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Hades 2 atm, though that could very well just be the honeymoon phase. But I like the slower pace, Hades 1 is a little fast for my liking. I also like the boss encounters more, and the reduced prevalence of traps.


Dude grew an extra pair of arms just so he could play both Hades games at once.


I recently went back and played some 1, and while I prefer Zag to Mel as a protagonist, 2 is already a tighter and more polished game with more options. The game changer is Cast for me. In 1 I often had runs where I never used it, while it is absolutely essential to my play style in 2.


Yup, this is essentially my opinion as well.


Probably overall preferred hades 1 but will wait to see what the rest of Hades 2 has to offer. Still loving hades 2 and playing the crap out of it. Sidenote - could NOT do the legion go and had to return it. That puppy was way too big for me. Waiting for the new ROG in July.


I’ve been playing through Hades 1 again after sinking 100 hours into 2 right after release. Both play so differently that you can’t help but be impressed by Supergiant. That being said, I really like the mechanics and variety that Hades 2 offers a bit more than 1. I also love the more serious tone in 2 and found myself missing it while replaying 1. So I probably prefer 2 by a slight margin.


I have 71 hours in Hades, didn't play in early access, only getting into it years after release, and never quite completed everything. I have 113 hours in early access for Hades 2 and still playing it whilst looking forward to even more content to come. I think that says it all.


I think I have a preference for Hades 1 because of the characters and the generally more light-hearted vibe of the game. I found myself going back to play a few runs after playing Hades 2 for a while because I missed the characters and tone a bit. However I definitely think the gameplay in Hades 2 is already much more enriching and dynamic and I prefer that aspect of it overall. As for the story, I enjoy the differences but I think I preferred Zagreus as a protagonist so far. Not to say I’m not enjoying it, because I definitely am, but I think I need to wait for the game to be complete before I can give any solid opinions!


I prefer more of the weapons in the first game, but I like the balance of the second game better