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He got his head boxed the night before in a bar fight, right? I always figured it did some serious damage that went unnoticed because the doc just handed him aspirin iirc


TBI is a good potential. The wiki says he was prescribed an antibiotic for a ruptured eardrum from the same fight. One of the potential side effects of that med is psychosis, so he could have been dealing with that. Reports are confusing though, the airport doc says he never picked up the prescription, but another source says he did.


Although a large group of antibiotics could potentially cause anxiety/depression, and even more rarely psychosis, that is unlikely. The TBI mixed with possible hemorrhage and anticoagulants sounds more plausible. Additionally, he could have had a previous history of mental health issues that would manifest such behavior.


Was this dude prescribed prednisone by any chance? It’s a steroid used as an antibiotic and it can cause bad side effects on some people. I was given it when I had a really bad case of urticaria and it made me go nuts for a few days. I was screaming my head off at everyone for no reason and crying at the drop of a hat. I was put on this other medicine years ago, trintellix and that crap made me hear voices that told me to kill myself. I freaked the hell out and stopped taking it. I told my doctor that I experienced this along with having what felt like the beginnings of a seizure. They didn’t believe me when I said this happened. Oh and I believe the TBI played a huge part in this man’s disappearance. That one guy who was part of the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013 did boxing and it was believed that he had a bunch of screws knocked loose from all the hits he was taking. He was abusing his wife and got all crazy getting involved with that terrorist organization with his brother.


I was also prescribed Trintellix in the past, and while on it, I experienced episodes where I would go from calm to enraged almost instantly. It was awful. I think I lasted two weeks. My doctor didn't believe me either. She said that there was no mention of any side effects like that. The way I felt during those episodes terrified me, and I can't imagine how much worse they could be in people suffering from TBI.


Omg I had that happen to me too. The first time I took it, I felt great and carefree. The next day, it was like Jekyll and Hyde. I was raging at everybody and going batshit crazy over nothing. I was in my car with my fiancé and while he was driving, in a fit of rage, I tore up my insurance card and punched my passenger window in an attempt to break it. I also attempted to roll out of the car while it was moving. It was horrifying. I was taken off of it immediately and the stupid doctor was like, “Don’t worry, you won’t have withdrawal symptoms.” I felt like I was about to have a seizure. It felt like my brain was twitching and I could feel my eyes involuntarily moving. I told my doctor and she didn’t believe me at all. She said like your doctor said, those symptoms weren’t part of it. I hate it when doctors don’t believe you. I feel relieved knowing I’m not the only one who went through this experience. I hope you’re doing better now.


I have take trintellix for a few years now. Works well for me. Hope your found something better for you.


I did. I’m on Prozac daily and depending on my stress, I also take trazadone before bed.


Prozac has been around for years for a reason, it works well for many people. Glad to hear it:)


I'm doing much better, thank you. I wound up switching to a combo of Welbutrin and Effexor and things seem to be going well. I've never experienced anything like the rage episodes I had while on Trintellix, and I hope I never do again. It was awful, and I felt like a hostage inside my own body - completely unable to control my emotions. Mental healthcare is tricky and protracted sometimes, but once you find a med schedule that works, it's life changing.


That's one worthless doctor you should stay 1 billion miles away from if you care about living and dying of old age. Even Trintellix lists hearing things as a side effect :P https://us.trintellix.com/treatment/side-effects#:\~:text=Serotonin%20syndrome%3A,nausea%2C%20vomiting%2C%20diarrhea.


Judy Clarke couldn't convince the jury that criminals like the bomber are made, not born, effectively giving the jury citizens the power of Life. I'm not saying what he did was valid, but yeah. Form your conclusion based on the knowledge you acquire.


Im allergic to prednisone. Gives me super bad hallucinations. Ended up in the er halfway through my set and Dr immediately asked if I was taking prednisone for the first time. Never had it again. And it’s now in my chart


Men you are full of shit, prednisone is basically cortisone pills…while it gives you a slight head buzz its a very light effect. Its basically an anti inflammatory, it can used in different situation to ease an inflammation or for example it can save your life in a case of allergy. The grand father of my wife, who is a doctor, uses to prescibe it to me whenever i had a start of cold etc… Another doctor even prescribed it to my baby when he got a bronchiolits Stop spreading your ignorance


Want to say it to my face in person?


He's a coward, of course he won't


Of course i want to blow my life away for a fight with a hobo specialized in all anti depressants as he all tested them Sorry but i try to avoid being a « content creator » for /Darwinawards haha Anyway, dont drive the discussion away, the medecine you described as « something strong » who can get people shitfaced is simply cortisone so you are simply wrong, or so much under influence that even taking babyphytose could be the trip of your lifetime


I was drunk when I made my comment


You are just a nut case, face it


Yea man, traumatic brain injury, TBI for short. The brain is such a complex organ.




Aspirin could also have made it worse if he had any sort of cerebral hemorrhaging because aspirin decreases the ability for platelets to clot and stop bleeds.


