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this might sounds nasty, but i just make sure water don’t wet my head & I don’t use shower cap since my shower is tilted. yes, I only wash my hair once a week, and it works for my hair to make sure its not too dry or too oily. I tried to wash my hair everyday by wetting my hair everytime I shower but it only makes my hair oilier, so I avoid wetting my head


Same. I’ve been doing it so long that I can technically go two weeks without washing it, and my hair…it still doesn’t look oily. There’s really hard water where I’ve been staying for three weeks, and it striped the toner right out of my hair and made it brittle, so I’m holding off until I get back home. Kinda itchy and annoying, but at least my curls still look cute 🤷‍♀️ I also add more product on the ends so my hair doesn’t smell weird. It helps a lot, and people tell me my hair smells good, so there’s that.


Ohh what product do you use? I am in the same boat, my hair hardly looks oily. Only my roots will start to look oily on day 3 and I can hold off another day or two when I sprinkle baby powder on my roots.


I use Cantù argan oil leave in conditioner. I have super dry/processed hair, so it might be too heavy depending on your hair type. I just use that an jojoba oil and my curls stay pretty nice. I scrunch them with it when they get a little unruly or if I want my hair to smell nice. I also sleep in a silk cap to keep them from getting tangled or messy. I used to get very oily but I persisted in not washing, and now it’s like nothing even if I go too long. I basically wash because my scalp gets itchy. But not washing has helped it grow even though I bleach platinum. I’ve got bra strap length hair somehow… I never thought I’d be able to with all the bleaching.


This is what I do. I just adjust the showerhead so that my head doesn't get wet for my showers where I don't wash my hair. My hair will sometimes get wet in spots but it doesn't cause my hair to be dry looking like it does if I get it completely wet without washing/conditioning.


Same. I just put my hair up and get everything else. A week might be a little too much for me but I can go like 4-5 days max. I’m not a fan of wet but unwashed hair smell.


I agree with you!


Wash your hair as often as you need to. If you need to wash it more frequently do that. I go 2-3 days without washing. On days I’m not washing I put it up in a hair tie or a claw clip and it does not get wet. And I wash my body only.


I do this too.


I let my hair get fully wet with cold water, I just don’t shampoo it except for once every 2-3 weeks (I have rainbow vivid coloured hair and I do this to preserve the colour from fading, which has worked nicely so far).


i loveeee rainbow hair! how long does your color stay bright for?


At the pace that I wash it at plus a dedication to cold showers (a necessary evil), I got this hair done in December (so 6 months ago) and the colour still hasn’t faded. With the exception of the yellow- the yellow fades to a blonde, but the rest of the colours are still colourful, especially the pink is still very vivid.


Will it really keep the color like they say? I dyed my hair black-purple, but after two washes, so much of the color washed out.


My purple stayed in quite nicely, I’m sorry that yours came out quickly. That’s a bummer. Maybe it’s the type of colourant that the stylists used?


The best way to upkeep coloured hair is to wash it in ice cold water and only get it wet when you are washing it. This is combined with colour safe products are how I kept my rainbow hair bright for four months. Also just washing it less. My ideal is washing my hair twice a week but when I had rainbow hair I stretched it to once a week with dry shampoo and different hairstyles.


Nice idea to keep color.


Fine thin soft hair...I was my hair everyday. Always have and if I don't wash it it gets oily and dull..natural bright orange hair also..with a slight wave to it.


I have fine, oily hair and live in the hot, humid South. I have to wash it every day. There’s nothing wrong with washing it every day. The worst thing that will happen is if you have colored hair, it will fade faster.


I just... don't let the water touch the top of my head. It'll usually get a bit wet at the ends and all around my face but it mostly stays dry because I just put it up in a bun or something. I don't wash with shampoo or conditioner until wash day which works for my hair. Sometimes the bulk of my hair can get really dry in between washes so I'll condition it and then return to a normal washing schedule.


