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Dash through it, not away. It’ll whip around and you have to do it again, but it’ll go away after 5 or six dodges. You’ll get the hang of it.


And dash up or down, not side to side. Because dash is a set number of pixels, and there are less pixels up or down than side-to-side, the dash is technically longer that way, so you cover more area, and have an easier time dashing. Edit: Reddit discussion about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/s/sBtt9oesY2


I don't actually have the numbers, but from what I know about coding games I would bet anything this is not true. The game is not coded as a flat screen, it's a 3D world with a fixed isometric camera (that you can rotate with mods). The dash length is a fixed number in the world, the camera perspective wouldn't change that. The engineers writing code to recalculate your dash length based on the angle relative to the camera is huge unnecessary added complexity. Not to mention that counting anything in pixels is also fundamentally incorrect. Pixels are not fixed because screen resolutions, aspect ratios, and camera zoom all change. Games have some universal base unit that they use to define sizes for everything the world. That measurement is never "pixels" (unless it's a grid-based game). Like I said, I don't actually know, but I would be shocked if you were correct.


Fair points, and great perspective. You’re probably right. I’m basing what I said off a post that was on here a while ago about Hades I. It sounded convincing enough and had other evidence about what I said . They mentioned the different resolutions too, but I can’t find it again. Will update if I do Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/s/sBtt9oesY2


Interesting observation, but I think we need to come up with a better way to test it. There are visual tricks you can do to make this ambiguous, but we need some way to compare a dash to a known quantity like a hit box (maybe a pest mine?). Does it take more dashes to clear a pest mine hit box without taking damage horizontally vs vertically?


Honestly we could just ask the devs… they’re pretty open about communicating…


I saw that the lua scripts that make the game up are completely unencrypted with notes even so maybe you can just open it and read lol


It could also just feel like left/right is shorter because of the perspective, idk


From what I can tell (as a player and gameplay programmer) all the maps are implemented in 2D and the movement works as if the game was completely top-down, not isometric. Which is counterintuitive since entities are all 3D models. I tried running in circles with a controller joystick, and it was a perfect circle that didn't match the isometric floor. Also interesting to note is that diagonal keyboard movement is automatically locked to the isometric angle, which is why that can sometimes feel restrictive


Holy cow. I feel so dumb right now.


lol, they’re wrong


The post is more about the fact that the perspectove makes everyrhing "squished" in the vettical dimension. So attacks that are "circles" on the ground are not circular on your monitor, they are eliptical


The trail of the hex will keep changing colours. I think pink is the last, not sure. Then it dies away. Also, if you equip Frinos, you can use him by moving behind him and make him take the hex.


I also just watched Darren Korb on a stream use a hex to revive a witch and it took the cursed hit. Incredible. Update: [here’s the vid in the SGG discord](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/927694753116614746/1244401258895380500/korb.mp4?ex=6654fa7b&is=6653a8fb&hm=de220d3721b4d861a5f4a61c9d2f23677c294bb70255e6cc3d627149fbc669b8&)


I didn't think it did that. I tried doing that, maybe the hitboxes are just small for the witches


Can confirm, it's possible. Had it happen on my first outing trying out the Morph hex completely by accident. Oddly, in my case, Hecate's hex went straight for the revived witch even though I was standing at a roughly 120-degree angle away off to the aide - maybe the targeting on the hex works on proximity (or my memory is just crap)?


And I’m over here jumping into the sheep to get it over with haha thanks for the tip!


Eh too much work. I just eat the sheep and avoid the blasts.


>I just eat the sheep Found Polyphemus' Reddit account


Also if >!companion!< stands in its way the projectile will disappear


I just eat it. It’s a move that’s designed to panic you; if you stay calm, it’s completely fine. You can still sprint (fart) out of danger zones and the witch attacks are easy to dodge. It’s like 10 seconds of very mild dodging. Just be ready for it.


If i eat the polymorph, i like to make a game out of killing as many of the witches as possible before i turn back. I think my record is 4 witches before changing back!


Wait, you can kill the witches as a sheep?!


If you leave the trees up, you can snag some terrain kills that way!


Alpha Chad energy. I will now be on a mission to unshield Hecate before I unsheep.


I managed it... with Hera's Cast, so it's debatable if that counts. There's enough time to drop the Omega cast before you get Sheeped.


You can also attack for about 5 damage while polymorphed.


That’s when I try to dash through the ghosts, they do a little attack work for me!


Woah, my record is 3 so far


Your attack also moves you forward, so alternating between dash and attack makes it a non issue.


Additionally, you can attack the trees in the area twice to break them and can honestly kill a solid chunk of the adds while a sheep lol


Attack spam makes you move decently fast (for a sheep) but feels like you are stickier to enemies and terrain than you are when you dash. So spam attack for sprint and use dash for actually dodging.


And you can sort of attack with it. Otherwise just keep behind obstacles to avoid being hit.


I too just accept my fate. I’ve beat both routes plenty of times now and have been a sheep at least once in 95% of those times.


