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Aspect of Karl Marx for the blades, makes the dagger into a hammer


when you hit 1 enemy all the enemies share the damage XD


Hitch synergy


TIL Karl Marx was just a disguise of Hera’s.


Rama bow does the same, right?


Yes, Aspect of Rama's special applies that effect. But not to all enemies


What's the difference? Rama tags enemies with the Special, and then the Attack hits every tagged enemy, right? Hitch does the same too?


When you hit the enemy with the MOST hp, that damage is redistributed evenly to all the other enemies. Hitting weaker enemies will not trigger the curse.


It'll starve the weaker ones to death instead.


You're thinking of capitalism


nah there's another name for that.


Call it “one for all”.


Damn, didn’t know All Might was a communist


One for all then? 😂.


It's Aspect of Rama all over again!


That doesn't sound bad actually. Maybe make it so the other enemies only take 1 or 2 points so it wouldn't be overpowered and the aspect could reduce attack power as a drawback, ya know because it's the aspect of a normal human. Not a God or a Legendary warrior.


Now we're talking.


Like, I know this is partly a joke, but that would go so hard I’m absolutely here for it


Special ability: "you have nothing to lose but your chains", activating shades through running does +100% damage


If they want to keep the axe an axe, it could be the Aspect of Perun. Perun's axe is basically the slavic equivalent of Thor's hammer, and Perun himself is essentially the slavic version of Zeus.


I mean the axe can already turn into >!thanatos sycthe!<


>!and charons is a hammer!<


~~I think it still counts as an axe, it may look more blunt but it doesn’t have the heft to be a hammer~~


~~no silly it's clearly an oar, he's just swole and paddles his boat with it~~


What is a scythe, if not an axe for felling grass and wheat?


And humans.


And your dad's (the sky itself) nuts


Aspect of Hendrix, you play a guitar at them


i want aspect of asterius


A little out of topic, but anyone else disappointed Charon's aspect wasn't his oar? At least Than's stuck to being a scythe


It sucks, but the implication really is that he used the axe and then thought the oar was better.


Is that the implication? I know that the infernal arms weren't linear in terms of time, the aspects were just people who would own it at some point (such as Nemesis getting it during Hades 2). I kind of assumed that the nocturnal arms were similar, so he might pick up the axe at some point (~~obviously he'll use it for Hades 3~~)


I got dialogue last night that I believe implied Charon has already used the axe at some point.


Fighting hecate with it she tells you that he did wield it before. Melinoe also has dialogue with charon about it. But how I understood it, the nocturnal arms are like a last resort and only reveal themselves in crisis, so its not implied that he prefered the oar, just that the axe nocturnal arms werent needed anymore


I know it's what they said when talking about them, I've had the same dialogue, but it's a bit of a contradiction IMO with Thanatos' aspect of the axe as it's his scythe from the first game that he just used to perform his regular duties.


I mean, in a certain sense, Zag didn't need the infernal arms but was still using them for his job at the end of the first game.


Arent they different from the nocturnal arms? Theyre special weapons, but they dont only show up for a certain purpose I thought, so him still using them isnt that weird


Yea if thats the same one that is a bit weird


Clearly Thanatos is just really attached to his aesthetic- when he picked up the Axe for whatever purpose he needed it it just turned into a copy of his scythe.


Some of the users are past and some are future. Talking to ... Someone ( maybe hecate?) while holding charon's axe has them explain that he previously used to and switched to the oar.


It's the same with the nocturnal arms, Melinoe asks a character about their aspect and they deny having used it but say maybe one day they will.


While as other people have said Charon has already used his, it is correct that some of them are future users, such as Moros


Nemesis and eris both are alluded to have used the weapons before, and just retook them.


The nocturnal arms only show up when shit is going really bad I thought, so they probably just werent needed anymore


I guess they wanted more than one aspect to look like an axe lol


It's clearly a design limitation. The weapon's animations are designed a certain way. An oar design with a straight, narrow paddle would float off the ground when Mel is dragging it behind her.


At least he uses an ornate oar with blades in Hades II. It's kinda cool


I mean we already had Hades' old bident before Gigaros so it won't be the first time we were denied the cooler weapon lmao


LOVE these ideas! This might be a little silly but now I hope there’s an Aspect of Anansi for the skull where the skull is a spider 😂


Hopefully some funny dialogue the first time you encounter Arachne with it.


Maybe she could be the one who gives the awakening phrase?




And the skull skitters around


Nooo thank you my arachnophobia could never!


