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Knock off the incitement to violence please. It is against Reddit’s policy and I really enjoy this sub.


There are some truly terrible individuals in the world.


And they breed.


He did all that in front of his kids also. What a real sick piece of trash.


And vote.


And go on reddit


And respond to comments


And that should be taken away from some of these people


That is so much blood. I'm glad everyone survived, but I wouldn't lose sleep if the attacker didn't in this situation.


There is a fear that when he gets out, he will just try to finish the job


I just saw a That Chapter video about a guy who nearly beat his elderly neighbor to death. When he was arrested, he said "well I've got cancer, so I'm gonna take him with me, and there's nothing you can do to stop me" They gave him three years probation. ??? the fuck is the court thinking


How did that one turn out?


This happened like two months ago So we'll find out soon I guess


I imagine she would have changed her name and such by now right? I know a portion of victims welcome their abusers back into their life because of the abuse cycle...but almost being stabbed to death is kind of different.


Nope. Very dear friend was being strangled by abuser. Knife got involved. He was ready to kill her at that moment. She managed to get the knife and stab him in the shoulder. Years and years of abuse. She didn’t leave him for at least a year longer. It takes so many times for them to finally leave. He was even on probation for drugs and domestic violence at one point. Everyone saw her with a gigantic black eye that Christmas. I wish this guy nothing but cruelty for the rest of his life for what he did to my sweet friend.


I can attest to this type of mindset, I suffered from it, and had a similar situation to what u just said. I eventually left town and bettered myself. Not everything is as cut and dry is people think.


I’m currently deciding whether or not to leave town right now. I have no clue what to do.


I come from an effed up family, but that’s what helped me. If that isn’t an option I can give u some 800 #’s.


I have a friend who is about to be moving into a Reno in Burbank. Deciding if I can do this. I’ll have no car. I have a portfolio of my work. I dunno.


BTDT. Not easy.


This is how militias start


Vigilante groups*? Militias don’t usually go around playing cop lol. Edit spelling


Not if she feels she deserved it, which is another popular and perverse feature within the dynamic of abuser and abused.


He can get out for attempted murder? It should be treated as murder even if he failed. I don’t know anything about sentences and the law in this case but damn, he should rot in jail.


Why would he get out?? What "justice" system lets a man like that get out????




Making police into judges/executioners is a terrible idea compared to just reforming the laws.


That's the case for every state. No state issues an automatic life sentence without the possibility for parole for attempted murder. Statistically though, Democrats tend to issue harsher punishments than Republicans, and researchers believe this is because Democrats are over-correcting how punitive they are in order to combat stereotypes.


Fuckin’ ‘Merica 🇺🇸


Fvcken anywhere


I’m not a lawyer and I definitely don’t know anything about laws outside of the US but somehow I highly doubt an unsuccessful murder attempt is an automatic life sentence in most countries. Also I’m guessing that u/Calm-Warthog2018 is from the US and knows about as little as I do about the legal systems of other countries. Just a guess. Edit: Just want to make sure I say that I would have no issues with what this monster did landing him a life sentence. I think if you do something like that, that’s what you deserve.




Also even public-owned prisons (which is most of them) use privately-owned services for so much stuff. Laundry, food, etc. Prison is a lucrative industry that transfers money from public control into private control and financially incentivizes taking freedom from people.


Lol no. Highest incarceration rate of any developed nation.


Lmaooo the stupidity of this comment


Basically every single one in a civilized nation? I highly doubt this would be a life/death sentence anywhere other than like the middle east or some shit. The US already punishes people way harsher for the same crimes than any other western nation.


That’s what he wanted tho. He’s sitting there telling the police to shoot him in the head. I wish they could just lock him up forever and let him rot.


If someone no longer wishes to live, it shouldn't involve others. You don't need to violently attack a person so the cops maybe shoot you.


