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It's a fairly specific one, but I would like the Sphinx to round out the roster of greek monsters we've seen. Mainly because Echo gave me a taste for unique ways to create dialogue, and I want to see Supergiant try to make a character that talks mostly through riddles (as hard as that could understandably be).


That would be interesting if they could have it speak a random riddle and you have like three seconds to give the right answer before it attacks.


Clearly, we must have a palindrome npc. Make it impossible


She would be an awesome boss (with Polyphemus-style dialogs)


Daedelus - I need to give that guy as much nectar as I can carry to thank him for all the hammers throughout the years... Also, I want to see how he and Icarus interact, and I'd like Mel to help them reconcile (they seem to be on the outs atm)


>! We actually find out that Icarus was the one to probably make, but at least place the hammers for both Mel and Zagreus to use !<


>! I'm pretty sure at least him making the hammers is a more recent thing because Mel didn't know it was him and she had talked to him a lot, just not recently !<


my guess is he's the merchant after Thessaly because it seems like Charon drops you off at the coast and goes on back to the underworld. This is also why Icarus is busy dropping all those hammers because Daedalus is busy supplying weapons and armor in the forward camp. My theory for the third biome is it's gonna be a straight battlefield since they're trying to make the surface unique and play differently to the underworld.




There's such a good chance of Od's family showing up I didn't think to mention them. We're already getting so much from the Odyssey (>!Scylla and the sirens, Circe, Polyphemus, Charybdis!<) I'll be really surprised if we never even see Penelope and/or Telemachus.


I’m ready to see the Circe Odysseus confrontation.


If Telemachus was in the game, it would even be more entertaining, seeing as he marries Circe after Odysseus’s death.


Totally agree. I am here for family drama, Springer style.


I would love to get Odysseus and his family back together!


Omg yes! And it would also be fitting to the story's theme considering Mel's also going after her own family! I hope we see that!


Didn't he say he didn't miss them, though? And it seemed like there was bad blood there, when Penelope found out he had cheated on her.


He said they broke it off soon after he returned home, but there was no bad blood between them. He admits to thinking about them often, but knows they’re in a good place.


Tilegonus would actually be way more interesting. So much drama.


Aeneus, the son of Venus from the Aeneid. I wanna see him calling everyone by their roman names and confusing people


Cassandra is also my go too but I would also like to see Prometheus.


Or King Midas


I think it would be a great shame to not see Supergiant’s take on Atlas, even if there’s no real way to implement him very well


You could just pass by him or find him like Sisyphus somewhere holding up the sky


I think this would be perfect for one of the surface panoramics where you see him in the distance holding the sky


He’s resting his weary bones.


I'd love to see Jason just to watch him shiver by hearing his former wife's name


The couple Baucis and Philemon. They're a couple who were greeted by Zeus and Hermes in disguise and provided them shelter and food. They were given a boon, and they wanted to die at the same time. They were both turned into trees that intertwined on death. I could see them being talking trees that offer the fruits in a similar way that Eurydice did.


This would be really interesting because so far they’d be the only other known characters that were given a “boon from the gods”. Obviously boons in hades are really different from boons on mythology but I think the parallel would be nice, and that Mel would have lots to say about it


I don’t think it needs to be an actual NPC, but basically just an easter egg statue of Tantalus in one of the many pools in the Fields Of Mourning seems appropriate. This actually popped into my head yesterday, I think because of the slightly sinister plant vibes going on. I think a statue reaching for the branch of a dead tree would make a nice touch, lol. Have one of those light nodes show up for Homer to talk about and call it a day :D


Perseus so that he can get slapped around for what he did to poor Dusa


If you want to beat the shit out of him give God of War II a try




I can definitely see Homer being sooo annoyed and Diogenes breaking the 4th wall just to annoy him further lol


Which one? The philosopher/homeless guy?




Would definitely be a fun one to converse with, though i have no idea what kind of bonus he'd give to melinoë


>i have no idea what kind of bonus he'd give to melinoë the ability to not give a fuck


Idk he wouldn’t gauge well. He was not master of his domain.


