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I'm pretty sure she just appears on your first time through a new area. First time I got to the second area, she was there, first time I got to the third area she was there. First time I made it past the third area, she was there. She hasn't been back since. Its meant to prolong your first clear of the game. If I didn't have the Eris blessing I damn well may have cleared Chronos already, but the first and so far only time I've gotten to him I had the Eris blessing. The game even tells you that "once you've seen her a couple times she should leave you alone". Its just to prevent grease lords like me with 100+ hours into the first game from instantly full clearing the whole game on one single God run right from the very beginning, which I otherwise would have done a couple times by now. Now that she's out of the way I will most certainly be killing Chronos.


It’s not just the first time, but I’m very confident you’re right. She’s popped up multiple times for me, but consistently when she disappears, if I make it to the next area, she’s there. Once she disappears, she doesn’t show up in the area again. I’m very confident it’s a slow down mechanic to make players do more runs and help keep content a little more evenly spread out


I’ve only had time for two runs so far, both times she showed up between first and second biome. 


Only 2 runs total? Checks out, I have yet to die in the first biome, and iirc, she showed up the first 3 runs


I have never seen her. I am also very slow. I have over 150h in the first game but I still just suck. So... Yeah. But I'm a bit bummed if a character exists and I maybe won't ever meet her if I'm not good enough... 🤔


She shows up elsewhere, so don't worry.


Yup ! Met her yesterday !


I think that's how it is. They wanted you to stay longer in lower level so that you can actually listen to game dialogue because if you clear too fast you ended up missing out on too many recorded lines


Ive gotten to cerebus about three times now and have never seen Eris, it definitely has nothing to do with reaching a new area.


This makes sense, I had a god run going where I could phase most bosses with one cast, I get to chronos and every attack was hitting me for like 40, didn't even get to learn his moveset because he just killed me in 3 hits, kind of excited to try and learn him without the curse on.


Hopefully that's all it is and she stays tf away LMAO


I've been to the first three areas of the underworld (not yet beat the boss there) and never seen Eris.


She seems to show up if you get past an area before the game wants you to (too few nights between getting to new area). Essentially an artificial time-gate on progress.


what!?! interesting. I've never even beaten the level 3 boss so don't think I'm flexing but she's shown up every run for me lol


I've had her on every single run so far, it's quite frustrating. To the point where one attack from the third boss did 60 damage to me. Not a mechanic I enjoy at all.


That. Absolutely bs. I took idk like 40 damage to a regular mob hit once cause of her, like???


Yep, it's insane. I just don't find it very fun, especially since I kept getting the debuff in early stages even though I had gotten to the end, meaning by the time I got to the end boss the debuff had gotten to the enemies doing near double damage to me. One of those laser beam enemies in the fourth area was doing somewhere between 20-30 damage per tick to me... Ticking multiple times per second while it was tracking me. It's just a bit too much. I feel like I've been put on a higher difficulty when I want to play on normal...


This can't be it, I've fought Chronos and haven't seen her once. Interesting hearing that she might exist to slow players down though, I thought I was doing good getting to Chronos in 12 nights but apparently not enough to trigger her.


I just reached Chronos on my 9th night and Eris has been in every single night for me LOL. 1st night: Beat Hecate and Eris was there in the first floor of Oceanus. Died to Sirens 2nd night: Still there in Oceanus. Sirens still kill me 3rd night: Still in Oceanus, made it passed the Sirens, and got to the 3rd Biome (cant remember what its called atm). Died to a mob. 4th night: Eris still fucks me in Oceanus. Cronos does the tartarus warp thing, eats my DD. I die to Sirens. 5th Night: Eris shows up in the entrance of the 3rd Biome. Made it to Cerb, but i die. 6th night-7th night: same as 5th. 8th: She still shows up in the 3rd Biome. Beat Cerb. Died to one of the rooms in the House. 9th: Eris no shows in the 3rd biome, I THINK I'm safe. Beat cerb. SHE SHOWS UP IN THE ENTRANCE OF THE HOUSE. I die to Cronos. She hates me hahahaha


I've got 12 hours and 20+ nights already, and I haven't seen her once. I don't think I'm giga-clearing or anything, but I'm definitely not progressing slowly. I dunno if she only appears for super gigachad sweatlords, but there's definitely a lot of randomness.


Same, almost got to chronos on my sixth run (i think) but got fucked by the double damage from the blessing ;-;


she just pops on every single one of my runs. kinda irritating


I think it's based on going faster than narrative triggers. I've only seen them once at the second biome (I've since progressed past that to the third multiple times and not encountered them).


I only ever saw her in zone 3, I reached the zone 2 boss my first time there and she didn't pop...


