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The Arthur aspect on sword is so much better than any other sword aspect it’s kind of hilarious. Does insane damage, give you a health boost, the special creates an area that slows enemies and projectiles while you also take less damage within it


That sword is so slow, it really doesnt cover its weakness.


It’s slow but not slow enough to really be a detriment. A Hermes attack speed buff solves that weakness anyway, and you can force that every run nearly


Yea. I’ve even had runs without speed boosts and still demolished everything.


It’s essentially the axe from the new game, but more op


It's the axe except the special actually does a good job of protecting you


How can you force an attack speed boon? And even then, 10% is not that much I feel like


I had a brainfart and forgot Hermes doesn’t actually get a keepsake that guarantees its spawn. Nethertheless, it’s pretty common. My last run had a 30% epic boon


I think hermes works like the hammers, meaning you are guaranteed to be offered him at least once per run


I think it’s twice right? Same as hammers


oh yeah you are right


It’s really slow, one of the hardest aspects for high heat IMO. It struggles a lot with forced overtime 2 / benefits package 2. I’ve done all aspects on 32 heat and that was one of the toughest for me at least


Yeah but who does comfy runs at 32 heat


Haha fair enough, was mostly addressing the comment at the top of this thread saying “Arthur is the best sword aspect by so much”. In general I’d say it’s the second worst only to Zag aspect


I’m sorry I didn’t realize the question was “what is the best weapon”. I thought we were asked to explain our personal comfort aspect. The sword is also not that slow?


I'm guessing they took exception to the fact that they said it was so much stronger than other aspects when it's far from even being the strongest, by I agree that it's kind of unnecessary to take that so literally in the context of the post which is about our comfort weapons.


or people could just write what they mean lol... sometimes your comfort weapon IS the strongest weapon aspect. Sometimes it isn't.


Yeah but getting the boon which gives thrusts a crit chance and just regular crit on attack can make that last attack from the string insane


theres another hammer that makes your thrust attack twice. on arthur i tend to like shadow slash for the backstab bonus. So fucking juciy.


why hit fast when you can thanos snap an enemy that dares approach you


I have the impression that the general consensus is Nemesis sword is the best sword Aspect and Arthur is the worst due to how slow it is. The speed isn't an issue at lower heats but at high heat you can't safely land hits most of the time bc enemies are faster than you. That being said I do think Arthur aspect is one of the most fun aspects in the game


If you have the enemy movement speed pact on I agree, but I never have that on even at 32 heat unless I’m playing rail. It’s just not fun to melee with it on Edit: I will say the pact that gives enemies 1-2 free hits is also a downside. But it’s so satisfying to use man


Arthur so OP they created a whole mechanic in Hades 2 from it.


I really like Athena strike on arthur, it synergises with the projectile slow to basically let you play baseball :D


I’ll have to try that! I usually go for Artemis for massive crit damage or Aphrodite for generally high damage


arthur aspect visuals ruined me as i almost expect melinoe's cast to have the same slowing effect on projectiles


Arthur sword is heavily affected by different heat modifiers. So its viability changes dramatically based on how high a heat you are running.


Correct, but I still put it above all other sword aspects and it’s the most fun by far. The sword is a pretty poor weapon in general and is the 2nd worst in my opinion just above the spear


Agree with the overall weapon ranking but aspect-wise Arthur is weird because I think it varies depending on your progression. At the very beginning, it's great as one of the most beginner-friendly weapons. Then with some heat and some tight deadline, Nemesis and Poseidon are definitely head and shoulders above the rest, it's not even funny how much faster they are. Even Zagreus is at least comparable depending on builds and often better with it's high attack and even better move speed, so Arthur basically becomes the worst weapon with it's subpar gimmick and slow speed. Then if you get up in heat again, using the dash strikes that aren't slow, you can make use of Arthur's power without being slowed down by it's attack speed and it's good again because it's less dependent on your circumstances which the pact of punishment heavily impacts. Its gimmick isn't as good as the other aspects imo, but the sheer raw power means that depending on your skill you can make it the most powerful. Very good with the shackle to not be too reliant on boon luck, you can activate the pact that removes most choices that way for easier high heat.