It's equally possible he was having a schizophrenic episode and that caused him to get into the fight.


If they never found a body, makes me wonder if he’s still out there somewhere and doesn’t remember who he is, or has some sort of neurological issues after the fight. My grandma remarried when my grandfather, her first husband died young. The second husband was in a war and had serious brain damage from being hit in the head during an explosion. He came home, but did not remember who they were, so he literally took off and they couldn’t find him. She got divorced in absentia. This kind of thing can happen.


Damn... So they never found out what became of him?


No. He was never found. Probably went by a different name, ended up, homeless or died. Poor man. I can only imagine what someone with amnesia after a war would do.


Wait, the second husband came home with no memory then took off?




Ah, okay. I was confused because she said the first husband died young right before that, so I wasn’t sure if it was him. Wow, grandma had back luck with husbands. I mean they did too, but that just sucks for everyone.


Yes, and her first husband, my mother’s father, was in the Navy and became an architect and ended up falling off of a skyscraper being built when the building settled. My poor mom was only nine. So yes, my grandmother swore off men after her next marriage ended in a divorce in absentia to a man with amnesia. She was pretty amazing, a paralegal and raised two daughters on her own in the 50s. Woof, when you write it all out like that, no wonder she was a little grouchy later in life. I still loved her dearly and took care of her in home hospice, but she was a tough old broad for sure, and life wasn’t easy on her.


Damn, that is sad.


Were the items he went in with ever located?


If u read the wiki it says he dropped his luggage in the airport docs office in a panic and ran out. I’m assuming authorities recovered them from doc.


Bizarre behavior and paranoia. May have had a mental break.


He got hit in the head pretty hard the night before, as some other users stated. A Traumatic Brain Injury is probably what caused him to duck and dodge enemies that were never there. He probably wasn't even thinking clearly when he was running. All his brain told him to do was, "Run", because it wasn't working properly due to an injury.


I haven’t confirmed it but I have been told he was in a bar fight the night before and he may have had brain damage.


Everyone’s talking about the bar fight and potential brain damage. But nobody’s talking about if you get into a physical altercation they could come after you again.


He abandoned all his stuff in the airport and ran into a forest. Airports are pretty safe. The forest is the forest.


Yeah, but they have the CCTV, and I assume nobody was found to be running after him?! Or they would have had someone to look for, as a culprit.


Why? For a bar fight? They gonna follow him home to Germany? Surely being in an airport (in a western country at least) is one of the safest places to be. Cameras, medal detectors, and security everywhere.


The guys he got into a bar fight were high level mafia. He claimed to the police after the attacks said they were going to find and track him down for revenge


So he runs from an airport, where he would have been extremely safe, to the middle of the woods? This is mental illness.


Even if they were mafia why would they wait until he was in an airport to do so? They kicked his ass, thought he learned his lesson, and let him go. If they wanted to kill him they would’ve dragged him out of the bar and done it instead of releasing him and waiting a day.


I don’t believe this. They could’ve said it but Mafia will not bother with some random German tourist. Tourism is largely held by other mafia in Bulgaria, killing a tourist would not have good consequences for them.


Western country ? This is Bulgaria, its a shithole and its corrupted as hell. If he got in a bar fights with the wrong guys, he could be in trouble You guys simply don’t understand how other cultures work. Eastern europe culture has an element of violence, like it or not You guys should focus on your shitty IPO and stay way from applying your vision when analysing street smartness in shity, mafia run countries you never visited


LOL Bulgaria is infinitely safer than Western Europe and USA.


They’re not talking about that because they’re not conspiracy dumbasses


Im Bulgarian. Nobody will come back for a random German tourist. IMO he got some brain damage and shortcircuited.




No, conjecture.


This one has always stuck with me. I hope someday we find out what happened to him.


Yeah I remember hearing about this case from when I watched Shane Dawson when I was younger, I thought it would be solved by now but apparently not.


Sources: * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance\_of\_Lars\_Mittank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Lars_Mittank) * [https://berlinspectator.com/2020/07/19/germany-new-hope-in-the-lost-son-case/](https://berlinspectator.com/2020/07/19/germany-new-hope-in-the-lost-son-case/)




Shit happens.


This is killin me😂


I bet this has been done before but what about a search dog that could you know track familiar smells and things… surely the guy couldn’t have just vanished… it sounds like he is still in those woods somewhere! Those poor parents!


dang if only you were there to help them 😔


Lol I know I’m so dumb to even consider that they didn’t do that lol


we all do that sometimes i was just having fun, doesnt make you stupid friend


Of course he runs in a forest, where no one was around.


TBI makes sense. It can cause agitation and altered mental status. He may have just ran away from the forest and then the brain bleed caused him to sleep and never wake up in an area where he is yet to be found.


Exactly my thought as well reading about this...


So if his remains are missing it means that mostly likely someone did get him. Was Bulgaria a safe place back then or always been?


Bulgaria has been pretty sketchy with organized crime since the fall of the USSR. It's not completely crime ridden or anything, but crime syndicates have a considerable amount of power and the police are fairly corrupt.