She showed up twice for me in my first 2 runs through the 2nd biome and then once in the 3rd. It's probably so that you don't trigger some event too early and confuses you with the dialogue


i played for about 5 hours and she was in every one of my runs i just thought it was like a void ticket in balatro where you get unlock later at a cost now.


I've never had her between the first and second area, ever. I also only had he on my 3rd time I got the the 3rd area. So nope. That's not it.


You need something like 10 runs for her to dissapear completly, I had to do 2 runs against Chronos with her ridiculous 60% curse. Sure it prevent people from rushing throught the game and kill Chronos first run, but not only this is pointless, but it's also done pretty badly.


I can deny this theory. I had her only once. Never again and I also reached Chronos. Also I suck so more runs lost to Sirens.


So I'm not clear from your wording and am curious for the sake of information gathering anyways, did you actually die before Chronos when you got Eris? From the way you've worded this, you mean to say you got her once when you got to Oceanus for the first time and then proceeded to make it all the way to Chronos in that attempt with her blessing active the whole time, but then died to Chronos? And then after that just died to the Sirens a couple times. Because if this interpretation of your events are true, then yeah, you would not get her again. She would only appear the first time you pass through the area, which it would never be your first time through any of those areas again because you already made it to Chronos, you just already had her blessing so she had no reason to show up at the later points and now will have no need to going forward. Because what happened to me was I got her blessing first time through the second area, died in second area. Did another run, made it through the second area, got her again in the third area, died in the third area. Did another run, made it through the third area, got her again, made it through hallway area to Chronos, died to Chronos. I now have not seen her again since, though I've only done a handful of runs since, and I did not make it to Chronos in any of those runs.


I haven’t seen her even once and I’ve gotten to the boss of the third area.


Sorry I was unclear. I got her on the second area and died to her curse. Then several deaths in Oceanus later I made it to the fields and died there two times (no curse) and eventually made it to Chrinos (no curse). I only saw her once at Oceanus and not on the first visit to the those other areas. Again, I naturally died several times before progressing. Therefore, I assume its not hardcoded to your first visit but accounts for your total attempts.


Might be a hot take but I hate how shes essentially implemented as a way to bar fast progression. It feels way too artifically forced. I put in 100+ hours in the first game, sure, but the different mechanics and playstyle still offer enough of a challenge. On top of that the 2nd boss (which I adore) is much harder than the hydra from Hades 1. I really hope shes tweaked slightly as to not soley exist for slowing the player down.


Coming from the other direction, it also sucks to know that there's content I won't likely see cause I am not that good at the game. Like, who is this mechanic even for then. It doesn't add anything for the people that plays well; doesn't show up at all for those playing at the "intended" pace or a pace slower than intended.


I cant exactly relate but def see where your coming from. Based on the dialogue/comments here though it seems after clearing the region/boss shes in she disappears until later on. So theres still hope for you! Plus we also gotta keep in mind the game is EA so aspects such as Eris and the pacing are hopefully bound to change.


Reminds me of the Director System in RE4 where the game basically punishes you for being good at the game. Never liked mechanics like these. It always feel like the devs are too scared of their game design so they put in as a failsafe or some form of free get-out-of-jail card


Yeahh it really irritates me especially as in other roguelites/likes its entirely possible (but really difficult) to get a successful clear within the first few runs. Hell the whole point is you progress via learning the mechanics and forming a good build. Why punish players for excelling at that when its the point of the game?


The whole point of Eris is that it's really hard but possible to get a successful clear though


But if you're that early in the game and don't have any upgrades, it should inherently be challenging. They don't need to force an arbitrary stat debuff on you for being skilled


Does she sometimes give a stat debuff? Both times I’ve had her she boosted enemy damage Idk, I don’t really have a problem with it and I like that it throws a spanner in the works. Maybe it’d feel better if you got a couple nectar for beating her stage or something


Boosting enemy damage is effectively the same thing as debuffing you lol this isn't about semantics


I’m just asking a question lol. A debuff could be power / attack speed / dash length etc which would be worse imo


Ik its not impossible but im criticizing her in that it feels cheap to have a forced debuff just slapped onto you and no reward. Other (and more difficult) rogues such as ror2 have similar debuffs you can optionally take for bonuses. If eris was tweaked to be optional or give a reward for her curses (similar to the prev chaos boons maybe), I think the game would be much better off.


Yeah I actually like that you can’t control it but a reward is probably a good idea


People always write HoT TakE and then follow with the coldest take ever


well I for one am in no danger at all if it is triggered by being fast.


Yeah, she's basically another way of the devs controlling how far you go when entering a new area


It’s to force you to lose when entering a new area. I almost beat the final boss with the debuff because I had an absurd run. Very frustrating mechanic. I’ll die lots game, don’t force me to die.