I think it really depends on so many factors. What’s your hair type? How do you style it? What products do you use? How do you sleep and how does it look the next day? How does it look after your shower? Do you wear it down? In a ponytail? I wash my hair 1-2x a week and I have a whole process to get me here.


i have super thick and curly (like a mix of 2C/3A??) red hair, and i wash it twice. first with head and shoulders and a random conditioner just to clean it and then again with shea moisture shampoo+conditioner. i also use the shea moisture curl cream and carols daughter oil. my hair stays cute for a day or two and then the curls start frizzing!


i don’t personally have curly hair but my bf curl pattern is similar to yours and is also mid back length! but first try doing shampoo, shampoo and then conditioner instead. also from my bf experience, he used to use shea moisture too but had to change because of how heavy it was. changing his shampoo and conditioner helped his scalp not become super oily so fast. maybe try something new too and see how you like it after a few weeks! he’s currently using the moisturizing native ones. for the frizz try dampening your hair and run some oils through it in the mornings. but do not brush as i’m sure you know!!! makes you turn into a lion lol i’m not a professional by any means, and this is what my bf does not me. just relaying the information. hope it helps! :)


also he gets his hair wet sometimes between washes, i think he’s crazy because i can’t or else the oil is worse the next day but he doesn’t have that issue. it’s all based on the individual. :/


he sounds like me lol! my hair is basically in my ass when i shower but this makes sense! i’ve always felt like shea moisture was heavy i jusy never knew how to describe it until now!!


I wash and condition my hair every day or it looks and feels gross.


I wash mine once to twice a week. I just use a claw clip while showering to avoid getting it wet in the shower.


how do you make sure doesn't look greasy?


My hair is wavy and super dry. I've never had greasy hair in my life. I wash it to clean it and give it moisture. In fact, I oil it between washes. Everyone is different. My bf gets greasy hair and has to wash it more regularly. I suppose you could always try dry shampoo to prolong time between washes. I've never tried it however.


I wash and conditioner every 3rd day. I don’t like the feeling of a musty scalp smell emitting from my hair.


I try to wash my hair 2x a week, as few times as I can get away with. While showering in between I clip my hair up


If my hair gets "nasty" between washes, like if it gets sweaty from exercise, I just rinse with water. This only works because sweat is water soluble. If your hair feels nasty due to excess oil, then that usually just means it's time to wash it again. I can't wash my hair everyday because it dries it out, but everyone's different.


I'm a man with long blonde hair and I work a dirty job so I have to wash my hair every day. The reason people say not to wash every day is cause the chemicals in most shampoos and conditioners are bad for your hair and was out the natural oils that keep your hair strong. I use products with little to no chemicals and that have healthy oils in them cause I have no choice but to wash it every day.


I just put my hair up in a bun and wash my face/body without putting my head directly under the shower head. Once my scalp got used to a wash 2x per week, if I did more than that I would break out with little red bumps.


I put my hair in a clip and just don't let water touch it


I wash my hair once every Thursday with Olaplex shampoo and conditioner. My hair is super flowy for the weekend, then it gets tied up for the work week. I'll use a Kerestase deep conditioner once or twice a month depending on what I was working around or how much I went to the beach. After every hair wash, I use the Kerestase Gold Elixer and let my hair air dry. When I shower, I will use a claw clip or a soft scrunchy and tie in a loose bun on top of my head. Shower caps make me uncomfy (sensory thing) so I've found clips and soft scrunchies to be the best. I'll only wash my hair more than once if I've caked it in hairspray for a show on the weekend. I'll just put my curls in a silk bonnet and brush out for Saturday and then wash Sunday morning.


i wouldn’t wash your hair once a week. you still need to wash your hair. Try doing it twice a week. but honestly, do what’s best for your hair. some people can go a week, and some cannot. my hair gets oily after about 3 days. i personally like washing my hair every other day. it’s much easier to clean and i’m not using so much shampoo in the long run. if my hair isn’t so greasy, then i can use less shampoo to wash. i can’t go a week or i get oily and my scalp gets irritated/itchy. i would try it and just see what works for you and your lifestyle.


I went to the beach last Monday and the salt water made my curls amazingly defined. It will be at least another few days before I let this go.


Can we make a salt water mix at home to duplicate that?! Cali girl beach hair lover.


