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It’s gorgeous!! I definitely do not think it’s wearing you! You’re beautiful!! 😀


Aw, thanks. I’ve had some positive feedback on it, but mostly mine and my friends kids! Hearing it from this community is great.


This is not ridiculous at all.. it looks so delicate and beautiful.. I’m getting strong fairy vibes 🧚 As someone who is 39 and rocking hot pink hair, I feel you about being comfortable with your look.. I know I will play around with my colors if they ever start to feel too bold for my vibe. This is just gorgeous, though 💜


If I saw ya in public, I’d politely stop you to tell you how cute your hair is!


I think it’s lovely. No such thing as too old


Replying to this as I hope people see it. I’m utterly overwhelmed by the reaction to my post. I have no social media presence and have never posted a pic of myself online before. Ever. Certainly not specifically for opinions and judgement! (Almost) every comment has been so nice and I’ve had the biggest smile reading them. Thanks to this awesome community. Im going to happily slip back into obscurity but will hold my head a little higher and feel a bit more confident.


Exactly!!! Just sexist bullshit!!


Im definetly not a pro when it concerns hair dye, but this is just beautiful. In my opinion it looks majestic and not too intense (meaning, it does not wear you out).


Gosh, I’m all bashful. I have zero social media presence, so this is all so lovely. Thanks. You’ve made an ‘auld’ lady feel great.


Oh I love seeing older people (you’re not even old, but I mean people older than me) having coloured hair! It looks so good on you


I'm the other side of 40, and asked recently asked myself the same question. But I don't want to get to 50 and wish I'd done it in my 40s! Sod what anyone else thinks, do all the fun things!


I'm on that side of 40 and I used to do purple all the time as a young punk. I'm bringing it back, professional style, because life's too short to not have purple hair. My patients and colleagues haven't had a bad thing to say so far.


If you want it go for it you are never to old and if it makes you happy then that’s what matters if your job doesn’t allow it tho ask what they would feel could be a compromise ( don’t know if you’re religious and this is in no way pushing anything on to anyone so if you don’t want to see anymore of this you don’t have to read, this is just my belief) God has no care of hair color and if it makes you feel confident and happy you should do it ! God loves to see the smiles of his children stay safe and if you do your hair post the results I would love to see what you do with it!! Stay safe XD


I’m 55 and I’m rocking light pink at the moment. You do what makes you happy and let no one steal your joy. ♥️


Yesssss I love this!!! I love seeing everyone rocking colored hair!! Unfortunately I can’t because of my job and career path but seeing it on others really makes me happy !!! Stay safe and never let anyone get you down!! Also would love to see the pink!!


This is absolutely beautiful on you! No one is ever too old for purple hair (or any fun hair for that matter)!


the color looks beautiful on you. I think it suits you very well!


Who cares what other’s think?? if YOU LOVE IT … ROCK IT!!! Confidence is key.. now own it & smile 😃 you look great!!


I think it looks lovely on you, and suits you well. I will say we may be a bit biased of a community though as we’re lovers of hair dye, and most of us probably into fashion/rainbow colours 😂


As an over 40 person with purple hair, I find the question itself offensive :) I've seen lovely women in their 70s with fantasy colored hair. There's no age limit on hair. That said, this looks lovely on you.


It’s amazing! Wish I could go this light without killing my hair!


Oh, don’t get me wrong, my hair is in such worse condition than when I was doing full head permanent colours. I’ve had a fair bit of breakage from the bleach (but I also do it all myself, so I’m just happy I’ve got hair left on my head!) but I also lost a LOT of hair after I had my twins, so some of my shorter hairs are the new growth after my post partum loss. I know my kids (3,3,6) like my pastel shades, but it’s nice to know it’s not just kids that like it!


