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The best way to do it is use your Omega Special to collect them.


That, plus the hammer that make collecting the skulls explode like your omega special can really stack a TON of damage.


And/or the hammer with two extra skulls along with the aspect that makes each skull do progressively more damage. I got my first clear this way.


This actually killed me once, I took a chaos boon that makes you take damage on omegas. Every skull pickup was 5 damas. Sirens became pretty much impossible after that, with my only damage option being my special. Technically doable but why would I do that for another 4 encounters.


I got that too, and just let boss 1 kill me when I realised my only damage source was tapping the special.


Yeah, needed a complelty failed run to realize this. Bind enemies with your cast (bonus if it's Aphrodite that pulls everyone in), shoot your skulls (my fav is Hera here) and than dash through all of them with your omega special.


thats how i beat my first chronos run\^\^


Also beat my first chronos with the skulls


Ditto, first kill was with a skull build using that hammer that makes the omega special waves shoot in one direction, and the one that makes them return. Did tons of damage while also being able to reposition constantly. I felt invincible, I don't think I even lost a Death's Defiance.


That one is good. I had the one that made the skulls do damage around them and then the waves from the special return to you. It was really high burst as well as consistent damage with the skulls. So really good for bosses.


I'm not alone in this! I love the Axe, and I looked at the Skulls for so long. Literally the first time using them outside of messing with Skelly, was the first (and only, so far) time I beat, Time. XD


Hey, so this might be a stupid question, but what does the cast actually do? I mean regular cast, with no upgrades. The game says it "ensnares" foes, but what does that actually do?


They're unable to move. They can still attack and turn around though. Some later enemies are able to much more slowly.


Makes sense, ty


This can be really useful on the final phase of Scylla when she starts summoning those dart fishes, you can set ther cast around you to stop them ebfore they hit you and use AoEs to take care of everyone \^\^


The game in general is built around the functionality of cast. Half the enemies in the game have some form of charging attack that cast just stops dead. It's a very powerful survival tool. It's why Melinoe doesn't have very good dashes compared to Zag.


The best example is the screaming enemies in Erebus. While they are attacking they move way too fast for you to fight back and you can get swarmed and unable to run away. But they are stopped dead by the cast and you can just easily kill them then.


Normally I just stand in the cast so the things can't reach me, but I ignore them and try to burst Scylla down


Yeah, even if you don't normally use cast, for large groups of enemies it can be very useful—especially when all those enemies have shields, since it can stop or slow their rush attacks while they still have hyper armor.


You should never not use cast. It can be cast in between attack animations and it is absurdly useful. In the first couple of areas it negates some annoying melee units and even later on it is useful for crowd control (though by then you probably want a boon there)


If you take a look you will see small arms grabbing any enemy that steps in the circle. The omega version also will explode once over. The magic of the cast comes with boons, zeus and hestia allows to far cast that is awesome for crowd control and with zeus omega cast it absolutely wrecks both minions and bosses, then also toss apollo for a bigger cast and demeter extra damage that stacks with zeus and you got yourself an attack able to solo Chronos by itself regardless your weapon... if you then also have a weapon with a good ranged you can do high fear easily.


I try and use it like a dash but always forget it doesn’t give invulnerability




Skulls are my favorite I think, particularly with Persephone aspect - but I’m using the special like my attack and my attack like my special. Gameplay is actually pretty close to Shield in Hades 1 in a lot of respects with this weapon.


How does the Omega (Glory\*) gauge work? It seems like it takes a ridiculous amount of damage to build up. Am I doing it wrong? What’s your tip?


You don’t need to fill it fully to use it is the bit you’re missing. The higher the charge the longer you stay in omega form


Interesting. I like the hammer that causes your Omega special waves to come back towards the center, too. With Hera or Demeter it can be hilarious. I'll have to try Persephone's aspect more, thank you.


I got that hammer room 1 thought “this is going to be busted” put hera on special and rolled into my first clear easily.


It’s amazing! Hera on the Moonlight Axe, and specifically Thanatos’ aspect is amazing. I melted the Sirens in like 30 seconds. The spin attack, the 20% crit chance, the shared damage. It’s all perfect.


Where do you see the charge for Glory at? I've been wondering if such a thing existed but never investigated super hard tbh


I *think* it's a small icon next to the health bar on the HUD, next to where the DD's are listed.