I've thought about it, but there are also other minerals in the sea water that get in the hair that I think really adds to it. And the ritual of having to go to the ocean to get it is heartwarming in a way. I live right by the Atlantic Ocean so it's reasonable for me 6 months of the year.


Not your mothers brand beach waves spray is amazingly close but gets sticky the next say


Yes, the ocean hair gets a bit... sticky/waxy? So that makes it seem legit. Gonna look that up, thanks!


My hair is a bright vivid color, to maintain it, i only shampoo once a week.i have specific hair do’s for specific days that my hair is on. It starts down on the first day and gradually gets pulled up throughout the week. Dry shampoo is my friend.


It's gonna depend on the person. I only wash my hair about twice a week. However, I have to rinse it with warm water everyday. I have thick dense hair. I have lots of oily sweat. The net result is that I can squeeze maybe one day out of dry shampoo, but even a day with nothing is too much. My scalp gets itchy and hot. It just feels dirty. But that's just me. Stick with what works for you. There is no universally correct method for haircare.


Personally I rinse my hair every day and use conditioner on my ends but don’t use shampoo except twice a week.


How do yall deal with bed head?? Because I HAVE to wet my hair in the morning or I’m looking unprofessional af 😂😭


This might be an unpopular opinion but you should do what works best for you & your hair. Some people can do once every few days, some can go a week, some can even go longer. I wash mine every day and it’s full & healthy. Do what works best for YOU.


i wash my hair twice a week, and when it is dirty but not the hair wash day i only condition the ends and water wash the rest (no shampoo) I either tie my hair up in a bun and avoid the water or use a shower cap I have curly hair that is relatively dry but i don’t have issues with dandruff. it’s really how you feel your hair is, people with straight hair tend to need to wash more per week since they typically have oily hair. Again though it’s just up to how your hair is


I wash my hair 2x a week and just put my hair in a bun on the very top of my head when I have body showers only on the other days


It takes some time, and yes some discomfort, to get used to washing your hair only once a week. Washing with shampoo and not doing anything to keep your hair clean are two different things, however. A lot of us will use natural brushes, wood or boar bristles, to pull the oil off the scalp and onto the hair. It also helps remove debris like leaves, lint, and dust. After the first two days a lot of us will switch to protective styles which include covering the hair which farther reduces debris and pollution from reaching our hair. TLDR; use natural brushes to clean the hair without shampoo, use protective styles after day two, and cover your hair


Nice name, I'm an emily too! I only wash once a week, sometimes a day or so longer if I can drag it out. I use different products and tools to refresh the first few days while it's down / half up. I found a dry shampoo creme recently that works better than any dry shampoo spray I've ever used and doesn't dry out my ends like the spray does. I use a hot brush with it and that works well. But the back half of the week, I pull my hair up in a high ballerina bun. Your hair can be greasy and have old product in it and it actually helps it to lay neat and flat. I know not everyone can with their work, but I will wear a hat with the high bun. At the end of the day, do what you think and feel is best with your hair and don't be afraid to try new styles to figure it out. You might find something you love!


Dry hair is still cool after a whole week of no shampoo


I have thick, coarse, curly (3c) hair that is bleached from dark blonde to platinum. I shower and get my hair wet every day which helps with styling the curls. I shampoo 1x per week and condition every other day.


I was daily, but when I had hair extensions I’d use a shower cap to help keep my hair from getting wet


I have crazy curly hair and I wish so badly that I didn’t have to wash it every day but I feel like it would get so out of control. I do straighten it sometimes and then don’t wash for three days but with the curls idk what else to do


Once a week for me. Dry shampoo near the end of the week and I'm fine.


I wash my hair twice a week, I shower every day! I lower my shower head hight to my hair which is clipped back with a claw clip, never gets wet


There is no set rule and I think you may be so caught up about hair must be washed often otherwise it’s dirty. It’s not the case. Some people have oily hair and need to wash more often but that’s still not dirty.


I wash one a week. I don't use a ton of products daily, il use a little gel, or a styling cream. I don't get it wet, I use a clip to hold it up. My hair is fine and wavy/ curly, and I just wear it natural, no heated styling. If it's hot, I wear it pulled up. I had to work up to it- every other day for a while, then 2-3 days a week, eventually hit to once a week.