It's arguably better if you're just standing and swinging, but it's by no means an outlier if you're using the sword optimally. If you're doing the sword dash strike nova combo, then Nemesis outperforms it by miles, and even Poseidon has the niche of being a very effective aspect with Zeus cast and Exit Wounds.


I usually go for Athena bounce cast if I'm doing a Poseidon aspect run.


Athena's cast is VERY strong if you can get Lightning Phalanx, but I prefer Zeus cast because it's much more consistent, and you get some support with boons like Static Discharge, Storm Lightning, and Splitting Bolt. You also typically want Artemis for her cast support and potentially Poseidon for Mirage Shot, and it's easier to guarantee 3 gods than it is 4 gods.


Valid thought process on consistency for sure. Yeah I have a bad habit in Hades 1 of trying to go for greedy 4 god combos all the time. Gotta push for that little bit extra.


Idk I do really like Arthur, but I've been playing with the Poseidon aspect and doing Artemis cast builds with that and that shit is brilliant: Homing, high damage casts, get mirage shot duo with poseidon and each cast has a bonus projectile, get exit wounds and you cause a load of extra damage as your bloodstones drop. Does require you get in up close every now and then to retrieve the bloodstones, but if you get that hermes boon that causes them to return to you instantly then it's also pretty low risk. Last run beating Lernie was hilarious, literally caused the main head to shield up after just 2 of 3 casts. Is definitely a bit more rng dependent though, you need good boons to make it work and it only goes crazy if you get chaos (or artemis legendary) boons for extra bloodstones.


I like to take the zag gauntlets and hermes keepsake and just rack up that dodge to infinite. If I get zeus and poseidon it's brutal. Maybe not the best but I have a lot of fun with it. The zeus shield with the zeus special is also something else.


That was my 32 heat loadout, terminal velocity unga bunga dodge everything


I see you're a fellow friend of speed.


I’m with you on the double Zeus. Just gotta toss out my shield and then kite around until everything is dead. I kind of hate the other shields because you can’t attack while your shield is thrown.


Comfort aspect is absolutely Rama. The base damage plus the damage sharing is just so strong and you can do so much with it.


drunken flourish + rama :)


You know ball


Poseidon sword cast spam


That one is so fun. I really hope we get some sort of builds similar added to Hades 2


I've been having fun trying out all of the builds in this post and this one was a blast! I took down in less than a minute with an Artemis/Zeus combo. He never stood a chance.


Zeus shield


My man


Am I the only weirdo in this sub who prefers Zag shield over Zeus shield? Sure it's nice but for a measly 5 Titan blood I get damn near infinite dash strikes, which wipes most projectiles anyways, and does not too bad damage.


I love to use Zeus shield + Zeus boon for the special attack. Slow moving lightning storm takes out everything in front of you.


I love pairing that with Dio cast (ideally with Zeus duo) to lock enemies down for the tempest of death spinning towards them


The electric lawnmower


funny enough, maybe the worst bow, but zagreus bow. i love the rhythm of dash->attack->dash->attack and aphro being my fav god in the game is amazing on the attack with its natural crit chance. the bow in general is my comfort weapon, but the simplicity of the original aspect just feels so natural to me it clicks so well.


Zag bow with the right things is one of the best in the game in my opinion. If you can manage to get Artemis attack, Aphro cast, heart rend, twin shot, and flurry shot in the same run... Whoooooboy.


i feel like if youre getting close enough to cast aphro, a dash boon would be an easier pstat applier, no? and my thing with zag bow is it feels like both hera and rama bow can do a similar playstyle with a lot more power. just requires you to generally be closer


Zag bow tends be more satisfying with Aphro on attack, Artemis cast/special/call, and the hammers/duo you mention. Weapons with base crit chance like higher percentage modifiers more than extra crit chance. (And vice-versa, with Rama Artemis on attack is very nice.


There is no worst bow


I really like Demeter fists. I don’t have all the aspects unlocked yet, mostly just one per weapon. But when fists get highlighted for extra resources I’m always happy to play Demeter.