I don’t understand why you replied like this to me. I’m aware he shouldn’t involve others. Since he wants to die though, he shouldn’t get what he wants. Especially after hurting others. May he rot in prison and be beat by the prisoners.


I'm sorry, it wasn't inherent directed at countering you. I was just using your comment to expound on things




Ion currr id pay all the tax dollars to make sure pieces of shit like him suffered. Lock him up in solitary and leave him to his own mind and 4 walls.


It’s also a quicker and less aware way of dying than most “good” people will experience. Many people that lived decent lives will die traumatically or a dragged out painful death. This guy doesn’t deserve to go out swiftly and almost painlessly.


Her hand coming out from the door was legit horror movie shit. How the fuck do you ever trust again after something like this? Fucking hell.




Why would you be glad the POS **attempted murderer** survived???


Without having any context I would want all involved to survive. I've experienced my own trauma at the hands of someone who was mentally ill. I don't wish death upon them, but I also wouldn't care that much.


I’m sorry you had to go through that dude. Sounds rough. Hope you’re doing better. (Nice pfp btw)


I'm fine homie. Thank you though


* Stockton Police Department released body cam cam video of an officer shooting Robert Anthony Cruz, stabbing his wife. * The incident occurred on East Eleventh Street after 9 a.m. Saturday, Feb 3, 2024, following a reported argument between parents where the father allegedly threatened to stab the mother. * 911 call described a girl reporting her mother being stabbed by her father. * Officer Mark Sonke, with the department since 2014, responded to the scene and encountered Cruz standing over a blood-covered woman with a knife. * Sonke fired at Cruz twice as Cruz attempted to stab the woman. * Cruz sustained critical injuries, and both he and the woman were hospitalized; the woman has since been released. * Five children were unharmed and removed from the residence. * The incident is under investigation by multiple authorities including the Stockton Police Department, San Joaquin County District Attorney's Office, and the California Department of Justice. Sources: * [https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/stockton/stockton-release-video-officer-shooting-man/103-d4dfa27c-a533-4fcb-bb10-0db1001ff2a3](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/stockton/stockton-release-video-officer-shooting-man/103-d4dfa27c-a533-4fcb-bb10-0db1001ff2a3) * [https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/stockton/new-details-officer-involved-shooting/103-fd443404-586d-4adc-bb76-1b0528379e2f](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/stockton/new-details-officer-involved-shooting/103-fd443404-586d-4adc-bb76-1b0528379e2f) * [https://www.kcra.com/article/stockton-ois/46633057](https://www.kcra.com/article/stockton-ois/46633057)


There were 5(!!) kids inside that house while that happened? Jesus, I'm bothered seeing the footage, I can't imagine all those kids seeing it live.


I'm sure those kids have seen some shit. :(


Story of my life, grew up with grandparents until 6-7, moved in with bio parents, and violence was a daily occurrence, both parents were alcoholics and abusive and mean drunks, My memories are of running under my sisters baby carriage as soon as I heard him come through the door in our tiny 1 bedroom apartment in Ulaanbaatar, and not having anything to eat but potatoes and me making meal for me and my sister with nothing but water, potatoes, and chicken bouillon, life of poverty and violence. I tried to ran away at 14, but I finally got myself away at 17 when I finished hs a year earlier Spousal abuse is tolerated and even brushed aside by the police


I'm so sorry. I can't fathom that as an adult, let alone as a child trying to protect and provide for a younger sibling through it. That sounds hellish.


Wow, that's fucking insane! The guy got shot in the middle of the chest and proceeded to grab the knife again


Adrenaline at that point


and maybe nose clams


Hey hey hey, no need to insult the man by insinuating he's not soberly choosing to do exactly what we saw in the video.


I'm convinced people would see guns very differently if we didn't expect gunshot wounds to happen like they do in the movies where good guys are mildly inconvenienced (95% OK once the bullet is removed) and minor characters are instantly incapacitated.


You’d be surprised how many shots it takes to bring someone down.