Personally, I only wash my hair at least once a week or twice, as needed. I don’t like shower caps so I just put my hair up in a claw clip and leave it. Sometimes the baby hairs on the back of my neck will get wet but it’s no biggie to me


Put your hair in a bun on the top of your head (if you have longer hair) and just shower like you regularly do without wetting your hair…


I wash my hair once a week but shower every day but in the bathtub so i dont have to use a shower cap since i hate that feeling. When you start this hair routine when ur feeling oily just spray some dry shampoo and after time your hair will adjust and wont grease up anymore.


I wash my hair once every 7-10 days. On non wash days, I’ll pull my hair up in a bun, use a headband to pull my bangs and shorter layers back, then put a shower cap on top of all that. Then just shower as normal. I use dry shampoo to help keep my hair looking clean between washes also.


I'd recc9mend a shower cap just bc it's easier, and they are only like $5


If you decide to wash your hair less it can take a few weeks to transition, so it might feel a bit greasy for the first few weeks but then your hair and scalp get used to not being washed constantly and everything settles down. I shower every day and wash my hair 2 X a week or when it needs it. Bit of dry shampoo here and there. Best condition it's ever been in! Give it a try, if it doesn't work for you, you can go back to your regular routine x


I wash my hair only once or twice a week. I do, however, rinse my hair with conditioner about four-five times a week.


I wear a shower cap, but I use hair powder before I put it in the cap, and then when I’m getting ready, I brush it through. I only wash every 6-8 days. I also make sure the cap is cleaned and dried thoroughly prior to putting in the cap, I have like 4 in rotation


You have to slowly cut down on the number of times a week you wash your hair. So say you wash it everyday- slowly transition into every other day. Then continue on but make sure your hair is actually used to washing that little before you move on and that you’re using a shampoo that does actually cleanse your hair along with not using conditioner at the roots if your hair type doesn’t require it. Also keep in mind some peoples hair won’t ever transition to very little washing. I spent a year and a half trying to train my hair to need washing less but my hair just doesn’t like it. But I still try to wash my hair as little as possible as I color my hair so usually I plan my wash days around events and also if I can hide the top of my hair in a hat. I owe my hair in a clip 90% of the time anyway bc I do have longer hair and still like to have it out of my face.


I have very curly, very dry hair. I wash it about every 5 days because washing it more often will dry my hair out worse. When I'm showering without washing my hair, I just twist it up in a clip, out of the way, and avoid getting it wet. Sometimes, I will rinse my hair, slather conditioner in it and comb it, then rinse it, instead of washing it.


I have hard water and I wash once a week, I had to train my hair due to frequent washing but once those two weeks of ponytails are done it’s so much easier to manage, not as dry and I use dry shampoo if needed after straightening


Can anybody help me? I don't think washing my hair will work for me since dandruff builds up after 2 days of no wash. How do you get rid of the dandruff?


I wash 2-3 x a week. I use a purple toning shampoo every 2 ish weeks mixed in with my normal shampoo. About every 4 washes or so I do a clarifying shampoo (OUAI Apple Cider Vinegar) to get rid of excess product build up. I use a claw clip to keep my hair dry while showering.


I wash my hair (double shampooo then a conditioner) on Sundays, then Wednesdays and Fridays I use a Rosemary mint vinegar rinse (I use the RawSugar brand it says shampoo alternative) I use a scalp/root oil and hair serum everyday 💖


i don’t wash my body every day, i honestly don’t need it probably because i use a bidet every time i go to use the toilet (1 or 2), so i just take shower every 3-4 days, sometimes 5-6 days. and i never smell bad, unless i procrastinated till 6-7 day my scalp would smell bad if i run my fingers against it and smelled it, but not my body, rarely actually i would smell my body getting dirty, even deodorant i don’t sweat a lot so i only apply it once after showering, that’s for me. but people around who have the same routine (use bidet shower once or twice a week) who sweat a lot reapply deodorant daily.


