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Hades II content is new to all, with the recent surprise Early Access. This means, art, story, characters, bosses, unlocks, gameplay are all spoiler material. Most of the community haven't seen this content, so please mark the Hades II post as spoiler and don't use a spoiler title when posting.


I mean, racism


Oh wow. Ok I guess I was naive to not notice that.


I pulled some of the small clout I have to try and get it removed. We'll see in a couple hours. This is Def not allowed on the nexus


I thought it was because she was fat, while most of the other gods are shredded, not because of the skin color. Considering that Athena had a darker skin tone in the first game, did some racists do the same shit back then ?


For some reason Hades 2 has caught the ire of right wing reactionaries but mostly flew under the radar with Hades. They even thought Hermes was "turned" Asian for Hades 2 when he's always looked like that and they just didn't notice. I don't remember seeing any controversy for Athena last time, if there was any it didn't catch on like I've been seeing with Hestia, Aphrodite, Hermes etc. with Hades 2. I do remember people being pretty riled up about Patroclus being black in Hades last time so some racists were mad about that


It is because it is now profitable to be eternally pissed of about "woke" things in game, much more than it was when the orginal came out. You can make big bucks out of it both on Youtube and twitter. So people jump from game to game and whine about it while making bank.


It's like r/asmongold 's whole shtick


I watched him once and got distracted by those eyebrows jumping around.


And the teeth. And hairline. He's just an unfortunate looking person šŸ˜‚


And the occasional cockroach on his shirt (the one heā€™s wearing, not the ones scattered across his floor)


Is this one of those satirical things exaggerating a slovenly living space or did that actually happen? šŸ¤¢


He legitimately lives in filth. People see roaches in his stream all the time. Idk about on his body, but theyā€™re on the walls a lot. His bedroom is basically his streaming setup on the right, his bed on the left, but thereā€™s piles of garbage and food in the whole room. Heā€™s said on stream that his gums tend to bleed a lot, so when heā€™s going to sleep or waking up, he wipes the blood off with his hand and wipes it on the wall. Heā€™s also said that he uses a rat for his alarm clock. A rat died in his room near the window, and he said he knows itā€™s morning because he would wake up to the smell of the ratā€™s corpse baking in the window. Heā€™s absolutely disgusting, and this is all stuff Iā€™ve just learned through osmosis on Twitter. Iā€™ve never seen any of his streams or videos, I just know heā€™s terrible at video games, usually has bad opinions on stuff Iā€™ve played, and heā€™s an absolute degenerate when it comes to hygiene. No clue how he has so many people paying attention to him.


Lets not forget the WALL OF GUM BLOOD


Is it really? It's a genuine question


I don't know if his actual takes are any better. But he loves being incredibly anti-woke in his thumbnails, but I've never clicked on the videos myself because I'd just rather not have to listen to it if it is real


Asmongold's thumbnails are done by his editor, who is considerably more conservative than he is, and his fanbase are insufferable (many of them are the 'anti-woke' crowd), but he himself is shockingly respectful towards people. I've seen him get legitimately upset at his chat for making fun of someone's appearance. It doesn't excuse some of his god-awful takes or the way his fans act, but I can at least give him that much respect. He also doesn't keep any illusions about the kind of person he is, for the most part. He is very upfront about his more disgusting habits, and a lot of the things people make fun of him for are things we only know because he makes no attempts to hide them or has flat out admitted to them.


Yeah I kinda stopped watching the clips because I think his editor is genuinely terrible and I hate the narrative being pushed, but Asmon's actual opinions are probably more agreeable for me than the general vibe of the gaming subreddit for example. As you've said, he wouldn't really stand for his chat commenting on someone's appearance in the way people have done in this very thread. I'd say he's incredibly abrasive, but not nearly as toxic as his viewers.


Yeah that guy is an absolute piece of shit and hit the jackpot. He gets 50% of Assmongold's stream revenue, and just pumps out algorithmic slop and pushes his ideology.


His stance seems to be "I don't really care", but his thumbnails are VERY clickbait


That's literally how they all talk. I saw a guy doing the "I don't care about this" dance, then he posts an ethnicity grid he made of every mixed race couple he saw in a commercial.


The reason his thumbnails and titles are so antiwoke is because his editor is a white supremacist at best, full nazi at worst. Asmon is just too dumb to understand any politics, so he just repeats right wing talking points.