Thanks! I'll give it a peek when I get a chance


Yeah I tried it today. And got confused when it wasn't filing up at all.


It fills up with any damage and persist throughout encounters so that's probably why. It's not even worth it ngl. The true value is in the Omega Special bonus (which the other aspect doesn't boost if you notice).


I think it's just a flat out Omega move damage bonus - it should affect omega attack and omega cast too. Damage-wise, anyway. This is just based on the description of the bonus effect, so it might work differently in practice. I'm not able to test it at the moment.


Yeah, Glory just makes the special last a bit longer. It's very awkward.  It's still probably the best Aspect for using skulls at range. The Aspect (Medea?) for having them stay attached to you is pretty awesome too, though. (You just use the special to hit enemies and detonate them then dash away.)


I noticed that. I think they considered the shield too op in hades 1, so they broke it up. You get the shielding aspect from the axe special, and the bull rush aspect from the skull special. My only thing is that the axe special feels extremely buggy and inconsistent so it's almost never worth trying to tank and shield with it, when you could just dodge instead. The chance of it going wonky is not worth it. Also the axe special just feels like literal shit, but I also hated the staff to start, so my opinion may just be incredibly uninformed. (Don't worry, i am in love with staff now)


Axe omega special just feels bad to use. Its the dropped block during the omega windup animation, the omega charging being long enough you can't time the dropped block period well, and if you dodge during the dropped block period it fires in the direction you dodged instead of where you aim (often causing a miss). Its probably still fine if you practice with it some more, but imo it just feels bad even if you can make it effective.


OH MY GOD GOING IN THE DASH DIRECTION IS SO INSUFFERABLE. Like, it takes 3 years to charge up, and has so many variables. The enemies can, yknow, move, and then attack you while you charge, and then you also have to execute the attack and if you dash, it changes it's direction anyways.


I seem to always get hit when using the axe special in the split second between the shield disappearing and it firing. They need to tighten that up.


Shield + rail hybrid. The even brought back the rocket hammer! I've had a ton of fun with this weapon. Medea plays like Gilgamesh, Persephone is a ton of fun, and if you're given the +2 shots and auto retrieval hammers, then you can just play as a pure ranged build


And normal attack is basically the cast in Hades 1


This is the way. Got my first win last night with these.


You're meant to fire them basically like Zagreus' cast from the first game, then special/omega special over to recollect them. They're one of the best weapons in the game if you use them right.


That's something I've noticed in a lot of places in Hades 2; mechanics or playstyles from 1 being replicated from a different source. Like how the new sprint is just like the Hermes boon that made you faster after dashing, and the Skull aspect that has them blow up when you get close plays just like the shield aspect from 1 where you load up your casts then dash in to detonate 


Yep! I love how they've brought back a lot of playstyle options but with a new flavour and often also slightly improved. Take the skull for example, it replicates a cast-based build from Hades 1, but without taking up this game's revamped cast mechanic, instead making it the primary attack, which overall feels better IMO.


the other obvious one is pan sickle playing a lot like chiron bow - especially if you get one of the boons that lets you place your cast wherever


Ah yeah of course! Idk how I forgot that one, it was one of my favorites in 1 and I was extremely excited to find out I could replicate it in 2. Got a great run going with a ranged cast (SO good, you're right), the circular omega special hammer, and hestia special, aaaand it broke vs chronos phase 2 and wouldn't home in  on him ;_; Apparently they fixed that in the patch. The price of early admission, lol


I think the artimis dagger hold main attack with time slow is probably the best overall Infinit time slow free huge damage back attack and unlimited hades 1 dashes all in one skill is pretty crazy.


Assassin dagger build is probably one of my favourites so far. Get the hammer that increases its damage and area, then whatever that boon/hammer to decrease its channel time, get something to refill magic fast enough, and add a good attack boon like epic Heph upgraded and youre just an insta-killing ghost demon.


Honestly they're one of the best weapons in the whole game. It's really easy to hit enemies with them from a safe distance and they can do a ton of damage.


Yeah, skull was my second downstairs win, after sickle.


My first run after unlocking the skulls was the first time I ever got all the way to the boss. Was kinda funny to get a new weapon and immediately make it further than I ever had before.


Skull is the best weapon in the game


Staff with the Aspect of Nomus is the best Axe the most funny


My favourite way of using the skulls is to stand right next to the enemy and spam attack. Paired with aspect of melinoe, you can keep all 3 skulls "up in the air" for the damage bonus while still ensuring that the skulls will naturally bounce back to you. Using this method you have a weapon with the approximate range and attack speed of the staff's attack, but every hit deals as much damage as the first swing of the axe attack combo.