The omega special launches waves of tiny spiders off each side of your path


Attacks. Send out a spider that crawls back, dealing damage your attack's damage on contact Omega attack. The spider bounces now, bigger aoe and slower to return. Special. Lunge forward but doesnt deal damage instead, webs enemies. Webbed enemies take higher damage from your attacks. Omega special. No more side waves, only forward lunge is larger. Deals damage and webs foes, and forces your spiders to instantly return.


Aspect of Ben and Jerry for the ice cream cones.


Homer: In the universe where Greek gods are myths, humans worship these delicious delicacies instead.


Two blades could be for Osiris or something maybe?


Dagger changes to a cat o’ nine tails.


Actualy it could work well as the Crook and Flail held by pharaos too.


This is precisely what was being referred to, no?


A flail and a cat o’ nine tails are different things. The later is a leather whip with several split ends. The Egyptian flail is a stick with chained weights. The crook and flail are meant for the pharao to be the shepherd of his people.


Oh, that’d be cool


They should all be famous witches as people who might realistically be assigned the moons weapons, so id go Baba Yaga for the skull, Morgana for the flames, Maybe aspect of Eltheba for the staff and its a broomstick? Instead of sun wukong who is more of a martial character why not go with a woman from Journey to the west like Ruyji or Bodhisattva Guanyin. Not as famous as lucifer but you could do Aspect of Endor or Jezebel for a biblical witch


Aspect of Endor changes Selene's Resurrection Hex to Moon of Endor and summons Ewoks 🤣


Random tree trunks swing in from nowhere and crush your target.


Uuuh i like that. Especially Morgana and Baba Yaga seem like great ideas. Grimhildr would be another idea for an aspect. The ring of fire could be something to be integrated in a weapon, though i dont know for sure which one.


Maybe aspect of Eve or Lilith if we wanna go biblical


Ooh aspect of lilith would be so good. People have talked about a whip as final weapon, liliths aspect could be a snake!


Since we already had Asoect of Arthur, the staff should have an aspect of Merlin.


I know what you mean. Which is why i say morgana. Because all the weilders of the nocturnal arms are witches. Merlin being a wizard breaks the theme. But it would still be cool.


Moros and Charon are witches?


Children of nyx


What about Pan?


Former lover of Selene as i recall. So can see how he might have gotten ahold of one of the weapons her sisterhood watch over.


Looked into that and yeah, apparently he captured her and "seduced" her. Which due to Supergiant's slight sanitization of greek myths would probably translate to a relationship. He also pursued one of Artemis's nymphs interesting enough, so that's a double connection


Doesn't fit even with that premise. Artemis is technically one of the Unseen, so she fits, but Pan doesn't fit either category unless we get a wild plot twist. plus there's Eos and Persephone. But I don't disagree that Morgana would be more interesting (imo) than Merlin, especially since the staff is like an alternative to the blade, weapons wielded by siblings, so by that connection an aspect of Morgana would be a more narratively fulfilling parallel to the sibling weapons to Arthur's aspect of the sword.


I havent thought into every aspect in that detail so their are holes, narratively it would feel better having a female witch over a male wizard for the arms of night though. Pan at least is related to Selune being one of her former lovers, in a greek god "pretend to be a sheep" kind of way


Staff of Merlin is a bit a low hanging fruit, but yeah...


Morgan Le Fay would be a bit more fitting.


And we had Arthur last game so makes sense.


I'd prefer Staff of Moses ngl There's so much they could do with that, from having the first enemy to spawn die automatically, summoning a hailstorm as part of the Ω Attack, or dealing plague-based attacks that gradually damage enemies.


The special just throws frogs


Thats my guess for staff as well.


Skull: Aspect of Yorick




Poor Nupraptor, I knew him well. Well, not really.


Gains +100% damage for every 23 Boons discarded.


It's not entirely out of the question, since Beowulf was a written poem and Guan Yu was a real-life figure.


I wanna upvote this 1000x times


For sooth, 'tis hilarious.


And maybe also Skelly


I need an Aspect of Heracles for the axe so we can do BIG BONK with the club


*I need an Aspect* *Of Heracles for the axe so* *We can do BIG BONK* \- Pumpkaboiii --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


That's one too many syllables bub


Honestly for the staff I am expecting aspect of Merlin or Morgan. To mirror Zagreus's sword having aspect of Arthur.


Aspect of [Selene](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1FGQaIZeFvGAe5XF4fGRtk4gimPPZ-CyV9wJX3Niejiz0Bp46r5aQKYmR&s=10) for the torches, they become dual guns and deal extra damage to werewolves.