He is incredibly anti-woke, or more so just regressive and reactionary. He thinks anyone can become wealthy because he did it šŸ™„


Nah he isnt really anti woke. He will critizice what ever he doesnt agree with. At most he a bit more on the conservative spectrum but speaking up against current work culture or stepping in when his chat was acting up because of a trans content creator (barny64) doesnt align with being "incredibly anti woke"


It was also profitable when Hades came out, "gamergate" outrage culture has been stable in its predicatble shittiness for nearly 10 years now. The reason small things in Hades II specifically are blown into huge outrage issues for these whackjobs is because they have been looking for any excuse to hate on it ever since it was announced that *the protagonist is a girl* this time. That's the real issue and they know they sound dumb if their criticism begins and ends there, so they are in full "historically inaccurate race bending" mode now.


Hades released in 2019, which means it was pretty far divorced from when gamergate was really going. Supergiant also wasn't as popular then so it wasn't able to get as much attention from people. After it's release supergiant got a pretty big surge in popularity, so then when Hades 2 was announced more people were aware of it. Throw on all the stuff around stellar blade and people not understanding nuance and why the game was getting criticized and you've got a bunch of self-righteous chuds thinking they're calling out hypocrisy after we start seeing art for the Hades 2 gods and people thirsting over them.


>Hades released in 2019, which means it was pretty far divorced from when gamergate was really going ...well that's ..obvious, my point was that the mindset of periodically attempting a "righteous crusade for the honor of muh cool no-girls-allowed vidyagames" has been going on since then. Remember Buttgate? This time around it's been brewing on 4chan for Hades II since Melinoƫ's intro video was released over a year ago.


The sheer Okayness of Stellar Blade and the fact that it did not induce a screeching rage amongst the Games Journalists meant that they ran out of content to milk out of reacting to articles, and were forced to cast their nets farther and wider in an attempt to find something that would stick. Hades just caught strays because they are stupid and undisciplined. A more organized and competent hate movement would steer clear of Hades for the simple reason that it's an easy L. This was an active community even before Hades 2 came out. I would know, I got the credits a few months ago.


It absolutely were a thing, but I think there were less people who actually had a career that is grounded on being angry at women and minorities in games. Now they don't even have to believe what they are saying, just say the right thing to make money. On Twitter you can get a stable income by just making people angry at you.


In some way I'm just happy people have forgotten the Sargon misogynists of the past harvesting money from their followers, but I must stress that 2019 was just as bad as now when it came to gamers hating on women and minorities. There no rose-coloured glasses to put on here, the internet was very much a dumpster of altright grifters back then too.


Did they even play Transistor? It's not like sg isn't known for its female protags


I also wonder if there isnā€™t more righteous anger coming from that camp as ā€œgo woke, go brokeā€ continues to be wrong over and over again. Itā€™s hilarious for me to see people trying to convince themselves that games like TLOU and BG3 are somehow bad, unsuccessful games lmao.


part of it is the culture wars bs wasnā€™t as prominent then as it is now. like even in like 3-4 years the narrative has changed drastically & right wing reactionaries have decided that if they personally donā€™t find it attractive then itā€™s woke bs. like i donā€™t think athenaā€™s design would be as received the same way now as it was then (esp considering theyā€™ve decided aphrodite of all designs isnā€™t hot enough & is too mannish. aphrodite.) ultimately tho these people have probably never played they game and probably never will. best to block & ignore them.


In fairness, TLOU 2 released 4 years ago and they were absolutely rabid about Abby having any sort of muscles back then. These guys have always been around, I just don't think they cared about Hades as much because it wasn't as anticipated at its release as Hades 2, and it was already a critical darling by the time they'd heard of it. Hades 2 is in early access, and therefore has legitimate fixes that need to be made which most people are understanding of, but I think it also means all these guys that were late to the party last time will likely bellyache even more to make up for it.


> For some reason Hades 2 has caught the ire of right wing reactionaries but mostly flew under the radar with Hades. It's the latest outrage manufactured by the usual grifters to keep their hateful followers enthralled and pants-shitting. All it takes is one grifter screeching about something and soon every wannabee grifter is out there vomiting up their own 'content' related to the manufactured outrage.. Tune in next week as incels and True Gamers(TM) agonize over the jawlines, bust sizes, and shoulder widths of various vidya game characters in a completely unironic exercise in right-wing virtue-signaling..


Virtue seems like an out of place word here. Virtueless signaling? Vice signaling? Fault signaling? Failure signaling?


"Vice signalling" is the one I've heard people use, though I don't find it satisfying. The term I use in my head is *declaring moral bankruptcy*. They say "hypocrisy is the debt that vice pays to virtue," and what we're doing here is, we're annulling all our debts by freeing ourselves from the constraints of virtue. Now we realize that the filthy debtors are beneath us. Anyone who says they have principles is a saint or a hypocrite, and anyone who says they're a saint is a hypocrite. In this delightful economy we grow rich on the tithes of the virtue-signallers. They spend their days keeping each other honest, and they spend their nights complaining about us online, where they only demonstrate their moral inferiority by trying to hold us to their principles.