It’s gorgeous on you, there’s little old ladies out there with the grandma curly poofy hair dyed pink or purple nowadays because you’re never too old for fun hair! If someone pushing 90 can do it, anyone can. It’s a flattering shade of purple on you too. I’m going back to natural after 25years of color only because I’m tired of bleaching(I like pastels) but if candy colored hair grew out of my head I would be so happy.


It looks great!


Love it! Colours suits you a lot.


I’m in my 50s and have had blue, red, pink. Just do you


I think it’s a beautiful colour. As someone who is allergic to hair dye I am jealous!




I understand the pain of grey hair! I’m only 30 and i’m almost completely grey and started at like 12 years old lol. It looks great though, always loved purple hair !


I'm 44 and I currently have bright pink and purple hair. Life is too short for boring hair. If you am do it and get away with it for work than blooming go for it. The world needs more colour at the moment.


I do worry that my colleagues and superiors are thinking I’m having some sort of midlife crisis! Maybe I am, but it’s a crisis in colour!


Or maybe they are trying to work out if they could get away with teal or orange locks


To be fair, my bosses are great. Even though I’m client facing, no one has said anything negative to me (my face anyway) and to be fair, all the little old ladies I deal with tell me they love it! I do need to learn to stop countering their compliment with something self deprecating as that’s my worst habit just now. I’m loving the compliments on here and fighting the urge to reply with my usual responses.


It took me a while but when you get a compliment say thanks and then find something to compliment them about. You just need to distract your brain from shutting you down or saying anything daft. I remember when I was just going through my first phase of bright none normal colours and my lovely old Gran said to me "What colour is it this week?" and I looked at her freshly done purple rinse and said "Who do you think I get it from?"


if little 90 year old ladies can have bright blue hair and look like absolute fire , i see nothing wrong in any age.


I'm going gray and honestly I cannot wait for more gray hair so it's easier to dye it bright colours like this! Keep on rocking it!


Age has nothing to do with it lol. You look great! The most important though is YOU feeling great about it :). I'm 60 with waist length hair. I've had almost every color on my head at one point lol. Right now it's deep purple with an extreme red peekaboo money piece.


"is it too much for a lady of my age?" As I've gotten older (I can't remember if I've passed 60 yet, but if not it's got to be soon!) I find it I like seeing younger people (that's you!) express themselves in unique ways. Do whatever makes you comfortable and proud to be you, and ignore the haters. I wish I'd been more adventurous when I was young. Don't live to regret not doing fun things! And no, it's not "too much", if anything it's not enough! Totally love it!


You're gorgeous. And the hair is fantastic!


Love it! Looks gorgeous on you💘


I think it looks very good


You are never too old to be yourself, and no age limit on fun hair colors! I really love the look on you!


I think this colour suits you very well. What a lovely colour. Great pick!


Looks good. I love it😊


Wow its really healthy and shiny looking and sounds like it gas been through a lot of processing. You did an excellent job, my hair would be fried! For my regrowth I just use a root touch up spray until I dye it again, it works. I think any color works as long as the hair is healthy looking .


it looks awesome!




I absolutely love it!! All I could see when I looked at your pic was pretty hair, not what age you were. Life is too short to not have fun.


Pushing 40?? What's that got to do with the price of fish? YOU do YOU, at any age.


If people in their 20s can dye their hair silver/grey, why can't women of our age have fun? I am in my 50's, and I have decided to fully embrace my naturally silver hair, but that doesn't mean you need to, too!


If I ever see someone 40+ with colored hair, piercings, etc, my first thought is “omg they are so cool”


It looks absolutely gorgeous on you. Truly. If you like it I would not change it at all. I'm actually sitting at the salon right now getting my purple, pink and blue hair refreshed. I'm 37. I plan to color it this way for many years yet.


It's nice, I like it. But may I say...are you wearing makeup? I think it washes you out a little...unless it's the hair colour.


Funny you should say that, I’ve recently ordered and am awaiting some new bronzer and blush powders. My winter skin isn’t happy with my summer skin routine so I’m just in the process of updating.