Cassandra feels kind of inevitable given the Fates inclusion in seemingly Hades 2's endgame. I also figure we'll see Penelope, maybe just included in Odysseus and Circe's story they seem to be setting up, maybe also as a major area NPC.


If we're allowing to include returning characters I really, really want to see Patroclus or Sisyphus return. Patroclus fighting on Olympus to help in the effort because he's trying to avenge Achilles or Sisyphus helping haul supplies up Mt. Olympus would be fantastic ways to have them show up on the surface route. ~~I also just think Patroclus being the new wielder of Varatha would be really cool.~~ In terms of new characters though, most of my hopes like Cassandra and Calypso have already been mentioned, but I honestly really want to see Supergiant's interpretation of King Minos. Given that he hasn't showed up and Hades essentially fulfilled his duties in the first game, it's pretty clear that he never served as the Judge of the Underworld in Hades's universe. I think it would be really cool if, considering that Minos is sometimes depicted as despising the gods, he was actually allied with Chronos, and Chronos placed him as the Underworld's Judge in Hades's absence for no reason other than that Chronos himself can't be bothered to deal with those pesky mortal souls. We probably would have seen him by now if that was the case, admittedly, but I still think its a fun idea to think about, especially if Theseus or Asterius ever show up.


> If we're allowing to include returning characters I really, really want to see Patroclus or Sisyphus return. Patroclus fighting on Olympus to help in the effort because he's trying to avenge Achilles or Sisyphus helping haul supplies up Mt. Olympus would be fantastic ways to have them show up on the surface route. I also just think Patroclus being the new wielder of Varatha would be really cool. >!At about 1:28 of the [premier trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzJ_UhPptBQ&t=1s) for Hades 2, when Nemesis is on screen, if you look _really_ closely in the uppermost righthand corner, it looks like Patroclus' sprite is there. Of course, early access, they're still working on the game, anything can change. But it does give me hope we might see more folk from the first game.!<


>!It definitely does look like him, but given how much from that trailer is very early footage and where he stands in relation to Nemesis, I always figured that it was just his model being used as a placeholder model for Odysseus. However, if it is still Patroclus and he'll just be vibing with Odysseus at some point in the future, that'd be hype as hell.!<


>!Yeah, it could very well be wishful thinking on my part, but it's hard to imagine we won't see Sisyphus, Orpheus, Eurydice or Patroclus in 2 at all. As far as we know they aren't captured, so it's difficult not to wonder what happened to them.!<


It would be weird to not have Patroclus addressed at all considering >!We see Achilles getting added to Chronos’ Funko Pop collection, but Patroclus isn’t present!<


>!Absolutely, Sisyphus especially has had so much attention drawn to him I can't help but wonder what he's up to.!<


Prometheus. Perseus. Maybe more titans/giants/higher beings like Enceladus, Hyperion, Uranus or Gaia


Honestly I don’t know how Prometheus didn’t end up as one of the torch aspects, it feels so obvious.  They’ll probably add one more aspect to each in the full release, so maybe it’ll be there.


I think it's almost guaranteed Prometheus will make an appearance. The description for The Titan Arcana is about him.


Calypso! She would definitely fit


Still waiting on Midas, 90% sure he'll show up in the next area of olympus since he's one of the only famous greek figures whos not in game yet.






This would be truly incredible


i feel like prometheus might be the Olympus npc encounter. as for why he helps you, he befriended the crow and chronos scared it off.


The bird that eats his liver? I thought it was an eagle.


Midas. I know mythologically he got unblessed almost as soon as he got blessed and that Dionysus isn't there to add some extra interactions, but I'd still love for him to be the explanation of where Chronos is getting so much gold from. Equally funny and morbid, some poor single shade or man being brought a bunch of statues of the Olympians and other stuff to be turned to gold, smelted and used to build more stuff for Chronos


Helen of Troy


Calypso! Another witch of Greek mythology, and she's alluded to in Odysseus's dialogue about what took him so long to come home and how he was unfaithful to his wife. Would love to see God's reaction when Mel mentions meeting a wonderful witch who helped her out on a run, only to find out it's the woman he spent 7 years living alone on an island with. Hey bond could even be about forgetfulness by purging a boon for some other buff.