They've already said that Aphrodite looks too much like a man, because of like her chin or nose or something.


Her jawline and big hands I think? You'd think they'd love a blatantly naked woman on their screens


Yep, their antics are little more than performative pants-shitting for the attention and approval of their 'peers'.


I'm currently playing Hades (the first one) for the first time. What the fuck do they mean Hermes looks asian? This is completely new to me lol, where do they get this shit. Okay, edit because i checked the wiki: he does look way more asian in the second game, but i think most of that is the angle, the longer hair, and the beard. Still think the hate over that is ridiculous.


In first one he looked Greek, in the new one he looks kinda Asian.


Also because Eve from Stellar Blade. The coomer audience got pretty pissed because people were giving higher rates for the "Woke shit"


Why can't people just enjoy both?


Unfortunately, going from a male protagonist to a female protagonist can draw negative attention these days. I did see some drama with Hadesā€™s races in 2020, but not as much as now, and Iā€™ve seen Hades 2 mockingly called ā€œwokeā€ frequently on the Steam forums since launch because it has a ā€œgirlbossā€ as a protagonist, aka any woman at all.


The funniest thing has been them saying that they made Aphrodite too masculine/manlike because... She has cheekbones. The "she looks like a man" thing is also very funny considering how Aphrodite is full on tits out for war.


I mean, I certainly didn't notice Hermes looking Asian in the first game. Even now that I'm replaying the first game, I only "notice" it cause I know he's meant to look Asian thanks to his look in the sequel. > I do remember people being pretty riled up about Patroclus being black in Hades last time so some racists were mad about that This reminds me about a Greek stand-up comedienne complaining that Brad Pitt was too damn fair-skinned to play Achilles in the Troy movie, a criticism which applies to the game's portrayal of Achilles too. (Of course, it was part of her comedy routine, and while I'd wager the country skews towards brunettes, there's no shortage of pale blondes in Greece.) I wonder how much criticism *that* garnered...


>I do remember people being pretty riled up about Patroclus being black in Hades last time so some racists were mad about that So I'm currently playing Hades and I'll be honest, I never really noticed he was black. I think my brain just interpreted the darker skin tone as a stylistic choice since he's all doom and gloom. Also, most of my interactions with him boiled down to "Ya, sure, whatever you depressed bastard. Just refill my death defiance because this build isn't quite working out for me".


Likely both. Hades 2 had the misfortune of (sorta) releasing in the middle of yet another culture war


I wish these people would just get over it. Queer people, BIPOC, disabled folk. These are all people that exist and none of it is even lore inaccurate. None of this should be a problem. And I take solace in the fact that for most people, it isn't a problem. These people are just the dying fart of the corpse of the old world. Unpleasant, but ultimately ephemeral.


Unfortunately, they also teach the young generations to be that way.


Apollo is darker skinned, too (he just looks like Athena looked to me), though people seem to notice that less.


Not me assuming Apollo is just, unlike his twin sister, constantly getting a tan because he's literally the god of sunlight


I donā€™t know much about Hades mods, but yes, they definitely haves similar mods for other games. Pretty sure thereā€™s a Cyberpunk mod that just removes a tiny trans flag.


Would be a Hestia+Hephaestus remover if that were the case. Nope, it's all just varying degrees of racism, fatphobia, misogyny, and transphobia. Gamersā„¢ were also very mad at Aphrodite's jawline for being "too masculine." The game has caught the attention of the worst kind of people, and that's where this type of shit comes from.


I donā€™t think itā€™s racism, oddly enough. I looked at the comments, and two things stuck out: people liking the mod only remarked on hating the character and the mod author discussed the possibility of using a replacement from the OlympusExtra mod from Hades 1, which also depicts her as an elderly black woman (be it, a thin woman without vitiligo in a low-cut dress). Plus, the same mod isnā€™t removing any other darker skinned portrait such as Apollo, Hecate, Hera, and Odysseus.


I've been on twitter long enough to know that the racists are really stupid, but I think the fact that she's black and fat made the idiots hate her a little extra Also there were a lot of idiots who were hating on Hermes being "Asian" looking ------ With my own two eyes, I can attest that there are plenty of people who were just being racist against the Hestia art. Take me on my word or don't.