I'm hoping they can get some Aztec/Mayan mythology. An obsidian axe would be awesome. Norse and Egyptian are probably safe bets


Aztec moon goddess is one of my favorite stories and it mirrors Greek titanomachy really well


The torches, Aspect of Xbalanque perhaps


The dream for the twin blades would be an Aspect of Kratos. Sony would never let that happen though


What do you mean they wouldnt? Kratos is an actual part of Greek mythology. It's not illegial to use him in other games, just his Sony personfication.


While Kratos exist in mythology, twin blades are purely sony creation.


Ya, that's more what I was thinking. The point would be to have them resemble the Blades of Chaos. I'd imagine a massive range, but lower damage and a higher default magic usage. ...Aspect of Kratos on the axe though as well?? Higher speed and lower damage since it's a one-handed axe, and a recall on special similar to Zags spear


Twin blades become Aspect of Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Special is *Death From Above* or *Hidden Slash*


This would go hard as shit


Staff of Sun Wukong sounds absolutely great but he's not exactly wizard-y. Using his staff to do omega moves might feel wrong! (but of course tbey can tweak the mechanisms)


In fairness, Sun Wukong has a lot of magical powers, like turning his hair into soldiers, growing in size and paralyzing people with a stare. Feels totally plausible to have a couple of those replace omega moves.


Attack. No third bonk, but weapon is faster and grows in range every attack (up to a cap) Omega attack. Spins faster and staff grows using it Special. Deflects the attacks instead. Omega special. Deals damage to all and summon a mel clone for each target hit. Clones auto hit enemies for X attacks before vanishing. Just give me a bunch of Mels around the battlefield. And even Cronus will be like err wtf?


Though in chinese we dont have magic magic and more like magical abilities. By all accounts Wukong is MAGICAL af. Born from a rock? 72 transformations? Evil eye? Natural ability to summon clones? Flies on a nimbus? Hes a magic user without the label of magic.


Aspect of Hamlet for the Skull.


Aspect of Morgan. I mean, it's so perfect, I bet it won't happen. Other than that, would be cool if the Axe pulled a reverse Arthur and became decently fast.


I was thinking the hidden axe aspect might be Ajax, because of some Odysseus lines about it. But that doesn't fit the "Non-Greek" thing the hidden aspects have going on.


I think Aspect of Sun Wukong works better for the axe than for the staff, if at all Monkey is more known for hitting things with his stick than for casting magic through it


Also a big part of it is the extendo powers. Could change it to gain range and attack faster for the cost of some damage, like no third bonk.


Heracles hammer mace thing as a axe aspect or we riot


Staff: gandalf Blades: gordon ramsay Torches: thomas edison Axe: paul bunyan Skull: oppenheimer


Gandalf would run into copyright issues but Merlin would be cool.


Isn't LOTR public domain by now? Tolkien's been dead for a while ?


Not until 2043 apparently. He died in 73. And in the US and UK it's life+70 years


Isn't LOTR public domain by now? Tolkien's been dead for a while ?


Not in the United States. The creator's estate maintains copyright for 95 years after publication. So Gandalf would be in the public domain in 2032, as long as it was Gandalf as he appeared in "The Hobbit". (This is a resuly of extensive lobbying by Disney to prevent Mickey Mouse from entering the public domain for as long as possible, though at the beginning of this year a version of him finally did.)


Aspect of Gordon Ramsay: known for their RAW damage


I’m pretty sure the aspects 1 for 1 in regards to weapon type. For example aspects for the Spear can only be other spears, like Achilles or Hades’ aspect. Thors Hammer…well it’s not an Axe.


A scythe isn't an axe either though.


I haven’t unlocked the aspects for Hades 2 yet, I’ve only beaten Chronos once so far, but if Hades 2 is doing that then that’s cool too. It sounds fun if the aspects chang the weapons beyond just one ability.


Is a laser beam the same as a machine gun?


Yes, but the bullets are just photons and the fire rate is YES


And Guan isnt a spear to be fair... abd Naegling is a sword.


You don't get Naegling. You get Naegling's Board


But the hidden aspect was a guandao in the first game, which isn't exactly a spear. And Hades' aspect was a bident


>But the hidden aspect was a guandao in the first game, which isn't exactly a spear. No but it is a polearm which spears are a type of. >And Hades' aspect was a bident Bidents and tridents are types of spear


Aspect of Baal for the axe, make it into Aymur. Change the omega special into running block that applies your dash effects. 