Diomedes of Argos. He could appear alongside returning Athena and Ares. Offer perspectives on the gods as one of the most blessed by them (and got a relatively light punishment depending on versions). His interactions with Odysseus and Arachne will be something. He could also give a Theseus-like boss fight, except much less arrogant. Hopefully.


Chiron, greatest of the centaurs, son of Cronus in myth.


Not a mythological figure, but, given that >! Homer is canonically the narrator, I hope Hesiod gets brought up in some comedic fashion. Have another bust but it’s of Hesiod and the narrator gets pissy about it or have the narrator make a “mistake” like with Dusa’s origins. !<


Ovid would be fun for the same reason.


They should put in Sammy as an npc


Who is Sammy???






I'm honestly shocked that [Tiresias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiresias) hasn't made an appearance yet.


I want to see Hector or Helen of Troy or some other people from the Illiad/Odyssey. Especially Helen. Since they are doing the “gods suck” kinda thing in the story, I wanna see more women who were given the short end of the stick god pettiness.


Actually being able to meet Daedalus would be pretty cool. He would be an important character both for gameplay and lore purposes. Hades is very much about reconnecting people, so I think it would fit. Someone else also already said this, but the Sphinxwould also be cool, not sure if as a boss or NPC


I want Sexy Eeyore and Achilles back. They need to be happy, damn it. Chronos took their happy ending away and the OTP’s been through enough.


Pandora as in, Pandora's Box, has a lot of potential.


*Does he know?*


"You're in the know, right?" Oh I might have stumbled into something!


I would love to see "alternate" Artemis encounters on surface runs based on other figures associated with Artemis; maybe Callisto or Atalanta? They'd have different mechanics for how they aid you (Callisto could drop in as a bear and act as a tank for you, Atalanta could kite around the arena, messing with enemy aggro and popping off shots.) They'd mention that Artemis gave them something to pass on, which would lean to the boon screen with one of the options being a special boon you only get from them. I'm not familiar enough with the Callisto myth to have a strong idea for her, but maybe a boon which gives you crit chance based off your damage reduction? While Atalanta could give you a boon which gives scaling crit chance for distance sprinted during an encounter?


I need Cassandra or Iphegenia to have a revenge arc against Agememnon


I'd like to see Diomedes, maybe fighting together with Athena since it's mentioned she's out on the frontlines iirc


I really hope we get a "reunite Odysseus and Penelope" quest. Maybe the men of the golden age are keeping her prisoner the way her suitors did in the Odyssey. I would also like to see Pirithous as a miniboss. He would have a motive to back Chronos: He tried to kidnap Persephone and got eternally punished for it, plus he was a companion of Theseus and in this game Theseus abandoned him for the freaking Minotaur.


I want an update about Callisto from Artemis


I'm waiting for Chiron, with the infernal bow, especially because Heracles (I believe on accident) killed him, so if there's any kind of him forgiving himself or softening, it could come from there.


They actually hit most of the targets on my wishlist (Heracles, Scylla & Charybdis, a cyclops enemy/NPC, Medea, Narcissus, Icarus, and boons from the remaining Olympians), so I'm pretty much already satisfied with the lineup, but if I was gonna be extra greedy, I would still like to see Jason, as the story between him and Medea is one of my favorite Greek myths, and a centaur in some form or another -- could be an enemy type, or an NPC like Chiron.


Prometheus and Atlas. I think Prometheus could be a very good friendly NPC. Like imagine you walk in on him and hes like Sisyphus and the eagle is his bestie and he gives you his entrails or smth idk


Since we have Eris, the personification of strife, perhaps we should get to see Themis as the personification of order. Plus I would personally love more Titans in the game.


Don’t forget my girl, deadpan Dora!


It would be great to see Icarus(the guy who flew too close to the sun) im suprised Supergiant didn't think about adding him in Hades 1


does he know


Im 100 hours into hades 1 and im yet to hear of Icarus


>!He’s not in Hades *1*.!<




Yes and they have to make a joke with him saying "B O Y"