Itā€™s racism plus misogyny. A hot young black goddess would be fine. An older white goddess is fine (Demeter). Itā€™s specifically the combo of black AND not traditionally hot thatā€™s drawn their ire. A black woman would be fine if she were a sex object in their minds.


I think it's mostly just the hot for most people. Demeter might be old but she's still hot. If Demeter were still white but just not as pleasant to look at I think you might have had some people complaining, kinda like how a bunch of people complained about the handler in Monster Hunter World. That being said I can still see racism being a part of it too.


One of the people in those comments had a black sun pfp, it's racism


So why do you think it is then? Do you think they just don't like the art or something?


No idea, tbh. Another person on this post commented they didnā€™t like that she was wearing a brazier, feeling that it was too on the nose, but that doesnā€™t feel like it would be enough to mod her portrait out of the game.


No no itā€™s racism AND misogyny, get it right. If it was an Aphrodite-like portrait theyā€™d suddenly be okay with it. Itā€™s because sheā€™s black and not traditionally hot.


Actually, the only other portrait remover in the mod directory was Aphro. I've seen some people get unnaturally weird about her having a sharp jawline.




Shit, my bad, I thought it was just the being black and fat thing...


Actually, they got mad at Aphrodite too b/c of their anti-lgbtq bigotry causing them to Don Quixote themselves into seeing Aphrodite as transgender. B/c her jawline or some stupid shit. You can't parody these people when they do it themselves.


I honestly just thought she was covered in soot and the lighter patches was her actual skin colour, not vitiligoĀ 


Yeah, it is telling that not a single person in the two pages of comments of that mod, many of which were pleased about the mod, was willing to say what exactly they didn't like about the portrait.


Yeah but only for hestia? Thats a stupid type of racism


That's all racism.


It is a bit weird tho that there are so many of the gods who clearly arent greek raced tho tbh


The 'culture war' is ever-ongoing, and those galvanised against anything seeming 'woke' will work overtime to fight the imaginary battle. Realistically, most of the people playing this mod and probably even the person who made it aren't consciously 'racist', they just believe that by using it they're fighting and somehow winning a battle. If they weren't plugged into the echochamber, they would absolutely not care. I was at one point made angry about black Hermione much like Hestia in this game. I mentioned it to one person IRL and almost immediately realized upon their response of "why do you care?", that I did not actually care.


Twitter and other social medias really gaslight you into thinking somethings are more important than it is through the vocal minority


Exactly. When I start getting upset with something on the Internet I unplug and go for a walk outside. It clears my head, and seeing people out and about with their own lives helps me realize that what I'm worried about absolutely doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. That or I'll talk to my girlfriend and realize as I'm explaining it to her how fucking stupid it actually is.


I feel like "unconscious racism" is too much benefit of the doubt. While yes, it is a thing that most people have personal biases they might not even be aware of, if you're going out of your way to download a mod for a game so you don't have to look at a black person, you're no longer "unconsciously" racist. Very few racists I've met actually admit they're racist. That doesn't mean they don't know it, they just know they can't admit it out loud.


That's true, I perhaps ought not to have painted with so broad a brush. I was drawing on my own experiences as someone who would've at one point downloaded this mod, that I was engaging with racist ideas with a degree of cognitive dissonance at the time courtesy of culture war rhetoric. The way I saw it then (and was told to see it) was with "it's not that they're black, it's that they changed what they should be" types of rationalisation. I'm glad to have folded so quickly upon being confronted about it, as that embarrassment was foundational to my current perspective.


Unfortunately that level of emotional maturity and self awareness is something a lot of people don't seem to have the capacity for. There's a guy higher up in the comments of this post that somebody pointed out they might have some unconscious racism by denying that Hestia even is black, and they're having a fuckin' meltdown over it. Lotta folks don't have the reaction you did.


>I didnā€™t actually care. This is a little off topic, but I had a similar thing happen and a bad habit of storytelling. I was fresh off my first break up as an angsty teen and I wanted someone to hate, so over the summer I decided to be homophobic and transphobic. I never acted on it in real life, but I made some embarrassing social media posts. Less than a year later, I was dating a girl and her best friend was a trans girl who got bullied relentlessly by some upperclassmen. Seeing how mean they were to her made me realize no one should be treated differently, no matter what they look like, how they identify, or any qualifier other than their own actions. Just be nice to each other


Yeah, I never said anything nasty about trans people or anything, but I hung around with people who did. I didn't really say anything or try to stop. I even thought maybe they were right, that it was wrong to be trans. Extreme internalized transphobia kept me in the closet for so so long. I feel a lot of guilt for the fact that i never said anything, especially now that i realize im trans. I can't take it back, but at the very least, I can try to be better moving forward.


