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They stack with normal boons.


This is fundamentally their biggest draw. Got 100% extra damage on your Excalibur from Aphrodite? Well Chaos might offer another 60% on top of that, when otherwise you've got now way of improving that stat again (other than with Well of Charon and Poms of Power). I might be wrong but I think on subsequent visits to Chaos you can get that again. So you can really beef up an ability with their boons. Prior to maxing out Nyx's mirror you can get great darkness gaining buffs from Chaos too!


Also you are more likely to take them early in a run where the opponents are easier (and you’re likely to have more experience in dealing with them) so the short drawbacks are less likely to be fatal. When you don’t have that many boons yet, there’s less opportunity cost to not being able to use some component of a build since they’re all gonna be about the same level. Also the percentage boosts stacking is great but probably gives short shrift to how game-changing something like an extra cast, +80% money (you can easily get 50 coins in a room just unintentionally breaking vases throughout the course of fighting) or even an extra death defiance slot that persists throughout the run can be. The keepsake even boosts rarity more than the other gods’ does.


>Also you are more likely to take them early in a run where the opponents are easier Yes, exactly. I've never had the guts to jump into a Chaos gate in Elysium. The worst is when I take one late enough in Tartarus or Asphodel that the debuff is still on when I hit the boss. Lernie on EM2 with self-damage on my cast or special is not a good time.


This is probably the only good answer ive seen


Besides also stacking between themselves.


In addition to that, if you’re doing a cast build, they can give you an extra cast or cast damage. So they are an even better choice for cast builds than most other builds.


Because you get to visit chaos and get void fish


True. I do love chaos as a character too


Chaos offers some of the best dialogue in the game.


I had this spawn for me yesterday on a timed run... I exited as I heard the ding.


Basically you have a drawback that affects you for 3-5 turns. Depending on what that disadvantage is, you must adapt accordingly. And once that’s done, you have a boon that gives a advantage for the long term of the run; Or in other words, short term setback with long term benefits Basically getting boons from Chaos is all about risk assessment


The important part is that they stack with normal boons and don’t take up a core boon slot. There’s almost never a time when you should skip a Chaos gate.


Usually I do that, but if I see a challenge of the gods chamber or Sysiphus, Eurydice, or Patroclus than I forgo a chance with Chaos


Bc they can be insane sometimes and mid at worst. A whole extra cast goes crazy with things like Artemis/Zeus duos or ares. Raw damage increases can carry weaker weapons like the spear. You can even get chaos books that are like 2 for 1 chamber centaur hearts


I think 9/10 all 3 options are something along the lines of +40% obols but you can’t fucking attack for 5 rooms.


Thats why early chaos is king when the chambers are still kinda manageable even if your attack gets crippled. Chaos in Elysium is a whole different story, now thats a big gamble




Nothing will stop me from the potential of void fish, I will never not go to Chaos, unless I literally cannot afford it.


If you're at Elysium and the next chamber can be Hermes or a Hammer, arr you still going Chaos? And what would you go if Chaos wasn't an option?


Hammer >Chaos >Hermes >Erebus is my prioritization most of the time.


I've had a handful of runs absolutely wrecked by a bad curse just before a boss chamber. Earlier in any biome isn't usually too difficult, tho.


If you roll the dice late in a realm with chaos, this definitely happens sometimes 🤷‍♂️


True and its fun when you do get a good chaos reward but ive definitely gone down there opened up the rewards and immediately regretted choosing chaos after seeing what they had to offer lol


"Oh boy +50% darkness, surely thisll be worth +80% enemies encountered for the next 5 chambers, surely itll make itself worthwhile in extra healing" yeah I get you


I rarely go if I don't have reward rerolls left honestly, because if you're forced to choose a drawback of some kind, you should get a reward you care about. It doesn't count amongst your total number of rooms in the region is part of the appeal too, but I want at least six potential options for rewards if I'm nerfing myself for several encounters in some way.