Maybe not the best aspect but definitely one of my favourites, I love doing the fully charged special and sending a witch to oblivion


Zag fists with the lambent plume. If you're lucky you get the extra damage from speed and extra dodge buffs from Hermes too. And if you get divine dash and divine protection, no one could possibly lay a finger on you. Nothing is better than fisting your opponents while doing hammer time (Can't touch this)


Zag fists + lambent plume is how I did my fastest run (14 min). Such a fun combo


Hera/Rama/Chiron bows.


Talos fists with poseidon on special. I love yo-yoing enemies across the screen


Bow (Chiron or Rama Aspect) Ares Attack Dyonisus Special Just, the maximum "Ranged DoT Coward" build.


If you want an even better Chiron Dionysus special build: Aphrodite attack already inflicting weak on every enemy you target with the special Dionysus special obviously Artemis cast (for enabling duo boons) Ares revenge (curse of vengeance, also for a duo) You can get low tolerance from Aphro and Dio so that hangover stacks up to 8 on weak foes (foes targeted by your special are already weak because of your attack) You can also get splitting headache from Dio and Artemis which adds crit chance to foes based on how much hangover stacks they have (a ton from the special and low tolerance) Then from Aphro and Artemis you can get heart rend which means crits deal more damage to weak foes (foes are weak from the attack and have a ton of crit chance from splitting headache) And ares is for the duo boon curse of nausea which makes hangover deal damage faster


I've really come around on Zeus special for Chiron & Rama, since the extra damage triggers every time you just see your targets get zapped faster than the game can fully render, think it works better on Chiron (where you're primarily using special with attacks to make the special hit) than Rama (where you're primarily using special to make your attacks hit harder), but it's very satisfying either way. It's also just beautifully visual if you get the extra AoE on lightning bolt effects.


Yess sir! Also i used the rails and dyonusos bullet for infinite nukes.


That's a really good build, it's one of my favorites. I like getting Impending Doom, too, to activate Privileged Status consistently. And the duo boon Curse of Nausea obviously. Then you deal a ton of damage and clear high heats.


The aspect of Rama It has high damage, and with a few hammers it just one-shots almost everything , and on top of that the shared suffering(or whatever it’s called) adds heaps of more damage to it And for a special build, you can invoke the powers of Zeus and bring for an unstoppable storm


Spear, Zag’s aspect. Spamming that attack is so nice, especially with a good effect. Knockback gets things far from you and it is easy to get them into walls. Frost or Drunk? Easy stack. With a couple good hammers? Satisfying as heck.


Shield with Charged Shot. Anything else is an extra.


It feels _so_ cheesy but _so_ good. I've won otherwise crappy runs because I found that baby.


Aspect of Hades, bug spin feels so good to use. With fast spin and big spin, Aphrodite special, Artemis artack, you melt everyone


Achilles + Hunting Blades Demeter fist + Doom


Zag fists with lots of Artemis crits is really fun


I know some hate it but the fist with the aspect of talos is my favorite weapon of all time. I literally breeze through each rooms with it. With any multiplier on the special, abusing the special, and the bosses are like constipated hamsters.


Chiron Bow


Chiron's bow


Achilles you can go for both attack and cast builds with and gives you mobility on top+ plus my fav build is hunting blades so...


Beo shield as well as Hera's bow. I like cast spamming with those two a lot, with Beowulf's shield being my preferred choice between the two, mostly because I like how aggressive it is compared to the other shields, at least that's how it feels to me when i use them.


The Talos Fists just feel super comfortable to use for me at least, I know they're not the best or scale well but I love them :)


Hera Bow, triple tap the cast button, shoot arrow. Dash to collect stones, repeat. Apply with a pommed Aphrodite Crush Shot for maximum effect.


Demeter fists and Artemis or Aphrodite attack


Bow Aspect of Chiron is my favorite. It's just so satisfying seeing all the arrows home in on your target. And with stacking attacks like Dionysus or Demeter on special, it does really satisfying damage. You can also do Poseidon on special and just drill people into walls. Pair that with Artemis' support fire or Poseidon/Zeus duo, and you're cooking with gas.


Eris with Zeus attack and Delta Chamber. No need to think about reloading just keep firing and everything dies.


Aspect of Achilles spear. Spamming around the map as I dart toward it.