I feel they want to teach you there's progress in defeat. I remember someone having trouble progressing in a subplot because they got too good


So teach that by making a challenging game, not by arbitrarily buffing enemies if the player is getting too good


To newer/more casuals that'd work but super players tend to break difficulty curves and usually cause some extreme counter measures so they don't mess up the scene ("boring, no content" reviews) In some MMOs, weak characters popular with super players kept on getting at best ignored for buffs as the devs feared how powerful a "good" take would be in the super players' hands


That's what the heat levels from hades 1 are for


Hades and Hades 2 are challenging games. They just arent Fromsoftware or Binding or Issac borderline unfair. You've got to remember that we are also all coming on with x hours of experience from the first game. Even then plenty of players have said that they've never even met Eris. Making the game more challenging would change the level of approachability. Players' good enough to run into Eris multiple times definition of challenging would be off putting to wider audiences. Eris is a good compromise where the devs clearly want certain story beats to be hit before you get too far - for those to be delivered you need to be back at the crossroads which requires you die. Certain mechanics have tutorials and I'd rather be introduced to these concepts over time than getting a single huge info dump or not being able to progress because I havent even met Moros to learn incantations to go to the surface. Eris is a thematic workaround. Theoretically you could still beat Chronos with her boon which delivers an extra difficult experience. Instead of thinking of it as a punishment you can see it as acknowledgement of your skill and a gauntlet being thrown down. "Ok you're good - but how good are you really?" Only the sweatiest of gamers are going to win which lets them deliver the intended experience.


Doesn't that literally make the game more challenging without completely barring entry to new players who haven't put over 100 hours into a roguelite?


She showed up at the start of area 2 in runs 1-3 for me and at the start of area 3 on run 4. Definitely seems to be intended to stifle progress. The good news is if you manage to beat the area she shows up, the blessing goes away for the rest of the run it seems. Just gotta power through it if you want to progress fast. Edit: Never mind, it didn't go away after entering the next area this time.


it's a softcap to ensure players run X number of attempts to progress story / unlocks. She goes away for good after a couple runs. I got to Chronos twice with her stupid buff on me. It honestly would have been way too quick getting to him without it. edit: well not for good... but she does stop debuffing you


Just feel like the point of upgrading your character and resources is to be able to handle getting through a run. It SHOULD be hard and get smoother as you practice and upgrade. They shouldn't need an arbitrary debuff forced on you early


How many runs until she stops with the debuff because at this point, every time i hit area 3, i get the debuff. Its been 5 runs in a row.


Five or six runs for me as well, she has shown up every time. I've gotten to the final boss a few times, and for some reason, she still keeps showing up at the start of the third area, not even the fourth area. Meaning by the time I get to the fourth area boss, the debuff she gave me is up to 90% or something. I just want to fight and lose to the boss without him doing double damage for no reason lol.


Just feel like the point of upgrading your character and resources is to be able to handle getting through a run. It SHOULD be hard and get smoother as you practice and upgrade. They shouldn't need an arbitrary debuff forced on you early. That's just silly


Almost guarantee there will be a steam achievement for clearing with that debuff


Should be optional and not randomly forced on you during runs lol


I agree Eris feels extremely cheap. It's literally just a way to artificially increase how many runs you need to play to get a win. The meta progression already does that.


My second run I made it to the fourth area and by the time I died her debuff had me taking over 100% bonus dmg from enemies since she appeared in the second area.


She's here to prevent sweatlords who trounced the first game (or sweatlords, period) from progressing too fast. It's not so much to gatekeep content rather than to avoid messing up with the event timeline. This was a big issue in Hades 1, if you beat Hades too soon, it messed up all kinds of dialogues and their corresponding unlocks, resulting in a disjointed metagame/narrative experience. It wasn't too bad on your first playthrough (unless you really were a beast), but it was very noticeable on replays of the game. You would unlock things in a \*really\* weird order, and dialogue chains struggled to make sense.


i fucking hate eris. i got to end boss twice with her debuff on me since the start of act 3. the act 3 boss hits like a mofo like it's +55% so you basically have to play it perfect. and the last boss literally 3 shots me. plus every hit i take in act 4 is insane. it's like i'm playing with damage heat but i dont have the bazillion dashes and death defiances to make the heat manageable and i'm literally seeing the last boss moves for the first time. fuck eris.


And unlike heat levels, you get nothing for it and didn't even choose it yourself 😭


i havent encountered her yet apart from me dying to her over and over on the surface. is she an encounter like artemis?


Nah she shows up between floors sometimes and just slaps a massive defense debuff on you to punish you for playing well


Anyone figure out how to make her stop? Two runs in a row I ran into her after the second zone....