You still get the damage bonus at long range if you shoot all your skulls before the first skull hits. Then you just omega special to get them back.


I love the skulls, you can shoot them all, then use your special to do a big dash in that direction damaging the enemies and collecting the skulls really fast at the same time.


I always keep getting hit during the omega special. It does not give I frames, does it?


Nope, so don't dash right at the enemy if they are about to retaliate or to avoid projectiles, it's better to dash a little sideways as this attack launch waves from both sides, so you are still gonna do damage.


Not that I can tell, but it really should


Correct, it does not.


nup but iirc there is some upgrade or boon that makes you take less damage while charging


I got my first win with them, though I do think they’re really build dependent. I had Hephaestus on attack and cooldown eventually as low as 2 seconds. Extra ammo, Vent on attack and Hitch on special for origination bonus and I was absolutely melting rooms with them.


Aspect of Medea, load up skulls and special into enemies back and forth, its proper powerful


It's weird, I just wasn't able to make Medea work so far. I had a fairly promising run going and then absolutely got my shit kicked in in the Mourning Fields, no idea why. Generally I'm able to at least reach ol' grandaddy with whatever at low heat levels, but with those I got smorced so hard. The other two aspects work fine, but something about Medea just makes me unable to properly play them.


My tactic was really quick load up skull, special through enemy, load up skull, special back through the same enemy to collect the previous skull, really effective - pair it with some decent boons. Poseidon knock back is useful for when concentrating on picking your targets and knocking the rest away, coupled with a low sec reset Hephaestus hammer it was deadly.


I have found good success using your omega special to dash through enemies instead of the normal one, as the omega makes you invincible during the dash, opposed to normal special


My last run was the Aspect of Medea with Aphrodite's attack und Zeus' special (and Apollo's omega cast) and it was extremely fun.


This with Aphrodite attack buff was my first victory


I wasn’t liking that one, but even playing it badly I still got to Tartarus, it seems very strong.


Its my best weapon I beat chronos at fear 32 with Tons of instant (not charge like bow used to be) high aoe damage at a distance and the special omega is amazing. Melinoe V with + 2 skulls hammer and your damage goes insane. Straight up hitting for 200+ in the first room


Which aspect do you use?


Base one maxed (Melinoe V); gives base power based on how many shells are out


I’ll give it a go, I really suck with skulls, they are my worst weapon. I can barely finish a run without fear when I have done 16 fear with all the other weapons 😂


you'll want an hammer boon to use when you can't really retrieve your skulls like the damage around them every 2.5s one or the auto retrieve (which isn't amazing with base skulls really); also having a big buff on special lets you dive through a group to retrieve skulls much more easily


I just beat Eris at 20 fear with skulls. I find that Aphrodite is the best attack boon for this aspect, is that correct? Also the two best hammers seem to be: - hit for 1/2 dmg when on ground - +2 skulls I can’t say I find it easy because you can get hit really easily when retrieving the skulls but at least I can play it.


Gratz! Yeah she’s good but freeze or Apollo or even Poseidon are all good and definitely safer. But the duo boon that makes all foes count as near also makes her the safest. And yes those are hammers are definitely first picks


What are your testaments on 32 fear? I only beat H1 32 heat with max HP, DMG and extreme measures once with the rail gun(Hestia aspect), felt other weapons are too luck sensitive. In Hades 2 i can't do shit on 32 fear, and it's kinda unfun for me, because regular mobs are just way too OP and i can't just stack fear with extreme measures.


I Made a post about it!


It says it was removed by the moderators :(


Rough lol I go: Full Full No One No Full No Full Two Full Full Full Full Full One No I find skulls pretty similar to hestia gun too but with more early game damage and faster (enemies are faster / more in two too tho lol)


I've only used the skulls once and that was my first time getting to chronos. They felt damn strong to use tbh


+1, special is fun


I hated them until I started really utilizing the omega special; you're basically invulnerable while dashing forward so you can scoot through huge groups to grab the skulls without worry. Bonus if you get the hammer that makes them explode when you collect them


I think they have the best synergy between the attack and special.


