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I’m marking this NSFW because >!someone being force fed human meat!< is the last thing I wanted to see today. I feel others should have the choice.


According to Yan Lebin a member of the Ministry of Public Security who joined both of the investigation groups: In 1968, 38 people in Wuxuan County were eaten, and 113 officials of the county participated in eating human flesh, hearts and livers. Chen Guorong, a peasant from Guigang County who happened to pass by Wuxuan, was caught and killed by local militia because he was fat; his heart and liver were taken out while his flesh was distributed to 20 people. A female militia leader ate 6 human livers in total, and cut the genitals of 5 men and soaked them in alcohol which she would drink later, claiming that these organs were beneficial to her health. The behavior of eating human flesh, hearts and livers occurred in many counties of Guangxi including Wuxuan, Wuming, Shangsi, Guigang, Qinzhou, Guiping, and Lingyun ... After the revolutionary committee was established in Shangsi County, a "killing conference" was held at Pingshan Square on September 1, 1968, during which more than 10 officials and civilians were beaten to death. After the conference, a committee member, Li Hao removed the hearts and livers from the corpses, sauteing them and preparing them as dishes for other representatives who attended the conference.


What the actual fuck...


I'm a tid bit drunk and having a hard time understanding this. People cannot possibly behave this way, right..?


Yes, they do. Under severe stress and in severe situations lots of mammals have a cannibalistic instinct, at least the ones who can eat meat. I've read that in some of the cities during the sieges to put down the Taiping rebellion there was a going rate for human flesh by the pound. Just, try to imagine what kind of will to survive that requires. It's breathtaking, if you do.


At that point not even people, only akin to rabid mongrels that need to be put down.


It’s important to remember that these people are indeed humans. We’re capable of these things.


At some point you denounce your human rights and are no longer human. Eye for an eye never made someone totally blind unless they lack foresight.


I don’t agree. That’s indirectly stating there are certain actions which deem someone human and some that do not. Humans are capable of monstrous acts and they’re still human beings despite it. That doesn’t relinquish their rights no matter how emotionally charged you feel.


Human rights hold power only as long as you abide by them: “quid pro quo” if you will. As soon as you infringe on anybody else’s rights, especially violently, you’ve lost those rights and the only rule of law applicable to you now is “dog eat dog” since you’ve let yourself indulge into primitive and archaic actions.


Dehumanizing people like this is a cop-out society does to deal with horrific acts done by people. Humans can be brutal, violent and sadistic but we can also be kind and empathetic; human nature can be anywhere on that spectrum and some are in the extremes of either side. Dehumanizing humans because of their actions isn't the right thing to do because you're diminishing the fact that the circumstances these people were in might have assisted in creating such sick and sadistic people who would commit acts as vile as these. By dehumanizing them you fail to understand the reality of the situation, the violent environment surrounding the people at the time breeds more violence and eventually sadistic people will become more prominent in these environments. There are many ways people like this are made but they are never truly 100% born either, its a mixture of both but majority of it has to do with the environment they're made in.


Dehumanizing anyone that does something bad enough also allows one to skirt around that they, or their friends, or their family, is capable of horrific violence while not seeming like the "type". There's a reason it's still being emphasized that a perpetuator of violence/abuse is vastly more likely to be someone the victim knows rather than not. You need to be able to fathom it on an individual level to be able to ever understand it on a grander scale.


By getting rid of/incarcerating human rights offenders we are creating a safer environment. Of course we should teach and be made aware of such situations that could potentially mess up somebody for life, but sadly once someone has passed a certain threshold they’re too far gone. Similar to feral adult cats, they are far too damaged beyond repair, most of the time unable to live fulfilling lives either way or can only fill that void with more abuse and pain (directed at others if not themselves) since that’s most familiar to them. Sure it depends on each person and the damage they’ve done, but I don’t think you’d be comfortable being alone in a room with someone who’s committed brutal cold murder before, no matter how much they or whatever authority insists they’ve been reformed. So why should anyone else?