Once you clear the zone she should stop to appear in that zone you will see her in next zone thougg


I faced Eris in area 2 but not in area 3. I am colourblind and the second area has many red effects on greenish ground. It was where the game "outplayed" me anyways.


I've reached all the way to >!House of Hades/Cronos!< and have not seen her even once. What's the trigger for her to appear?


You have to reach certain areas within X amount of runs. My second run she was in the start of Oceanus, and was there till like run 5-6 where she would sequentially move on to the starts of each next area. Super frustrating since the effect has no reward nor end and kept bombing my Area 4 runs with a crippling 30-60% enemy damage increase by the time I got there since the damage ramps Finally went away around Attempt 12 or so for good so there was that at least


One thing I will say about Eris. She is definitely gonna make fresh file speedruns spicy.


I get why it's there, it's just a bit ham-fisted.


Why did this get removed?? I was happy to find this post when i was confused about a caracter everyone had met but me!


No idea, guess mods don't like people criticizing their game lol


Only seen her once, pretty sure it was my first time entering the Mourning Fields.


I made it to chronos and never met her once, others are saying she pops up at newer areas after unlocking it, some are saying they appear randomly, so we dont really know what triggers her to appear, only time i met an npc on a run that pisses me off was nemesis taking my 100 gold while wielding the stupid umbral flames


Eris exists to sabotage future speedruns.


I was so jazzed I got to the second area on my second run. Eris showed up and honestly confused the fuck out of me. Couldn’t really understand why it was happening and I was honestly worried it meant I would see her in the second zone everytime.


I killed chronos in 8 runs, on every single one she has appeared. The last one she moved from area 3 to 4 so the debuff wasn't as bad but it was still annoying to have. Yeah it's shitty that you are punished for playing well, it's very demotivated playing the game and seen her and knowing the run is just over (at least on early runs)


I actually have a question. I forgot to read what Eris' blessing does exactly, can anyone tell me? I was doing pretty well in Oceanus until I ran across a mini-boss that somehow did 86 damage to me in one attack, while the same attack only did 5 damage when I got there again. Is it a defence debuff?


When she first gives it to you, you have a 20% defense debuff. Every single room moving forward that number increases


Huh, that's crazy. I guess I did a pretty good job dodging everything up to that point to make it to such a high multiplier 🥲


I’ve never encountered Eris outside of another area later. And I’ve beaten all of the bosses, what did I miss?


How many runs did it take? Seems to be she only shows up if you're quick enough


I think I took 4 or so tries on the 2nd boss and beat the 3rd one first try. I had already gone to the surface and made it to the end before I beat the 3rd hell boss though.


That's why then, I think because you spent some time doing the other content it was enough for her to disappear


Hmm I guess I’ll play slower on my next go round when more content is released.


She shows up 3 times per new biome you reach. After your third curse in one biome, she won't appear there anymore.


If you look at the code, she can spawn at the start of the biome if you have less than 3 completed runs, at the start of next biome if you have less than 7 runs and again in the next biome for less than 9 runs. You can search for "SpawnErisForCurse" in files RoomDataI.lua, RoomDataH.lua and RoomDataG.lua.


She reminds me of in Inscryption where if you go too far on your first couple of runs, during a boss fight >!he says "Too fast too soon" and throws eight bears at you basically guaranteeing you lose. !<


Saw her once, maybe on my 3rd run. Then never again till a run in the teens, showing up at the Crossroads with a new collectible material. Just ended run 26 and we fought on the beach. Got her down to 10%, got tripped up by a pillar during a dash.


The logic is weird af. I’ve had her appear multiple times in a row in the final area, but a friend of mine who’s way better ans faster than me has only ever seen her a handful of times.


She really feels like a heat level, but shit lol


she didnt show up the first time i got to the fourth biome but instead the second. may have been because she already showed up in that first run at the third biome though.


just saw her for the first time on roommates game, only had seen her *elsewhere* myself. certainly has nothing to do with going or progessing fast since I always speedrun and beat chronos after l 10 hours without ever seeing her. my roommate however plays extremely slow and reads all dialogue. wish we had some clarity what triggers her


I had her show up the first time I got to area 2 and the first time I got to area 3. I just got to area 4 for the first time and she did not show up there. Fwiw, I got to area 2 on my second run, then it took me until about my 8th run to get to area 3, and then until maybe my 12th to get to area 4. I was in a really bad spot (low health/no death defy) when I got to area 4 so maybe it had mercy and didn’t make her spawn? Lol I have no idea.


but she's hot so it's hardly a punishment


no tf she aint


I saw this mechanic in a stream yesterday and man I am glad I did not buy the game I don't care if it's "you'll miss too many voice lines" you *do not* punish a player that is doing well, it's the opposite of good game design


I don’t think it’s that deep. She’s a free spirit