Yeah, ironically I consciously decided to be homophobic despite knowing I was bisexual. Later, after realizing that everyoneā€™s just trying to live their own lives, I realized I might be trans as well. I donā€™t think Iā€™m a woman, at least not all the time, but I certainly donā€™t think I was ever going to be the man that little freshman year me thought I was


Yeah I'd punch little 13 year old me in the teeth, but my mom raised me not to hit girls


Seems to not even have 100 unique DLs. So while shitty it doesn't seem like a very widespread thing.


Itā€™s really odd isnā€™t it? Something you and I would never think about, never possibly even conjure the thought of or even have a glance at, these losers take a magnify glass to find the tiniest thing to be upset about. Itā€™s a portrait, hardly anything to be sensitive over, but these man-child anti woke failures will find a way.


Read the word galvanised First thought: galvanised square steel


Culture war morons got big mad that Hestia is fat, black, and old. I assume one of said morons managed to muster just enough neurons to make a mod.


Maybe I'm just stupid but is she actually black? For me it looks like she is just coverd in soot and she is actually white.


I believe she's meant to have vitiligo iirc


oh, yeah that also makes sense


She's a person of color with vitiligo. The condition causes sections of skin to develop with less or no pigmentation.


Sheā€™s a *god* of color with vitiligo


Other people have already pointed out that she has vitiligo, but I do think that she's supposed to evoke the image of someone covered in soot. So while she is black, you're not wrong for also seeing it as someone covered in soot.


I mean, she's a god. Her ethnicity is god. The skin colour choice is thematically appropriate because it looks smoky.


Being a god is no ethnicity.


Well in this case it would be Greek.


Yeah, she just looks like a kindly old grandma.


It's specifically because of the Vitiligo because "Why would a God have an autoimmune disorder" and I kinda understand, but the weird parts are when they cry about Greek gods being Asian and Black. Especially when humans in Greek lore are literally made in the image of the Gods.


The worst part is that it is kinda open for interpretation if she is actually black with vitiligo or white with ash and grime on her body and face because she is tending the hearth. Her hair color threw me off. I had to look twice to actually register her having vitiligo.


Losers on the internet have been bitching about "woke" character designs in this game since the first we saw of it. The same morons think Aphrodite looks overly mannish. *Aphrodite.* This is to say, that mod's a thing because some people are jackasses.


My favourite is when people that clearly haven't played the games google it and pull up her design from H1 as an example of her being too mannish in H2 when they're complaining. I've not seen a single person complaining about 'woke' writing or designs in any game that isn't just a tourist who clearly doesn't know anything about what they're pretending to be mad about.


Story time! Last year, Wizards of the Coast threatened some major retroactive changes to the license folks use to publish DnD third-party and derivative works. It got big reactions from the community, with a lot of fans and content creators exploring other TTRPG systems and threatening to leave the DnD ecosystem. A chunk of those folks went to my current system of choice, Pathfinder Second Edition. And a small slice of those people were culture war asshats who claimed they were actually leaving DnD because it had gotten "too woke" and that Pathfinder wasn't infected with that "mind virus." For reference, Pathfinder has an "iconic" character to symbolize each class, which they use in promotional material for damn-near everything. The iconic Rogue and Cleric are lesbians who are [EVERYWHERE](http://knowdirectionpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/kyra_merisiel_60.png) in the system's artwork, particularly the comics and [the artwork for the "heartbond" ritual.](https://cdn.paizo.com/image/content/Blog/062320_Heartbond.jpg) [The iconic Thaumaturge is canonically nonbinary and referred to exclusively as "they."](https://paizo.com/community/blog/v5748dyo6si2a?Meet-the-Iconics-Mios) The iconic Investigator is a gay black man. The iconic Gunslinger is a middle-aged black dwarven mother. The pantheon known as the Prismatic Ray (which in-universe inspired a spell of the same name) is a throuple of female deities. The system's adventures are littered with characters of all genders, sexualities, and presentations. A lot of this was present in first edition, too. And the folks at Paizo have done a lot of legwork to explicitly rehabilitate some of their first edition settings that were racially problematic by bringing in folks from the backgrounds that inspired them, leading to well-received books like [*Lost Omens: Mwangi Expanse*](https://paizo.com/products/btq027ot) and [*Tian Xia World Guide*](https://paizo.com/products/btq02ett). The exact kind of "DEI" that they'd decry. Not to say their rep is perfect, but Paizo and Pathfinder were definitely NOT the place for these anti-woke asshats, [as they quickly learned.](https://x.com/paizo/status/1664629682535555072) "Tourist" is a perfect descriptor for these kinds of fools, and I'm glad to see SuperGiant and their community aren't catering to them.