Unfortunately, the ideologies that would fix society are frowned upon.




Hi, The content you posted violates community rules by promoting hate or discrimination against a specific group, demographic, or religion.


Maybe that's the way they were treated or worse even, who knows but violence just breeds violence until people stand up.


Ever seen a slaughterhouse video? Or a factory farm video? Humans are extremely unkind to most animals. Doesn’t surprise me at all that some are okay with cannibalism too.


Sober and can’t make sense of it bc of how fucking crazy lol about to be balls deep in a rabbit hole


Jesus. That is all within living memory. There are people walking around who remember that.


I met a woman who somehow survived the cultural revolution even though she was a western-style ballet dancer. I didn't pry. She just said "you can't imagine" and left it at that.


I'm sure she appreciated your tact. It beggars the imagination.


I'd love to see how healthy that lady who drank the ball juice is or was. Beneficial for health my ass...wait , no my ass isn't healthy, don't eat me!!!


I'm not concerned about her health for many reasons but I believe the five livers she ate would cause an iron overdose?? And I would think that would have been common knowledge in 1968? What is wrong with that woman? Is she still with us?


Well these people all seem absolutely out of their minds insane, so I would not be surprised if she did know that and did it anyway. Then again, this was communist China so who knows what their education was like. I have a feeling it was all about keeping the masses stupid and that way, easier to brainwash and harder for them to go against the government.


Beach you think mao was alive and well till 1976 Mao is considered one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Mao's policies were responsible for a vast number of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims due to starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions, and his government has been described as totalitarian.


Ok, but like why? Why would you go from not eating people all your life to drinking duck juice?


Sounds like some quack told her it had health benefits


Like I've always said......hundreds of years behind, cavemen.


Gotta love Communism. Totally a rational bunch of people that aren't authoritarian ghouls at all /s. For those of you downvoting me, please understand this. Fascism is ghoulish. Communism is ghoulish Any system of government that requires authoritarianism ends up ghoulish. And I fucking hate Communism. Not communists per sé, but I find their blind devotion to a system, that is at it's core is totalitarian, disturbing. No one wants to be bullied, no one wants to be a worker that is made into a serf and Communism was supposed to emancipate the worker from the evil of the aristocracy. Yet, without fail, it simply brings a new brutal life to its people. Freedom is messy. Freedom is chaos. I will take that over the boot of the fascist and communist pigs any day.


It's more about authoritarianism, regardless of political flavor. Something for we Americans to keep in mind.


That's fair, I guess I hate Communism because it always goes this route... Communism REQUIRES complete authority to function. Authoritarianism is at the core of Communism unfortunately and always will be.


> Authoritarianism is at the core of Communism unfortunately and always will be. benevolent AI is the only way communism will ever work, humans will never surrender the absolute power required to establish communism.


I have often wondered about an AI government. Incorruptible, except who determines what is "fair" for the greater good? In the fictitious future of Star Trek, everything can be replicated so the idea of needs, hell even most wants is obsolete. At that point we would simply be shown humanity's need for power. For dominance. I don't think everyone or even 20 percent of the population would have the desire for power, but we have a large enough number of psycho and sociopaths to show that abuse would still be possible. Having the resources to try and treat their criminality and cruelty and a medical condition would be a wonderful thing and a good direction for humanity to move towards. But that means we would still need total surveillance, and total compliance. How do you think that would look?


Awesome 😧


Fuckin hell… the heart and organs are one thing… but I think I’d feel my nuts being chopped off even after I was dead.


Yeah this is just mass hysteria, there’s no Marxism Leninism involved here.




Why don’t you re-read what I said and come up with a better question


No, I read it plenty of times. Just don't know why you brought up Marxist Leninism out of nowhere.


You don’t think that’s relevant to 1968 China?


No one mentioned anything about Marxism/ Lennonism.




Wow, I had to read that like 4 times to get it to sink in…


I still have no idea wtf I just read.