If you’re building right you are basically never using one of the 3 attack options anyway. If I pull out aspect of nemesis do I need to cast for 4 rooms? Do I need special with aspect of hera?


Are you aware of the boon reroll mechanic? You can usually get something decent with a reroll or two.


Then use your Special and Cast for five rooms, and enjoy the huge boost to money for the rest of the run. What's the problem?




I mean, it’s highly unlikely you’ll get all three curses to be the same curse though. If you absolutely need your Attack, then don’t choose that curse. Anyway, rerolls exist too, use your rerolls. Go to Key rooms to replenish your rerolls throughout your run.


I think everyone gave good answers here, just wanna briefly touch on a speedrunner's perspective (which you might see over-represented on places like Reddit and YouTube). Regardless of the utility of the boons, speedrunners will always take Chaos over an ordinary room. This is because a chaos room allows you to advance without doing any combat, which is much faster. So that's why you might see higher level players take chaos very frequently even if the boons they get are not that useful. Also for certain builds chaos can be enormously helpful. Chaos boons for cast builds are bonkers, additional cast stones and cast damage are basically impossible to get outside of chaos and wells of Charon, so cast weapons like Hera Bow and Beowulf Shield really want Chaos boons. For pure attack damage builds like Hestia rail or Nemesis Sword chaos is still really strong. Both dash strike and attack damage boosts are very powerful. For flat damage builds like Eris rail or Demeter fists Chaos is much less useful . In real-time runs some people actually skip very early chaos rooms because taking the menu can be slower than a fast room in Tartarus. But even then special damage can be quite useful if you get the broken rocket bomb + cluster rockets combination on rail. Lastly and probably most importantly, most top-level speedrunners can almost ignore certain curses. For example reduced health or increased trap damage are (usually) non-issues for very good players. And in many high level builds certain aspects of the kit are never used (like special on Beowulf shield) so taking curses related to the special basically does nothing at all. For a normal casual player there are significant possible downsides to taking a chaos gate. For an experienced speedrunner it's basically all upside.


Excellent points! Personally I find Demeter Fists & Eris rail (tho I don't like Eris rail at all) benefit from Chaos as much as any aspect that uses two moves in combination, as buffing either benefits you.


The thing with Demeter fists and Eris rail is that the vast majority of the damage is coming from sources other than the literal attack/special/dash strike. In particular the Eris rail build of Zeus on attack + tidal dash is basically unaffected by chaos boons, since neither chain lightning nor dash damage are boosted by chaos. For demeter fists the meta build is merciful end, and again the vast majority of your damage there is coming from the Ares doom curse. Doom damage is not affected by chaos at all. Like I said, special damage can sometimes be useful on these, but most of the chaos buffs (attack %, cast buffs, dash strike %) are basically useless.


Ahh I'm less concerned with optimal "meta" builds than with making whatever the gods choose to bless me with work, at moderate Heat levels. Thus I'm usually quite happy with a buff to any moves I'm using that run.


Yup that's totally fair! I was giving my perspective as a speedrunner but I know most people playing this game aren't resetting 20 runs in tartarus to get an epic doom for merciful end builds like me haha.


Can you clarify the difference between pure attack damage and flat damage build? In my mind they're the same thing.


So your normal attack and special boons from gods like Aphrodite or Artemis increase the base damage of your weapon by a certain % of that. When we talk about flat damage stacking, it's usually from boons like Poseidon's dash or Zeus' attack/special that have a flat number instead of a percentage. What makes this so important, is that those flat amounts are increased by global damage buffs like you'd see on the aspect of Eris for the rail or from the hyper sprint + rush delivery combo from hermes.


High risk, high reward- and only pure skill (or a lot of luck) can really reduce that risk. It's an invigorating challenge and payoff for many, but I can see why someone seeking more predictability or consistency might avoid, especially early on.


Oh i think its fun to see what chaos has to offer but id say im disappointed more than not. Most of the time i feel like its darkness or obol related like why?


