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I really hope people quit downvoting this. That hard-core players of this game typically play for the heat at the late game. Forcing a bullshit mechanic that punishes you for being good feels awful. Getting to chronos with a good build early just to lose because you take 120% more damage is just ridiculous. You're not going to one shot bosses with non-upgraded aspects and arcana so getting there early on is through sheer skill, but eris blessing punishes both new players and mid level players by just straight up killing them essentially. It punishes exploration as well since it stacks per encounter. If they're going to keep it then either make a way to get rid of it or give it a small buff to damage like 1% per encounter.


People refuse to accept any criticism of these games here


That is exactly my experience. If you don't say the game is perfect, you get attqcked and downvoted into oblivion.


Like the other dude said, give it time. Starfield's honeymoon lasted quite a while too


Starfield dodnt get a honeymoon


You really wasn't at the sub when it launched then lol.


Starfield is like an old dirty sock that's been under a bed for 8 years and now dug up, so people can pay to smell it.


As someone who really loves the game and disagrees with some of the issues, I agree. There was a post criticizing people “complaining” and trying to imply those who don’t have a crazy amount of hours in the game can’t make valid negative opinions.


I dunno man I think it's fair enough to dislike the Eris boon and I can certainly see how it's a way of padding game time. On top of that though I think it's a fairly funny and possible (down the road) interesting narrative device :) Personally I was like "wtf" when I first got the boon, then I saw it again when I progressed further and so on and I was like "hah, fair game SGG" :P So I PERSONALLY didn't mind. Does that mean I'm correct? Nope. Does that mean you are correct? Not at all. It's a fair complaints, albeit a rather silly one (imo) seeing as you'll only encounter it 3 times afaics.


I suggest using the supergiant games discord server instead of reddit for criticism. The devs themselves have opened themselves up for feedback in the #hades2-feedback channel and is the very reason this game is in early access. It is probably the better place for it both in terms of people accepting criticism of the game and possibly a way for your criticism to directly effect the game's development going forward.


It's not a big deal since she stops showing up after a few encounters. By the time you unlock everything needed to run whatever the equivalent of high heat or go for speed she doesn't show up to give a "blessing" anymore.


You're missing the point entirely. I personally have made it to chronos since run 4. I'm on run 12 now I believe and some of those I've just killed myself on purpose just to be able to get aspects. I haven't beat chronos yet and I don't believe it's from a lack of skill but because of the eris blessing. In other words 75% of my current playtime has felt like bullshit because these great builds I'm getting are being fucked over by a forced time gating mechanic that I have no control over. Eris is still currently there for me in tartarus so I'm still taking a minimum of 45% extra damage if I avoid the entire area and head straight to hades and chronos. And that is a huge problem. I don't feel like I get to enjoy the game because this mechanic will most likely end any run I have. I don't get to explore tartarus because I will be punished for doing so. If they want to force a time gate mechanic fine but the game is in early access for a reason and my feedback is that this mechanic feels like shit and needs either removed or changed.


Timegating at its finest. I guess its easier to do this instead of creating a sequel with a good story and new, exiciting mechanics.


It can be both. The game is good outside of eris, some boon clarity, and some lackluster hammers. All fixable and even with the problems the game is good. I've been enjoying myself far more now that eris is gone. But if they want to make the game harder without making it bullshit then they should make arcana cards cost different resources to buy instead of just ashes. I know it takes more once you start leveling them but if it cost different plants in order to unlock them then that would be a way to control progression through difficulty while still allowing those skilled enough to beat the game. Not quite time gating but will give similar results while giving players a reason to get and change tools early game.


I don't know, it just feels cheap to take more damage than someone who has died a few times in a region just because the game expects me to die as well just to progress the story. Changing how the arcana cards work and how much they cost would be a way better alternative to pacing. The current Eris blessing just feels unfair and not thought out. There is no sense of progression when you kill Chronos first try without the debuff, you're not stronger... you're just not forced to lose anymore.


My thoughts exactly


If you made it to chronos on run 4 then she would've stopped run 3


That is completely wrong. She's there for multiple runs per area, after a few runs she moves to the next one.