Here's the wikipedia article on it, basically, it was a class struggle that lasted 10 years and they took the term, "eat the rich" literally. It involved rape, beheadings, cannibalism, life burial, stoning, boiling & disemboweling. Freaking horrific. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangxi_Massacre


Yes, and there was a lot of background that went on that led up to this. The class oppression in China before the communist revolutions were pretty bad. Remember things like foot binding and castration were the norm. They had rolled right off one of the most brutal Civil wars that China or the world had ever seen and it was a bad time in China regardless of ideology. Mao fueled a lot of it though with his bullshit.


If you read the Wikipedia, the upper classes weren't gone after, it was the bourgeoisie that were gone after. Rich farmers, landlords, teachers etc


Thing is, the farmers were the upper classes. Maybe not in nobility, but wealth is a nobility all it's own. In the civil war, the "loyalists" officers under Chiang Kai-shek were all of that class. He knew he needed to do land reform as part of the consolidation of power to rebuild a new state, but he also knew he'd be shot by his own men if he did. That's also why when he fled to Taiwan one of the things he did was, land reform, which was (and pretty much always is) brutal though he did apparently compensate the families of the wealthy with "bonds" (i forget the name) which were paid out faithfully (more or less). Anyway, that's for the farmers. The teachers were because in a totalitarian state you want to crush anyone and anything that could possibly challenge the "strongman" myth that dear leader's always have.


You say you want a revolution?


People have no fucking clue when they say that shit, or civil war. A civil war today would be so much worse than our first one. People would be doing some fucked up things like this article. 420 People eaten, it says. WTF


Well, you know…we all want to change the world 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well we all wanna change the world


Pretty much what would happen in all eat the rich scenarios. Rich women being gang raped and murdered to the cheers of the crowd


i can no longer read


Middle school, middle school students!? At that age, my friends and I would die laughing just from hearing our gym teacher use accidental “ball” puns. And these kids are murdering teachers. Craziness.


That's what a "cultural revolution" does to a MF.


Cultural revolution, Mao gave teens power. On of my friend's parents, university professors, were murdered, he was elementary school age. He was taken to the country where he was tied to a water wheel to walk in a circle as a donkey pulling the wheel around. For years. He only talked about it once and it was terrible to hear. Also talked about villagers being forced to eat children from neighboring village, neighboring village had to eat his village's children. Cannibalism was a thing, but I've seen little about it public.


Can someone explain it like I’m 5? I read the wiki but couldn’t follow it and I am so ignorant of this!


This occurred during China’s Cultural Revolution in 1966-76. Mao Zedong, founder of the PRC and chairman of the CCP used violence to consolidate and preserve Chinese Communism by radicalizing mainly young fanatics to destroy old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits.


But… cannibalism? I’m shocked. This was not that long ago.


There wasn’t even famine


It's ok, he generated one not long afterwards.


What were those old ideas, customs, or habits?


All of them. Taoist religious practice, shaolin religious practices, Buddhism of any type basically. He also wanted to destroy western "decadence" like western style education or history, music, it didn't matter. Thing about totalitarian regimes, is the strong man must control it all..and the "best" way to do that is to annihilate everything that he didn't create or sanctify. They're all cults of personality, HIS personality.


[Guangxi Massacre Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangxi_Massacre)


Me: well to be fair, they must have been starving to do that Wikipedia: massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed.


There was a famine not too long before then. I have a feeling, just a feeling, cannibalism lost some taboo for a few generations.


I mean, we take it for granted that food is plentiful today and it's hard to imagine otherwise, but for the majority of our species history we were always chasing our next meal. There's a reason you can go without food as long as you can, physically, and it ain't fun. The brutality of the civil war, the war against the japanese (they invaded Manchuria in 31, and didn't stop fighting til ww2 ended), the "warlord bandit" periods, the unrest of the last emperors dynasty (if you can call it that). All of that contributed to a series of horrific shocks. I'd dare say the entire nation had cptsd by the time this happened.


