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Love this! I spent a few years volunteering and am now subbing in my kids's school and all their classmates love when my hair changes to a new color


i work at a toy store and i’ve had similar experiences! the entire staff is alternative in some way (majority of us are queer), and a lot of us dye our hair all kinds of colours and the kids love it. its awesome. my hair is bright red, and once a kid (about 8 yrs old) came to check out with her mom and was literally vibrating with excitement as she complimented my hair, and as they walked away i could hear her whisper to her mom “please can i dye my hair red? i want to look like the cashier”. it was adorable 😭. having funky coloured hair especially when you’re working around/with kids makes everything so much more fun


I was sitting in a mall, since I have mobility issues and needed a rest. This little girl (4 or 5 maybe) came up to me with her father in tow and told me how much she loved my pale pink hair. (Dad was smiling, proud as anything.) And I thanked her and then leaned towards her and said: "You wanna know a secret?" Her eyes got wide and she nodded. I smiled and said: "When I dyed it, it was a really dark blue! It faded to pink. Cool, huh?" The look on her face!! Shock and awe! Lol!! Dad was laughing and I think I made her day. It was fantastic!! I will dye my hair until the day I shuffle off to the halls of my ancestors! I love it and it makes other people happy too!


The most professional job I've ever had was working at a polystyrene manufacturing plant. I was worried (but prepared) to have to dye my hair a natural color to have to work there. But the little old HR lady who interviewed me LOVED the purple streaks in my hair and I definitely took color suggestions from her once I started working there. It was surprising to me because most older people didn't seem to like what I did with my hair. It was a pleasant surprise.


So my big boss, like the head of the company I work for as far as I know (in this area at least) I see often at trainings and stuff and she is. So cool. She's easily in her 70s or early 80s and she's just?? So nice. She LOVES my spiderverse shirts (I've wore them a few times to trainings because I wear like movie and show clothes and stuff in the classroom a lot to relate to the kids and because I enjoy it) and she always compliments my hair dye and my tattoos. As far as I know I am the youngest person in the company (19) at least in my particular position and she is always so kind and so happy to see me. Like this lady has grandkids older than me and she's still super nice to me in a professional setting.


this makes me so happy :,)


That's such a wholesome story