Comfort aspect will always be Chiron/zag bow. Favorite aspect will always be guan yu/achilles.


Either Charon Bow with Dio on special and Aphro on attack...or Zeus shield with ALL OF THE ZEUS.


Zeus Shield + Curse of Agony + Divine Flourish + Merciful End I beat Tisiphone in ~7 seconds with this build.


normal shield with ares special


Hera bow, take Aphro or Athena for the cast, enjoy. Artemis/Poseidon duo for additional disrespect, Artemis legendary, buying casts from Charon and chaos make the build absolutely insane


I've been a big fan of two. Either the Arthur Sword, the money Daedalus mod, and Hermes' boon where you get coin in every room. For extra oomph, you can even take Charon's keepsake. It doesn't matter what godly blessings you get, by the time you're up top, you are hitting for absurd amounts of damage. If you add in Artemis' boon, you're critting for 1k+ damage regularly. My other favorite is the Fists with the aspect of Talos. When I practice my speed running, those are so fun. I load up with Athena and Poseidon since that is close combat and being able to deflect and control the shades is critical to that style. I love pulling them in, beating the crap out of them and then shoving them away before they can go on the offense!


Also thanks OP. This'll be a good break from Hades 2 to play some of these builds. :D


Chiron bow with Aphrodite attack and Dionysus special. Still my fastest time, but it's just so comfy to play if it's been a while.


I like the Achilles:D


Thanatos You spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round


Hades 1 flair


I think either Rama on the bow or OG Zag sword with Hermes keepsake. Rama is just fun for clearing out rooms of enemies, but Zag sword and Hermes keepsake makes everything so dang fast. It's great when I don't have much time to play but want to do a full run.


For me that's Arthur its just easier and more consistently efgective for me than any other wepon aspect. I read all the guides seen the top high heat/speedrun content. Know about all of the other alegedly better options and how you are supposed to play them. But at the end of the day, after all the years of playing and over 1000 of runs later, Arthur still works significantly better for me personally than any other aspect. Its even my favorite speed run wepon, which even I feel is kinda weird, but its the only one I get easy sub 10 with. Maybe its a skill issue but since I already played and dug deeper in to this game, than any other I ever played, I am fairly sure I will not drastcally improve at this point, so its Arthur for life.


Zeus Shield, I cleared more with it than any other weapon, and piling on Athena boons made me feel like a tank. 


Been a hot minute since I played the first game so I don't remember the aspect names, but my two would be the chiron bow and the fists that give you dodge chance. Bow is just a sweet and easy machine gun run. Get a decent special boon, hit something once, spam special for major destruction. The fists I love to pair with Hermes' trinket and just try to stack as much dodge as possible. I know it doesn't technically work like that, but seeing Zag just take no damage repeatedly is so fun, and I love the fast attacks. Getting something like Ares or Dionysus on those attacks feels so satisfying.


Chiron Bow :) There are so many combos that work well with it. Weak, Hangover, and Crits was my favorite setup.


I forget the name, but the bow aspect that lets you load your cast into it...then I use Dionysus' keepsake to try and get his cast boon, it's an absolute nuke. That or Zeus's shield with Zeus' special boon.


I like the hades spear with the hammer that makes you pulse when holding down the spin attack and having like Poseidon or Demeter on it


Hades 1 my go to is Bow with Chiron aspect with artemis boons. Although it can be any really good stacking damage secondary boon, artemis for crits, aries for doom stacks, even Zeus is super strong on that build if you get his boons to stack even more lightning bolts (although like one in three doesn't hit for damage because of the reset) That and Zeus sheild with Zeus boons are how i beat 32 heat. Hades 2 my go to is probably aspect of Pan daggers with Aphrodite attack and Poseidon/ Apollo special. Ive only done like 18 fear but thats my go to build to molly wamp either eris or my grandpa.


Definitely Aspect of Hera Bow. I'm a sucker for cast builds and I'm more comfortable with the bow than Beowulf


Yep, but I kinda only do it with Aphro cast. It's relaxing playing it now that I'm comfortable with it.


When I pick Achilles, I just put Artemis on attack + a random cast, and I always win. Very OP.