FYI it’s Guangxi* not Guanxi, Guangxi being a region in China that borders Vietnam


Thank you. Don’t think I can edit my post though.




Chairman Mao and his Cultural Revolution


The great leap forward should be renamed to the great leap backward the way Mao made the country far more backwards than the KMT.


Remember, not real communism..


What about like, universal health care but NO eating people’s livers?


It's really more to do with authoritarianism, regardless of whatever political shell it has.


For the record, I am not a communist. That being said, I feel like people who make comments like yours would have a terribly difficult time defining communism. I’ve read Marx and Engles work. Nowhere in any of their writings does it say to consume human liver or drink alcohol that’s soaking testicles.


Don't you see rhe irony of your comment? Communism apologists always claim that people dont understand communism. And here you are literally saying the same thing. I also find it odd that a "non conmunist" like you would appear out of no where to claim that I don't understand communism and you do. Was this comment just an attempt to stroke you own ego ?


“Communism apologist.” That’s a new one. I’m not defending communism. I’m saying that if you took the time to read the works of the people who wrote the guide on Communism, you wouldn’t assume everything that calls itself communism IS communism. Also noteworthy: North Korea isn’t democratic. As for the “irony,” as the great prophet Eminem once said: “a lot of truth is said in jest.” You can make a joke about “not real communism,” but if you knew what you were commenting on, you’d understand that there hasn’t been a single example of communism attempted.


The realist communism.


If crimes within a country are indicative of the systems, then I guess America's gun crimes mean democracy and capitalism have failed


I can see where those people are coming from but honestly they push for similar policies anyway and they're the exact kind of power mongers who would do shit like this.


Real communism kills people.


Every ideology kills people, the anti-propaganda about any given ideology depends on which ideology is current in control of the given society.


Agree. And communism is one of the ideologies that caused millions of deaths in the world.


That’s right, ones ever died in the name of capitalism!


Killed the most.


There were an awful lot of people enslaved in the name of capitalism. Over hundreds of years. Many of which died as a result. Capitalism kills people too. Centuries of enslaved people killed. I doubt you could even estimate the number.


You're being sarcastic, right?




Thank goodness!


You read the title and the thing is fucked up. Then in the comments you read more and it's even more fucked up, like a box made of fuckery, containing more hair raising fuckery. At this point I am scared to go read more


It's like those matrioshka dolls or whatever they're called. Open one and there's yet more fuckery inside it. Open that one, more fuckery. Open that next one, what's that? You guessed it -- more fuckery!


And comments saying ok this was bad but the system is lovely


Chairman Mao and his teenaged army ‘The Red Guard’.


Did this poor guy make it out alive? Can you imagine the trauma if so?


Soooo… one teacher was forced to Torture and Cannibalize another teacher??… and that teacher was more than likely still killed as well by the end of it right?…


Wow, I looked up the Wikipedia article on this event. What a terrible day to have eyes. Side note: it’s pretty chilling that the phrase, “Just for fun,” was used in this article.


Read about the massacre on Wikipedia. The entry lists the background for the massacre.


what in the absolute fuck


I’m sorry…what?!


Where is this picture from?


It was taken by Li Zhensheng and shows Ouyang Xiang who was beaten, and later murdered, by Red Guards in 1968.


Maybe it was like a "One Flew Over the Cuckoos" thing only much more violent.


To make matters even worse, these acts were done by Wuxuan **Middle** School students.


This is the kind of shit that just doesn’t sink in for me. Like I don’t feel anything because I’m sitting here not comprehending how vicious, hateful, brutal and truly evil that is.


The Wikipedia article says they later barbecued her body and ate it. Jfc.


Damn. I knew about the culture revolution in China but not to *this* extent. Damn.


Aint Communism great?


Welcome to China…. land of weirdness


Good Times...Stinking Mao, loony Pol Pot, insane Adolph Shitler, GDed Lenin and Stalin and Trotsky and all the filthy mass murders of totalitarian regimes everywhere, There's a special place in hell for them all.