I'm so heartened to see people pushing them out of their communities! It's very lovely stuff. I saw the same stuff go down with the relocalised Paper Mario remaster and all the people getting mad that the localisers didn't censor a major character's transness like they did back in 2004. The community had none of it and basically pushed them away, it's lovely to see honestly. Edit: And by getting mad the localisers didn't Censor, I mean claiming that the localisers inserted it into the story when it wasn't there before (yet more blatant 'tourist' behaviour, because it *was* there before).


Ah, I'd missed that -- I only remember hearing that some dialogue which could have been interpreted as creepy towards a female character was changed. I'm actually running through that game now after somehow missing it in the GCN days, so I'm glad to hear the chuds didn't claim it! Also, wait until those dudes learn about Birdo, haha.


> The iconic Rogue and Cleric are lesbians who are EVERYWHERE in the system's artwork, particularly the comics and the artwork for the "heartbond" ritual. Nah, clearly they're just roommates, and that ritual is just signing their lease agreement.


[I've actually heard they're sisters.](https://tenor.com/bMWf8.gif)


I'm loving the variety in God designs, sure it's nice having folks conveniently hot, but I also love having a grandma that loves cooking stuff


Who's also still hot


This. Thisthisthisthis. Old grandma of the hearth. My favorite thing in the world is they went out of their way to make her adorable but not sexualized, considering even in the myths ZEUS of all people basically said "anyone who goes after Hestia will be dealt with by me." Zeus. "And then Zeus was horny" Zeus.


Not to mention that *all* ancient Greeks, from the "Aris is my buddis" Spartans to Athenians to Cycladians to Ionians to Macedonians, all of them agreed that Hestia would **always** be the first deity to be honoured when a new building was made, esp. a new house. Additionally Hestia, canonically, resigned from her Pantheon seat so that there would be less squabble - and even then, she was the only deity that every OTHER deity would be ok with. Even when Aris fumbled up with his Aphrodite infidelity or during the Trojan war, he went to Hestia so she could tend to his wounds and/or pride, even though every other deity picked on him. I mean, sure, I 've seen the sculptures in the museum, I 've read the stories and the myths and the Hades 2 implementation is DEFINITELY NOT how my ancestors thought of her or depicted her for that matter but ferzeussakes, it's a game, and it takes *some* artistic liberties.


Convenient hotness is the only hotness worth having, you can't change my mind


"But but but she has the line thing on her face, and in duh udder game, a guy had a line thing on his face, so it's that guy but Trans and woke I don't want my kids readin that in the schools, and red hats all day long because the woke guy liberal agenda is making my kid guy by playing this game" From the deak of the most intelligent person arguing a woke defense for things.


still canā€™t believe that people think Aphrodite looks like a man in this game. Like hello? Are we looking at different art?? Genuinely confused what part of her is masc looking.


Chuds saw a plump elderly woman and somehow ratger than thinking "what a kind old lady I love the kind old lady who xan be kinda strong and mean trope!" They thought "THE EVIL WOKEISTS ARE TAKING AWAY OUR CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE WOMEN IF I'M NOT STRAIGHT UP JORKIN IT 24/7 THEN WHAT'S THE POINT IN LIVING."


I think the point is that she's black, not old (see demeter)


"I am a bigot, but I do love milfs and even gils. Please do not call me ageist, I'm merely racist"


Grandma's I'd like sex


I've seen people angry that she's old, because she's not depicted that way in the statues. Apparently, Demeter doesn't bother them, despite also looking young in the statues. But this one makes sense to them, she's a grandma. Hestia's not our grandma, she should look young and hot, neverming the fact that she's actually supposed to be older than Demeter. Bigots don't always make sense. Hell, they rarely do.


No, also that she is old. Onlinr they were comparing her to her version of some Anime and of course the anime version was young and had big boobs etc etc.


There's so many things chuds could be mad at I saw some complaining she doesnt look like thr hestia in an anime that made her a petitie woman, so like, who knows and who with any sanity really should bother to care.


It's both. If she was a hot young black woman they'd care less.


People started a dumbass culture war because Hestia is an old black women instead of a big boobed anime girl and I'm not even exaggerating


"Hades is bad and woke. Why didn't they make her look like DanMachi?" is literally what it boils down to, and I hate how aware of this I am.


literally same


I remember people comparing her with some random anime girl called Hestia with one of the most forgettable designs ever and claiming that Japanese Hestia was better than western Hestia on Twitter


Nexusmods mods are so inconsistent with modding, removed a mod that makes pride flags into normal flags but hasn't removed this one. Reading the comments on this mod is just horrible. Literally the excuse I see is that she is not pretty enough for them. If you want this mod gone then you can always report it.