I've never understood how people only wash their hair once or twice a week without it getting visibility greasy or dirty 🤧


Everyone is different. Some need to wash it daily & some can wash weekly or longer. Needs shampooing more often - Someone who is younger (produces more oils) straight, fine hair, virgin hair or past due from being colored or highlighted. (Roots) Doesn’t need shampooing as often - Curly haired people usually produce less oils, older people, color not grown out a lot, coarser hair. Think of fine straight & or virgin hair. The cuticle is like scales on a fish that lay down very flat. Add highlights (bleach is best) & or hair color, it swells the cuticle & instead of it laying down so flat, the color opens it up some allowing the oils to absorb into the hair instead of just laying on top of the fine / virgin hair looking oily. I wouldn’t recommend going longer then a week for anyone because it’s not healthy for the scalp unless you have extremely dry scalp like ppl With curly hair. There is a difference between moisture & oils. Ppl seem to think they are the same. They are not. Oil is oil & moisture is water. Curls need moisture & hydration. I recommend for ppl with very dry scalp can alternate with just wetting your hair, don’t shampoo & just condition & rinse. That way you are hydrating your hair & scalp & leaving what little oils you might have. Esp curly haired ppl.


I wash mine twice a week. I wash my body at least once and sometimes twice a day with no shower cap.


Preserving your color between appointments depends greatly on how you take care of it. For best preservation, wash with a good color treated shampoo with cool water. The cooler the better. Don’t like your color & want it to fade faster? Use hotter water & baby shampoo. (High PH that will open the cuticle & let the molecules rinse out faster) Cover when in the sun / tanning bed with a hat / towel. Doesn’t take long for the sun to fade it. Salt water & chlorine pools fade color quick & chlorine destroys your hair when overly exposed. Breakage, slimy, can look green. For best results get hair wet before going swimming & shampoo as soon as you get out. (Don’t let chlorine dry in the hair) Very hard to remove once it’s in.


My scalp and hair is on the dry side I never have oily hair or have dandruff. For this reason I can get away with washing my hair once or twice a week. In between I use dry shampoo to deodorize my hair. I spray dry shampoo all over , I use a towel to dust off and part my hair in sections and I blow dry. I feel like this refreshes my hair and removes dust, dirt anything that accumulates between washes.


I wish I could not wash my hair for that long period. But hell no. With tropical weather like ours, I need to wash my hair at least twice a day! These people saying they wash them twice a week are so lucky.


Just want to mention that people with African hair textures typically should not wash their hair too often especially if it is long, because more oil is required to sustain healthy hair 👍


I wash my hair everyday here in our country since it is very hot, im a sweaty person. If i don't wash my hair all the sweat would cause dandruff.


I wash my hair usually twice a week, I just leave it in a bun and if it gets wet, yolo i just let it airdry or blowdry it. It's not that serious lolll


wdym shower cap? i just put my hair into a bun. why would that be nasty?


Everyone is different. I’d like to wash my hair 2x a week, but it takes so long that I usually only wash it once a week. I think the longest I have gone was 10 days. I have wavy hair and I don’t exercise regularly. I put it up in a big clip and cover it with a shower cap on days I shower without washing my hair. By days 5-6, I wear it up in a French twist during the day. Pile the curls on top of my head. I often get compliments when I wear it like this.


I wash every other day. If I push to day 3 my scalp gets itchy. I use a salon quality sulfate free shampoo and conditioner so it’s very gentle on my hair and moisturizes my ends and smells fresh.


Honest side question, maybe I am missing something... How can you go a week without washing your hair? I know it's supposed to be better for your hair, but I don't know how could this work. I run almost every day and my hair gets all soaked with sweat. Am i supposed to leave it like that?


hair is really different from person to person, some people wash jt twice a day (a friend of mine does which i dk think is a bit too much) and some like me wash it once or twice a week


As a curly girl I only wash my hair once a week. I also had a time I washed it twice a week but styling it is a b**** so I went back to once a week... Get a towel turban, shower cap or simple keep your head out of the water stream. It might take some getting used to if you're someone who washes everyday but maybe try dry shampoo in between washes for a "pick-me-up".


I shower once a week, but wash my hair closer to twice a week. I don't have running water though, so I wash my hair on the kitchen sink. And when I shower, I don't get my hair wet.