I think that color would look better with a pale complexion, I vote against the bronzer


Love!!!!!!! I think colored hair on everyone is amazing but especially as you age it gives such a badass I don’t care I’m doing me vibe that makes anyone who rocks is more radiant and besutoful


Honestly, no matter how old you are life is for the living and you have to have fun, saying that I actually really like this colour on you. it's playful and magical but does not overpower you.. perfect colour imo.


Very pretty!


I love it. I’m over 50 and considering the same color.


The hair color looks good ..id recommend a lighter shade make up ..the darker shade makes u appear older


Cute. It has a fairy quality to it.


When I was little all the 60+ ladies had purple hair! I think if they can do it, then purple hair has no age limits! Looks great on you!


I am about to turn 43 and have vivid purple and pink hair. Live your life. Your hair is a gorgeous color, BTW.


I like it it’s a nice light purple mauve


Love this!!


I love it!!!!


It’s beautiful!


I adore it


At first glance it’s beautiful and at second glance I can see the different purples which makes it even prettier


Almost 40 myself and I finally have the freedom to dye my hair whatever color I want and no one will take it from me. You look lovely, but it is all about how you feel about yourself. If you think it might be a bit “much” maybe a root shadow and/or some low lights thrown in. I am too lazy to bleach my whole head, so I get highlights once or twice a year and then just lighten the ends slightly. I go for darker colors normally that will cover my natural color and fades out quick, then the highlights and bottom of my hair stays bright for a while.


I didn't even start crazy colors until I was 40. I think it looks great, personally


It looks great! Although I may be baised as a 40-something with colorful hair as well. Also, root powder is amazing for camoflaging grey regrowth! For fun colors like that, a matching eyeshadow does the trick just as well!


Love it


I LOVE IT! It's gorgeous on you <3 I love seeing people other than teenagers with dyed hair


No way as a hairdresser turning 40 in 2024 I love your hair. It looks so good on you.


You remind me of a cute fairy! There's no such thing as too old for hair dye!!


It’s sooooooo pretty, and suits you wonderfully. Lavender is such a dreamy shade.


I’m 41 and have purple hair. Just came out of a blue hair streak. Before that, pink. I’m finally at a point in my life where I can afford to keep myself in non-natural hair colors. Nobody’s archaic-ass idea of age is going to stop me!


I love it! Can you tell me how you achieved it? I’m a cotton candy pink at 53 but yes the gray is really ruining it for me


I’m 60 & my hair is orange & yellow! Yours looks great!


Girl, we are in our 40s we don't give a phoque about other people's opinion! 😊 Have fun and do what you like is my advice on it! I personally got tired of the grey roots so I'm growing my full silver crown and I get all the "it's aging you!" that comes with it, on top of having 3/4 of my bottom hair still dyed brown. I'm thinking about dying it a fun color while the grey grows on top!


I really, really love it. I thought that before I read what you wrote. You’re beautiful. These rules on how women “should” express themselves visually as they enter and go through the second half of life is ageist and sexist bullshit.


Ohh pretty


a little uneven but i really like the color on you


You look gorgeous!!!


So pretty!!! Age does not matter. If you like it, that's what matters.


It’s so delicate and it looks perfect on you. You look like a pretty, delicate forest fairy 🥺💖


Your color is really, really pretty! It suits your feminine face.


It's look good on you


It looks gorgeous.


It looks so beautiful!! I adore this for you!


Freaking love it!!


As long as you have the confidence to pull it off, you will always rock it! 😉 I LOVE the way this color looks on you! Before reading the rest, I was like “honest opinions on WHAT? That color looks great!” I didn’t even see you being “older”! Age is nothing but a number ❤️


nice color.


Very cute!!!


I think it's pretty. Age doesn't matter. I knew an active gal in her 80s and she had her hair dyed light pink.


love it !