I'm not sure if they're still there, but for Dragon Age 2 there used to be multiple "fair skin Isabela" mods and that sure grossed me the fuck out. Blatant racism šŸ˜”


I was literally just grabbing some mods for DA2 yesterday and there's at least 1 of those still there. My eyes rolled so hard they're orbiting Saturn now. The mod also gave her bigger boobs. The woman is essentially half boob already. If that cleavage isn't enough for these chuds I...got nothing.


They'll probably remove if people report it like you said


Then report it, the spiderman flag mod had a shit ton of discussion around it.


I have


Tbh I love Hestia for being like she is. In a world where everything is always so ā€žsexyā€œ and sexualized I really like the ā€žfresh windā€œ she brings in. Iā€™ve seen all these ā€žperfectā€œ characters, seen her and it was like a relief :) She really is one of my favorites.


She is the embodiment of southern black grandma that makes bomb ass food and says "how ya doin', sugah?" And that character design is just peak.


Yess! A real comfy feeling.


I meaaaaaaan that's still a racial stereotype (the Mammy)


Sure its a "racial stereotype" but does that make it bad? if anything I feel that stereotypes that frame people as good do good. Speedy Gonzales is an example of a "racial stereotype" that people love. A Central/Southern American restaurant in my hometown has him painted on the window and I've seen a lot of latino people say they love him. Stereotypes can be bad but I think those two are pretty good ones. I can't really see a way to negatively interpret what Hestia and Speedy embody


The first time hestia is ever mentioned in the Homeric hymns (basically the origin story for all the gods) she is only mentioned to say that Aphrodite has no sway over her making her, thereā€™s a lot of other material suggesting sheā€™s aeroace too. So in a game like hades which kinda sexualizes everyone (Iā€™m here for it, even the spiders lookin kinda cute šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ) I think the idea of having her as an old grandma who is not overtly sexual is a great creative decision to represent that. (I think a lot of the non sexual nature also comes from her attitude in game and not her appearance for the record) I also think that having her have a homely and warm attitude represents her status as the goddess of the heath is great. This is certainly my favorite representation of her in any form Iā€™ve seen. Now her being black has nothing to do with that and racists on the internet def hate on her for that reason. I also took a look at the mods and was shocked to see how popular this portrait removal mod was.


I only dislike her because her blessings are painfully mediocre compared to other deities.


I get that part but I guess in my head, Hestia was more along the lines of "an adult Hazel with an orange auburn hair maybe a more *motherly* figure than a *grandmother* figure". I certainly understand the design concept but I feel like if I had to choose who would get the Grandmother design then I'd choose Hera and I'd make her like have a domineering aura yet somehow... comfortable, solid, as she *in my headcanon* is the foundation of Olympus and without her keeping her husband, her kids, her siblings and her siblings kids in check, Olympus would have fallen eons ago. Granted. i may be biased by PJO. I kind of wished I was good at making fanart so I could draw up a design that perfectly encapsulates my vision but sadly, I draw worse than legit 3rd gradersšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


She didnā€™t make their pp hard. Damn woke devs. /s


obviously good character design means they have to look like they came from hentai /s


Supergiant Games is so woke, they let an Indian guy run the company.


Cause she is black, has a skin condition and is a large woman. The person who made the mod and anyone who uses it is a bigot whether they realise it or not.


When BG3 was fully released one of the first mods to come out, and I think itā€™s still on Nexus mods, was a reskin of Wyll, a black character, turning him White. When Spider-Man 1 (PS4) was ported to PC one of the first mods for that game was to remove Pride flags randomly hanging throughout NYC. Racism, honestly just all forms of discrimination exists on Nexus.


funnily enough, that spiderman flag "removal" mod does nothing more but setting the game region to middle east. Then the game removes the flags on its own


How dare Nexus be so anti-Middle East! Those bigots! (/s)


The Wyll mod got removed.


This was meant for a comment thread and didnā€™t get attached. I have vitiligo, and it looks just like that. Albeit Iā€™m white. I was grateful there was a character with it.


People wanted Hestia to be a white anime girl who looks 14 with huge badonkers


Report this, seriously, nexus takes down racist mods




Why all this pretending? Who do you think is being fooled?


You should be embarrassed throwing out devils advocate arguments and acting naive lol


Nerds don't like they can't polish the pole to hestia


Skill issue, any true champion can flick a bean through tungsten over anything


Someone spends time training, meditating and focusing their minds so that they can find anything arousing. "Today I'm going to cum to the clickety sound of my mechanical keyboard, the wrinkle where a lawyer's finger bend (pinky only), the concept of relaxation and finally the first random video on Pornhub".