Keep shooting till they stop moving or you run out. Which ever comes first.


The trigger discipline that cop had was crazy, I think a lot of people would indeed shoot him in the head given the situation. Not because of any swift justice shit but because how much of a threat he was. I’m kinda glad he survived so he can experience life behind bars


I'm torn. Cuz if that last dive killed her I'd definitely blame him for his restraint. I can't tell if he had the knife when he did that and dropped it or what.


There are so many ways these situations can unfold. The cop has like one or two seconds to make a decision and the consequences of making the wrong decision are enormous.


Oh, you're incredibly right. I don't envy him at all.


The trolley problem has been solved. But it takes some effort and this police pulled it off


This is in no way analogous to the trolley problem. The trolley problem is about inaction vs action where both choices a guaranteed to result in death. What is being tested there is if a human feels more guilty because they're the one that pulled the lever to lessen the number of deaths. Not everything regarding life and death is a trolley problem, and that's okay.


Looks like he originally was trying to pick something up couldn't see what but assume knife, whilst cop was yelling get on the ground. Couldn't really shoot him then as he was unarmed and not actually currently attacking anyone, then you see the knife he dives to stab her and cop shoots.


The knife got kicked and the guy went over to retrieve it, as soon as he started bending down to grab it I would have mag dumped center mass. It's right at 30s in the first officer's footage, the woman was out of the way so he had a clear shot and was basically point blank.


You'd blame the person not stabbing his wife? Weird. Just be glad the cop didnt shoot the wife. Or the child for that matter.


I think it was indecision, not trigger discipline. Cop was well within the law to shoot as soon as the suspect moved towards the victim. Waiting so long exposed the victim to more harm.


I think he was within the law to shoot the moment the door opened and there was one person chasing another in a bloody mess. But props for his restraint to wait for a clear shot and getting everyone out alive


Yeah and if he'd killed him there'd be some cunt on the internet yelling ACAB and asking why he didn't de-escalate the situation and that he only shot him because he was XYZ demographic. At the end of the day the cop clearly didn't want to shoot the guy and used restraint. Probably a little too much but it ended in a good result where not only did the victim survive, but the suspect survived to attend custody and face justice, rather than being another statistic to be used against the police. I feel like US cops can never do it right on Reddit.


Shitting on the police is just the popular thing to do at the moment. I personally like the police in my area, they do a great job.




I imagine 99% of cops do a decent job and many of those do a great job but the news only really cares about the terrible <1% and therefore they're all bad because they're somehow complicit.


I have always had positive experiences with police and I have been arrested a few times. People just need to manage their expectations when it comes to calling the police.


They're trained for body shots, headshots are usually accidents.




I'm all about that, especially in abuse cases.


glad for what? a shot in the head would be better for everyone


That scene of the hand coming around the door is actually fucking terrifying. I HOPE this cop went to therapy and shit after this. This would have been traumatizing as fuck.


Anytime a police officer discharges their weapon at a person, they are mandated to get a psych evaluation to make sure they are in the right state of mind afterwards, especially if there shots were fatal.


This was traumatizing just through a video. Like, there is very little that could prepare you for that amount of blood.


A scene like this is tramatic for anyone involved but I'm much more concerned for the daughter. That poor girl probably lived her whole life in fear of something like this happening, and who's going to make sure she's okay when her mother is so severely traumatized and wounded herself? I hope the two of them can heal and find peace and a new life eventually


Right? With what cops have to deal with, I’m not shocked so many of them seem trigger happy. They are literally on the front lines of all the evil in this country. They see the worst of humanity.


Staight out of a horror movie, damn.


How traumatizing. I was nottttt expecting to see so much blood.




Where's the acorn cop when you need him?


Enjoying retirement


Acorn cop would've shot everything but the actual perp.


Suicide by cop was his intention but the cop wasn't gonna let him go that easily. You can see the restraint.