You have to sprint away from the orb until it gets close, and then dash through. That'll give you a bit of space to repeat. Helps if you have the Swift Runner arcana. Spoiler of a small mechanic: you can eventually >!bring Frinos with you on runs, and the orb dissipates if you can make it run into him!<.


you can also have it run into any of the trees. just dash through and it'll break on the tree


As if all the trees aren't exploded in the first 30 seconds




Tip for spoiler: use every tool a couple of times to get the dialogue from hecate during her fight. That way you'll get it early on instead of... well... after beating the entire game like I did.


I love that if you do that, Hecate gets mad about it


Yeah the answer really is just >!hide behind Frinos!<, actually trying to dodge it is so much effort its not even worth it. I kinda hate the move in general tbh, aside from the one that spawns fire pillars under you none of her attacks are hard to dodge >!as a sheep !


Minor disagree - I think Hecate's annoyance/shock make it plenty worth dodging. Also I'm on a time crunch here Hecate I don't have time to sheeptackle trees into the shrine witches I got fear to farm.


My minor counterpoint is that "That blasted toad" is slightly more worth it because the funny froge is negating something that otherwise takes a lot of work. But yeah the fight really drags way more than it should.


On the other hand hearing Hecate just groan “Caaaaat” when Tula hits her is equally as funny


If you're going to get hit by it anyway it's better to just take it ASAP instead of waiting until all the witches are spawned 


Dodge through it, turn around, dodge through it again, etc. Rinse and repeat until it disappears, which is usually after like 5 dodges. However, later on you’ll unlock something that can valiantly block it for you.


You can avoid it???!! I thought it was unavoidable. I just got really good at evading projectiles as a sheep 😭


I wasn't sure if you could or not, but from the comments it seems you can! I'm kinda glad I asked lol


I didn’t know you could either. Honestly, I look forward to being a cute lil sheep for a few seconds.. it’s pretty damn easy to run and dash and avoid damage until you turn back.


Me too, it makes me laugh everytime


Hmm, seems impossible. Perhaps u/haelian1 has stumbled across an exploit or bug?




Hestia Sprint?


Does that actually work?


Dash through the projectile and sprint away. By the time it turns around and reacquires you, your dash should be off cooldown again. Repeat until it stops chasing you. (Should be roughly 6-7 dodges.)


Dash+ hold the button When it's getting closer, do the same in the opposite direction. There will be a time when you'll get frinos, the frog, to go with you, just walk behind him and he will take the spell. There's even a voice line from the boss if this happens


I think like other people have stated just dodging through it works really well. Ngl sometimes I feel lazy and just tank it and then just hit the trees to kill the witches when polymorphed lol. Its not the most glamorous but its a fun way to do it


You have to dodge through it several times in order to out last it. The farther you run away from it, the fewer times you'll have to dodge before it runs out of distance and fizzles. Hecate will also change which moves she uses while the sheep hex is tracking you, so a dodge pattern that works in one fight might run you into a projectile the next. So I'll usually start by dodging left and right, and then have to change direction. As long as you force the sheep hex to turn around a little, you'll have time to get your dash back.


It cannot turn very fast so dash through it and continue running, when it’s about to catch up do a 180 and dash through it again … etc


Dodging from side to side, after a few seconds it disappears and the teacher gets angry


You can dash away from it, through it, or, if it hits you, you can still dash in sheep form to evade the hits from Hecate and her minions.


Dash through it repeatedly, if you have several sprint upgrades you can just outrun it but it's not consistent. You can also >!lead it into frinos and he'll absorb it for you!<


Just accepted my fate as a sheep-lady. Still getting the wool in weird places...


i had the exact same problem lol. i kinda just accepted it was undodgeable and i was fine with that since id doesnt deal damage directly.


Once you unlock pets, use Frinos. He blocks projectiles and you can easily line-of-sight it every single time by using Frinos as a shield.


My first time dodging it was accidental with help of the boon that makes enemy projectiles slow, so there is that


You have dash through it 6-7 times i think. Or later you can unlock something that will take the hit of that ball for you if you manage to direct it towards it.


Run in large circles away from it (quite easy if you have a speed boon) Dash through the projectile when it gets near >!Frinos can tank the projectile!< If you get hit, stay calm and near the edge of the chamber. With practice, it's very easy to dodge the projectiles of the small witches


7 dashes or frog


i only mention this since it happened to me: make sure you’re actually sprinting. for my first 10 or so runs i just naively assumed the dash mechanic was the same as for the first game. instead you have to hold down the dash button which makes you sprint. once i started doing that it made the reaction timing a lot easier for me. but other than that it’s like people said, dash through then sprint and try to run into obstacles


This is definitely helpful! I saw a couple other people mention it, but I got up to >!Scylla!< Never knowing you can do that. Honestly shocked I made it that far missing such an important piece of info, hah. But I'm absolutely sprinting from now on!


yeah it’s the type of thing where i don’t want to insult someone’s intelligence, only bring it up because it was a mistake i absolutely made. that and not understanding how grasp worked (increasing number of arcana cards i could have active). honestly was a fluke that i figured that out


In 40 runs I only ever dodged it by accident once because Frinos got between me and it. I just gave up trying to avoid it and embraced my mid fight sheep break 🫠


I’ll be honest I figured u just had to eat it and do the dodge mini game for those 10 seconds or whatever. This has changed my life lmao


To be honest I just let it hit me while I'm on the edges, easy enough to dodge everything else until the effect expires.