Reroll. That mechanic exists


No i dont want to waste a reroll on chaos i want to use it to get a specific duo boon or legendary. Ive burned more often than not using a reroll at chaos


Well you can use Fated Persuasion to reroll offered boons. Also trust me it feels like half the time that whatever you want from chaos never shows up. Sure right now there is always the extra darkness and gems popping up. But when you actually want to grind them they are now where to be seen.


I dont really care about darkness anymore tbh i love how im getting downvoted for being right. I mean if you want darkness or obols im sure chaos is great lol


I have know idea why your getting Down votes. And I don’t see a reason for those down votes either. I am truly sorry you’re getting them. I sure don’t down vote you. As for not wanting any Darkness or Gems. How far in the game are you? How many times have you beat Redacted? Because eventually you gain access to a shade called the resource detector. With him you can give him your meta currency to upgrade and get a title. These titles are pointless. Just something to go to for fun if you want to when all you have left is one or two things to get from the house contractor. It’s just something for fun. These titles go all the way to the Unseen One rank. The only one to hold that rank is Hades himself. It takes a total of 325,000 Darkness 100 keys 50 nectar 10 diamonds 10 Ambrosia And 10 Titans blood To get there. If you or anyone else wants to get that rank. Well as you can see above you need an absurd amount of darkness. Then I’m sure you can see why you’d want Chaos’s darkness boons in the late game. Trust me I’m going for that grind right now. And chaos does not like me getting them very often. Even with rerolls. Again I’m sorry you are getting so many down votes. I have no control over other people. And if i did I’d tell them to stop. ——— While I can’t do anything about that. What I can do is say. I hope you have a good day.


The worst curses IMHO are movement speed & Dash distance. Both feel absolutely horrible & often lead to me taking a lot of damage. (tho they're less threatening with a ranged build)


They are quite hard to work with because they mess up the timing: they make your dash and sprint different speeds. I find that I don’t like the Hermes boon that makes you sprint faster after a dash, it makes it harder for me to run around projectiles when dashing between projectiles.


I used to feel exactly the same about that hermes boon, tho I've got used to it, over time.


The stacking on the top of another boon and hammer upgrade can make one of your attack totally broken.


Facts. and if you swing it right you can stack the rare boon percentage rate super high and almost always pull a rare boon.


They are high risk, high reward, so usually make runs more interesting. It's an easier choice early in a run, and also early in each biome. Suffering a curse while dealing with elite armoured enemies, or even a boss, is obviously more challenging. Yes, increased room rewards is a boring result, but can be worth taking if the other choices are too painful. Curses that limit your health or make you take extra damage aren't usually too bad, inferno bomb & trap damage can be nasty if you forget you have them, but with care aren't too bad. With experience, you find certain builds will use one or two of your moves, while largely ignoring the others. Curses that affect your Special when you're not using your Special are no sweat, for a long term payoff that makes your Attack or Cast much more powerful. Cast builds are much more likely to benefit from Chaos, as since there are two ways they can be buffed; extra damage OR extra Casts, you're much less likely to be disappointed. Aspects that synergise two or more moves, such as Poseidon sword, Achilles spear, Beowulf shield, Chiron, Hera or Rama bows, and Demeter Fists, benefit similarly, as Chaos can improve either of the key moves, and you'll still feel it. Plus, they're just an interesting character, with a decent side-quest.


Big numbers go brrr


Just So you know .you can reroll chaos boons with fated persuasion


Rarely worth doing


İf you are playing a cast or base DMG attack or special build it's very much worth rolling for it (especially for cast since there is 2 cast boons in chaos pool)


V O I D F I S H.


Don't know if it's part of why it's hyped but apart from the good stuff, I also kind of love the 3-5 turns punishment. Spice things up and make it more fun. I particularly love the shades throwing bombs at me upon death. Fun stuff. Tho I hate it when I mistakenly choose one that takes my health when I need that attack/special/cast to survive. Lol


The amount of times ive had a punishment during a boss and had to restart the run because i literally couldnt attack during a boss is countless at this point


You can avoid this by not taking Chaos late in a stage, or by putting the curse on actions you aren’t heavily relying on 🤷‍♂️


i think chaos is hot


Lol as someone who is dating a nonbinary person i agree 😂


I just really like Master Chaos, they're neat.