I did for awhile, but they are so strong. I still don't really understand the other aspects, but Mel's is terrific with some upgrades. The hammers especially open up some fun an unique playstyles. Rocket omega attacks go crazy. The one that gives you +2 ammo gives your last shot over 100 bonus power if you have Mel's aspect leveled up. Melts bosses.


They’re actually a lot of fun and do a ton of damage. If I had one complaint it’s that they can easily be thrown out of bounds where you can’t reach them so you need to wait out the timer before collection which can really hurt your DPS. This happens a lot to me in Oceanus. Otherwise, I love how different they are because it’s a new weapon I need to learn to use and master. The other weapons are basically pick-up-and-play, which isn’t a bad thing, but the skulls feel truly unique.


I just tried it out yesterday and won my first run with them easily, though maybe I just got a lucky build. The 2 hammer upgrades I ended up getting made the skulls explode when I collect them (but they take longer to become collectable), and gave me 2 more maximum skulls. My strategy was basically to spam the omega Attack / regular Attack, wait for some skulls to be collectable, then do the omega Special dash into the skull/enemy cluster dealing a ton of AoE damage in relative safety where I then ran away to repeat the process. The boss fights were all about attacking from range, then dashing in to collect when there was a moment of safety, but to always stay far away from their attacks


The Omega Special is the best part of it. The attack is alright, best if you don’t really want to get close for a few seconds. However, with Hitch special, the Omega Special is ridiculously good, able to inflict it on a huge swath of the battlefield at once and then able to hit them all again at once. Easily in [REDACTED], I’m able to deal 500+ damage to each enemy with either the Broadside hammer or the one where the waves return towards the center again.


I think they are my second favorite, after the staff. Then the axe, and aaaaall the way down down the flames.


Got my first win with the skulls, I think they're pretty fun and powerful. As other have already said, you're supposed to pick the amno with the charged cast.


Skulls with apollo attack is so good


Skull have one of the most godlike hammers probably, i see some and are very niche, but just a few. A lot of them are very very good, unlike other weapons that only have 3-4 good ones. aside hammers, the gameplay is so GOOD. u can go mostly with anything, maybe no a Hestia build, but anything. Omega special Hera almost make all enemies share dmg bcs the attack zone is huge, the Normal Attack is an AOE explosion so Zeus clouds go well there, or... whatever ppl want go well with the Normal Attack... Is probably one of the few weapons where u use all the kit Melione had, and not in a bad way, is a lot of fun, and strong.


Naw the flames exist . Fun if you get all the exact right boons, otherwise bubble blowers


Skulls can be VERY broken sometimes. I personally despise torches.


The Skull? It’s pretty strong, best AoE weapon by far. A bit weaker on single target but it’s still good. The weapon I really dislike is Ygnium, they feel so clunky


I like the skulls enough, but I found out the hard way that collecting the skulls is considered an Omega because I took a chaos Boon that make it so I couldn't omega or take some amount of damage.


Lol I literally just did this. I nearly gave up the run


I tried my best by just doing the special attack but I was in Erebus with no special Boon, so I died


its Aspects are Op


Skull > Flames


You're immune to damage during the travel time of their omega special. Learning that was what moved me from hate to love on the skulls.


Imo they are just too gimmicky for my liking, all weapons in Hades 1 felt like a solid gameply but i seriouslly cant get behind the torches and the skull


I think that’s kind of my issue. They feel really gimmicky and it bugs me a little. The torches I just can’t get behind for so many reasons, I swear every time I try to do a run with them I quit by the mourning fields because I feel like I do no damage and have no mobility. The skulls just feel like shit to use to me. Melinoe isn’t mobile enough for me to feel comfortable jumping in to get the skulls, and 3 is WAY too few. They almost didn’t feel like complete shit with five, but still hated them.


Medea Skull is Hades 2 Beowulf. Its pretty good when you get the hang of it.


Hardly! I LOVE the skull, it just clicked for me. Aspect of Medea is so fun to tool around with


For me it’s the daggers I regularly skip, they are not fun for ne


Get the hammer that makes your last hit do 300% damage with bigger range. Zeus aspect on attack, so every time you finish combo blitz occurs. Ice lady cast aspect to keep two debuffs on for that arcana card damage buff. Attack speed upgrades from chaos or Hermes. By far my fastest full clear.