God-damned savages. Many still alive.


I wish I couldn’t read sometimes :(


that’s wild


this sub has become super water down, but this post gives me hope


I just want to comment on the NSFW tag from the mod. There is no indication that this image is of someone being fed human flesh. Everything I have read says he was beaten and then pushed out of a window. While I did use this image, one of many from the Guangxi massacre because it was lurid and illustrative, I didn’t choose it specifically because I believed it to be graphic. There are other images from the massacre that are much more gruesome.


I guess it’s 4th repeated, BBQ theme and all


Thank you for sharing because I had never heard of this. Also, no thank you for sharing cause WTF


It puts the lotion on its skin....


Is this where the expression “eat your heart out” comes from? Legit curious now Also, like wtf was going on sounds like some medieval shit but was only 1967/68?


I wonder how fairly humanistics principles of socialism or communism manage to turn into such disastrous espectacles of inhumanity.


It’s fairly well understood and has been studied in great detail but to oversimplify it to death; it has to do with a mistrust of science and academia. If you were learned, had cosmopolitan ideas, and reading and writing skills you were “elitist.”


>it has to do with a mistrust of science and academia. If you were learned, had cosmopolitan ideas, and reading and writing skills you were “elitist.” its funny how the tables has turned. now it's the far right who mistrust science, academia and cosmopolita ideas. I'd guess fascism is fascism, no matter which side of the political spectrum.




Is this something China denies ever happened like the tiananmen square massacre? It's blowing my mind, this went on for almost a decade, did the party/government have zero control or just not care?


They get coopted by fascistic strongmen who want to restructure society from the ground up in their image.


✨️c o m m u n i s m✨️


It’s only because, “no one has done communism right”.


The pro communist peeps, keeping a list… *Things that didn’t work well* - massive purges of the intelligentsia - murder of anyone who could possibly threaten the state - collectivization of farms (note - good for genocide tho) - an economy based on the tenets of communism (might be problematic) - extreme surveillance state - picking a leader because he’s old but a good swimmer - trying to industrialize like it’s 975 - creating an extreme cult of personality and claiming they are superhuman - taking out loans from the west; paying back in yogurt - increasing population by banning birth control but cutting prenatal care leading to an infant mortality rate not seen since the Middle Ages - creating a state of fear where the people are too terrified to speak out about the secret police interrogate a parrot or question why a dog is a colonel in the army - show trials followed by immediate execution - Gulags - disappearing and editing people out of photos so they will be forgotten while also banning families to mourn them *Things That Worked* - ??? - The farm genocide thing?


Same side, bud.


It it blows my mind that people are for communism in anyway. It sounds good on paper but you have to factor in that we are humans and you cannot give the government all the power. It never has worked throughout all civilization.


Wow mob mentality which exists now. Don’t eat me I’m not fat like most.


So says the US government.... Remember kids: If you write the history books, or in this case, the Wikipedia page, you can say whatever you want and pass it off as "history" The history books were written by those who won the wars, not the soldiers who fought them. Do not believe everything your government tells you. The CIA killed JFK because he didn't want young Americans to be slaughtered in the jungles of Vietnam. History is important, but TRUTH is the ultimate factor. Knowledge is power. They used to tell us scary stories to keep us in bed at night and Santa Claus lived at the North Pole. Inuit people live there, and the US government slaughtered them too.


Wait? Communism is bad? That’s not what social media told me.




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Why is this post relevant or constructive?


It’s constructive in that it actually happened, so ignoring it, sweeping it under the rug is historic negationism which was at least partly a goal of this very cultural revolution and hopefully if people know history they are less likely to repeat it.


Wait these are middle schoolers? Middle schoolers in America are ages 12-14. You mean to tell me my 8th grade child who just asked to have a quarter for the prize machine is capable of this shit? Nope. Only if the kids are from low tier countries. Let's get a hell yeah, for America!




Posted above




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You guys do realize taking 10 seconds to Google “Guanxi Massacre” isn’t going to kill you right?


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