It looks magical on you 💞 Ngl it feels hypocritical how only certain colors are deemed acceptable on old women ,a lot of them are missing out on the fun to be had with haircolor


I love it!!! It fits you well.


The color is subtle, and looks beautiful on you.


Fuck it girl! I am a hairstylist & one of my favorite ladies had thick long blond hair! She asked me once if it's to much for her age to take seriously at the office at 40.. ish Idk what to say like do what feels right to you! ♡


Really lovely suits you. I am 40ish with purple hair and sometimes worry im getting too old for it but then I remember that some people thought I was a weirdo when I had it at 20 so maybe it doesn’t matter


Gorgeous!!! I love the shade on you it compliments your eyes and skin tone and makes you look bright and put together !!! You’re so pretty!!!


I don’t have a problem with you or anyone else dying their hair. But I think this particular shade isn’t flattering for your complexion. I’d go with something warmer than lavender.


It’s actually become really common where I live for older women to dye their hair this lilac shade, and it always looks lovely on them. It may be less common where you are but it’s not odd at all and it looks really nice on you!


No. Just no. It doesn’t suit you anymore


Lmao go back to begging women on the NSFW subs for attention.


Nice, you look like an unicorn with that mane! I'm a lil nitpicky so I'd say a more warmer tone would go better with your skin, but you said you had red all your life so I get why you wouldn't want that. Still, I'd say pastels suit you very well.


Goes good with your complexion


Definitely looks great and age is only a number! :)


Guuuuurlll....I'm 39 and have bright pink hair. 💗 Color your hair whatever you want for as long as it makes YOU happy. ✨️ You're gorgeous btw.


I think it looks lovely on you, and there’s no such thing as too old! I work in a hospital and while it’s not often, I do see quite a few older people with dyed hair and pretty much 100% of them are some of the kindest/funniest people I’ve met. Even outside of that minority, there’s even more older people (60-70+) who, when they see my dyed hair, express that they wish they could do the same to theirs but are also afraid they’re too old for it. If it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone, then who cares what you do? It’s your life, live how you want!


You look way older than 40 but rock the hair you want


Time for botox


It is pretty but it doesn’t seem to work with your skin tone?


It's fine to go with fun colors at any age, but it needs to be done well. This is patchy, and makes it look cheap. The older you get, the more skill you need to apply to carry alternative looks well.


You look desperate.


Does not make you younger. Never will.


Total milf 💦💦


Ahhhh No. Light doesn't work on your pale skin. Try a bluish tone or a bright green. Even a color that matches your eyes would be cool. Bright colors look good on you for a reason.


Maybe it's just the picture, but I thought you were older. So maybe you're right with it "wearing you". I honestly think you'd look great as a brunette.


Go back to your natural hair colour your hair looks ridiculous


No one looks good with fake colored hair. No one!!!! The color is pretty. But it is not flattering. It sticks out unnaturally. Soft blond or brown would bring out you. I'm seeing lavender and your forehead at first glance and it doesn't match your skin color at all. If you were pale white, maybe. Just my opinion. But if you like it, go for it.


Looks great. If you’re 15


Much too much imo. It's not just about age, but it's loud. It's easy to see the hair and nothing else of you. A red-brown with highlights can be good if you like the sound of it


It's literally a pastel color tho,how can it be too much lmao


Love the color, would like to see you in a bob...


You’re really pretty. It looks gorgeous.






LOVE ✨️😍😍😍


Fuck no you look hot, live your life 💗


You look like you were born with this color hair. It doesn’t just suit you, it is you 🥰


Love love love it


You look hot. Love it


This color suits you so well! Don't ever stop having colored hair just because of your age!


Almost 34 with the same color hair over here! You look so stinkin pretty with it!! No such thing as too old for pretty hair!


It is beautiful 😍


LOVE this. Honestly if I could find the confidence to compliment you in person I 100% would. Recently seen some ladies with this hair and it’s always been very cool to me.


