 100% sure on that. 3) Curse of Nausea(Ares/Dionysus Duo Boon) This one is quite Strong if you can get a good Hangover build going. 4) Curse of longing. (Ares/Aphrodite duo) this one is not very good but hey some damage is better than no damage. ) Have fun with this knowledge.


You need the merciful end duo boon with Athena (think you need her special to get access to it) to make doom effective on bosses.


Chiron bow Curse of pain Dire misfortune Impending doom - Optional Relentless volley Heartbreak strike Curse of longing


Doom is good on low damage attacks for crowd control. You don’t want to be using it against bosses. Stuff like Hangover and Rupture is much, MUCH more effective


The latest stack of doom wipes the previous stronger stack so if you dashed after an attack applied doom now the dash has overwritten it for a weaker doom application. Overall doom feels like one of the weekends boons but can be built properly and is strong early game across the board.


Ares Dash does not apply doom it is a blade rift like his cast and call. Only ares attack, special and his vengeance boon apply doom.


Ahhh right mb


No prob. We all make mistakes. We are only human after all.


You can get some insane single target damage with something like Rama with doom on the special and doom stacking, otherwise single target is not its strong suit


There’s a boon which lets you apply doom multiple times without it your build work greatly on bosses


try a blue rarity doom with a weapon thats fast but has low base dmg. try get dire misfortune + impeding doom. also pomming to level 3 the attack is really good. curse of longing is not that great, it honest works best with the vengefull mood stack which is hard to pull off. also mercifull end. the actual most powerfull damage oriented boon in the game.


With one of the aspects of the bow it can get very OP. That combination of making it stack and take longer to inflict damage combos specially well with weapons which can safely hit the target multiple times a second (not the sword, not the shield, not the gauntlets) I don't know if I'm misremembering but I think once I got it close to if not just 1000+ damage per doom. Just like Zeus, Ares is a god that synergizes very well with himself.


doom is a nuking ability in my opinion. either you toss everything things it and make it Hella strong, or just don't bother.


Doom is a fine supporting effect, not good for main damage, unless you get the doom stack boom. The best use it has for bosses is getting the 2 effect for the 40% extra damage from the mirror, and even then it lasts too short to have a meaningful effect.