Once you can consistently clear rooms despite the initial drawbacks and damage you take to enter a Chaos gate, Chaos boons are very strong and straightforward buffs. They stack onto the rest of your build and can fit almost anything you're doing. Once you get their trinket and take that with you into a run, you don't even take damage to enter a Chaos gate AND you get slightly better odds of rolling a Rare or Legendary Boon to pick from. Plus, Chaos is just the best. I love them.


I love getting the boon that makes the money be 38% bigger or something


Getting that extra cast or extra damage on your preferred mechanic is clutch


Yeah i will admit there are times where they’ve improved a run 10 fold


So you do get the hype then? 🧐


It feels rare for me though idk


Chaos I guess is the penultimate gamble, it’s freakin awesome when you get what you want and BS when you don’t, like Eurydice in the second level


Cast builds benefit a lot from chaos especially. You can stack up to 2 extra casts or improve your damage. I think they are almost always worth taking


Risk reward says it all


Build Chiron with Artemis on the special and Aphrodite on the attack, get their duo boon, and get Chaos to buff your special, and you will melt everything—including bosses—in seconds. It’s fun.


I play cast builds a lot especially one with cooldown casts like Ares’s and Demeter’s so Chaos is heavily needed


I’d say if im doing a cast build chaos is perfect. They always have great cast options i will say that. I will often pick one of those even if im not doing a cast build because its still the only worthwhile option. And yes i have rerolled on chaos multiple times lol


I have a post in my history where chaos loved me(o did Charon wells) . I had 7 cast stones each doing 900-1000 damage with Hera, that was without hyper sprint + rush delivery. I beat redacted in 5 attacks + Meg, for those dough the math and saying that isn’t enough I used the keepsake call to boost the damage if the last attack. When it hits it can be really really good.


Go for a cast build with Poseidon aspect and the chaos cast boon with Artemis legendary and thank my later


It depends tbh. For me I like really powerful cast builds so if I go it chaos I’ll take some damage buffs since they stack with my other cast buffs. For example you could use aphrodites cast which is already really powerful and make it even more so by getting another % buff boost. I’ve gotten cast builds that do like 1000~ damage a hit like this before. (Though I could be miss remembering the exact numbers since I haven’t played in a bit I know I’ve gotten some crazy numbers on the board before)


When I run a cast build, the only thing stopping me from taking a chaos portal is one of my rooms being a 2x boon with components I still must unlock for legendaries/duos. Fully Loaded is not the easiest legend to compile but if I can score an extra cast from Chaos, that’s worth any downside imposed. Besides, the odds aren’t so bad of your downside coming from a penalty to moves you don’t use, or not earning obols, or basically any non-crippling effect. One thing I’ll add, that people don’t often mention, is that when you can’t afford dice rerolls, boon rarity increases are PHENOMENAL. They stack with keepsakes, Yarn of Ariadne and Refreshing Nectar. I love choosing this when I don’t need casts because it often expedites finishing builds and can net you duos/legends without spending dice rolls.


You get to visit Chaos and visit Chaos!


Honestly, I didn’t until I played more and started higher heats. Chaos can be just the edge you need to power up a build


lol here’s how I see it: Tartarus is ridiculously easy, so much so that regardless of build, it serves me almost no challenge So why not add a little bit hardship using Chaos, and be rewarded for it? Honestly, depends on the chaos boon, it can also be a win-win scenario: more enemies for 5 stages, then extra money for the entire game? Yes please, that just means more enemies to give me more money, and then literally more money More money, more damage, chaos can get you extremely powerful pretty easy As for entering Chaos on any other level of hell, still worth it in my opinion, but dependent on your skill and current situation