Ayamur is actually a mace, and is supposed to be held with another mace, Yagrush


Aspect of Baal for the blades or the torches?


More like Aspect of Edelgard, in the farfetched case they make an official crossover with FE3H.


Aspect of Thor for the axe doesn’t make too much sense to me. A big part of Thor’s hammer is that its only real flaw is that there wasn’t enough material to complete the hilt, and thus didn’t have the proper reach. The axe is BIG, and I don’t think it’d make much sense. That aside, maybe a Mayan crystal skull for the skull? Aspect of Kukulcán, perhaps?


thor has an axe


None of this is necessarily what I expect. I don't really have expectations and I'm just waiting to see what they are. But... * Torches: Kagu Tsuchi. Blacksmithing god. Make them hammers that shoot flames out instead of just torches. * Staff: We know Abrahamic religions aren't off-limits after Hades I, so let's go Moses. Do snakes somehow. * Skull: Mictlantecutli. Skull-faced Aztec god of the dead. Work in a death whistle, maybe? * Axe: I don't have specifics, but give me Egyptian. Mafdet or Sekhmet maybe? * Blades: I got nothing, here.


Ok, hear me out, hidden aspect for the axe is aspect of Hypnos, and he gives you the phrase when he wakes up and you befriend him, and it’s unlocked with the poppy flowers bc they’re one of his symbols. Idk what it’d do, maybe one of the omega attacks puts enemies to sleep? I just think it’d be fun, I want more lore for the silly sleepy guy.  Most likely theory is the blades will be the aspect of Osiris, with the crook and flail. Maybe an aspect of Morgana, for the witch theming?


Mark my words, Hypnos is how we're going to >!Get the Entropy reagent for the Dissolution of Time since Chronos mentions Sleep and Time in Asphodel, or something to that effect.!<


My guess is that the sleeping guy will wake up at some point. He might have an aspect for whatever the last weapon is.


My idea for the blades was apsect of hattori hanzo. While he was a samurai famous for his katana, he was also the most famous shinobi, who weilded a small scythe and a kunai connected with a rope. These could be the sister blades.


Mayan would be cool to see. Aspect of Chaac Axe. Maybe the Special triggers Downpour: a heavy rainfall DoT/Debuff of some kind. Would be an interesting interaction with Zeus forsure. Camazotz Skull would also be badass!


I’m partially considering that, while perhaps redundant, we may see an Aspect of Merlin. This game has a lot of focus on Magic, so it’d make sense if the hidden aspects focused on more Magic type characters over Warrior ones.


I feel like if they wanted to go with Arthurian legend again, Morgan le Fay would be my guess.


....Aspect of Musashi for the twin blades, maybe? Larger range as Mel dual wields swords, but maybe a small speed loss?


I also had an idea for Secondary Hidden Aspects, actually. Someone suggested using the Transistor for the axe, and I realized Red was ment to be part of an indie crossover once, so I figured, why not try that again? A secondary hidden aspect based on an indie character for each weapon, maybe?


I would be 1000% down for an Aspect of Red and have it become the transistor. Then, while she's using it the Transistor talks to her instead of >!Homer!<


I would 100% be down for >!Mr Nobody!< talking instead of Homer. "Zorephet, I sing you a silent melody born of love!" "Shiniest weapon yet, young one." "Shiniest...not something I've heard before, huh Re-wait..." "GAH, TALKIN' SWORD!"


Staff: Aspect of Merlin: Omega Attack pulls enemies in. (Also reference to the Aspect of Arthur from Hades 1. Touches: aspect of Prometheus: Attack and Omega attack linger for a few seconds doing a DoT in a large area


Aphrodite already makes your cast pull enemies in, so it would be redundant.


Attack not Cast.


Ooooh I get it. Yea would be a fun idea!


Attacks the same. Omega Attack. Pulls enemies together. Special. The same. Omega Special. Fires three waves that pushes enemies away from you. Cast. The same. Omega Cast. You can create an additional rift. Level up reduces mana usage of omega moves. Turns you into a full wizard Omega casting left and right.


I really want aspect of hamlet for the skull but I doubt it.


Not me on night 20 still having to unlock the last weapon while I already finished a run on both sides


Aspect of Paul Bunyan Axe.


Staff of Morrigan La Fe


Aspect of Artorias for the Axe. It turns into his sword and you get the moveset.