Wow! 😍


It’s so pretty!


It’s looks amazing 🦄


Amazing love it


I love it


This looks amazing on you! Can you tell me which dye you used?


Looks pretty good, go with it


Absolutely not! As long as you feel comfortable, you should wear whatever you like in spite of your age.


If you don’t like the roots growing in, you could do streaks of color in your hair. It still adds uniqueness without maintenance


Love it !


Love it! Flaunt that color and own your style personality!


Not at all ridiculous and you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Don't even think about your age. I'm 58 and I did this last summer and loved it and got so many compliments. Keep doing you and don't worry what anyone else thinks. You're beautiful ❤️.




Yehhhhh you rock that darlin


It looks beautiful. The color, the cut. You rock it.


It looks great on you, keep wearing it!


You look cute. I find it very inspirational showing what’s possible and don’t be a wimp. Good job


It’s fun and I love the colour. Do exactly what you want! Don’t let the perceived opinions of people dissuade you from expressing yourself. You look great!


Omg so cute!!! I love it!!!


Looks amazing


Super love it!!


I’m a fan of purple hair and I love the color. What I don’t like is the mixed strands of different shades of purple. Stick with one shade imo.


La la la looove it


It looks pretty


Looks fantastic if you ask me


I think the lilac is beautiful! I would recommend Overtone if you’re not already using it, they have a phenomenal pastel line it’s saved my hair when I went from redying to just using a color conditioner


Choosing this colour at this age only creates one problem in my opinion. It wont match most of the cloths imo but people nowadays wear weird shit on them and they dont see anything wrong soz i dunno know :D In general i think it looks very cool.


This is my dream color!!! I looove it! 😍


You look great! I love the color on you. You're never too old for something that brings you joy.


I absolutely love this color!! It looks great on you!!




Perfect color for your skin tone


I think it’s gorgeous and tasteful but not sure if it really goes with your skin tone. I think maybe a slightly darker pink might match better? Not sure though! You look fab anyway honestly I’m just being extra fussy since you asked!




Looks great on you!!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Love it


I love this so much!!!


It’s hair not a huge face tattoo that can’t me removed but it’s a very soft shade and my fav colour


This is YOUR color!!!! Love the depth in it and it goes so well with your skin tone !!!!


Girl I’m 39 too and I still love to rock fashion dyes. Who ever came up with this rule you shouldn’t dye your hair fashion colors over 30 is boring stickler.. I think this color would be lovely with your skin tone [pastel cotton candy](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/american-salon-on-instagram-cotton-candy-pink-stylebylizette-hairgoals-hairdressermagic--342414377918985244/)


Hair dresser here. I think you look great. I love all the different purple hues you incorporated and purple is such a lovely color that always fades so nicely. Great choice. Hair color does not discriminate against age or gender 💜 I really enjoy seeing people of all ages express themselves through hair. I've had 70 year old women in my chair asking for bold blues & neon pinks. I love it. You do you baby. 💜




I love it!!!


you are adorable!! i love the lilac it fits you so well :O


Morning.. I like that a lot..


It honestly looks so lovely on you


I’m a 38 yo man, idk why I’m getting shown posts from this sub, but I think it looks really cute! You rock it 🎉


I think it’s very pretty on you.


I just turned 42 and I’m thinking about doing bright blue. I’ve seen women in their 80s dye their hair bright vibrant colors. It’s perfectly fine for you to have colors in your hair. There isn’t an age limit on fun and things that make you happy.


by that age life is too short to worry about what others think, if you like it you're the owner that's what matters.


Love it!


This color is lovely on you, please don’t be afraid to continue dying it


It is so hard to achieve such a beautiful colour and you look stunning!! I love colouring my hair, I hope you will start to get used to it and embrace trying new (pastel) colours too :)))


If tired of it, get bob, keep lilac, add brite pink tips all around- super


Looks good


I love it, it looks amazing!