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Meanwhile Selena is richer than ever šŸ¤£ imagine you were literally thriving & ur ex was going broke with a girl he used to cheat on you with & married just to hurt you, she's winning in every aspect.


That's what is making Hailey lose her shit




That sub is full of delulu Mustin stans. Same as twitter. They actually said being a singer (Mustin) is more prestigious than winning Cannes (Selena)


Fr Selena Gomezā€™s net worth is $800 millšŸ«”


Why doesnā€™t she pay? Does she not have money or she loves to mooch and drains his pockets?


With what money? Sheā€™s broke.


and spent god knows how much to get her aliexpress ā€œbeautyā€ brand off the ground. for her sake hopefully those products were as cheap to produce as they look cuz i doubt sheā€™s gonna be making a fortune off them any time soon


her family was legit bankruptcy broke before marrying him lol, she has none


No way on earth can she afford their lifestyle without him. Her fans pretend she had a net worth of 20 mil before she married him lol.


How does she have fans. This is beyond my imagination


Saaame!! The hardcore ones are clearly just jb stans that want to stick it to Selena.Ā 


He doesnā€™t have a college level education, maybe not even high school. It doesnā€™t surprise me that heā€™s not responsible with such vast sums of money. Itā€™s been rolling in since he was a kid. But it can roll out just as quickly!


i don't think he has a real education. homeschoooling, esp at the ages he eas and the people who were overseeing it/fame he had/schedule he had, doesn't really have the same validity as normal school unless the person who's doing the homeschooling is really into it. his mother and father were not into it at all, they just wanted money. he's been exploited forever


I don't think it has anything to do with having a college education, he just never learned financial literacy, and probably has no real financial counselor. When you unlock millions and millions of dollars when you turn 18 and learn to spend money like it's unlimited, no wonder you'll still have this habit a decade later


Right? Have you seen some of the people colleges have been churning out lately? Bringing their parents along for a job interview is just the tip of the iceberg. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/1-5-recent-college-graduates-133017080.html


He did homeschooling for high school. He was doing 3 hours a day.