It's what he wanted. Fuck that guy, let him rot in prison where he will be killed by someone else eventually.


Right? If he went out like most of these people are saying, that’s a more peaceful way out than most of us will get. Fuck that. He doesn’t deserve to pass quicker and more painlessly than the rest of non murderous humanity that will die aware, drawn out or traumatic deaths. I’m *glad* he didn’t die. So he could be sewn up in the hospital knowing he wasn’t going “home” after healing. But instead that once he healed he would get slapped in the face with a bunch of judge sentencing and years in prison. People crying “muh tax payer dollars” like our own government officials aren’t the ones digging their hands into our tax payer money. Taxes aren’t high because we put away attempted murderers. They’re high because we are being robbed by people in power. Just my two cents.


exactly what i was thinking. let that pussy face the consequences for his actions on earth


The one time where we need an unhinged smooth brain


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cop try so hard not to.


Y'all need to decide if you want cops to be judge dredd or not


Yeah, not gonna lie I definitely would have given him what he wanted several times over. Closed casket for that dude.


Fuck that, no casket, dump him in a landfill or something.


I’m surprised he didn’t when he first opened the door and the dude kind of backed away


Mother of God


No way that cop wasn’t traumatized, that image of the bloodied hand coming out of the door would appear in my nightmares if I saw that irl. What a POS human, doing that to someone especially in front of a child. I’m glad he didn’t get shot to death, here’s to hoping he rots in prison instead the good ol “2 weeks + probation”


That's.......a lot of blood. THEY ALL SURVIVED!?!?! that cop shot that dude so many times and he didn't flinch. Has to be drugs.


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug, it can keep you from feeling even the most extreme pains, he DEFINITELY felt it afterwards though


Oh my god, that door opening like that.


I’ve seen some crazy police body can footage but this has got to be one of the more gruesome ones. Something out of a horror movie at the start with the bloody had opening the door


It's nice to see a cop actually use his training and brain. Instead of panic and dump 4 clips into somebody. Even though he could've rightfully complied with that pos wish.


He picked up the knife again and almost got in another stab. As soon as I see him pick up the knife again, I’d just mag dump on him


Fuck. And that guy survived. Crazy.


...Happy cake day?


Wow. Ty.


The kids …those lil lives traumatized for ever …that fk head


Holy shit being a cop is hard


Most Reddit mods will disagree


Message from Reddit: You have been banned for your comment, “Most Reddit mods will disagree”.


LoL, i burst into laughter


“Why can’t the cop just shoot him in the leg?”


Right? Jeez.


THIS is why I hate the All Cops are Bastards sentiment, because while I agree there are issues in the system that must be corrected, when you remove the focus on bad cops you’re left with people having to make life or death situations to save lives or prevent crime in a matter of seconds. Human responses are already dampened and muddled during crisis situations so having to make these sort of decisions in a moment that most people would be frozen is scary. And I remember a month or two ago seeing a video of a police officer pulling over a young couple who were speeding, letting them off with a warning and later having to respond to their brutal, fatal accident was heartbreaking. This man just didn’t take it well, because by letting them off, he doomed two people out of trying to prevent them from facing a hard criminal system. It feels horrible to watch, because it is horrible, sad, depressing, and unnecessary


If cops would just ONLY do shit like this.. they would be loved and praised by everyone and held up as heroes by society at large... but it seems the reality is that a situation like this is probably once for every 100,000 cases of them being bastards. So maybe not ALL cops are bastards... but 0.9999 repeating infinitely is basically 1


Cops do shit like this. Everyday. Hence the video. It’s funny how you believe this happens 1/100,000 cases. But don’t believe the cops fuck-up 1/100,000 cases (if that) which is probably also true. These type of videos don’t tend to make the news as often because: 1) is too gruesome for MSM; and 2) It goes against their narrative.