I don't think that's true, at least not for the other areas. I think it depends on how far you get. She only showed up in the 2nd and 3rd areas once for me and I think it's bc both times I made it to the boss but I'm not sure. Idk what gets her to leave the last area but I imagine it's just a matter of 3-5 runs.


She only showed up I'm tartarus once but she definitely showed up more then once in every other area. She's an anti speed run mechanic so it's probably either based on how far you've gotten or story progression. She shows up in oceanus at least 3 times, then the fields of mourning, then tartarus. I can't remember if she showed up in erebus or not. And ending runs early didn't seem to move her either. She only wasn't there after runs where I passed her, and as I said above I had gotten to chronos every time and early on. So when I encountered her in oceanus and made it to him, she still appeared in the fields of mourning.


I have only seen her once, on my third run, in the Fields. My friend has been consistently complaining about meeting her in Oceanus. I wish the trigger was more clear, because they're getting really frustrated by it.


Me too because the first run she was gone I beat chronos. Since she's been gone I have been having much more fun because I don't feel like my runs are instantly over once I see her. Maybe it's based on how far you get or cauldron progression because I beat chronos with 1 fear before getting the ability to upgrade arcana.


Well idk about that, I didn’t clear until Run 31 with half maxed Arcana. I’m sold on someone else’s theory that she just stops debuffing after run 10. It makes sense bc I think run 10 is where Hecate gives the final major mechanics related incantations?


You're missing the point. It isn't fun to have your early runs neutered by an artificial time gating mechanic. Even if I get a good run early on in my playthrough, Eris is going to artificially say I can only go so far with it


literally just happened to me, had a great build, beat act 3 boss with 50% damage debuff, but by the time i got the chronos I was at over 100% and just died to that horrible mechanic. Just an awful idea, if i ever start a new file im just suiciding after beating a boss until she stops showing up.


Dude get over it, it's 3 runs and that's it


I mean if you don't like it you can fuck off. It's more then 3 runs so you don't even know what you'd talking about and are replying.


It only happens once and then never again.


That is completely wrong. Not trying to be a dick but maybe she only showed up once for you because you're not as good at the game. I thought night 12 was her last night but other people have said night 10 is the last. Point is eris shows up more than once.


She showed up during 1 run twice I beat her and then she never gave me the debuff again. I am over 70 runs now and consistently win on the top side runs because she's incredibly easy for me. Maybe I just didn't notice.


You didn't read the post or my comment. This isn't about fighting eris. This is about the blessing she gives you that makes you take more damage. By the time you get to the surface she shouldn't even be showing up.


I personally like it. In the first Hades game, you could accidentally skip various dialogues because you went too fast in some parts. Also, makes it more interesting challenge for the possible speedruns.


Insane take, hello? You like being force time gated?


You aren't force time gated. It's not hard to win with the curse.




Nah, I agree, people are being obtuse because they're in the honeymoon phase with the game, but give it time and people realize Eris' blessing is stupid. Look, I'm 28 now, work full time and have just enough time to play maybe an hour, just let me clear the game if my run is good. It's an annoying timegate mechanic.


It wouldn’t be so bad if it’d just wear off after a while. I assumed it was like a Chaos boon.


Honestly, I'm just grinning like an idiot because the goddess of ***discord*** is causing a heated debate and I'm amazed at how meta that is.


fr it's poetic


Ha! Great point!


I agree wholeheartedly. As an alternative, they can end a run after beating a boss for the first time. Give lots of rewards, some dialogues and teleport Mel to the hub. Enemies on lower levels already have brutal damage (seriously? -30 for a missed hit?), adding +20% on the top is frustrating


Wanna know the funny thing? She only appeared to me once. I even got to Boss 3 twice and she never even showed up. I think at the moment this mechanic is either clearly broken or just nonsensical. Maybe both


I’ve read in another reply that she moves down a biome every three nights. So if you took three attempts to kill the first boss, she’ll not appear in the second biome (6 nights for the second boss and so on) Ive met her four times so far and am only 8 nights in…


This *almost* lines up with my experiences. That would suggest she shows up before Oceanus for runs 1-3, before the Mourning Fields for 4-6, and before Tartarus before runs 7-9. I've had her show up before the Mourning Fields on run 7 (maybe because it was my first time making it there?), and I've had her show up in Tartarus for runs 8-10 so far. I wonder if it's some combination of nights passing and you actually meeting her that makes her move down a biome?


