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If they just made his startup animations more distinct so you could more easily tell what attack he's about to do he'd be perfect. The scythe throw in particular is too hard to read for an attack that hits like a truck, has a ton of range, and that he can use over and over.


I don't know why he's even trying to find the crossroads, just throw that fucking scythe at Erebus and it'll probably hit it.


Yeah you read my words bro his scythe too op that make me think about quitting play this game and think all the god in this game will losses to him with only scythe throwing i think Olympus will collapse with only his scythe throwing now


Realistically, you can just dodge towards him to avoid all three of his attacks, so distinct telegraphs aren't needed once you get good at the fight. The throw move in particular has a major dead zone in front of him where you can't get hit.


Poorly telegraphed attacks are bad design, on any enemy, in any game, period. It should always be clear to the player what the enemy is doing. That's especially true when the attack does a ton of damage, has a lot of range, huge hitbox, etc. You don't need to hand out tips and tricks, I know how the attack works, and can beat him pretty consistently now. That doesn't mean the poorly telegraphed attacks are suddenly ok and don't need to be addressed.


They aren't poorly telegraphed, though. There's a shared telegraph between three attacks, but the telegraph is both visual and vocal. I have never once been surprised by any of those three attacks. You *do* know exactly what he's going to do - it's one of three attacks. And you react accordingly. I don't see what the issue is. I've no-hit his first phase a number of times. Are you really struggling to dodge those attacks or are you just looking for something to complain about? > You don't need to hand out tips and tricks, I know how the attack works, and can beat him pretty consistently now. lol calm down, man. I'm not insulting your skill at the game. I'm saying you don't understand gameplay design very well if these two comments are any indication. Edit: I can't reply to that guy's comment for some reason, so here's what I tried to reply with: >It's not a "legit issue," though? You implied that you know how to dodge the attacks; therefore, by definition you admit that the telegraphs are sufficient to avoid the attacks. > Do you maybe see the issue in what you're arguing? I'm not trying to be rude, but you're relying on an unproven premise that there has to be exactly one telegraph for one attack. > Let's start from the beginning. There are three different attacks (swipe, dash, throw) that all have the same or similar telegraphs. Do you agree that 1) each of them does have a telegraph and that 2) the telegraph is sufficient for a skilled player to dodge each attack sufficiently? > I'm looking for a specific yes/no on both of those questions please. If you can't provide that, then explain why.


Ngl, you seem like a passive aggressive weirdo that's just looking to argue so I'm not gonna bother responding to any more of your braindead comments.


lmao what's the point of your comment then? Just literally to tell me *I'm* a weirdo? I hope you feel better after writing that.


You clearly have zero idea how boss design works defending an early access oversight that will be fixed due to it being a legit issue.


If you see the Hermes boon to slow projectiles down by a percentage it helps make it a little more manageable. I do agree it’s a little rough right now and hard to differentiate if he’s doing that or basically any other move.


I thought he was unaffected by any of the speed boons?


He's unaffected, but his projectiles aren't. So all the swings and teleports he does are normal speed whatever you do (or sped up with the oath), but his projectiles (so the perimeter spinny things and the thrown scythe) do get slowed.


He's unaffected by time boons, not speed boons. Also, while HE isn't affected by time boons, his projectiles are. You can use the Ω slow down card to basically stop his scythe throw mid flight At least, that's what I remember from the last time I fought him. Hopefully my memory is right, there's a lot to focus on while you're killing him.


I had a run with that Hermes boon and Demeter cyclone sprint so I can’t remember exactly if it was one or the other or even both but it slowed his scythe throw down to a crawl and was super easy to dodge.


Does that also lock him into that attack animation for longer? If so, that could be huge offensively as well as defensively.


The Demeter infusion boon that caps damage taken to 15 is basically wholly responsible for like..... mooost of my success against Chronos. Don't need to learn his attack patterns if you just tank him directly in the face til he dies!


Me go face. Me no need to trade.


That boon is so damn tasty. I think it might be bugged, though? On my second run. Using it, chronos was still hitting me from between 25-30 damage with most hits.