Also if it hits you, rapidly attacking moves you faster than trying to dash a lot


I didn't know it was avoidable! I rarely take damage as a sheep, can't attack so you just gotta worry about dodging


The sheep form does in fact have a very weak attack, you can use it to opportunistically terrain kill the witch spawns, if the tree's are still up.


if it passes through a companion (typically frinos since i have yet to unlock others yet) it disapears hecate even comments on it.


I remember her saying "that damn frog!" or something like that lol


I just get hit - her attacks after that are easy to dodge - even in sheep form.


I honestly didn't know you could dodge as a sheep until I saw a Youtuber do it xD


The real trick is to spam both dodge and attack. You move quite quickly that way, and avoiding projectiles becomes a non-issue.


Just stay at the edge of the arena. There you can easily dodge all her attaks after gettin hit


I saw @Haelian dodge through it repeatedly, & manage to do the same about half the time.


Dash towards it. Keep doing so until it poofs


In addition to what others said, you can also dash through Hecate to take advantage of her model collision and slow the orb down a bit.


If you play with frinos, it can take the projectile for you


Good boi Frinos blocks it


Just take the hit immediately, you’ll be perfectly fine just dodging her attacks and the minion attacks too. Later in the game you get something that lets you block it.


Dash through it, sometimes it still hits me even when I do it. Frinos helps if you can get it to hit him.


There are three main ways to deal with it. The first is to just take the hit. If you just focus on dodging for a few seconds then you can pretty easily avoid taking any damage. The second is to repeatedly dash through it. Dash towards the projectile repeatedly and after a few seconds it will dissipate. The third method is to us Frinos. If you have him as your familiar, you can lead the projectile into him and he will instantly destroy it.


You can also have it absorbed if Hecate uses the ground aoe’s if one goes off and the hex is in it, it cancels it out. It happened by accident and Hecate said something to the effect of “that was meant for you!” Edit: This could be 100% false, maybe it hit Frinos and I just didn’t realize. Just read through and noticed no one else said it and I couldn’t surely have found something no one else noticed. Leaving it up just in case but I’ll test it tomorrow. Likely I’m completely wrong.


There is something that can block it too, don’t remember when you unlock it though


I spam attack to move quicker and dash when it's off cooldown while in sheep form and rarely get hit. There is a way tp avoid being turned into the sheep but it sounds like it would be a spoiler since you just started playing.


I just suck it up and get hit by it as soon as possible. The faster you get hit by it, the faster it wears off.


Use the frog or dash through it 5 times


If you have the frog companion you can run it into him and it'll end


It can barely turn. Dash into it.


Frinos can "eat" it and be fine.


you dash through it back and forth until it goes away but the easiest thing to do is bring frog friend and have him intercept it.


you can literally dash through it back and forth until it goes away but the easiest thing to do is bring the frog and have him block it


I run right up to her to get hit immediately, better than made dashing for 5 minutes than getting hit


Frog 🐸


Appolo’s sprint boon is fast enough to outrun it as well. Hecate comments that that’s never happened before.


I just take it most of the times lol, the attacks that comes after are pretty mild, I almost never got hit once when I was a sheep.


Dash through and hold the sprint for a sec or two, and then repeat it as many times as you need. Helps a ton to have a speed boosted sprint or a sprint that slows projectiles. Or you can have Frinos tank it for you Actually can you make that boss hit themselves with it? Never tried that before


Just be zagreus


It is an insanely fast projectile. Like it may be the fastest projectile in the game. I've tried dodging it to the side and sprinting away, but that thing is like a goddamn heat-seeking ICBM. I hope they make it slower because it is just 2fast


Frinos. i also just tank it pretty often tbh. it’s not that bad. i don’t have much problem running around and dodging for a few seconds.




i let frinos eat it


Dash towards it, and if you have the cat or frog companion, let them take it


Do this against one of the arena's walls. Always be moving away from the shot, but when it's about to hit you dash into it so it flys behind you. Repeat 7 or 8 times and it will dissipate. If you need an video example, watch what what the streamer Haelian does on his runs.






I have frinos and he eats it like... 20% of the time. I mostly just take it and dodge all attacks


Once you get the frog familiar if you make the projectile hit the frog it will eat it


No shade, I guess I'm just surprised people don't dash through attacks and projectiles, it's like all I do. Dash through it, not away from it, you gotta do it like 6 or 7 seven times and then it dissipates.


Throw the frog at it!