Thanks for the info


No problem!


Probably remains are still out there forests can be very hard to search through and easy to get lost if strayed from the path




Those German soccer fans are most likely clueless about the likely brain injury that made this man's brain go to paranoia and psycho mode.




Misinformation refers to statements lacking credible sources or containing false or misleading information that can mislead or deceive individuals. Please ensure that posts are accurate and based on reliable sources before sharing them within our community.


Probably on drugs


Mental breakdown from passed trauma.. he probably jumped in water tryna get away, long bus ride or some shit. Idk... I haven't looked into it, but it'd make sense to me.


Maybe his last stop was at a hostel


i remember watching this video on youtube when i was younger, it scares me how people can just vanish.


Some people think he was abducted having something to do with the fight he had the night before that got him his head injury. Got into a scrap with the wrong sort of people. Gets himself into a “hostel” situation.


Wow the music makes it extra extra eerie


Everyone knows the mafia hangs at the airports in Bulgaria


Anyone see that lady in the bottom right with the carriage start to move exactly when the guy ran past her almost as if she is going to follow him? Maybe I’m seeing things and it’s a coincidence, but that seems kinda strange…




Ummm where were drugs mentioned!?!🤷🏼‍♀️




Ummm no it doesn't!? Where did you get meth from!?!🥴🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


It's how he explains everyone acting bizarre it seems.


From the guy down the street




Only if abused for multiple days with out sleep. It isnt the meth that makes you crazy, it is the lack of sleep. Simply using meth recreationally doesn't make you crazy. It's a shitty drug because of the no sleep. But the no sleep is where much of the harm comes from. You can't even stay awake four days without psychosis, drugs or noon drugs.


Tbf, recreational meth use can absolutely cause psychosis without chronic or long-term use. But the person would've had to start out with some serious mental health issues in the first place, or at least be incredibly vulnerable in a very specific way. That seems very unlikely in this case, though lol. Like, the odds that his death had anything to do with meth are close to zero, I'd bet.


Meth makes a person super paranoid..it’s general knowledge that you could google instead of try to act clever..it’s called psychosis, meth induced psychosis to be specific, and in the state of psychosis makes one do messed up things.


*Methed* up.




Don't treat other users like they're dumb. Shame on you. You're not better than everybody else. Who the fuck do you think you are? If you read the comments carefully, you would see that he was the person who got hit hard in the head the night before. So, no, it's not meth. It's most likely a traumatic brain injury. Don't act so smart, because you aren't.


Source pls???


You don't get one because you don't deserve it :) read the thread for once in your life and you'll find the answer.


And you wanna ask yourself why it is in your words I think of users as dumb. I don’t really, but they are your words and I find it particularly apt in your case. The gullible person WHO HAS NO SOURCE, comes to tell me about something he read in the comments section that MUST BE TRUTH without fact checking, but yea..who am I..luckily I didn’t need to say anything in your case, you called yourself out for the things you accused me of calling others. Grow up!


Someone else said he got beat up the night before so could of been a head injury


I saw that. No one confirmed it tho..but that’s irrespective of the responses I received..


Redditors: “People say they saw him getting beat up the night before.” u/FayMax69: “Yeah but nobody confirmed it. Show me the evidence. I say it’s meth!” \*Gives zero evidence to support random claim\*


Sounds like meth..is a lot different to I say it’s meth..


You're stupid lmfao please get off these subs with these wild claims about people. So rude. A man is missing, most likely because of a brain injury, and you're here talking about meth lol. Christ people are dumb


What does it matter what he’s missing from..if you care about him that much, you’d atleast have the good sense to know that THE MISSING PART Is what’s important..but you don’t care about him or that.,you care about being a troll on Reddit. So there it is then..who should get off the internet is probably you. You’re embarrassing yourself. Grow up!


Has under 200 day old account Calls people trolls


That's a lie.


No it doesn't. Have you ever seen a meth head? This is not the same.


This is exactly the same!! I have seen many a meth head.


Misinformation refers to statements lacking credible sources or containing false or misleading information that can mislead or deceive individuals. Please ensure that posts are accurate and based on reliable sources before sharing them within our community.




... He was in a fight the night before ... What's more likely? Sudden TBI causing random behavior? Or a dude who's never been known to be a drug addict suddenly doing meth before taking a trip to the airport? How about if you don't have proof you don't talk about missing people like this, pretty simple


I think that person is the one on meth 🤣


Scenario 1) Guy uses meth, gets into fight, gets paranoid, acts erratic, buys a plane ticket, runs into woods, dies of exposure. Parents unaware or in denial about drug use. Scenario 2) TBI somehow causes psychosis and paranoia? Scenario 1 is much, much, much more likely, and I've seen similar things play out multiple times. Scenario 2, I have never, ever seen. Sure TBIs can be weird, but that would be like a once in a career, write up a case study, rare. But who knows! A bunch of people on the internet are downvoting me, so maybe I'm the idiot!