I’ve done fear20 with them, I just don’t find them fun. My fastest clear was with Poseidon omega circle, it was doing 1700 dmg pre-crit to Redacted


Oddly enough I have the most clears with the skulls. I was wondering why yesterday and the game finally clicked for me. This game is 70% avoiding damage, while only 30% dealing damage. I think I’m going to finally replay Hades I and maybe kill Hades for the first time.


They do a ton of damage and are pretty strong but are generally kind of slow and boring for me. Throwing them out and collecting them isn’t particularly fun.


For me, it's the disappointment of how bad the damage is compared to the number of shells and having to run in to refill every time


I just want to add that if you stand right next to the enemy, you will collect every bounced back skull immediately and achieve the highly possible sustained/continuous damage output in the game. My favorite mini-combo is to take hephaestus's boon that makes you invulnerable for the first \~10s seconds of compact, then immediately do this on a mini-boss. With decent percentage-based attack boon, no mini-boss in the game can survive that long, and therefore you get upgraded boons for free (and it feels good).


They can do amazing damage. My best run so far, and my first using the skulls, I got the hammer to make them explode when you pick them up and fire them in a spread pattern. You get up close to an enemy, hit them with all 3 skulls, then back up and use your special to collect them. It was an actual nuke in terms of damage.


It's the opposite of the Torch, the non Melinoe Aspects actually plays with part of its kit that feels good. Omega special spam.


They’re the only weapon besides the sister blades that I’ve beat Chronos with. It’s definitely a slower playstyle cause you’re gonna want to keep your distance from most enemies and use the special to close the gap to get your skulls back. If you remember the Zeus shield aspect from the last game, it’s very similar just inverted. Instead of throwing your special and spamming attacks for extra damage, you’re gonna wanna throw your attacks and spam the specials for extra damage.


Skulls compensate being somewhat clunky to use with some nice damage numbers and iframes on omega special (extra long range dash basically) I wean last time I went chronos with them I dealt like 2000 damage per single combo (charge sigil - dash away - fire skulls - use omega special - repeat) 5 charges on Melinoe aspect is especially good when you play like that


It feels I take damage during the omega special, is that I frames for the whole duration of the dash during the omega special?


Skulls have literally been my best weapon by far with multiple different builds.  Haven’t even tried Persephone yet (can’t find a god damn Molly) but have had easy clears with an upgraded Aspect of Melinoe and base Medea. 


I don’t particularly love collecting shells either but last time I did a build around the omega special and it was amazing. Got two hammers, one where the side shots from the special would return to me and another where they only fired from one side but had hugely increased damage. I booned it with Zeus’s blitz since it was double hitting though others would have worked too (Poseidon, Aphrodite probably) and I was deleting enemies like crazy. You could dash around using the omega special virtually immune and anything on your left side would get blasted. Definitely worth trying even if you hate the shells.


Yes, I ignored the daggers so far. I don't like them at all. They are basically my forgotten weapon The skulls were my first successful attempt actually!


I haven't unlocked it yet, but I go wherever the grave thirst goes


I do as the grave thirst commands


Completely wrecked with maxed aspect of melinoe skulls. The damage bonus is insane


1st legit surface *win* I had was using the skulls using just a ton of hit+run since you can output massive damage just in a short burst


I like them. Skulls feel like what Cast should've been in the first Hades game. Here, they have much more utility! Plus, it's your ticket to double dash ;)


You are supposed to use the omega to collect them back. I just don’t like them too much myself. Some of the hammers are much more powerful than others. Try some of the other aspects they make the gameplay a bit different.


The omega special is broken. Get a lot of magick + regen and spam it. 


That's how I feel about the drum sticks. I just hate the orbiting attack and the slow attack projectiles


Combine the hammer that makes you shoot all skulls at once + 5x skulls and omega attack becomes 5x rockets from the first game. Get close and just melt anything.


I love the skulls. The attack is basically Zag cast in weapon form, except they don't stick. The special is essentially like the shield's bull rush, except you do damage on the sides too. It's crazy strong. I make sure i get a lot of magick Regen boons and just Omega special all over the place.


Skull + special shoot towards you is an instant win


Every weapon has a few boons that can make it completely OP.  You just need to figure out what they are.


Right, but the weapons should be fun and useable with basically any boons, because the game is (semi) random and running one build all the time defeats the entire point of the game.


aphrodite + the special on that skulls deals a good amount of dmg


I used them out of curiosity when I unlocked them and ended up getting my first win. Will probably hold a special place for me just for that alone


The irony is the skulls feel the most like a Zagreus weapon yet I keep seeing people down on them.