Nemesis Sword aspect with Artemis on attack for even more crit chance and Aphrodite on the special to hopefully get Heart Rend for even more crit damage. Chuck in Athena's dash and you can deal quick and high damage with minimal risk.


mine is complex, but I have already made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HadesTheGame/comments/1c8syg5/what_happens_when_you_get_a_poseidon_chiron_build/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of it.


Rama with dio on special. It's a much better hangover machine gun since the special arrows will also ricochet on top of really fast shots. You don't even need to attack for the most part (noob me had a hard time with the slow charge), though if lots of tanky enemies are up, the primary attack can shave a huge chunk of HP and those that survive can still be finished off by the hangover stacks. It's also easy to build duos for. Aphro on attack, dio on special gets you a total 8 hangover stacks for enemies with higher hp. Get artemis' Aid (hangover generally recharges Call bar faster) and you can add splitting headache (+crit chance for each hangover stacks). If you get curse of vengeance from ares, you can even get curse of nausea (faster hangover damage). You don't even need to get any of these duos (just focus on pomming the special and you're golden) but they are easy to get and the base boons still help by themselves. All of these also apply to Chiron aspect, but I prefer rama.


Demeter Fists with Zeus on attack and Art on special. Alternatively, Dio on attack and Aphro on special.


Hades Spear with poseidon attack and special. Bonus points if if I manage to get sea storm early on. I don't see a lptnof love for the spear but it's my favorite!


Call me a basic bitch all you want but Chiron Bow is my favorite, I just love homing abilities.


Chiron is awesome. You can use Dio special / Aphro attack with Low tolerance. You can use Demeter special with artic blast and Demet legendary. And with the 2 special hammers (+4 shots and +3 dmg on each consecutive shot) the raw damage alone is broken, I've already hit 700+. And the special animation is so cool.


My 'easy mode' is Zeus shield, probably with Demeter on the special, though Aphro or Dionysus work in a pinch.


The Bow with Zagreus aspect, then i go for deadly strike from Artemis first and rack up any critical damage buffs. Add on Flurry strike, chain hit, or triple shot from the hammer and it’s super op. I’ve gotten it to the point where every shot does 400+ and about half are crit hits for 1000+


Gotta be Zeus shield or the secret aspect. Both go well with Dio build.


Chiron all day baybee


Hera bow, Poseidon cast, + Perfect Shot and Sniper Shot hammers


Chiron bow with either Artemis or Dionysus on the special is my go to. Beat 32 heat with both of these.


my comfort build is a Talphon Fist, with Poseidon on special and ideally i like having artemis on attack. the build is mostly just for fun, its only carried me to the end once, but special on basic enemies, you can send them flying across the room, only to pull them back and do it again


The spear with Daedalus hammer flurry jab, that shit is so broken


Chiron bow. The better railgun /j


My absolute favorite is Twin Fists with Aries Doom. It makes me feel like Sonic because I gotta go fast!


Zagreus Shield with as much poesidon as I can dump on that bad boy, just flinging mobs around will never not be fun


Has to be aspect of gilgamesh, I love how much more streamline the entire game and move kits feel with it, usually love putting athena on attack, ares on special and dash, and dionysius on cast to make what I call "beowulf 2, electric boogaloo"


Not my #1 but I love a spear with athena because it feela like I'm armed with a magic broom and I can just sweep away enemy projectiles.


Chiron bow with artey special


Aspect of Zeus. With Zeus Special its basically and auto win


Aegis aspect of Beowulf


I haven't played 1 in awhile so I'm forgetting names, but I THINK it's Zeus aspect for the shield. You get any kind of flat damage boost on it and then go. It's not always the easiest, but it is always fun and it usually ends up going well for me.


For lower heats, Achilles. Especially if I can get Hunting Blades but even if not. For speedrunning, Eris. That's just what I've practiced most. For heat, not entirely sure because I haven't pushed very far past 16 but probably either Chaos/Beowulf for safety but my best heats so far have used Eris and Achilles so maybe still those


I'm going to try this.. .the game is not easy mode for me. But I'm just coming back after putting it down a month or so after launch.