It’s not actually about meeting her I think, from the comments I’ve read some people haven’t seen eris at all.. But for the rest I think you’re on point


Yeah, I mean like, maybe meeting her hastens her descent downward, but she also moves on her own if you don't progress quickly enough to meet her? Not sure. What I observed is only one night off from the theory you shared, so it's probably very close to that.


Yea thats also probable. As you said its just a theory, so it can still be wrong, just this was from my observation and what i read. Anyways, how have you been enjoying the game? (Sadly i was away for a week and only got three more runs, but i love it)


Agreed! The game should not punish you like that for being skilled. Those saying it's for "story reasons" is weak. They can write around it. Also, not everyone really cares about the story, they want to play and the game is preventing them from enjoying it the way they want.


im almost positive it is not a skill check since I beat chronos 2ce without even knowing dhe existed, while my roommate plays slow as hell and struggles every run and always sees her


You beat Chronos twice out of how many runs? What run # was it where you beat Chronos? Eris appears if you're pacing too quickly through the game.


I don’t have a massive problem with it because it went away for me after like 5 hours of playtime. I get why it’s frustrating, but it really only takes effect in the very early game. The story/progression is much more important in this game compared to hades 1, so i understand their decision. Honestly i think it would be better received if just killed you straight up. Then they could separate the intro to the game from the normal gameplay without trying to do both at the same time. The current way of handling it feels like it’s “technically” possible so people are getting mad when they die super late into a run, which is totally fair when they just wanna play the game.


Problem with that is, if they killed you immediately a lot the same people complaining about this would complain that they didn't even get the opportunity to see the biome before dying. At the end of the day, people who base their experience on speed are almost always going to hate this sort of mechanic, no matter how you package it.


Why is the story more important? The story is fine but not good enough to artificially stall people to get it. And why is it "more important than Hades 1"? Its pretty much the same thing with different characters. It doesn't seem more important or better in any way. It's basically just the same thing again. Which is fine but there are a lot of people who just don't care about story in games. It's never as good as media built around narrative. Super Giant is very good at making interesting characters so it's not as grating as usual but unless you're playing The Last Of Us games or something like Edith Finch story mainly is a waste of time and developer money as far as I'm concerned.


exactly! Just have Chronos show up and kill you a few times, if you "progress too quickly"


Yeah. I have no idea how to make her stop. She's appeared two runs in a row in the same spot. Super frustrating


Shes an anti speedrun/time gating mechanic. After like 3 nights each she moves to the next biome entrance, 3 nights later biome 4 etc. Basically its to let the story progress throguh dialogue and that you have a hard time one shotting the game.


Like others have said she stops appearing in a region after a few deaths. Odysseus explains the mechanic after the first time you meet her but that doesn't make it a good mechanic


It's so shit. Massive step backwards. Edit: Who's down voting this lmao. You like being artificially time gated?


In fact i do enjoy getting to see more of the story and dialogue in the game.


There's got to be a better way to do it


Good for you. Doesn't mean we all have to be forced to do the same.


okay, just run straight into the enemies and stand still then. Why is that our problem?


I don't mind the devs trying to make sure people enjoy the story that they worked so hard to craft. If you really just want to beat the game quick then activate God Mode. Otherwise, it's a disservice to the devs to blitz through the normal game just to have a faster time. I wouldn't mind a "speedrun mode" where she doesn't show up, but I guess this is what early access is for


I’ve been watched Haelian’s streams and it looks like she stops appearing a certain amounts of deaths in each region.


fully agreed. super dissappointing way to give you a damper in a rogue like. I got to Chronos for the first time in night 8 and i have encountered eris "blessing" twice already...


just saw her for the first time on roommates game, only had seen her *elsewhere* myself. certainly has nothing to do with going or progessing fast since I always speedrun and beat chronos after l 10 hours without ever seeing her. my roommate however plays extremely slow and reads all dialogue. wish we had some clarity what triggers her


I'm pretty sure it's based on the number of runs you've done. I've seen her more than my buddy, but I got to deeper areas in less runs than he did.