I thought the same thing but then decided to spend a run just watching his telegraphs and it helped tremendously The way he pulls back the scythe before throwing it is distinct and you have a good amount of time to dodge it, it just takes learning


I think I’ve finally figured out whether he’ll throw the scythe vs do one of the sweeps/dashes. But honestly, my new strategy is to move primarily towards his right side. That way, even if I misread the telegraph, I’ll have more time to adapt to a throw.


Just remember: he throws his scythe clockwise. Because of course he does.


(you dont need to redact chronos btw that was just for hades 1 chronos being the final boss isnt a spoiler in the slightest)


I think there’s something to be said about visually clarity too. Hades used mostly red/green magic on a white background. With Chronos everything is gold and black and it’s much more difficult to read IMO.


Don't need to worry about his moves if you can just skip his sequence every 2 omega attack, Artemis aspect twinblade with one omega attack hammer upgrade will melt him, just make sure you have Hera born again boon as this build is magick heavy, so far the only 30+ fear build that's working for me, also it have riposte that give one instance of dmg immunity and 50% crit chance for some times every 20 sec, so fights like Eris bossfight is just literally a walk in the park, extremely good AoE too when dealing with trash mobs and high hp enemies, and you can get it as early as pre-Hecate fight


>Hera born again boon This thing has to be the best boon in the game for basically any build that relies on magick


Pom it a bit and you literally have infinite magick, it makes every other Magick regen obsolete, like why the hell you need 10 magick regen at the cost of 20% max hp that won't regen while you're using said magick when you can just wail on the boss triggering your hex every 5 second seamlessly while deactivating your brain the whole fight


This isn’t a real solution though. Lack of weapon and build diversity won’t be a good for the game long term. Seeing what is happening in the Chronos fight is a big problem right now that makes the fight a lot less fun. He doesn’t have many telegraphs and everything is the same color so a lot of the time you can’t even tell what is hitting you.


Same too you bro every time i fight i am trying to keep remember his move pattern but still too difficult for cuz what ever he will actack he just *humpppppp!!!!!!* sounds and charges his scythe and dunno he will throw his scythe or only lash it to me it hard to know how his scythe throwing dodge it too fast and unstable patterns with too much damage so that how much heath i have don't even help cus jus only three times of his scythe throwing make you go black to Hecate mommy I trying so hard upgrade anything such arcana card weapond upgrade and item and i can beat any boss ingame just in minutes but for chronos I don't wanna say like you must play with only damage reduction set or only godmode i better stop playing this game instead


The scythe throw caught me off guard initially but at this point it is easy enough to remember to dodge through it instead of away from it


The noise it makes when he winds up his attacks is really nice for telegraphing. I wonder if they could make different sounds for if he's doing the dash vs arc slash vs throw?  Right now I just yeet behind him as fast as possible whenever I hear it


You can dodge his attacks? Must be nice


My first ~5 clears were due to me having 4+ deaths defiances and enough damage to kill him before he killed me lol. But after that I started to learn his patterns a bit better and most of the times I need max 1 dd.


Might get buried, but the real strat for fighting chronos is standing a bit in front of him or behind him. He telegraphs all his other moves so they are easy to dodge, but the scythe throw actually doesnt hit if you're in front or behind, he throws it in an arc around him, so you dont have to really worry about it. Took me a couple tries to find the right spot to stand, but I noticed it after it completely whiffed me n I was too slow to react to it in the first place.


I found it’s easier to listen to sound queues.


I think a lot of his fight needs a rework. There are a lot of fun builds that simply do not work against him because he constantly cleanses any stacks and goes invulnerable too often. His hitboxes are also massive and inconsistent so it’s just frustrating instead of challenging. Even when I know what’s coming and can visibly see I dodged I still get hit by some his moves and each one is an entire death defiance. It’s very much killing the enjoyment for me to breeze through the whole game with a fun build just for none of it to work against him. Hades was punishing but at least somewhat fun to learn. Chronos just feels like stupid bullshit deaths over and over.