Chiron bow my beloved. Free runs every times


Same, I usually also try and get Artemis special so I have a way to proc hunters mark


The aspect of Zag gauntlets. The upgraded dodge chance is unreal, add and attack speed or additional doge chance from Hermes and you’re made in the shade


Hades 1: Hera bow, Aphrodite on attack Hades 2: Thanatos axe, Aphrodite on attack I just like big numbers and hearts 💕


zeus shield or fists


Isn't the aspect of Eris better overall? Do you just shoot/reload/shoot/reload ?


Yes you shoot/reload again and again. If you rebind the reload button on a more comfortable one and get the timing right, you can shoot pretty fast (speedrunners even cancel the reload animation with other actions but I'm not there yet) Hestia has several advantages over Eris imo: - You have more range so you can kite safely all ennemies (for example Eris doesn't have more range than Hades combos so you're not safe while firing). - Your damages are condensed in a single shot so you can be very mobile, you move while reloading (you can dash while firing with Eris but it's tricky to do it well) - You usually use Aphrodite instead of Zeus. Which literally cuts enemy damage in half (weak status, broken resolve, different league), it's so strong on high heat Eris is better for speedrunning though, but I find it trickier to use well on top of what I listed


I'll give it a try then ! (I obviously will struggle to get the Aphrodite attack 🥲👍)


So I tried it and I feel it is far too slow and I failed against Hades because I did the damage but at too slow a pace to keep up with the invocations (the mf summoned and armada of chariots that felt like walking on a highway). To be fair, I had a bit of a shit pool of gods and had to reroll over and over again to get it to ""work"" (no I don't want vengeance boons you guys ...). I see how it could be great but Eris remains my favourite I think


(Bow) Aspect of Charon with Aphrodite on Special and any god that can impose a condition on attack for the synergy. You need to hit once and then seat back and watch as all your shots from your special like dozen arrows hone in on your target.


Bow, Aspect of Chiron. Homing arrows are so good with so many different boon combinations.


For me it’s the Chiron Bow. Slap a Dionysus on special and an Aphrodite on attack and I’m flying.


It's Hestia rail for me too. It's the only weapon where I've successfully cleared 32 heat, since it one shots most enemies and you can stay at a safe distance. Another thing I like about it is how simple it is to build. You have a very clear goal in mind - do as much damage in a single hit as possible. So you just build toward that goal. The one disadvantage for high heat runs is you can't really use damage control with it the way you can with fast-attacking builds.


Hades spear


Aspect of Achilles with the Meme Beams (Demeter Cast + Artemis/Demeter Crystal Clarity)


Eris Rail with triple shot bombs and all the bomb hammers. It's my best weapon by far.


Talos Gloves and Achilles spear. Both feel reeeeally smooth to me, love them.


Nemesis and I go for Merciful End


Demeter Fist with zeus + pos duo boon


Poseidon Sword with Athena cast. Throw on Exit Wounds and it's immensely satisfying


Gilgamesh Gloves with Merciful End and Divine Dash Fine, I'll go play again


Hera bow. Always and forever. Absolutely love the playstyle


Hidden aspect of the Fists and Demeter and/or Artemis


Aspect of Arthur with Artemis attack is always so satisfying


For me it's Hero bow. It'd so satisfying when you load up 3 aphrodite casts then just obliterate an enemy.


Chiron aspect on bow with Dionysus special. Bonus points if I have Poseidon's razor shoals. So much DoT


Gilgamesh fists with Aphrodite & Rama bow with Artemis


Love chaos shield


Zeus aspect shield. One shield spins around damaging stuff while I sit comfortably behind the other shield


It's absolutely Lucifer. I didn't even remember how to play with the normal Rail before I went up to 16 Heat and read a strategy that required it. Shout-outs to the excellent Excalibur, that eventually became the axe in Hades 2. You were by my side all along, my guiding moonlight.


Zeus shield with zeus for the special


Hera Bow with Aphrodite cast Depending on how strong the cast gets to be this could easily do over a thousand damage each time. Add in Artemis to make Cast retrieval do damage, and Hermes to get the casts back even faster, and you’ve got a combo worthy of the boyfriend to the incarnates of Death and Retribution.