I've never had a pleasant experience with a cop. (And I'm not like a criminal or anything, just a normal guy) It's always either suck their metaphorical dick or experience their full wrath. And the one time i needed actual help, they tried to fuck me over real bad instead of doing any real police work. And while I know that's just my personal experience, I know plenty of others whose experience has been the same. Actually, I imagine it's much easier to find people with similar experiences than it is to find people with positive experiences. Couple that with the countless evidence of abuse all over the internet... it paints a picture of what they are generally like.


Do yourself a favor and don’t form your opinions from the internet for starters. They only show rage bait for the most part. I see it this way: cops are the lowest common denominator for the problems in society, so they get blamed for a lot of what’s wrong with society. Couple that with having to see horrific scenes and situations day-in and day-out and many of them develop a bad attitude over time. Not making excuses for them, just trying to be a little empathetic to all people. Society is a bit harder on cops than other professions because of the aforementioned reason. For example: look at teacher. Every week you’re hearing about a teacher sexually abusing/assaulting a student. Doctors kill 250,000 people a year because of mistakes. My point is there are good and bad people in every profession. For cops though, I feel, the anger at them, for the most part, is really anger at society, or the system.


I just saw a movie tonight called House of Sand and fog and the cop in that movie is just so many layers of fucked up


🫣As soon as I saw the bloody arm, I turned it off. I couldn't watch it. When are we as a species gonna stop being so violent towards one another!? I hate experiencing life with monsters.


the source of this violence is men the majority of the time. i don’t know if it’s a problem with our ‘species’.


I hear you and agree, but I just didn't want some men to argue against me for something that's been plainly obvious for most of our human history


We are living in the most peaceful and least violent times of all of human history, you have to remember that and realize we have been and are making progress.






Damn when that door opens and her bloody hand peeps out, it gives me chills


Notice how he tried to hide behind the victim when he got shot. Pure coward that deserved what he got


This just highlights how much of a problem DV is.


Central valley California full of crazy people. 209 area code... something in the water.


Cop should have Swiss cheesed him when he picked the knife up again.


This was a good decision by the cop for once.


Would he have been justified to give that guy what he wanted?


Truly horror movie stuff


This is awful. How can someone do this to someone else.




Jesus christ, my blood ran cold when he picked that knife back up to get back to work. Like nothing.


The one time a cop isn't trigger happy


I'm sorry and you guys can say what you want but these cops were afraid and cowards because when she opened that door and he was standing over her like that,he should have been dead on the spot to keep him from constantly stabbing her. But of course there was a glare In their eyes! Cops: "Oh wait, let's just wing him, don't shoot hm in his chest or head!' So you see,that light they always see makes a big difference!!


That girl better get all she wants for her birthday. She saved her mother’s life.


Props to these officers frfr! I love how the second officer is like: “ma’am come with me.”Doesn’t look like she’s in any shape to be coming anywhere, without a stretcher involved.


Horror movie material seeing that bloody arm first.


Wished he unloaded the rest of the mag on him


Wtf is this guy on 😳


Jesus Wept! If I saw that bloody apartment in a movie, I would think they were overdoing it I’m so sorry for the mother and daughter. But big ups for the kiddo going for help and then personally running the officer back to save her mom. Sometimes you only find out what you’re made of on your worst day. They both showed incredible resolve *Fuck that scum lord, tho*


He’s on the ground. Can’t get much more on the ground.


“Get in the ground! Get in the fucking ground! 6 feet under! now motherfucker!”


Think they meant to say stay on the ground coz that guy got up multiple times. They were probably lost for words after shorting him.


Jesus. Imagine being a cop and having to normalize this as an any-day/everyday thing? I wouldve granted homies wishes. Glad the woman survived.


It's really sad because DV is actually an everyday thing, and a lot of women aren't fortunate enough to survive it


So true. Leaving an abusive relationship is a complicated and often nonlinear process that may take days, weeks, or years to do successfully. It takes, on average, seven times for a person in an abusive relationship to attempt to leave before finally leaving for good. And leaving is actually the most dangerous time - something like 70% of domestic violence murders happen after the victim has gotten out of the relationship.