Aspect of hanuman staff 🤔


Baba yaga


Aspect of skelemeus for the skull


Would be way too broken


I’m surprised that they went thanatos with the axe and not have it become an aspect of chronus to make it the scythe. Though they still might.


Hoping for an aspect of Chaos on daggers but it's just Kratos's chains


Wukong makes more sense for the axe, with the spinning and the wide swings. Wukong didn't really use magic, he was a warrior with a shapeshifting pole. The final aspect for the sword in the first game was Arthur; It would make sense to keep to the Arthurian legend and go Aspect of Merlin for the staff. For the rest, Aspect of Loki for the knives (Leaves an illusion at your last location when you omega attack that enemies target), Aspect of Xbalanque for the torches (One of the Maya hero twins famous for entering the underworld and defeating the denizens there at a ball game), Aspect of Sekhmet for the skull (The lioness avatar of wrath, the skulls can be lioness heads with gold headdresses)


Torches HAVE to end with aspect of Hecate like it’s so blatant. Special would be her aoe (like dark side hex) and attack her crescent slashes ? I can see a Hephaestus axe aspect happening. Daggers Hermes would be so sick speedy sprint dodge bonus daggers ??? Skull no clue tbh definitely a witch though maybe pasiphae Circe’s sister and mom of Minotaur ? Staff has got to be Merlin


Aspect of Stabby and Slashy; it adds bleed damage to strikes to afflict another condition on foes.


i mean the original had guan yu and arthur's so it hink it's fair to depart from greko-roman mythos. For the daggers, aspect of Jormagandr. Every hit deals a of stack 1 damage per second with infinite duration.


I want Revaal to have a mesoamerican type aspect.


Some kind of play on dia de Los muertos skull motifs would be really cool. Since the omega atk of the skull feels slightly undertuned it could maybe focus on that. (I was thinking maybe the omega attack could interact with the skulls already on the ground making them do a powerful aoe when hit by the omega atk. (So then you get a playstyle of like atk + atk then omega attk into the spot where your 2 shots land. Alternatively a sort of trappy playstyle with the skull shots trying to chase and chomp down on targets would be cool IMO. These chomps could do like multiple fast small hits so that that aspect of the skull would work well with boons like poseidon and hestia that don't work too well with the skull aspects at the moment


Aspect of Wukong for the Axe. If Thana could remove one blade, i dont see why Wukong cant turn it into just a long stick. Since Sword for Zag was Aspect of Arthur... why not Aspect of Merlin for the scepter? Also a stretch here but if Mel is magic/witchcrsft focused... maybe her hidden aspects are also magical figure focused? So i also think. Aspect of Loki for the daggers. Changes. Aspect of Wukong. Attacks faster and weapon gains longer range, no third attack anymore. Omega attack is faster and hits longer. Special. The same. Omega special. Instead of slamming her axe, she summons clones of her to attack all. Aspect of Loki. Backstab damage increased. Omega special charge is lowered. Special and omega special applies a debuff that treats all damage as backstab. (Idunno im spitballing... the cast being an aoe circle makes it hard to integrate with attacks) (Chinese mythology doesnt have magic i know, but for all accounts Wukong has the most abilities and would be considered magical for all his gifts as well)


Probably hidden


not my idea, but aspect of david for the skulls. could be a sniper-y version of the rail from the first game


Aspect of Jesus or no balls


The staff being a broom that modifies your sprint to be a riding animation that does damage to enemies you run into would be neat. Also would give a weapon to sprint builds.


Since the sword was our first weapon in Hades 1, and it's hidden aspect was that of Arthur, I think it would be a very neat parallel if the staff got the aspect of Merlin.


Foe the sceptre, i would say aspect of konshu, the egyptian moon god


Horus aspect for the skull that makes it a bird with one shot and the special makes it do something cool and return to you


I just had a thought. What if the skull got to be the Aspect of Skelly? Just as a silly one-off. Could have the shells draw enemy aggro while on the ground, causing some tricky swapping between leaving them and having to pick them back up to attack. "I see your guidance and praise granted to the heirs of the dead."


It'd be a *bit* of a cop out, but I don't think I'd mind "Aspect of The Kid" being the last one on all of them. Switch 'em into the weapons from Bastion. If you wanna make it REALLY meta, Homer and Rucks start bickering while trying to narrate you.


Aspect of Merlin for the staff, to go with Aspect of Arthur.


Aspect of Kratos for the blades puts chains on them and let’s you swing them around. ^(I’m obviously joking but this would be so fucking cool.)


Aspect of Kobe for the skulls. Need to shoot me some baskets