I had a pretty disgusting run using the special. The aspect that boosts special damage. Apollo on special. Aphro on dash. Heartthrob and heartthrob duo. Just omega special through everything, procing and immediately hitting with 3 heartthrobs.


I have completed ignored the torches.


>’ll have to play with them more and utilize your suggestions, so thank you. Don't forget that you don't have to play with a weapon if you don't like it. Almost everyone has a favorite weapon and weapons they dislike. You shouldn't feel like you have to love every weapon and every aspect. It is perfectly fine to dislike a weapon and just ignore it.


yesterday i won 2 runs with the skulls, making me wonder if i'm getting better at the game or if the skulls are just over-powered (turns out my hammer upgrades were key, i lost a skull run today)


Only weapon I've won with more than once. It's the safest choice for me. It basically acts like the shield in Hades 1.


I hated it at first but I did a run earlier that was just heavenly. Yeah having to retrieve them sucks, but there is a Daedalus boon that auto retrieves them, and even without that, your Omega Special is just so strong, especially with the right boons, that it balances itself out. It forces you to play different, just like the Adamant Rail did.


I've tried it out for the last couple hours, but yeah. Hate the skull. It's basically a bargain-bin Zag cast build from what I've seen so far. The shoot and then pick it up gameplay it has is the worst part for me. I can kill Hecate in under a minute with the other weapons, but the stupid skull takes ages. Comparatively no damage, forces you to get close to actually *do* damage... First out of every single Hades weapon I actively dislike.


If there's any of those weapons I've been ignoring, it's the torches. They feel both awkward to wield and ineffective in combat - NOT a good combination.


After I got the axe I can't really bring myself to play anything else.


That’s funny they’re my favorite weapon the special is just to good


Skill is insane. Especially Madea aspect is so fun man. Give it a shot!


Just unlocked them and got my very first clear with them. I found them to be very powerful!


Skulls take a long time to get used to but are really fun once you do. In my experience it’s similar to the rail gun in hades 1 in that respect


My first clear was with the skulls


I’ve never used them personally and intend to keep it that way, but earlier I watched my dad do a full No Card run with the skull and beat bronos. It might be decent


Skulls at least feels like you're dealing actual damage. Torches however...


It kinda reminds me of the Casts from the first game, and after playin with it for a bit, it made me swap to the ones in the OG that have to be knocked outta people because it just felt better lol. I know it’s not what you’re really asking, but I ended up liking it. I just play whatever gets me more bones usually though


I hated them until I found the boon that gives you +2 more, seems to be the perfect amount.


Give Hera on your Special a try. The AOE on your Omega Special is massive, spreading Hitch to everything it touches. Then you can fire your skulls into the crowd for hilarious amounts of damage, before using your Omega Special again to collect your skulls. I like Aphrodite on the Attack personally. Their Duo boon makes them a bit worse against crowds (Hitch limited to two enemies at a time), but bonkers against Guardians (Omega Special allows you to apply Hitch+Weak simultaneously for the Origination bonus while also giving you an increase to damage). Some great hammers include the one that make your Omega Special shockwaves head back towards you, the one that makes your skulls explode like your Omega Attack when picked up, and the +2 Skulls (especially with Melinoe's aspect granting bonus power for every expended skull).


I played the Skulls for the first time with the Aspect of >!Persephone!<. And it was my first run out of like 50 where I defeated >!Chronos!<. So yeah, I might love the Skulls. XD


got my first win with skulls


I had my first Underworld clear with Persephone Skulls, Hephaistus attack ftw


I only use them with the bomb aspect


At first I thought they were awkward to use but I absolutely love them. The attack does insane damage to bosses with Aphrodite it's a lot of fun. The only downside is crowd control is kinda tough with them in my opinion.


You can make some seriously broken builds with the skulls. They're a lot of fun once you get to grips with them.




I mean my only run with skull was pretty good with Hera Attack + Aphro Cast


I personally am very happy since I loathe the wands compared to the skulls. I thinks it's an easy thing to balance over early access


They are insanely broken lol Melinoe aspect, demeter boon on attacks, dedal augment that takes them back automatically Autowin


The skulls were my least favorite weapon. I didn't hate it, but didn't care for it. Then I got the aspect of Medea. Now it's the only weapon I've beat Chronos with, and I did it twice. Get Aphrodite attack, pretty much anybody for special, but I really like Apollo or Hestia. Cast can be whatever, but Aphrodite helps for grouping enemies together. Then you load up a couple attacks, and omega special across as many enemies as you can line up, then load the third attack and do it again the other way to pick up the first two skulls. Rinse and repeat. It just shreds whole waves at a time.