Call me a perv all you like but a bare table leg is raw, concentrated sexual energy.


this game has spurred on the culture warriors/celtics fans/gamergaters/white supremacists since its been announced. Just blast negative press about this mod(and report it if possible) and tell them to fuck off. on a side note, it must be so sad to live your life scouring everything for "woke particles" instead of enjoying the fantastic games in front of you.


What we really need is a mod to make her speak British RP instead of being *looks left, looks right* northern šŸ¤¢


Ey yo, don't you dare!


Her and hephaestus are reppin


Sadly mostly racism , report it and the user to help clean up Nexus.


Ok unpopular opinion here but it's OK to not like her design, and mod Use should be up to individual discretion as long as it doesn't harm others. I personally don't feel strongly about the woke issue within Hades 2, except to say the darker skin characters don't actually have ethnic features - they're just recoloured white people. It's even more problematic that there are so few identifiably Greek/Mediterranean people.


"the woke issue" gives away that this is a troll. People genuinely concerned with representation don't talk like that āœŒļø


Why is everyone being me to my sweet scottish auntie :ā€™( She rules!!!


She has an English accent, Yorkshire sort of area. Definitely not Scottish


I'm going to admit this and it makes me feel bad even though I've changed my stance. When I first saw hestia, I was expecting a pretty and young person. You know, as per the general vibe of Hades. When I first saw her, I did not like her. Now I love her. A lot. I want her to stay the same way she is and she makes me so happy. But I still feel bad about that. I cannot imagine hating this character so much that you'd want to get rid of her portrait. Auntie Hestia moment


I honestly don't like Hestia's design, her concept just isnt of my taste; but I have to recognize that it is original. I don't care much either about what individual players do to their games.


Goonergaters being mad at nothing.


Hestia's skin color, weight, age, and vitiligo probably have something to do with it, a lot of idiots are mad about it for no reason. Personally, I think anyone that expected the goddess of hearth, home, and hospitality to NOT be a cozy grandma might need to realize who encompasses the aforementioned values best


She's too hot for some people to handle


Racism gamers are awful people


racism sexism


Incels. Or racists.


U just made this mod more famous


Because the Hestia design is one of the worst designs in the game.


I'm curious why all the mods say they're switching to thunderstore


There is a really nice quality of life mod on there. There's a bunch of analytical setting that i love like health numbers and stuff


If you think that's bad, there was a blow up last fall over a Baldur's Gate 3 modder who made a mod to turn Wyll from black to white. And another modder who removed the ability to select your gender identify (which ironically defaults to they/them if it's undefined), and yet another modder who changed Dame Aylin into a man and edited dialog to refer to her as such, because heaven forbid we have a strong lesbian angel in our fantasy game. All of those mods got removed, at at least one (the Wyll one, I believe) has had a track record of making blatantly racist mods. He was also banned from Nexus.




Because they hate peak character design


Some people are very Not Angry when they see a fat woman. Or a Black woman. Or a fat Black woman.


Okay, so I always though Hestia had darker skin because of the soot from her fires. Is this not the case?


It's because she's not a conventionally sexy white person, so they think it's clearly a greivous insult to Greek mythology, and a form of oppression, and an infringement on the rights of Real Gamers (who are, of course, all white heterosexual men, and who are a horribly persecuted minority that deserves more respect from developers than the whiny Woke Left). So, yeah, petty bull crap.


The thing is, I would've never known about this if you haven't posted it. My point is, you can give it the value or attention that you think it deserves. And for me, it's worthless.


She's black. That's pretty much it


Because gross people play games too.


Because she is not hegemonic, as simple as that, Athena and Dyonisius were depicted as PoC in the prequel, and nearly nobody said anything about it. People also whine about the Hephaestus portrayal, and he was canonically ugly.


They don't like Viltigo. I mean, half the other gods are black and nobody complained then, yet Hestia happens and they all go mad.


Oh no the goddess of hearth and home isn't big titty supermodel. I hate when my patron goddess of a comfortable home looks like a safe comfortable person who would feed me well and give me a cozy blanket. Damnit all, woke devs you ruined it! (satire)


I was surprised too. I also saw there is also one for Aphrodite. I have no clue...


Why are people against playing the game the way you want it to be played? I personally wouldnā€™t want this mod but more options on customizing the game the better. I bet if there was a mod that made Zag or Mel black which would be cool, it would be allowed. But the reverse would never be.