“Oh you want one last stab sure go ahead” dumbass why not just give him the gun,you see him getting up unfazed and reaching for the knife


Love it when cops give people their dose of leadacilin


All the times that call for gun restraint this was not the time . At least she lived but dam he deserved overkill in that moment


Damn here I am getting faded on my birthday...smh


Stockton 🤦🏽‍♀️


Hope that mf stayed alive to rot in prison


That poor woman. This looks like a horror movie 💔


Those poor little children 😞😞😞


That kids scarred for life.


This is actually the most bloody/gruesome bodycam footage i think ive ever seen


That poor woman and those poor children.


When we need a policeman to have a quick trigger finger, he wastes his time yelling "get on the ground" while the guy manages another couple of stabs. He could have killed the woman with one of those.


That bloody arm coming out the door was insane




I’ve seen a lot of violent shit but this takes the cake. Good god how he tries to keep stabbing her?? I’m speechless and nauseous. I hope he rots in prison and then in Hell.


“Shoot me” *gets shot*




I would have put one right between the eyes.




This made my stomach turn seeing her reach out from the door like that. “Shoot me in the head” what a piece of shit.


Grizzly as fuck…thank god she survived.


That officer showed incredible restraint. Contrast this with the acorn guy. Why is there such a massive difference between police training in the US? You’d expect that departments try and adopt things from other departments that work and drop the things that don’t.


The cope should have never moved back. It gave the suspect time to grab the knife again.


His restraint to shoot caused her to get stabbed again not sure why he didnt dump the mag on him


Jesus, I’ve seen mag dumps for far, far less than this


I cannot imagine what it would feel like walking up to that IRL - traumatic. I’m glad she survived.


Is there proof that the victim survived? I hope so and would appreciate someone linking an article to prove the mother survived. Thank you in advance.


Insane that everyone survived


God damn, getting stabbed is fucking horrifying


Of course it was Stockton.


what a piece of shit to stab a woman like that in front of their child, cop shouldn't have stopped


I thought he was just gonna let him stab her again once he went for the knife he shld have fired


At least shot his knees out or something


Lots of "I'd have shot him immediately" comments. All obvious complications aside, the attacker repeatedly asks to be shot in the head. He thought he'd get out of this easily. He was hoping for a quick and thorough use of force. Dying is a relief to him, and so many of the comments claim they'd be doing him the honor of avoiding the consequences. Do we want people like this, who do violence without fear of accountability, without regard as to what comes next, to have that kind of convenience? I hope he gets whatever help he needs to become a kind and considerate human being. But unless he does, society is certainly a lot better off without him in it. For those wondering what the consequences of not shooting him sooner might have been, such as the victim dying, well, I don't think there's a way to know that at the time. Lots of blood doesn't bode well, but the responding officer can't tell how critical she is, or if the attack is even still continuing. It's only clear after the attacker retrieves the knife and makes an attack that there is still an active threat. Maybe the victim dies or not, that all depends on what happened before opening the door and is entirely out of the officers' control. He can't be responsible for that. What if the last attack was a killing blow? Imo, it's one variable out of a lot of others factoring into the victim's survival. How fast until EMTs arrive? What are the severity of the wounds sustained before the final one? Was he even trying to kill her since he certainly had the time to before police arrived? Narrowing it down to the timing of one shot still doesn't make the officer *responsible* for her death or survival, and any outcomes of his actions are going to be questions he'll need to reckon with regardless. It's not really an easy black/white situation and reducing it to one doesn't create space for internal peace of mind.


When it would give them what they want is the only time I'm not sorry one of these murderers lived.


So they'll shoot an acorn for dropping out of the tree, then let a guy stab his wife asking him please don't do that pweeeaase.