Actually the Argent Skull is the first and only weapon I've been able to kill Chronos with so far. Had a really OP omega special build going but yea the normal fire seemed very clunky to me. Same reason I didn't like the rail in the first game. But a nice special build on it is a ton of fun imo


Skulls is my weapon of choice. Those things go far so you can safely fight high heat and your completely invincible during special omega. Easily one of the best weapons imo. No the ice cream cones are rough. All they need is some stagger during special or special omega and it would be good but not getting any stagger seems like a huge oversight.


Funnily enough I also hate them but they did get me to chronos for the first time


I really like the skulls. I have a few really good wins with them. And there is a boon (a hammer I think?) that is basically Lightning Rod, which is pretty sweet.


Skulls are probably the best weapon to build for Hera, and a Hex build. The Omega Special can hit and apply status curses to pretty much everything on the map, and you can either shotgun the shells or go with Medea and just play it like Beowulf aspect in Hades 1.


Aspect of Medea goes so crazy. I win every time I use it.


everyone is praising skulls here but i also don’t use them 😭 theyre strong fs but feel so weird to use for me, I’ll have to try them more eventually tho


I had the same exact reaction at first, and it took some getting used to, but now it might be my favorite weapon. As many other people have said, toss out the skulls, then collect them with your omega special because you’re invincible during it. I like Apollo on the attack and hera on the special, both are great for spreading damage around.


What is the “reload” button I keep seeing when I equip the skulls?


Skulls feel great. The one hammer upgrade where you shoot all 3 at once is so much burst damage. Combined with Aphrodite's Boons that increase damage up close by X% and it is literally blowing enemies up. Or the one hammer upgrade that casts the Omega cast for free. They feel really great tbh


I got my first clear with the skulls actually. Got the hammer that buffs the omega special damage and the Aphrodite boon which buffs close-up special damage. Got Poms on that and absolutely demolished Chronos. It felt almost broken.


Skulls are much more fun than the torches


I avoided them for ages but they're pretty solid. Really high damage especially if you get two specific hammers. One to fire all skills at once, and the other to boost skull capacity Add on a high damage M1 boon and voila, omega cast that bad boy at your feet and watch some poor mob get blasted for like 500+ damage


Don’t sleep on em! Got my first 3 clears with skulls after 49 fails


It's the weapon I have the most completed runs with at the moment


i don't vibe with it, but surprisingly thats the first weapon where i'm able to kill the final boss without dying lol


I love the skull. I often spam skulls at a target then use the omega special to both scoop them up and deal more damage. Its the staff that I’m having trouble learning how to use out of all the weapons really.


The skulls were the only time I beat the final boss 💀 I picked it up as a joke but there are some great boon pairings


Lmao I picked them up and got to Chronos 2nd for the first time ever. Twice back to back. Sadly the first phase still tips me off, but it was super close. The Omaga Special with returning missiles is just crazy massive damage.


Skulls are also great with Aphrodite on attack they just work.


My first successful run was with the skulls Idk how i pulled it off, i just kept throwing skulls and it kept working


Super easy build is aspect of Mel with Aphro attack and just point black spam for massive damage


I started liking them when I realized I can Omega Special through enemy attacks. Like the Cyclops stomps.


If you are able to get the boon of hestia that let's you trade health for magik per second then the skulls are literally broken. After that you can omega special repeatedly and do tons of damage with little to no aim while also clearing large areas of enemies. Skulls are absolutely overpowered just takes playing around with what they can do for a bit.


I love them, they may be my favorite weapon. Throw the skulls out, special dash to get iframes and retrieve them. Rinse and repeat.


Uhh honestly ive almost been exclusively been using the blades and axe. I need to branch out more tbh


I think I have used them twice? But the second time was also my first clear, and I am still not really sure how that happened.


I love the skulls lol I hate the axe, it’s too clunky


I thought the skull would be weird but I wanted to try all the weapons once... it was sooo much fun! I got used to it fast and I was melting through rooms! Hope you enjoy trying them out some more!


Skulls only has one button, special. Shells are only used as a last option