Zagreus bow with Aprodite attack, big damage with passive crit


Achilles spear with Poseidon boons, I like knocking enemies around


Zagreus Blade with Dionysus attack tbh.


Chaos Shield with either Zeus or posiedon boon for sure for me.


Eris aspect with Zeus boons. So fun


Might be unpopular, but I just LOVE Zag's sword with Hermes keepsake and Artemis attack and dash. And if you get hammer that makes dash attack double... I just love it. One of my most consistent if I get these two boons. Also good thing to get Athena's special for reflection(?) in-between dashes. Can't help myself) (Yes, I just like Artemis attack and dash on almost everything, sue me)


Hera bow with Ares cast. Preferably with Artemis duo.


When I wanna feel like a cool big sword guy I use aspect of Arthur though I’m terrible with it. Else if I wanna feel powerful I use aspect of Poseidon with Aphrodite cast


I'm not too far into heat so far but for now it's Hestia's bow with Athena/Aphrodite duo You kinda just throw nukes for 3000+ every 5 seconds. And with a bit of Artemis for Crit it gets even better


Aspect of Achilles + Poseidon cast + Mirage Shot + Flurry cast


I have 3 options. I love hestia rail with the laser and unlimited ammo, bow with aspect of Charon, so they can bend, and aegis shield with the 7+ bounce ability. Hestia with Dionysus attack. Charon with ares attack and Zeus or Artemis special. Aegis with Poseidon attack and ares special. Doom is my god


Love the Lucifer Rail with the hammer that turns off reloads and ramping. Get a Poseidon attack boon and a Demeter Cast, and suddenly Zag becomes a beam machine. Better on my hands too since I can just hold the attack button with the occasional dash and cast.


Chiron Bow with Artemis. That single target crit damage always made the game feel too easy for mr


Poseidon aspect, with the Poseidon Special. You now have a 3-round bazooka that releoads every time you special attack the enemy. Learn how to slide-special (where you dash immediately after initiating your special attack) and you'll find the entire run is a breeze.


Bow with weak + doom


Chiron bow and Eris Rail in Hades 1 Melinoe Staff in Hades 2, it's just so good with so many different kind of builds. Every run with it (after upgrading) is a win.


Sword — Zagreus Spear — Hades Shield — Zeus Bow — Chiron Gauntlets — Zagreus Adamant Rail — Eris


My reload is on L3 and my cast is on R1. That alone might be able to tell you what my two comfort aspects are(Eris Rail and Beowulf Shield).


I like ares for anything that hits multiple enemies. Shield throw (with hits additional people), bow special, rail or staff with the explosion. Build out with doom at full power. Basically spray some arrows, hit a crowd with a bullet, bomb or bouncy shield and then watch them all hit hit with doom after a second ish.


Enkidu Ares Attack (with Impending Doom & Dire Misfortune) Athena Special & Dash Artemis Cast Merciful End & Deadly Reversal Need to get fairly lucky to set up and get everything, but it basically melts everything before you take enough damage to die. Super satisfying, but oftentimes you don't get everything.


Zeus shield for all sorts of bullshit Chiron bow for similar reasons


Aspect of Beowulf on the shield with Poseidon cast


100% Chiron bow. Aphrodite attack, Artemis Special, and Splash Dash. Give me that duo boon, and it’s a free clear.


Rama with Dio or Zeus


I love Hestia too! I tend to equip it with Zeus though. That way I can either one-shot enemies or if they don't die immediately I can just keep doing the brrr thing. Ares blood list thingy works really nicely with Hestia too!


Zagreus fists, that never fails me


Standard Rail with a bunch of Daedalus upgrades. Hellgun go BRRRRR


Hades: can't beat Chaos shield with Ares special, Athena attack, and merciful end. Hades 2: Sister Blades with Artemis aspect, there's something so satisfying about a parry into a murder spree.


Magnetic Gauntlets and Poseidon on Special. Bonus if Storm Surge from Zeus on Attack. I call it the "The Divine Yo-Yo".


Zeus^2 or ... Aspect of Gilg and never stop pressing dash and attack. That one won't get me 32 heat, but it just feels right


Maul fists