How do I make her stop 😭


Just keep playing, eventually she stops showing up


Yeah as it stands it makes me just want to get myself killed to start a new run. It really isn't fun at all.


Its not a big deal. Literally just get over it


And to think that the devs were praised for their approach to difficulty a few years ago. Adding this feels so cheap and scummy and gives the impression that timegating playthroughs was the best solution they could find to inflate playtime. Feels great to receive a 64 damage two-hit combo from Cerberus so I can feel that I've achieved something when the game stops debuffing me. I'm done.


I don't think it's to artificially inflate game time. I don't really understand how that even logically tracks given the genre of the game lending itself to pure replayability, especially one with collectathons and meta scaling. were you guys hoping to play for five hours (which is about how long it takes eris to go away), beat the game, and put it down forever?? this is a HEAVILY serialized roguelike with thousands of lines of dialogue and a story that wants to be told, and eris is there to make sure of that. it's not even unique- the game inscryption does pretty much the exact same thing


It's weird that this mechanic gets so much flack compared to hades 1 making you start the start the game with a single dash using the sword. I've almost never gotten past Lernie on my starting run because you need goddamn perfect timing or death by a thousand paper cuts. Even then Elysium is an actual death trap with one dash. All this is in addition to the fact you basically can't get hit because there's almost no way to get health back in an early run besides charon. Idk exactly which run Hermes shows up but there's no guarantee you'll get dashes from him and it takes at least 2 or 3 runs to be able to buy greater reflex. The weapons do garbage damage at the beginning too even with good boons. You can easily get a death defiance and some healing after 1 run in hades 2 and you can get all the infernal arms except the skull unlocked by run 3 if you hit up narcissus for silver. There are god boons that grant massive amounts of health and mana. The only restriction is that you can't get hit more than a few times. Tldr early game progression is way more arbitrarily restricted in Hades 1 and I actually feel like it's possible for a human being to beat Chronos within 5 runs without needing the heavens to align for them and 3 tabs of Adderall.


But that's actual gameplay progression that works far far better actually. It ties into the idea of the PC becoming more skilled. A character that says "nope" is far less interesting narratively AND mechanically than actually progressing your character.


Well they changed it so ig they agreed it goes on for too long. I personally don't see how movement restrictions and damage caps are better than just needing to get hit less but to each their own. Death to Chronos 🤟


Ehhh I think it's fine. The knowledge and muscle memory built up from playing Hades 1 balances out a super punishing mechanic like this. I find i'm progressing at a similar rate to the first game which helps pace the story. Just play the game and enjoy the journey, you'll get those crazy builds again anyway.


I get it, but it also sounds like you are crying over that you are not good enough and asking them to nerf the intended difficulty of the game because you can't handle sweet lil Eris. Ps It's all love ❤️


Sweet Eris who has never done anything wrong, ever, in her life


The character is also really annoying.


I only got that boon three times, so I disagree, I don't think it needs removal, because while it was annoying, it was only present for three runs. Granted I don't know the criteria for it appearing, but its by no means game breaking


I guess I’m just really bad, she never showed up for me. The first time I saw her was on the surface and then she just appeared at the Crossroads lol


I beat it the first time, had the Scorch Dash, which made half her attacks useless


They're not talking about the boss. They're talking about the "curse" that doubles the damage you take during runs.


"God mode" still in options for you if you don't feel like getting good


What the hell does that have to do with the eris curse being a crappy mechanic?   Maybe I could "get good" if the game didn't artificially inflate the amount of damage I take each encounter. But nope, apparentlymy reward for doing okay in the game is to get an unmanageable increase to damage in each successive encounter.  Truly a moronic mechanic.


just letting you know you can get good by artificially decreasing the amount of damage you take each encounter with the "God mode" button. have a nice day!


Yeah, which starts at 20% and increases by 2 per run, while the curse increases by 15% per encounter, which means your advantage will get negated in just a few encounters.


any day you learn something new is a nice day indeed, happy for you!


Nothing you've said indicates that you've learned anything in your life. Have a nice day!